Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 158 Heart of the Corpse Dragon

City of Ayden, in the Palace of the Round Table.

A rough-looking man with a bare upper body and a sword on his back sat on a golden chair in a daze. Right in front of him, a strange corpse with seven or eight arms lay motionless in a pool of blood. They all exude a desolate atmosphere.

Boom. Boom, boom, boom.

Suddenly, a sound like a drum came from outside the hall.

His body shook slightly and he came back to his senses. Then his eyes flashed and he said, "It's the Heart of the Corpse Dragon! It's really here."

After saying that, he stood up, glanced at the strange corpse on the ground, and said disdainfully: "They all say how terrifying Shi Dongwei, the Lord of Aiden City in the Eastern Continent, is, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that."

After a pause, he looked at the mummies hanging from the surrounding stone pillars and said, "Those soldiers are a bit interesting. Each of them is filled with the power of faith. They are worthy of being the first warriors of faith in the glorious goddess of humanity."

As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something again, and sighed: "It's a pity for these twelve Knights of the Round Table. If these powerful men had knelt down to the goddess of glory like Naluo, how could they have ended up in the tragic ending they have today? ?”

Humming, he stepped over the strange corpse on the ground with a look of disdain, and walked out of the round table hall with the long sword. It was not until an unknown amount of time passed that one of the fingers of the corpse on the ground moved slightly.

The city of Ayden, outside the city gate.

A winged Byakhi fell from the sky at high speed.

A boy and a girl jumped off Bayaki's back.

Baiyaki looked up to the sky and hissed, turned around, flapped his wings, and disappeared at the end of the sky.

"Flying Shadow, it seems that what Xu Nian said is true. Something big has happened in the city of Aiden."

Manzhu stood at the gate of the city, looking at the corpses and bloodstains scattered on the road extending upward, with a trace of fanaticism flashing in his eyes.

"This time, my wish will definitely come true."

Fu Xingzhiying also looked excited and said: "No matter who this mammoth general is, now that the city of Aiden has undergone drastic changes, things are simple. As long as I get that thing, I will definitely be able to step into the fourth solution." , no, even."

For a moment, the two looked at each other and seemed to understand what the other was thinking.

"Then, I'll go find Xu Nian, and you can go find your things!"

Manzhu's eyes were red with excitement.

Fu Xingzhiying nodded: "Okay, I don't need Xu Nian in this situation now. After you finish your matter, remember to take Xu Nian to wait for me at the agreed place."

"no problem."

The two quickly reached an agreement, then quickly entered the city gate and rushed in different directions.

The Corpse Food Sect, the underground palace, and the ruling office.

Xu Nian's shriveled body fell motionless in a pool of blood.

The son reluctantly returned to the soul-inducing lamp under his wife's order.

Seeing that her mother refused to go back, Siyu became even more anxious and said, "Mom, please go back. Deng Deng has already told me the way. I can cure dad."

The wife shook her head: "Tell me how."

Siyu stamped her feet anxiously, but knowing her mother's character, she had no choice but to say helplessly: "Dengdeng said that the heart of the corpse dragon is the heart of the corpse dragon, the overlord of the abyss, and contains extremely powerful spiritual power. As long as Dad If you eat it and resist the assimilation of the huge corpse energy in your heart, you can not only recover all injuries, but also be a blessing in disguise. You can use this power to break through the shackles of the soul and liberate your own spiritual power. Even if your father can absorb this power If so, it would be even more unimaginable.”

The wife's pupils shrank and she gritted her teeth and said, "What should I do?"

Siyu hesitated and said nervously: "Mom, listen to me. What I just said are all cases of success. If it fails,"

"What will happen?"

"The corpse dragon will eat up dad's physical and mental power, and use his body to resurrect. By then, although dad will have the old stone tablet, his consciousness will probably be sealed by the corpse dragon for the rest of his life, and he will never see the light of day."

The wife's delicate body trembled. She looked at her husband in a pool of blood, and then at the heart of the corpse dragon that was beating violently. A look of determination flashed in her eyes.

"How to do it?"

Siyu's heart trembled, knowing that her mother had made up her mind, so she said in a trembling voice: "It's very simple, you just need to touch dad's body to the heart of the corpse dragon."

When the wife heard this, she didn't hesitate at all. With a hand and spiritual power, Xu Nian's body was slowly floated towards the heart of the corpse dragon.

The heartbeat in her mind kept beating her spirit like a giant hammer, and her spirit body trembled one after another, becoming more and more delusional.

Siyu looked extremely anxious until Xu Nian's body staggered and landed on the corpse dragon's heart, and his wife's body went limp and fell to the ground.

At the same time, her body began to tremble unsteadily as if it was about to dissipate.

Seeing this, Siyu knew that her mother had reached her limit, and hurriedly recalled her mother into the soul-inducing lamp. At the same time, a trace of complexity flashed in her eyes, and then disappeared as well.

Only the soul-inducing lamp hanging on Xu Nian's body was still fluttering like a mountain.

At this time, the moment Xu Nian's body touched the heart of the corpse dragon, a boundless and huge spiritual power, accompanied by a disgusting and huge corpse energy, was madly injected into Xu Nian's body.

Xu Nian's body automatically floated in the air without any wind, and a huge energy vortex and black mist were faintly visible in the air.

Xu Nian's shriveled body seemed to have been injected with a lot of tonic, and it quickly became bloated, and soon returned to its previous normal appearance.

However, the swelling still did not stop, and Xu Nian's body continued to expand rapidly like a balloon.

At some point, Xu Nian's body seemed to have reached a critical point, and there was an explosion.

The blood mist in the sky was swallowed up by the energy vortex in the air before it dispersed. At the same time, a strange figure could be seen gradually appearing in the void.

When General Mammoth arrived, the entire hall of the tribunal was in a mess. Torture instruments and the like were scattered everywhere, and a humanoid monster with nine octopus tentacles was floating in the air.

This monster has no facial features, and its entire face is like a piece of golden paper, exuding a divine aura.

But the tentacles behind him were as dark as ink, exuding a disgusting evil aura.

The most peculiar thing is that on this man's chest, a blood-red heart mark can be vaguely seen. The mark is beating crazily, and gray mist overflows from the pores of his body from time to time.

General Mammoth's face changed. He stared at the monster in the sky. The anger in his eyes had increased several times. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Damn it, which stupid guy resurrected the corpse dragon?" ”

As soon as he finished speaking, the humanoid tentacle monster in the air suddenly opened its eyes, revealing a pair of strange blood-red vertical pupils.

At the same time, a strange and eerie voice suddenly echoed throughout the hall:

"Humble and insignificant human being, I feel that disgusting aura on your body, and I asked, what is the relationship between the Lord of Fire, Karakal, and you?"

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