Zuo Qiuyue looked at Xu Nian calmly, but she was very nervous in her heart.

Since the Goddess of Radiance established the Wall of Holy Sword to protect the last fire of mankind, mankind has been able to continue civilization and live within the city wall. However, the impact of the "Devil's Call" incident on mankind has not stopped. There are still humans or domestic animals within the city wall. Under the erosion of mysterious energy, the soul is negatively unlocked and becomes a deformed monster.

Under this circumstance, before falling asleep, the goddess of brilliance ordered the establishment of the transcendent Sunset Mental Hospital, firstly to eradicate these monsters that endanger human safety, and secondly to gather and supervise those whose souls have been positively unlocked under the erosion of mysterious energy. Human beings are the pioneers.

Pioneers, forerunners on the road to human evolution.

Zuo Qiuyue is one of them, but due to her ability, she is only an auxiliary type, not a combat type, so she is only an employee of the Human Resources Department of Sunset Mental Hospital, not a member of the action team responsible for combat.

Her job is very simple. When she has a mission, she follows the instructions of the hospital to do some auxiliary work at the rear. When there is no mission, she can live a peaceful life in any capacity. Her purpose is to find the pioneers who have not been discovered by the hospital. .

It sounded like a great job, but she was very frustrated.

Mainly because of her selfishness, since her father's abnormal death, she has been constantly changing her job. She has worked in KTV, bars, and even the underworld, in order to find someone who can help her find the murderer. Pioneers, but after so many years, not to mention the pioneers who have not been discovered by the hospital, even the pioneers that have been recruited by the hospital, she has not found out any of them.

The only person she had ever met was the executioner team leader whose sequence was number three. Because she was not familiar with him, she did not have the courage to ask him for help.

But it was different now. After she confirmed that her ability was ineffective against Xu Nian, she was so happy that she felt like tears were filling her eyes. It was like buying lottery tickets for several years in a row and suddenly learning that she had won. .

Moreover, through the conversation just now, she confirmed that Xu Nian knew nothing about the Pioneer, which made her even more happy, because the more ignorant the other party was, the more confident she was in making him her helper.

As for whether the other party would join the courtyard, to be honest, it would be best if he could join. She had done her duty, but she was mentally prepared to conceal the identity of the other party in case.

"Mr. Xu, what do you think about it? To be honest, the benefits of joining us are very good, and it will not have any impact on your life."

Seeing that Xu Nian was still deep in thought, Zuo Qiuyue couldn't help but persuade him.

Xu Nian glanced at her and said lightly: "What if I refuse?"

Zuo Qiuyue's heart tightened, she hesitated for a moment, and said softly: "Mr. Xu Nian, this is inside the city wall, do you think you can really refuse?"

Xu Nian was stunned for a moment, then smiled and extended his hand: "I'm glad to join you."


Zuo Qiuyue didn't react for a while.

Xu Nian blinked and said with a smile: "What? You don't agree?"

"No, no, no." Zuo Qiuyue stood up with a face of joy, held Xu Nian's hand, and said excitedly: "I didn't expect you to be so easy to talk to."

She had heard from colleagues in the Human Resources Department that recruiting a pioneer was actually a very difficult and dangerous job. If it was not handled properly, one's life might be in danger.

Therefore, when Xu Nian said rejection just now, she was actually very scared and wanted to say that I can help you hide your identity, but in the end, she decided to persuade her again, which would be considered worthy of her own job.

As a result, Xu Nian readily agreed, which naturally made her ecstatic and achieved the most perfect ending.

In this way, she didn't have to take the risk of hiding for Xu Nian, but she also got to know a new pioneer who joined the hospital, and finally took the most critical first step in finding help for herself.

"Officer Zuo, Officer Zuo"

Xu Nian noticed that Zuo Qiuyue was holding his hand and looking at him with a silly smile, and couldn't help but frown.

Although I'm handsome, you don't have to be such a nympho, right?

"Oh, oh, Mr. Xu, just call me Qiu Yue."

When Zuo Qiuyue came back to her senses, she realized that she was still holding Xu Nian's hand. She immediately let go with a blushing face, and stammered for Xu Nian to sit down.

"Uh, okay, Qiu Yue, you don't have to be so polite, just call me Xu Nian."

Xu Nian now has a preliminary judgment on the character of the police officer Zuo in front of him. Although he feels that he has some problems with his IQ, he is still quite cute overall.

At least, his tense heart had completely relaxed at this moment.

"Okay, Xu Nian, since you are willing to join us, then things will be easy to handle. When I go back and submit a report, the hospital will conduct a formal test on you."

Zuo Qiuyue also relaxed a lot under Xu Nian's warm smile and regained her cool look.

Xu Nian frowned and said, "You still need to take a test?"

"Yes." Zuo Qiuyue was worried about Xu Nian's misunderstanding and explained: "Pioneers have different abilities and are organized into different departments. Just like me, although I am also a pioneer, my abilities are auxiliary, so It is incorporated into the Human Resources Department, and the courtyard also has multiple departments such as the Logistics Department, the Intelligence Department, the Research Institute, the Special Operations Group, the Lone Warriors, and the Sword Holders. According to the abilities, characters, and requirements of each pioneer, the courtyard Will assign work to them very professionally. ”

"Well, I can understand the logistics department, research institute, etc. you are talking about. What is the solitary warrior and the sword holder? Is this a department?"

Not only was Xu Nian's eyes opened, but the son on his shoulder also listened with interest.

Zuo Qiuyue rolled her eyes and continued: "Lonely Warriors are both departments and titles. They are pioneers with rare, special, and powerful abilities. They either have unknown abilities, or are extremely rare special ability users. They all have their own serial numbers. They usually don’t go on missions, but when they do go on missions, they are alone, so they are also called lonely braves.”

Xu Nian nodded thoughtfully.

But the woman named Yu Man came to mind.

Is she the so-called lone warrior?

"Then there is the sword bearer, who is actually the guardian of each city and the strongest person in each city within the city walls."

Xu Nian's heart tightened, and he narrowed his eyes and said, "Who is the sword holder in Rongcheng?"

"I don't know." Zuo Qiuyue couldn't help but sigh when she said this, "The identity of each pioneer in the courtyard is extremely confidential. Except for the eldest lady, basically no one knows who is who."


When Xu Nian heard an unfamiliar name again, he instinctively raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, the eldest lady." Zuo Qiuyue seemed to have thought of something and lowered her voice unconsciously, "The eldest lady is just her title. In fact, few people know her last name, her name, and what she looks like, but... "

After a pause, her voice became even lower: "We all guess that the eldest lady is probably the sword holder of our Rongcheng."

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