
There was another round of dizziness, and the spasm in his stomach made him retch for a while before it slowly subsided.

He looked up quickly,

In sight,

Clean living room, neat furniture and

"Ren Qiaoqiao" opened his mouth with both hands and smiled.

He finally couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at the familiar face, and collapsed on the sofa nearby.

"Grandma, it's really a cycle!"

While Xu Nian wiped the sweat from his forehead, he looked at "Ren Qiaoqiao" who was about to be torn apart.

"What exactly is going on?"

Xu Nian was not in a hurry this time and began to think deeply.

The son in his head was very surprised by his father's reaction after he came in, but soon his eyes were attracted by "Ren Qiaoqiao".

"Wow! It's so annoying, you can peel off your own skin so easily, even the baby can't pinch it!"

"Oh my, her eyeballs have fallen off. She's so pitiful. Can't she lose her sight?"

"No, this guy seems to want to get out, what should I do? Dad doesn't want the baby to eat, right?"

"No, no, this guy is too disgusting. The baby will never eat it!"

The familiar scene happened again.

Xu Nian took a deep breath and stood up.

The face of the monster "Ren Qiaoqiao" quietly faced his direction.

Although there were no facial features, only bloody and squirming piles of flesh, Xu Nian was sure that the other person was looking at him.

"You want to eat meat?"

Xu Nian suddenly smiled.

The monster "Ren Qiaoqiao" took a meal and said without any emotion: "Meat, delicious meat, delicious!"

"Well, the meat is indeed delicious!" Xu Nian nodded in agreement, pointed out the window and said: "There is so much meat down there, why don't you eat it?"

"Qiaoqiao doesn't like the smell, but you like the smell."

Xu Nian's pupils shrank, and before he had time to react, the monster in front of him exploded into blood clots again, and then the familiar death scene appeared again.


Xu Nian really hated this feeling of retching.

But this time, he didn't have time to complain. The moment the cycle started again, he rushed towards "Ren Qiaoqiao" and grabbed the hands of "Ren Qiaoqiao" who were about to tear open the skin.

"Qiaoqiao, it's me, wake up!"

"Ren Qiaoqiao"'s body trembled, and there was a trace of struggle in his empty eyes.

Xu Nian, who had been paying attention to "Ren Qiaoqiao", was overjoyed and said hurriedly: "Qiaoqiao, do you still remember your good friend Wang Yuying? She is waiting for you at home!"

The struggle in "Ren Qiaoqiao's" eyes became more and more intense.

At the same time, Xu Nian yelled: "Son, enter her body and drive out the red earthworm!"

The son looked reluctant, but after noticing his father's anxious look, he had no choice but to murmur and get in.

In an instant, "Ren Qiaoqiao's" pupils shrank sharply, the struggle in his eyes became more intense, and his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

"Get out of here, get out of my body."

"Ren Qiaoqiao"'s eyes were red and she frantically tore her clothes until the clothes around her heart were torn apart. She even used her five fingers to form claws and used all her strength to dig out her heart.

Unfortunately, the strength of her hands was limited after all. Although her sharp nails scratched blood marks on her skin, it was impossible to take out the heart with bare hands.

"Knife, yes, knife!"

"Ren Qiaoqiao" seemed to have thought of something and wanted to rush towards the kitchen, but the next moment, a long bulge appeared on the surface of her body, like an earthworm, squirming on the surface of her body.

"Ren Qiaoqiao" screamed miserably, but she still did not stop, she just stumbled towards the kitchen with a ferocious look on her face.

"Get out of here, get out of my body."

Nian looked at this scene with solemn eyes, took a few steps back silently, and whispered: "Son, everything depends on you!"

The terrifying sound of a knife being inserted into meat rang out from the kitchen. He shrank inwardly and did not dare to be careless.

At some point, the screams in the kitchen suddenly stopped.

Xu Nian's heart tightened.

Then, there was the sound of slow footsteps.

"Ren Qiaoqiao" walked toward Xu Nian with a satisfied smile on his face, holding a motionless red earthworm in his bloody hands.

The hot blood was still dripping.

Then, his son flew out of "Ren Qiaoqiao's" body and said with a disgusted look on his face: "Dad, don't call me baby next time something like this happens!"

Xu Nian took a breath of air, but his eyes froze for a moment.

Right on the chest of "Ren Qiaoqiao\

,"As if being penetrated by a regular cylinder, the beating heart of "Ren Qiaoqiao" was no longer there, replaced by a smooth, red and white layer of flesh and bones.

The smooth broken sternum can still be vaguely seen.

"This wound. This wound"

Unconsciously, Xu Nian didn't realize that his clenched right hand was pale and colorless due to too much force.

His eyes were red, his body was trembling, and his teeth were chattering with anger.

A memory somewhere deep in his mind seemed to begin to loosen, and the flames of anger seemed to burn his entire chest. Xu Nian's eyes slowly opened up, becoming increasingly red as the dust-laden memories slowly opened up.

What's this?

City wall?

Zuo Qiuyue?

City of Ayden?

abyss! ?


Nightmare King!

Raleye City!



Cthulhu! ?

Xu Nian's heart was roaring, and the world around him seemed to be distorted by his anger. There was no more "Ren Qiaoqiao" in his eyes, no son anymore, only the one lying quietly in the hand of "Ren Qiaoqiao" Red earthworm on palm.

He remembered!

He remembered it all!

"It's you, it's you who blinded my memory, Cthulhu, it's you!"

Xu Nian's scarlet eyes were twisted with anger. He raised his hands and slowly reached towards the red earthworm. Suddenly, a gap opened on the top of the red earthworm's head, and an eye covered with blood-colored lines squeezed out from the gap. .

"Meat, delicious meat!"

A strange sound suddenly sounded in the air.

Xu Nian's eyes burst out with cold murderous intent.

next moment,

The blood-streaked eyes blinked, and the red earthworm instantly rushed towards Xu Nian's mouth that opened in anger.

As soon as he said it, Xu Nian grinned, opened his mouth suddenly, and then bit down hard with endless resentment.

The sound of "squeak" sounded instantly.

As if biting into a beef tendon, Xu Nian's upper and lower teeth have been biting together, but half of the body of the red earthworm in his mouth has not broken.


next moment,

Xu Nian felt that his tongue was wrapped in warmth, and then there was indescribable pain, as if he had stuck his tongue into strong sulfuric acid.

"It's you, it's you!"

Xu Nian was roaring in his heart, and his upper and lower teeth were biting together crazily due to the severe pain in his mouth. Blood flowed out of his mouth, and his whole face looked unexpectedly ferocious.

"Cthulhu, I want you dead!"


Xu Nian swallowed a mouthful of flesh and blood with a ferocious look on his face.

The world around him instantly began to shatter like a mirror.

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