The Himalayas, which means "snow territory" in Sanskrit and "hometown of snow" in Tibetan, are located on the southern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and are the highest mountains before and after the disaster.

Of course, after the disaster, the mountains became even more cold and majestic.

At least, with Xu Nian's current vision, he could not see the top at all, as if the mountain range had extended to the starry sky.

Especially the highest peak, Mount Everest. According to historical records, before the disaster, the height increased by an average of 1 centimeter per year. However, judging from the current height, this rate is obviously even more exaggerated.

Looking up, Xu Nian could only see the vast white mist. Not to mention the temple, even the mountain road could not be clearly seen clearly. However, as he focused his spiritual power into his eyes, the world in front of him suddenly changed.

In the vast white world, an illusory shadow as huge as a heavenly palace floats in the endless sky. It seems real and illusory, half virtual and half real, sitting there quietly, mysterious and vast.

Xu Nian took a breath of cold air. The small silver box in his arms rotated and deformed, and finally turned into a strange silver bug. After the bug appeared, it flew out and circled around, and then flew straight forward.

The thing given by the Faceless Woman reacted again.

Isn't it said that only descendants of demigods can cause it to react? Xu Nian's thoughts were divergent, but his feet followed him.

Going up the mountain road, you will see mountains and green mountains, shrouded in clouds and mist. The snowdrifts along the road are miraculously covered with all kinds of exotic flowers and plants. Spotted deer and antelopes are running in twos and threes. Rhinoceros in small and five groups are walking leisurely to drink water by the lake; cuckoos, thrushes and Larks jumped around in the treetops and sang beautiful songs happily; rabbits ran carefree on the lush green grass.

Xu Nian couldn't believe his eyes. Not to mention how extraordinary the creatures and vegetation here were under the influence of the mysterious energy. The scene in front of him was completely different from what he had seen before going up the mountain.

It was as if he had passed through a barrier in an instant, walking from one world to another.

"Could it be an illusion?"

Xu Nian's face looked a little unhappy, but seeing the silver bug continuing to flap its wings forward, he had no choice but to continue to follow.

After walking for a while, the world in front of me changed again. The forest disappeared and the cute animals disappeared. Instead, there was a white world and a biting cold wind.

Is this right? While Xu Nian sighed and breathed a sigh of relief, he also had a vague understanding.

The illusory temple on the top of the mountain may have strange power, which affects the entire mountain range and the lives that break into this pure land.

While Xu Nian was deep in thought, heavy snow suddenly fell all over the sky. The heavy snow and the howling wind seemed to drown him in the white ocean.

The blizzard is coming!

If Xu Nian was just an ordinary person, I am afraid that the strong wind alone could make him unable to stand. But now he is not an ordinary person, but a pioneer who has unlocked the spiritual lock three times, and he is also a sequencer. Naturally, he cannot stand. Keep this terrifying force of nature in mind.

In less than a moment, the entire world on the mountain road was covered by heavy snow. The spiritual power in Xu Nian's body surged, covering his whole body, blocking out all the wind and snow around him, as if an ancient stone man was piously walking towards the god in his heart. temple.

The temple seemed to be aware of his thoughts. The surrounding wind and snow became more violent. There was even a faint flash of thunder in the heavy snow. The thunder was whiter than the snow and was stronger than the strong wind. Just a flicker made Xu Nian's steps stop. For a moment.

What is that? A question arose in Xu Nian's heart.

But before he had time to think, the little silver bug that had been leading the way suddenly stopped and hovered around a rock.

Xu Nian's eyes narrowed, and he walked up quickly. After thinking for a moment, a rattle appeared in his hand, then turned into a sword of chaos, and struck hard with the sword.

With just a slight squeaking sound, the rock split into two, revealing a body frozen under the rock.

Luo Chengcai?

Why is he here?

Wasn't he taken away by the undead dragon?

While Xu Nian was shocked, his mind was filled with incomprehensible doubts.

Although the thought of the other party being taken away by the undead dragon would be a disaster, it was still unbelievable to see the other party's frozen corpse in the dead Himala Mountains at this moment.

"Could it be that the undead dragon took away the immortal soul and threw his body into the wilderness?"

Although I feel in my heart that things can't be that simple, judging from the current situation, I can't think of a better explanation than this.

The little silver bugs were still hovering, but suddenly they rearranged themselves under Xu Nian's gaze, turned into a silver drill, and drilled a hole into the ice stone in Luo Chengcai's body. There was a crackling sound. The ice stone outside Luo Chengcai's body completely shattered, revealing Luo Chengcai's thin body.

Xu Nian glanced at the little silver drill strangely. Just as he was thinking about the little guy's intention, Luo Chengcai suddenly coughed a few times and then slowly opened his eyes.

"This is. Oh no, it's you!"

Luo Chengcai first looked at the sky blankly, then moved his eyes and noticed Xu Nian with a strange look on his face. He immediately jumped up in horror. He didn't look like a, ah, no, frozen corpse at all.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Xu Nian said hello calmly.

Luo Chengcai glanced at Xu Nian fearfully and whispered: "Where is this place? Why did you bring me here?"


What brought you here?

Xu Nian twitched the corner of his mouth, pointed to the surrounding gravel and broken ice stones and said, "Do you think it was me who brought you to the Himalayas and sealed you in the ice?"

Luo Chengcai was startled, and then he noticed the blizzard environment around him. His face suddenly turned pale and he said: "Dead, dead!"

However, he completely failed to notice that he had been safe and sound in such a terrifying blizzard. In Xu Nian's sight, the terrifying blizzard seemed to treat Luo Chengcai as his companion and completely bypassed him. It didn't cause him any harm.

Could it be because of the bloodline?

Xu Nian touched his chin, noticed in his heart, and smiled: "Luo Chengcai, maybe you don't remember, but what I want to say is that because the things in your body have been taken away, you have become a waste. Others were thrown here, but I came here to deal with something, so I happened to meet you and rescued you, understand? "

Luo Chengcai was stunned for a while before he understood the meaning of Xu Nian's words, and hesitantly said: "You mean the thing in my body is gone?"

Naturally, Xu Nian didn't know whether there was an immortal spirit in the other party's body, but according to his judgment, it should not exist, so he nodded without hesitation: "Of course, otherwise you wouldn't have been killed." Lost it here."

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