Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 24 Underground Church

In the manager's office.

Xu Nian held a newly appeared badge in his hand and looked at Manager Yan who was knocked unconscious by his punch, with a very ugly expression on his face.

Maybe the way he looked just now frightened this guy. Before he could use force, the other person attacked him all at once.

In the words of the other party, he was just a small person, responsible for sending people with badges into the underground church through the secret passage in the office. As for the rest, he didn't know.

Then there is this little beauty, he doesn’t know what’s going on.

He just sent Xiaomei to see the priest by chance. After Xiaomei came back, she became obedient to him and did whatever he asked. On weekdays, he also let her work part-time as his personal secretary.

Xu Nian didn't know if the other party was hiding anything, but through the other party's guidance, he did find a secret room behind the bookcase.

It's just a pity that the other party said that the metal door of the secret room was opened from the inside, and there was nothing he could do.

Xu Nian did not believe in evil and checked carefully, but after searching for a long time, he could not find any traces of keyholes or mechanisms.

To be honest, he didn't know when the so-called initiation ceremony started, but before he came, it should be a fact that those believers had been sent in one by one by Manager Yan, the bastard.

The other party should not deceive yourself on this point.

In the other party's words, there was no point in lying to himself, since he couldn't open the door from the outside anyway.

After thinking for a while, he dialed Zuo Qiuyue's phone number.

"Xu Nian, what's wrong? I'm still controlling the inspector to find the entrance?"

Zuo Qiuyue's somewhat urgent voice sounded on the phone.

Xu Nian frowned and said in a deep voice: "Stop looking, I have already found the entrance."


The sound on the microphone suddenly increased several decibels.

Xu Nian subconsciously put the phone further away from his ears, and then quickly explained the matter briefly.

"So, you're saying that all the new believers have entered that underground church through the secret passage in the office?"

Zuo Qiuyue seemed to take a breath from the microphone.

"Yes, so you should quickly ask the courtyard to send someone to control the entire hall, and then find professionals to open the door. I have a bad feeling that these believers may be in danger."

Ever since he was attacked by living corpses twice in a row, Xu Nian has always had a question in his mind.

What happened to these people who turned into living corpses?

There is also the badge after the evaporation of the living corpse.

If he heard correctly just now, those new believers were identified and sent in by Manager Yan based on their respective badges.

Then, those who hold the badge are believers, and every living corpse has a badge.

That is to say

Xu Nian seemed to understand something and said in horror: "Qiu Yue, hurry up, the priest is going to turn these believers into living corpses."

Zuo Qiuyue on the other end of the phone was controlling the inspector to check each tombstone in a corner. Suddenly, she heard Xu Nian's scream, and her delicate body trembled suddenly.

The next moment, her expression changed drastically, and she said hastily: "Just wait."

With that said, she hung up the phone, dialed a number quickly, and said anxiously: "Team leader, Xu Nian said that the priest wants to turn those believers into living corpses."

After Xu Nian hung up the phone, his expression became even uglier.

He didn't know when the people from the courtyard would come, but he knew that time was running out. If he didn't go in to stop the priest, everyone who went in would become living corpses.

He considers himself not a good person, but he will never let go of a devil like this who turns a group of innocent people into living corpses.

For a moment, the rattle seemed to sense his anger, and once again flashed a faint black light. This time, the black light spots did not condense into a black sword, but fell on him like black fireflies. .

Almost in the blink of an eye, his whole body was enveloped in black illusory light spots. At a glance, he seemed to have turned into an illusory black shadow in an instant.

"How is this going?"

Xu Nian looked at his blurred body in shock, his heart moved, and he walked straight towards the secret room door.

The expected head collision did not occur. Xu Nian passed through the secret room door directly like a shadow and appeared in a narrow tunnel.

The tunnel is very dark, but from the candles lit on the ground at the door, it can be seen that the steps of this tunnel lead underground, but I don't know how deep it is.

Xu Nian looked back at the secret room door. This time he saw the bronze keyhole. Unfortunately, he didn't have the key, so he naturally gave up the idea of ​​opening the door from the inside.

"Forget it, don't worry about Zuo Qiuyue and the others for now, saving people is more important."

At this moment, Xu Nian didn't care about any tests or commissions. When he thought that so many innocent people were going to be turned into living corpses that were worse than death, he no longer had any thoughts of delay, and carefully walked down the steps. go.

Of course, because it was too dark ahead, he deliberately picked up a candle on the ground for lighting.

Xu Nian was not a person who was afraid of the dark, nor was he afraid of silence, so he didn't feel any discomfort walking in this silent tunnel.

On the contrary, he seemed to have returned to the days when he was locked in the research room by his father-in-law in the orphanage as a child. Those days were truly lonely and desperate.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew from below. Xu Nian instinctively stopped and illuminated it with the candle in his hand, suddenly breaking into a cold sweat.

It turned out that just in front of his feet, the steps that were supposed to appear next were gone, replaced by a black hole with no bottom.

Looking to his left, there was a narrow path that could only be walked sideways. If he hadn't been alert, he might not have noticed the path at all, and would have just stepped into the black hole.

"Damn guy, so insidious."

Xu Nian could guess with his butt that this insidious path must have been designed by the priest, so after a few curses in a low voice, he held a candle in one hand and walked sideways into the path on the left.

Fortunately, the road this time was not long. Not long after, he walked out of the path and appeared in a relatively wide church.

It is said to be a church because the layout here is no different from the church on the ground. The only difference is that there are no crosses, angel statues, etc. that should have appeared here at all. There is only a demon stone sculpture with the same pattern as the badge. .

The same man standing with his hands up with his upper body bare, the same feet growing together, and the same joint between the feet is a three-eyed demon.

But this time, the lifelike stone sculpture gave him an inexplicable evil aura.

Especially the three eyes of the devil. Just looking at them made Xu Nian feel his heartbeat speed up and his mind wander.

"What a terrible demon!"

Xu Nian knew in his heart that he had found the right place.

Especially when he saw the dense crowd of people in black robes squatting motionless under the stone sculpture, and a blond man wearing a black priest's robe standing at the front of the crowd under the stone sculpture, he became even more nervous.

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