Although everything is just speculation, Xu Nian feels that the truth of the matter is probably close to ten.

But it was too late to say anything now. They had fallen into the trap and "sent" Luo Chengcai to the sealed dungeon intact, and personally released the last shackles on the undead dragon.

What should we do now?

This is the biggest problem before them.

Even Wang Xue was frowning at the moment, with a worried expression.

Zuo Qiuyue couldn't think of a solution for a while, so she returned to the room, wondering if she could get any useful information from Rosie's mouth.

Xu Nian forced himself to calm down and began to sort out the current situation one by one.

"First of all, I received a secret mission from the eldest lady. In order to learn the secret of my father-in-law, I went to the ancient villa under the guidance of the eldest lady, and met the mysterious faceless woman there. Who is the faceless woman? , or what is the relationship between the Faceless Girl and the eldest lady? Is she a human or a ghost? "

"This is one, and the other is that I encountered that strange statue house on the road. It turned out that this statue house is the strange bottle of artifact used by the red archbishop of the Goddess Sect, Yu Zigeng. His purpose is even more strange. He actually wants to I introduced that Rofield, and he even promised to provide me with all the information I wanted to know, such as the dragon lizard ruins."

"Wait, if you look at the current situation, it seems a bit strange. If there is no accident with the undead dragon, then what is happening now should be that the Glory Goddess Religion has provided me with all the clues I want to know about the dragon lizard ruins. In other words In other words, the appearance of the undead dragon has blocked my transaction with the Glory Goddess Sect in disguise."

Thinking of this, Xu Nian was inexplicably shocked. He vaguely seemed to have caught something, but then seemed to have caught nothing, so he continued to think.

"One more thing, the Mammoth General from Queen Morgan of the Western Continent came a little strangely. If I remember correctly, he should be using the long-distance teleportation scroll mentioned in the book, well. Although I don't know where this scroll is. How precious is the Western Continent, but the book says that things are extremely rare in the city wall, and only a few are stored in the main courtyard. "

"Well, if that's the case, the appearance of General Mammoth is indeed very bizarre. His purpose seems to be to kill Luo Chengcai. And if the previous guess is correct, what he wants to kill is actually the undead dragon, but he gave up again because of me. , and even lured me to the dragon lizard ruins in front of me, and caused the current situation."

"Wait, if, yes, if Luo Chengcai was not with me by coincidence at that time, then even if General Mammoth did not kill Luo Chengcai, Luo Chengcai would not have appeared in the hands of the Undead Dragon at this moment. In other words, General Mammoth's The result of this behavior is that the undead dragon cannot truly be resurrected, and the deal between me and the Glory Goddess Sect has been successfully concluded."

"Could it be that the Goddess of Radiance secretly united with Queen Morgan? No, if that's the case, why did he give up again and seduce me to give Luo Chengcai to the Undead Dragon?"

"Wait a minute, if Queen Morgan is not an ally of the Goddess of Radiance, and after discovering my appearance, she deliberately transfers the responsibility of releasing the undead dragon to me, then the Goddess of Light will think that I have rejected the deal in disguise. "

At this thought, Xu Nian took a breath and said: "I understand, Queen Morgan is an ally of the Goddess of Glory on the surface, but in fact she wants to kill the Goddess of Glory."

After thinking about this, Xu Nian's heart was tense and at the same time inexplicably relaxed. Although he didn't know who the force was that was leading all of this, since the other party dared to release the undead dragon to stop him and the Glory Goddess Cult. transaction, then the other party must have a way to control the situation.

And all he has to do now is...

Watch a show!


Xu Nian let out an inexplicable long breath, then stretched out under Wang Xue's surprised and strange eyes, and then fell on the sofa.


Robin City, Cathedral of Holy Light.

This is the headquarters of the Goddess of Glory within the city walls, and the seat of the Pope of the Goddess of Glory.

At this time, in an underground hall.

The red-robed archbishop Yu Zigeng, whom Xu Nian had met before, respectfully faced an old man wearing a white divine robe and a golden crown.

The old man has white hair, but his eyes are as sharp as a vulture. Although he is just sitting lazily on the sacred white chair, he exudes a temperament that is not angry.

"Your Majesty the Pope, Xu Nian brought the immortal spirit to the dragon lizard ruins. Now that the undead dragon has been completely resurrected, everything the goddess has done may be in vain."

Yu Zigeng's tone was respectful, but his expression was inexplicably ugly.

Just now, he reported to His Majesty the Pope that he and Xu Nian had reached an agreement. Unexpectedly, Xu Nian sent the Immortal Spirit over in a blink of an eye, rejecting the information they wanted to provide in disguise, and interrupted transaction.

There was no emotion on the Pope's face, and he just said calmly: "Zi Geng, I have warned you many times not to jump to conclusions when things happen. You feel that Xu Nian has betrayed his promise, but God tells me that Xu Nian will not be around for a long time." Before the Spirit of Destruction was sent over, he met General Mammoth."

General Mammoth?

Yu Zigeng's pupils shrank and he frowned: "What does Queen Morgan mean? Didn't you promise us not to send anyone into the city wall without our permission?"

"Haha, Zigeng, that's why I told you not to jump to conclusions when something happens. Although we have reached an agreement with Queen Morgan, from another perspective, who do we believe in? Lady Goddess, and Lady Goddess and Queen Morgan. Others don’t know, don’t you know?”

The pope shook his head gently, glanced at Yu Zigeng, whose face turned green and red, sighed secretly and said: "Forget it, these are not important, the important thing is that you must let Xu Nian introduce Luo Feide to us , God doesn’t have much time left for us.”

Yu Zigeng's expression changed and he panicked: "Could it be that the goddess is..."

"Okay, don't mention this matter again. You go find Xu Nian now and bring him to see me. If he refuses, tell me that I have a way to send him to Dreamland. He will definitely come with you after hearing this. ”

The Pope looked tired when he spoke, as if he didn't want to say anything more, so he waved his hand and motioned for Yu Zigeng to go down.

Yu Zigeng looked at the Pope and thought that the Pope in the past was still so full of vitality, but now

Almost instinctively, he couldn't help but clenched his fist, gritted his teeth and backed away: "Your Majesty, please pay attention to your health. I will definitely bring Xu Nian here unscathed."

"Go ahead, I'm tired!"

As the Pope let out a tired sigh, Yu Zigeng slowly retreated, and the fire in the underground hall was extinguished instantly, falling into a deathly silence.

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