Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 219 Encounter at the Charging Station

Directly in front of the jeep is a straight highway. Perhaps due to years of repairs, the guardrails on both sides have some "patches", but they are finally complete.

On both sides of the highway are fields of wheat. Although you can occasionally see one or two farmers working in the fields, it is already more humane than the wilderness.

This is the highway leading to the entrance of the Dragon Scale Wall. Although it is still in the area of ​​the Holy Sword Wall, the sky is much clearer than outside.

Even occasionally, he could see flying swallows flying across the sky, bringing a touch of spring color to the blue sky.

Zuo Qiuyue was still driving. Although she was no longer a close colleague or comrade-in-arms with Xu Nian, after learning that Xu Nian had obtained the ultimatum from the eldest lady, she volunteered to be Xu Nian's driver. Dedicated driver.

Xu Nian originally didn't want to go to such trouble, but he was really not familiar with the city within the Dragon Scale Wall, and driving was really tiring, so he accepted Zuo Qiuyue's kindness "so sweet".

Within today's city walls, because there is little oil production and the wilderness is very dangerous, gasoline has been something that can only be seen in museums or books. Instead, there is the comprehensive promotion of electricity.

For example, the military electric jeep driven by Xu Nian, which is specially produced within the city walls, has a range of one thousand kilometers and can be fully charged in one hour at a time. Thanks to the popularity of highway charging stations before the disaster, the two of them are not worried about battery life.

However, since it was summer and the air conditioner was on in the car, the battery life dropped quickly. I had only driven less than 500 kilometers, and the actual wear and tear was already close to 700 kilometers.

"Xu Nian, according to the navigation, we still have nearly 400 kilometers to reach the north entrance of the Dragon Scale Wall. I'm afraid the battery life is not enough, so we have to find a charging station to charge."

Zuo Qiuyue shook her sore neck and glanced at Xu Nian in the rearview mirror.

At this moment, Xu Nian was playing with a small silver box. She didn't know what it was, but seeing Xu Nian playing with it all the way, she was very curious.

However, she also knew that everyone had their own secrets, and since the other person didn't take the initiative to tell them, she wouldn't ask.

When Xu Nian heard Zuo Qiuyue's words, he looked up at the dashboard and navigation, nodded and said: "Thank you for your hard work, Qiu Yue. Then charge at the nearest charging station. You can take a rest. I'll be there later." open."


Zuo Qiuyue rolled her eyes and thought to herself, you finally asked to change people. If you keep driving, this girl will die from exhaustion in this car.

Xu Nian naturally didn't know Zuo Qiuyue's inner activities. In fact, he had been thinking about this strange little silver box along the way.

Since the faceless woman shed blood to identify her owner, the small box has shrunk in size and has never changed again.

At first he thought that his method was wrong, but after he strangely felt a subtle connection between himself and this small silver box, he understood that your method was not wrong.

I just don’t know why the small box hasn’t responded yet.

"By the way, Xu Nian, why do you want to go to the Dragon Scale Wall? You even asked the eldest lady for an ultimatum to break through the wall!"

Zuo Qiuyue looked at Xu Nian's distracted look and finally couldn't help but ask the question in her heart.

She has been to the city within the Dragon Scale Wall once. Although it is not as prosperous as the core Robin Wall, for the city within the Holy Sword Wall, it is already an elusive dream place.

Xu Nian wants to develop or live on the Dragon Scale Wall. She can understand it. After all, people go to higher places and water flows to lower places. But the question is, does Xu Nian have the money to buy a house?

Who doesn't know that the house prices in Dragon Scale Wall are the most expensive area besides Robin's Wall.

Well, even if you don't buy and rent a house, the price of renting a house is not affordable for ordinary people. If Xu Nian is still in the hospital, with the salary in the hospital, you may be able to afford the rent. But the problem is that Xu Nian has resigned now. ?

"I have some personal matters to deal with. As for finding the eldest lady, I have no choice. Otherwise, depending on my personal connections, if I want to get this thing, I may have to spend a sky-high price and I may not be able to get it."

Xu Nian's tone was a little helpless.

He actually didn't want to trouble the eldest lady anymore, but the problem was that the message given by the Faceless Woman was too solemn and there were no clues at all. Where could he go to find a demigod with the bloodline of Shendi!

Fortunately, the eldest lady pointed out a clear path for him, saying that the dragon lizard ruins inside the Dragon Scale Wall had records of descendants of the gods from the dream world, so he finally stopped looking at it with a blind eye.

But even so, he was actually not sure at all.

In her thoughts, Zuo Qiuyue drove the car off the highway, entered the rest area, and then parked the car in a charging parking space.

It was also the first time for Xu Nian to see Zuo Qiuyue charging a car. After looking at it curiously for a while and finding that there was not much difference in charging a cell phone, he lighted a cigarette and started smoking.

Soon, Zuo Qiuyue plugged in the charging gun and swiped his card to pay. Then he walked to Xu Nian and said, "The charging pile here is fast charging, not super charging. It takes about an hour and a half to fully charge."

Xu Nian nodded: "It's okay, it won't take long, just enough to take a rest."

As he spoke, he raised his head and blew out a smoke ring, which made Zuo Qiuyue roll her eyes.

At this time, a blast of music that sounded like a DJ song sounded from the side, and then under the strange eyes of the two people, a convertible car drove into the rest area playing music.

The driver was a young man with red hair wearing a gold necklace and sunglasses. The young man's body swayed as if to the beat of the music. Sitting in the passenger seat was an expressionless sexy beauty, looking sideways out of the window. I didn't want to be so close to this young man.

Xu Nian and Zuo Qiuyue looked at each other, and both saw the strangeness in the other's eyes.

Although it is said to be very safe within the city walls, due to the occasional appearance of deformed monsters, few people dare to drive around in the wilderness.

Not to mention that the two of them had sensed that the man and woman had no spiritual power and were just ordinary people without any threat.

At this time, the young man driving the car also noticed Xu Nian and Zuo Qiuyue, especially Zuo Qiuyue, who was as good-looking as the woman next to her.

His eyes lit up, he reached out and whistled, and then parked the car next to the two of them.

"Hi, beauty."

Zuo Qiuyue frowned inadvertently and said coldly: "What's the matter?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, and looked at Xu Nian, who was smoking alone and looked like he had nothing to do with me. He rolled his eyes, got out of the car with a smile, walked to Zuo Qiuyue and stretched out his hand: "It's an honor. See you, my name is Luo Chengcai, I am twenty years old and unmarried.”

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