Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 125 Report from the Inspection Department

The door was pushed open with a "bang".

Zuo Qiuyue rushed in with an anxious look. After seeing Xu Nian standing by the bed, she was surprised and said: "Are you alive?"

Xu Nian rolled his eyes, looked at the quilt raised on the ground, and said coldly: "It seems like you want me to lift it for you myself!?"

After saying that, without waiting for a reply, he directly grabbed the quilt and threw it aside. Peng Zijiao, curled up into a ball with a bruised nose and face, suddenly appeared in Zuo Qiuyue's sight.

Zuo Qiuyue had a look of astonishment on her face, and then she seemed to have thought of something, and said angrily: "Peng Zijiao, you still dare to come?"

Peng Zijiao's face was bruised and bruised, and the arm protecting her head was covered with bruises. But what surprised Zuo Qiuyue the most was the tears in her eyes.

She couldn't believe her eyes. Was this still the same Captain Peng who yelled and killed and had a hot temper?

Peng Zi's delicate body trembled, and she glanced at Xu Nian subconsciously. When she saw Xu Nian's fist, she was so frightened that she hugged her head again, and then waited for a long time without feeling the fist coming on her body. She cried out loudly, then rolled and crawled out of the room.

Zuo Qiuyue stared at all this in stunned silence, forgetting to ask why the other party appeared here again.

Xu Nian looked at the escaped Peng Zijiao speechlessly, shook his head and said: "Is this a company commander of the Sonorous Rose Legion? This is too stupid!"

Zuo Qiuyue was stunned, rolled her eyes, and said speechlessly: "Peng Zijiao is in a special situation, maybe because her brother is the leader of the group, so she looks strong, but in fact she is a young lady who has never suffered any setbacks."

As she spoke, she seemed to have thought of something, and said with a strange look on her face: "But what I didn't expect is that you would actually attack women."

Xu Nian snorted coldly and threw the dagger on the bed: "She came to kill me. If I hadn't woken up in time, I might not have saved my life!"

Zuo Qiuyue subconsciously took the dagger and nodded: "That's true, but I'm worried that this woman will sue you to the Citizen Quality Adjudication Committee. Then your behavior of beating women will cause a lot of trouble. ”

Xu Nian curled his lips disdainfully: "Even the Citizen Quality Adjudication Committee doesn't have a rule that doesn't allow men to fight back in self-defense, right?"

"Besides, since we are both directly subordinate to the Goddess of Glory, I don't believe that this woman would be ashamed to go to the Citizen Quality Adjudication Committee."

Zuo Qiuyue nodded in agreement, suddenly thought of something, looked Xu Nian up and down, and said curiously: "The courtyard said that you will be resurrected soon. I thought this was just a rumor, but now it seems that you Sequencers and Wilderness Those undead are almost the same!"

When Xu Nian heard Zuo Qiuyue talking about the "immortal", his expression suddenly became serious: "Qiuyue, what do the courts say about this?"

A proud smile suddenly appeared on Zuo Qiuyue's face: "Because of Battalion Commander Feng's report, that arrogant chief of staff has nothing to say. From now on, you have got rid of suspicion, and the Sonorous Rose Legion will not come to you again." Trouble."

Xu Nian breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "That's good. What about Wu Qunyou? Do you have any questions?"

"I don't know." Speaking of this, Zuo Qiuyue's expression was indescribably weird. "That guy is very smooth. I don't know if he noticed something in advance. When I went to find him, he kept saying that he was working for the goddess. The Lord prays and cannot see guests, so I don’t know if there is any problem with him.”

As she spoke, she seemed to have thought of something, hesitated for a moment, and said seriously: "Do you still remember the man named Liu Bucheng?"

Xu Nian was shocked and said in surprise: "I know, what's wrong?"

"The city defense army found his body!"

Zuo Qiuyue's expression was very strange. She took out a pile of documents from her pocket and handed it to Xu Nian: "Read it yourself, the report of the city defense army."

Xu Nian curiously took the document and read it. After a while, he opened his mouth in shock and said, "How is this possible!?"

Recorded in the document is a detailed report on Peng Zizhen's rebellion. It is not clear who wrote the content, but the details are very detailed, even so detailed that Xu Nian was shocked.

It not only introduces the entire process of what happened in detail, but also writes in extremely detail the origin, process, and reasons of Peng Zizhen's rebellion based on Peng Zizhen's past experience and information from unknown sources.

Even if Xu Nian didn't know very well that this could never be written by Peng Zizhen, he would have felt that the author of this report was Peng Zizhen himself.

According to the report, Peng Zizhen had a wife named Wu Wenxin, who was also the leader of the Sonorous Rose Legion, but she died in the battle to attack the city of Ayden seven years ago. For this reason, Peng Zizhen was still in a state of depression for a while. .

However, just half a month ago, the spy lurking in the city of Aiden suddenly sent back intelligence, and the intelligence named Peng Zizhen for review.

The top brass of the Sonorous Rose Legion repeatedly confirmed that after confirming that there was no problem with the information, they handed it over to Commander Peng Zizhen.

Within a few days, Peng Zizhen took the initiative to apply to come to Rongcheng for inspection in person. The top brass of the army did not think much about it, thinking that he was making pre-war preparations based on the intelligence, so they found the main hospital of Sunset Mental Hospital and arranged a supervisor for him. Check the official identity of the Ministry of Investigation.

As a result, Peng Zizhen died unexpectedly just after he arrived, causing a series of subsequent disturbances.

Seeing Xu Nian's shocked look, Zuo Qiuyue sighed: "This is a report from the inspection department of the hospital. It was written by Feng Bujue himself. I really don't know where this kid is. I didn't even see him. He But it’s like he knows everything.”

Xu Nian was still looking at the report in shock, because it said that if he hadn't accidentally discovered Peng Zizhen's hiding place in advance, I'm afraid Peng Zizhen would have used Liu Bucheng's body to build a new factory in the abandoned factory. The bonfire point connected to the city of Ayden will be connected. When the time comes, the entire city of Ayden will pour in through the bonfire point, and that will be the real end of the world.

"Alas, who would have thought that Liu Bucheng was so special. Before he retired, he actually participated in the battle to attack the city of Ayden seven years ago, and accidentally ate the embers of the purple flame bonfire unique to the city of Ayden, causing My body turned out to be a special mobile bonfire spot.”

Zuo Qiuyue saw that Xu Nian was still looking at the report in his hand solemnly, so she poured herself a cup of tea, took a sip and said: "Speaking of which, this Peng Zi is really not interesting. He robbed Liu Liu. It’s really immoral to kill a woman you didn’t love and then use her body to build a bonfire!”


Xu Nian suddenly put down the report in his hand and said with a serious face: "This is wrong. If it is just that, why did Peng Zi really have to bring Liu Bucheng to the city defense station?"

"not good!"

As if he thought of something, he put away the report and ran outside quickly.

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