Bai Fei's tightly closed face could be vaguely seen in the broken stone statue of the demon. Xu Nian was anxious and was about to use brute force to break it open.

Zuo Qiuyue stopped him and motioned him to watch.

Xu Nian glanced at the tall man who came forward and said, "Who is this?"

Zuo Qiuyue's eyes flashed with joy, and he whispered, "Thanks to you, this time I met another pioneer, a member of the special operations team, Jing Lei."

As he spoke, Jing Lei had already arrived in front of the stone statue of the demon. With a blue arc appearing in his palm, he gently pressed on the stone statue of the demon.

Without any warning, the huge stone statue instantly turned into flying ash all over the sky, and Bai Fei in a black robe appeared in front of Xu Nian.

Jing Lei smiled slightly and glanced at Xu Nian, with a hint of showing off.

Xu Nian had no time to pay attention to the other person's expression, but hurried forward to feel Bai Fei's pulse. After feeling the weak beating, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Great, she's still alive." Zuo Qiuyue looked at Xu Nian in surprise and said, "Are you two familiar with each other?" "Not really." Xu Nian shook his head and sighed, "I just think she's a little pitiful." "Tsk tsk." Zuo Qiuyue seemed to get to know Xu Nian again, and muttered, "I didn't expect you to be a very compassionate man." Xu Nian did not comment, and watched Zuo Qiuyue go forward to pick up Bai Fei, but he looked at the body of Father Drett on the ground beside him. I don't know if it was Xu Nian's illusion, but for a moment, he felt that Father Drett's chest was bulging, as if something was stuffed. With a move in his heart, he walked to Father Drett's side calmly and squatted down, and turned his back to Zuo Qiuyue and Jing Lei, as if he was checking the body. Although Jing Lei was very interested in Xu Nian, he began to patrol the entire church because he wanted to check if there were any enemies around. Zuo Qiuyue was talking on the headset while helping the unconscious Bai Fei lean against a stone.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Nian quickly took something out of Father Dret's chest and stuffed it into his clothes.

Although he didn't have time to look closely, he could still clearly see that it was a somewhat old notebook.

Xu Nian carefully checked for a while, and after confirming that Father Dret was indeed no longer breathing and had nothing else hidden on his body, he began to pick up the badges left by the zombies on the ground after they evaporated.

Wow, there are really a lot of badges this time. After picking them up and counting them, he was shocked to find that there were as many as 136.

In other words, including this initiation ceremony, at least 136 innocent humans were turned into zombies by Father Dret.

"Do you think it's particularly crazy?"

At this time, Zuo Qiuyue walked to Xu Nian's side and looked at the badges piled up on the ground by Xu Nian.

Xu Nian's face was solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "He deserved to die."

"In fact, this is not all." Zuo Qiuyue sighed inexplicably, "The hospital has been tracking him for a long time. During this period, I don't know how many zombies have been killed in the hospital."

Xu Nian's body was shocked and he asked in surprise: "Then how did you find out later?"

"An accident." Zuo Qiuyue didn't know what he thought of, and didn't want to continue this topic, but changed the subject and said: "You got rich."

"What?" Xu Nian was a little puzzled.

Zuoqiuyue pointed to the badge on the ground and said, "This thing is called the Rune Badge. It is unique to the Corpse Eater Cult. It is sealed with a one-time black magic that can turn people into zombies and control them. Although these badges have been used now, if you are not interested, you can sell them to the hospital."

Xu Nian was surprised and said, "You can sell it to the hospital? Isn't it the hospital that will return this thing to the public?"

"Of course not." Zuoqiuyue rolled her eyes, "Ordinary people get bonuses for work, but we pioneers are risking our lives every time. If the hospital confiscates the harvest of every action, who would be willing to work for the hospital?"

After saying that, she paused, looking at Xu Nian with a smile and said, "Just like just now, if you hadn't knocked down the priest alone, do you think Jinglei and I would pretend not to see you taking things from the priest's arms?"

Xu Nian was embarrassed and said, "You all found out?"

Zuoqiuyue snorted, "Poor performance."

Xu Nian laughed, but he felt relieved.

Then, he looked at the badges on the ground and said excitedly: "How much can these badges be sold for if they are sold to the hospital?"

"One hundred each, I have sold them before."

Zuo Qiuyue said nonchalantly: "Although it is just a small amount of money, you got so much this time, it is also a considerable amount."

Xu Nian's eyes widened immediately, and he said in a trembling voice: "One hundred each, there are 136 badges here, plus my two badges, 138 badges, that is 13,800 yuan."

Get rich! Get rich!

He roared in his heart.

"Yes, it's enough for several months of my salary." Zuo Qiuyue said, looking at Jing Lei who was still patrolling in the distance and said: "You can kill Father Deret, which is enough to make the hospital affirm your strength. If nothing unexpected happens, you will probably join the action team. If possible, help me find out Jing Lei's contact information in private."

Xu Nian was stunned, suppressed the joy in his heart, and asked in confusion: "You want to ask yourself?"

Zuo Qiuyue rolled his eyes and whispered: "I am from the Human Resources Department. If you want me to inquire, isn't this asking the hospital to investigate me?"

"Then you have the nerve to let me go?" Xu Nian glanced at her speechlessly, "You have to ask yourself."

"You" Zuo Qiuyue glared at Xu Nian and continued: "First of all, if you join the action team, you will know Jinglei's contact information sooner or later, and the hospital will not investigate you; besides, you accepted me If you receive a commission and receive a deposit, you can’t just accept the money and not do the work.”

Xu Nian was speechless and could only nod: "Okay, I can only say that if I join the action team, I will try my best to help you find out."

"That's pretty much it." Zuo Qiuyue nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, heavily armed soldiers came to the church one by one. Xu Nian glanced at them and recognized their identities through the sword and shield symbols on their clothes.

It is the city defense army stationed in the city wall area of ​​​​Rongcheng.

After Zuo Qiuyue saw these soldiers appearing, she walked over and started talking to a captain-like figure.

Then, after the captain glanced at Xu Nian, he waved to the soldiers behind him to start cleaning up the scene.

Among them, Father Derrett's body was put into a raised long alloy coffin by these soldiers, and the badges were placed into alloy boxes.

As for other messy things in the church, these soldiers also took pictures and collected them, and took everything out of the underground church without leaving any behind.

In less than an hour, the underground church was emptied, and the unconscious Bai Fei was taken away by the doctor who followed the soldiers.

Xu Nian looked at the empty church and felt relieved. At the same time, he also knew that this incident was finally over.

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