Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 195 Fragments of Memory

Seeing his son fighting fiercely with the little boy, Xu Nian felt strange, so he became silent in a rare moment.

But he wasn't sure why he was silent.

Is it because he saw this son suddenly burst into power that he had never had before?

Or is it because of the strange familiarity this little boy brings to him?

Or is it because of some past events that have been hidden deep in my heart for a long time and have been almost forgotten?

He didn't have much thought to think about this.

Even when he noticed that his son was slapped away by the little boy, the anger in his heart gradually calmed down. He just watched silently and had no intention of stepping forward to help.

As time passed slowly, the battle between the son and the little boy became more and more intense. The black thorns on the little boy's head had covered the entire underground parking lot. The criss-crossing bloody threads gradually enveloped Xu Nian's place like a net. Area.


Suddenly, the little boy was hit by a phantom gun, and then his son pinched his neck and pressed him on the hood of the car. The little boy stared directly at his son and let out an angry roar.

His voice was tearful and childish, and there was no trace of humanity in it. It was just a threatening roar similar to that of a wild animal when it senses danger.


Just hear a crisp sound.

next moment,

The little boy's head was twisted off by his son, and then he pulled it out forcefully and threw it out, rolling down at Xu Nian's feet.

The little boy's eyes still looked like he was roaring with anger.

But when Xu Nian looked at this face that was almost exactly the same as his son, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Immediately afterwards,

The son's cold eyes looked at the bloody threads. Before he could take action, he saw these blood threads dancing in a dizzying manner.

A scarlet blood streak was suddenly scratched on the son's fair and tender face, and then the blood streaks appeared one after another, and these blood streaks suddenly spread to all sides.

The son seemed to feel severe pain and touched his face slightly, which was covered with blood.

At the same time, the blood threads pulled the black thorns to suck the little boy's head back, and fell back on the body of the little boy standing there.


The little boy twisted his neck slightly and reset his head and neck.


He stared straight at his son, a cold light bursting out from his red pupils, as if he was finally serious.

The son slowly raised his blood-stained palm and looked up at the little boy, his eyes even colder.

next moment,

The motionless little boy's limbs were slightly bent, and he was suddenly ejected in the direction of his son. The black thorns on his head turned into a black net and latched onto his son.

At the same time, he looked like Spider-Man in the movie, flying around with the black thorns staring at the walls and cars, left and right, forward and back, and the black nails in his hands extended for dozens of times. centimeters, like sharp daggers.

Xu Nian is on the edge of this dark network

But he just stood there expressionlessly, without any movement, as if everything in front of him had nothing to do with him.

However, what no one knew was that a memory somewhere deep in Xu Nian's mind was loosened at this moment.


Various fragmented images first pierced his mind one after another like silver needles.

Waves of pain shot through his fragile brain.

However, this kind of pain was nothing to Xu Nian now. After a brief period of pain, he began to see those messy pictures clearly.

Scenes that he couldn't tell whether they were real or illusory appeared in his mind little by little.

He saw a very luxurious and warm villa. In the villa was a beautiful woman wearing a floral skirt. The woman was watering the flowers. Although her face was hidden behind her back, judging from her figure, she was definitely a rare woman. beauty.

The little boy was lying on the fence outside the villa and watching secretly.

He saw his son thrown out of the villa and happily called mom, mom to this beautiful woman. The little boy seemed envious, and the light in his eyes was even more dazzling than the sun.

The beautiful woman turned around, and it turned out to be

Ren Qiaoqiao! ! !

Xu Nian's mind was shaken, and he woke up from this fragment of memory that seemed both real and illusory.

Then there was another roar.

But the son and the little boy were beaten by each other again and knocked against the wall.

In the air, two figures, one large and one small, appeared like afterimages because of their speed.

Their abilities look different, but if you take a closer look, except for the phantom gun that the son occasionally uses, they are almost the same as the little boys.

They all use extreme speed and extreme power.

But the question is, the son is in a mental state, how can he have such powerful power?

"Why don't you help?"

Suddenly, a faint whisper sounded beside him.

Xu Nian's body trembled, and he looked back at his wife who suddenly appeared, and asked instinctively: "Who is he?"

There was silence.

Seeing his wife's unwillingness to answer, Xu Nian suddenly felt inexplicably angry and irritable, but he didn't want to ask anything anymore. Instead, he raised his head and looked at the little boy who was fighting fiercely with his son.

He discovered a problem.

The black net covering the entire space is shrinking at an imperceptible speed, and the blood threads are very tight, as if with just a little force, they will turn into sharp knives.

When Xu Nianzheng was shocked, he suddenly found that the little boy suddenly grabbed a silk thread with his right hand, and at the same time a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"not good!"

Xu Nian's expression changed and he shouted instinctively.

He had a feeling that as long as the little boy exerted a little force, this dense black net would cut everything in this space to pieces like a laser.

Including his son!

It's absolutely terrible!

This little boy is like a cold, heartless, and indifferent killing machine.


At this time, the little boy's fingers tightened slightly.

The blood thread he pulled up suddenly bounced down, and then triggered the entire black network.

Xu Nian finally couldn't help it anymore, almost instinctively, the mark between his eyebrows suddenly brightened, and at the same time, the chaos sword in his hand erupted into a bright black and gold halo.

There was a "buzz" sound.

Even the air around the chaos sword in his hand was distorted and oscillated to varying degrees.

At the same time, behind him, the shadow of an angel appeared again.


Almost as soon as Xu Nian shouted, the angel shadow behind him waved the sword in his hand, and in the blink of an eye, the dazzling halo enveloped the black net that spread throughout the underground space.

Then there was a scream of pain.

A strange trembling feeling vibrated throughout the space.

When everything calmed down, the son was standing on the spot intact, but the little boy fell in the corner covered with blood.

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