

She said she was the assistant director of Glory Street under the Civic Quality Committee?

Li Youmei?

Xu Nian's pupils shrank, and when he realized what he was doing, he hurriedly took out his phone and looked at his face. It turned out to be a face that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

Strange because this face is not my face, familiar because this face belongs to Link!

"What's going on? Why am I Link now? And wait, was this before when Link disappeared?"

Xu Nian seemed to have thought of something, took a breath of air, and slapped himself quickly.

The burning pain made him realize that this was not an illusion, which made him even more panicked.

Looking at Zuoqiu Yue again, he didn't know when he had disappeared, and his heart kept sinking.

Because, at this moment, he couldn't feel the spiritual power in his body at all.

In other words, he is now a living ordinary person.

Thinking of this, he looked at the indifferent Li Youmei again, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

He was even shocked to find that the memories belonging to him, Xu Nian, were slowly disappearing, and the memories belonging to Link slowly appeared.

Until, he stood there with a blank look on his face.

"Hey, why am I here?"

"Oh, by the way, that woman just held my hand and touched her intentionally. She was hurting me, and I am innocent!"

"Link, don't try to pretend to be crazy. I tell you, insulting women is a serious crime. Just wait to be thrown out of the city!"

At this time, Li Youmei looked at him with an indifferent expression.

His heart was shaken, and deep fear appeared in his eyes.

Throw it out of the city!

This is a punishment that makes all the citizens in the city shudder when they think about it, and he naturally knows it very well.

The reason lies in the great goddess of radiance.

Since the "Shimen Incident" a hundred years ago, the great goddess of brilliance, Lord Lin Xi and her "sonorous rose" army have led mankind out of despair. Although the population of about nine levels and nearly seven levels of women have been lost, mankind has finally Survive this almost hopeless situation.

As the savior of mankind, the great goddess of brilliance, Lord Lin Xi and her "sonorous rose" army, as well as women who have sacrificed so much for the survival of mankind, have naturally gained the respect and love of all mankind.

For this reason, after mankind rebuilt its place of survival, he served as the first president of the highest university of mankind, "Phoenix Above". Lu Qiancheng, the author of "The Birth of the World", through studying the human process after the "Shimen Incident", came to three irrefutable truths related to human survival.

1: Since children born through in vitro fertilization naturally lose the ability to genetically evolve, female maternal fertility is irreplaceable.

2: The common sense that "men are the hope for human survival in times of disaster" has been broken. Facts have proved that in times of human disaster, it is women who lead mankind towards hope. Therefore, women also possess leadership qualities that are generally believed to only exist in male traits. Decisiveness and a sense of the big picture.

Three: After the disaster, women have sacrificed more than seven levels for mankind, and the ratio of men to women is seriously imbalanced. For the reproduction and survival of mankind, women must be protected to the greatest extent possible.

For this reason, the three truths became the three laws of mankind, and they were also the three ordinary things circulated privately by the people in the city.

All legitimate demands of women must be met.

All legitimate rights and interests of women must be protected.

All women’s behavior during pregnancy must be understood.

Therefore, after he figured out his ending, he felt as if his head had been pushed into a pool, and it became difficult to breathe.

This time I'm not pretending!

His face was pale, his throat was hoarse, and he said with a hint of hope in his eyes: "Nai, ah, no, sister, did you really see what just happened?"

Li Youmei frowned and said coldly: "Boy, it's useless to say nice things. Although I didn't see you molesting that woman, I saw her supporting you. How could such a kind-hearted woman slander you? ?”

Xu Nian felt as if a mouthful of old blood was stuck in his throat, and he wanted to spit it on the old face in front of him that was full of a sense of justice.

However, he knew he couldn't do this.

He still wants to live!

So, he suppressed the anger in his heart and cried out: "Sister"

"Call me the assistant!"

Xu Nian was stunned and said anxiously: "Assistant manager, I really didn't molest that woman. There are cameras at this intersection. You can take a look!"

"No need!" Li Youmei still put on a stinky face and said coldly: "That woman just had physical contact with you. Even if the camera didn't capture your illegal behavior, it doesn't prove that you didn't do anything illegal! "

Xu Nian's eyes dimmed, as if he guessed that the assistant manager in front of him would say this, with a bitter look on his face: "If I am really a pervert, why would I choose to do this in broad daylight? Do you think I am a person who has had enough life? ?”

Li Youmei stared at him with cold eyes and said, "Do you know this woman?"

Xu Nian shook his head: "I've never seen it before!"

Li Youmei showed an expression of "I knew it was like this" and sneered: "Since you have never met her and she has no enmity with you, why would she slander you?"

Xu Nian was speechless.


That woman had no enmity with him, so why did she slander him?

Could it be that he hates men?

Then why did she hold me up and let me fall to the ground to watch a joke?

Xu Nian was puzzled and his eyes were even more blank.

Seeing that Xu Nian stopped talking, Li Youmei thought that Xu Nian had nothing to say, so she prepared to take Xu Nian away by force.

However, at this moment, Xu Nian suddenly jumped on the spot a few times like a dancing master, and then ran away like crazy towards the distance.

Li Youmei was stunned for a moment, then realized and sneered: "Want to escape? Can you escape?"

After saying that, she shook the citizen card in her hand and dialed the number of the Security Bureau: "Hello, Security Bureau? There is a man suspected of molesting women in public and absconding in fear of crime. Please arrest him immediately."

"Well, my name is Link, and my citizen number is"

Li Youmei looked coldly at Xu Nian's disappearing figure in the distance, a strange light flashed in her eyes, and then returned to the opposite side and continued to stare at the crowd. As long as someone behaved against human qualities, she would be dispatched again.

At this time, Xu Nian, who was running in the distance, was very panicked. He didn't know what to do or where to escape, so he could only instinctively escape towards his home.

The place where he lived was the Aegean Community. This was a memory that belonged to him. He almost ran as fast as he could along the route that appeared in his mind.

It wasn't until he was sweating profusely and panting that he finally ran to the gate of the community. Then, under the surprised eyes of the guard, he rushed all the way into the community and quickly climbed the stairs back home.


Xu Nian lay on the sofa, picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip, then gasped for air.

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