Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 15 Martyrs Cemetery

"We've arrived at the Martyrs' Cemetery station. Passengers getting off the bus, please pay attention."

As the warm electronic sound slowly sounded on the bus, Xu Nian glanced at the old couple who were also about to get off the bus, and followed behind and got off the bus.

The son seemed to be tired from all the fuss, sitting on his shoulder and yawning non-stop.

The old couple gradually went away.

Xu Nian rubbed his dry eyes, glanced at the cemetery gate in the distance, and walked over.

The Martyrs Cemetery was ordered by the Goddess of Glory herself, and each city within the city wall was ordered to build the burial place of the heroes.

Those who can occupy this place after death are basically heroes who have made great contributions to mankind. Some of them are soldiers and some are ordinary people, but most of them are soldiers of the "Clang Rose" Legion who sacrificed their lives for mankind during disasters.

In other words, most of the people buried here are women, women who sacrificed everything for human survival.

Now is the autumn season, and there are not many people here. However, during the annual Qingming Festival and the Victory of Humanity Day on May 9, there are especially many people who come here to pay homage to their ancestors and remember their heroes.

There is even an unwritten rule here.

Shops near the martyr's cemetery are not allowed to charge women in any form.

However, as time goes by, some things gradually change. In order to make money, some small shops announce that anyone can buy things for free, but they need customers to show their sincerity to their ancestors and first donate to the wish box arranged by the shop. , the amount of donation depends on the value of what you need.

In other words, even women who need something have to donate to the store’s wish box.

Then there is the Martyrs Cemetery, which is affiliated with the city committee. In order to make money, some people have built urns like supermarket lockers in some vacant locations of the cemetery and rented them out for a high price.

Of course, you can also buy it directly, but the price is an astronomical sum for many people.

For example, Xu Nian's father-in-law was placed here by Xu Nian, and the rent was as high as 20,000 yuan per year. He only got this by talking to one of the staff members he knew.

If it were someone else, it would be 30,000 per year, which would not be a penny less.

When Xu Nian walked to the gate, some shop clerks came forward to sell their own incense candles, paper money, tributes, flowers, etc., holding their own boxes of wishes, but he declined them one by one.

Today he is not here to visit his father-in-law, but to renew his urn, so naturally he does not need these things.

Soon he entered the office hall of the cemetery. The beautiful girl at the counter at the door saw a customer coming and immediately greeted him warmly.

"Sir, are you here to rent an urn?"

The lady at the counter didn't mention buying an urn. After all, just by looking at Xu Nian, she knew that Xu Nian was definitely not the kind of person who could afford an urn.

Xu Nian smiled slightly: "Hello, I'm here to renew."

"Renew?" The lady at the counter looked a little disappointed, but she still pointed to the counter on the other side politely, "Sir, that's the renewal counter. You can just go there to handle it."

"OK, thanks."

Xu Nian had just taken two steps when he heard the lady behind the counter sigh in a low voice: "Oh, it's already this time. It seems that there won't be any orders today. What can I do? Father Panni said that today is the last day. If there is no order again, If I don’t raise enough money, I will lose this qualification.”

Xu Nian paused for a moment, but still walked to the counter with a smile and said, "Hello, I'm here to renew my subscription."

"Hello sir, please provide the urn number and name."

The person in charge was also a young lady, but she was not as pretty as the one at the door.

"19-9-49, Simon Yam."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

"Yeah." Xu Nian turned on his phone and called up the payment code, and casually glanced at the young lady at the door.

The young lady was sitting on a chair playing with her mobile phone, but he still noticed the anxiety in her eyes.

The son on the shoulder didn't know when he had fallen asleep with his white buttocks sticking out. His nose was running and he was snoring.

"Hello sir, the urn you rented will expire in ten days. How long do you want to renew?"

The young lady's polite voice sounded.

Xu Nian showed the QR code and said with a smile: "One year."

"Okay, it's like this. Recently we are running an event. If you renew for five years at a time, you can enjoy a 9.5% discount, and if you renew for ten years at a time, you can enjoy a 19.9% ​​discount."

The young lady did not rush to scan the code, but introduced Xu Nian with a smile.

Xu Nian twitched the corner of his mouth, shook his phone, and said with a smile: "No, I will renew it for one year first."

"Okay, I'll handle it for you right now."

The young lady saw that Xu Nian really had no intention of renewing the subscription for a large amount, so she no longer forced herself to do so. She directly scanned the code with the code scanner and deducted 20,000 yuan of glory coins.

Xu Nian naturally heard the sound of the system debiting money. He looked at the remaining balance of just over 16,000 and breathed a sigh of relief.

If it weren't for the city's compensation this time, it would be very difficult for him to collect the 20,000 yuan.

Now it's completely different.

The city directly compensated him 20,000 yuan, which was equivalent to giving him a direct buffer for one year. Even if the fixed income of 2,000 yuan per month given by Zuo Qiuyue was included, he felt that as long as he did not help Zuo Qiuyue for the rest of his life, If the murderer is found, his father-in-law can live here peacefully for the rest of his life.

Of course, he just thought about this idea. After all, people can be realistic, but they cannot be shameless. Since he accepted Zuo Qiuyue's commission, he will naturally do his best to help him find the murderer, and Zuo Qiuyue, as an employee of Sunset Mental Hospital, has With a monthly salary of three thousand, he believed that he would not be far behind.

As soon as he thought of this, he inexplicably felt that the pressure in his heart was relieved a lot, and his whole person felt inexplicably refreshed.

"Sir, it has been done for you. Here is your receipt."

At this time, the young lady who handled business for Xu Nian handed over a receipt. Xu Nian took a look at it and put it in his pocket. After saying thank you, he turned around and left.

However, at that moment, he saw that the young lady was no longer on the seat at the counter at the door.

He frowned inadvertently, but still walked out of the hall.

As soon as he walked down the front steps, he saw the counter girl in the distance arguing with an old couple. Due to the distance, he couldn't hear the content of the argument clearly, but he still recognized the old couple.

It was the old couple who sat next to him on the bus.

"What a coincidence?"

Xu Nian is not a person who likes to meddle in other people's business. Even though the words and deeds of these three people are very strange, what does this have to do with him?

So, he shook his head and walked towards the cemetery gate.

Perhaps because it was getting dark, there was basically no one in the cemetery. When Xu Nian was walking towards the gate, the three people arguing noticed Xu Nian, and they all subconsciously lowered their voices.

Although Xu Nian didn't want to meddle in other people's business, he still noticed the pretty face of the girl at the counter who was crying.

As he was muttering in his heart, the lady at the counter suddenly ran over to Xu Nian, and then, with Xu Nian's stunned expression, she hugged Xu Nian and kissed her.

Then, she took Xu Nian's arm and shouted to the old couple with tears on her face: "Listen carefully, if you don't give me the money, I will sell myself to him."

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