Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 156 Underground Palace

Xu Nian made a decision quickly.

But before going in, he called Fu Xingzhi and gave a brief report on the situation in Aiden City.

Fuxing Zhiying was unexpectedly very anxious, especially after learning the uncertain news that "City Lord Shi Dongwei is dead", he was even more anxious than he could express in words.

He told Xu Nian not to act rashly, he and Manzhu would arrive within an hour.

Xu Nian promised, but after hanging up the phone, he entered the city of Aiden again.

In fact, he should have gone to the Lost Land to kill the scourge of Patch first, but considering that the other party was cunning, it was too dangerous for him to bring the slate with him. To be on the safe side, he decided to hide his old slate first to ensure that later Let’s talk about it later.

Therefore, entering the city of Ayden became the only choice.

Since he had walked through it once before, this time he quickly came to the church of the Corpse Cult.

It was still the same as what I saw before, with messy tables, chairs, statues everywhere, and even the entrance to the underground maze under the tilted statue was still open quietly.

Before, he just looked around at the door of the underground palace without going in. This time he wanted to hide the old stone slab, so naturally he couldn't be so casual. After getting fully armed and ready, he lit the soul-inducing lamp around his waist and walked in.

To be on the safe side, he called out Siyu, his wife, his son, and even Wu Qunyou.

With the protection of four Ember Spirits, he felt much more at ease.

After all, this is the branch church of the Corpse Eater Cult on this continent. Not to mention the secret mechanism here, it is the terrifying Geert. If the other party hides here and does not leave, then he will be in big trouble.

Son and Siyu were the happiest. Although they were only moving around Xu Nian, they were still flying around, looking like they were suffocating.

His wife was still the same, as calm as water, and only showed a gentle smile when she looked at him.

Not to mention Wu Qunyou. I don't know if it was because the atmosphere here was very weird. He didn't say a word along the way. He just had a small sun on his head, which completely acted as a lighting tool.

However, Xu Nian himself didn't have much hope for him, so he was happy that the other party was acting as a harmless light bulb for humans and animals.

In this way, he walked through the long downward steps and came to the entrance of a huge underground palace - a circular hall.

There were nine stone doors scattered around the hall, with unknown words written in Latin above the doors, but unfortunately he didn't recognize any of them.

He tried to take out his mobile phone to check the translation, but there was no signal for the mobile phone here, so he had to give up.

He had walked here before. When he saw the situation before him, he did not choose to take the risk, but returned the same way. Now that he came here again, he had to choose a door to enter.

Looking carefully at each stone door in turn, he discovered the differences in the stone doors. To be precise, apart from the Latin words on the doors, the main difference lies in the inscriptions on the stone doors.

Although they all have the ugly appearance of ghouls, the movements of ghouls are completely different. For example, the stone door facing directly behind seems to be the action of a ghoul eating; while the stone door facing directly south shows the action of a ghoul waving his weapon. There are various movements such as claw movements, kneeling, meditation, cooking, etc.

Xu Nian looked thoughtfully at the inscriptions on these stone doors. Based on their movements, he probably felt that the stone door showing the movement of eating might lead to the canteen.

The waving of the claws is unclear.

Could kneeling be a place of prayer?

Is meditation a place for cultivation?

Cooking is easy to understand, it should be the place of the kitchen.

Xu Nian hesitated for a while, not knowing which one to choose to enter first.

However, at this time, Wu Qunyou, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "I know these words!"

Xu Nian was stunned for a moment, then slapped his head and said regretfully: "Why did I almost forget about your mobile library?"

Wu Qunyou said with a faint look in his eyes: "These nine doors lead to nine areas, namely the canteen, kitchen, prayer room, storage room, decomposition room, lounge, meditation room, blasphemy room, and adjudication room."

Xu Nian took a breath of air and pointed at the stone door with the pattern of waving claws engraved on it: "Which one is this?"

"Decomposition chamber."

Wu Qunyou said with complicated eyes.

Xu Nian looked at Wu Qunyou's heavy expression and frowned, "Do you know this place?"

"So be it!"

Wu Qunyou said, seeing Xu Nian and other Ember Spirits looking at him, he couldn't help but said bitterly: "Actually, I have only read about it in some books, so I have some understanding of this disgusting Corpse Food Cult."

"Oh? Tell me!"

Xu Nian squinted his eyes, becoming interested.

Siyu and her son also looked interested, staring at Wu Qunyou with big eyes.

Wu Qunyou sighed and faintly told a somewhat distant legend.

That was in the Western Continent in the 18th century. Grave theft and excavation were not uncommon at that time. The Corpse Eater Cult was born at that time. In this sect, various anti-human black magic, corpse abuse, and even eating The behavior of corpses is very common.

In their words: Some people may think this is a desecration, but I am just trying to explain a certain behavior and belief. The rest is left to God's judgment.

Therefore, the food in their canteen is all kinds of corpses. The decomposition room is where all kinds of corpses are processed, not to mention the storage room. As the name suggests, the "decomposition room" of these ghouls is also stored. food".

The only ones to watch out for are the Chamber of Blasphemy and the Chamber of Judgment.

The Judgment Hall is their internal place to deal with some traitors and captured enemies, while the Blasphemy Hall is the place where they gather to blaspheme the gods, and it is also their favorite place to stay.

Then, Wu Qunyou mentioned some extremely perverted and horrific examples that are beyond description.

Even though Xu Nian was very determined, he still felt horrified and uncomfortable all over.

This is not a pervert, this is clearly a group of demons!


To be precise, they are more evil than evil!

"That's probably why I really don't like it here."

After Wu Qunyou finished speaking, he fell into his own painful state again.

Seeing that he was really uncomfortable, Xu Nian had no choice but to let him return to the soul-inducing lamp.

His wife, son, and even Siyu were all uninterested and went back one after another.

Xu Nian gave a helpless smile, and after thinking for a while, he finally decided to place the old stone tablet in the tribunal.

After all, whether it is the canteen, storage room, or desecration room, it is the place where the group of ghouls stay. No matter whether they will come back in the future, these places are not safe. Only the murderous atmosphere of the adjudication room , a place of punishment filled with resentment, presumably even the ghouls would not be willing to approach it.

With this thought, he hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and pushed open the stone door and walked in.

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