The United Nations with a Common Destiny for Mankind under the Glory.

This is the only country established in eastern Asia since the disaster.

Relying on the outermost Holy Sword Wall to block the terrifying monsters outside the city wall and the mysterious energy permeating the earth, humans built Robin's Wall and Dragon Scale Wall within the Holy Sword Wall.

Among them, there is only one city within Robin's Wall. Robin City is named after the most loyal Robin Knight of the Goddess of Glory. It is the core area within the entire city wall;

Then there is the Dragon Scale Wall, which is the largest area within the city wall and the place where most citizens within the city wall are most eager and most likely to move.

Finally, there is the area closest to the Holy Sword Wall. The area here is second only to the Dragon Scale Wall, so there are many cities. However, because it is too close to the city wall, from a safety perspective, it is not a place where people can sit back and relax. place.

Even though the possibility of monsters outside breaking through the Holy Sword Wall is slim, there is still a chance that mysterious energy or monsters from outside the wall will infiltrate when the holy power of the Holy Sword Wall weakens every curfew time.

This is the fundamental reason why the city defense army patrols the city wall 20 hours a day.

And under such circumstances, as time passed, a part of the area next to the Holy Sword Wall underwent incomprehensible changes due to the erosion of some mysterious energy.

This kind of mutation is usually difficult to cure and extremely dangerous, so the higher-ups of humans just set these places as restricted areas and then ignore them.

The Corruption Swamp thirty miles west along the Holy Sword Wall outside Rong City is one of them.

The Corruption Swamp was a large natural swamp before the mutation. The establishment of the Holy Sword Wall divided it into two halves. Although most of the area is outside the wall, a small part is still inside the city wall.

Maybe it's because the entire swamp has been polluted and mutated by mysterious energy. In short, this place is extremely weird. Not only is it shrouded in gray poisonous fog all year round, but most importantly, any creature that enters here will 100% be poisoned by the evil here. Energy corrodes, turning into terrifying walking zombies.

Xu Nian was very surprised that the mysterious eldest lady in the courtyard suddenly gave Xu Nian such a strange order.

But as Zuo Qiuyue took out the details of the mission, Xu Nian finally understood what was going on.

It turns out that the courtyard has been investigating Father Derrett for a long time. It has not taken action not only because of the special nature of the martyr cemetery, but because it wants to find out how this person got into the city wall. , is there anyone else behind you?

As a result, after a period of investigation, they discovered that the whereabouts of Father Derrett were always erratic, sometimes appearing and sometimes disappearing, as if there was a hidden place within the city walls.

As they pursued the investigation, they located the suspected locations in three places: the Corruption Swamp, the Crystal Tunnel, and the Dragon Bone Ruins.

It wasn't until Xu Nian killed Father Derrett and they found trace amounts of swamp poisonous mist particles in Father Derrett's body through autopsy that they were convinced that Father Derrett must have been to the Corrupt Swamp.

Bai Fei's situation can be said to be very special. It has attracted the attention of the higher-ups in the hospital and even the eldest lady. In order to find out the specific situation, Xu Nian was assigned this task.

As for why it was Xu Nian and not someone else, the reason given by the hospital was that Xu Nian was capable enough and deeply involved in this incident, which was perfect.

However, considering that Xu Nian had just joined the hospital and might not understand many things, Zuo Qiuyue and Xu Nian were given three days to prepare well.

"So, you mean I still have to go to class in these three days?"

After reading the information about this mission that Zuo Qiuyue presented, Xu Nian got into Zuo Qiuyue's jeep.

This wasn't Xu Nian's first time riding in a car, but it was the most unpleasant one.

Since the two of them were working under the same roof, and the other was still his auxiliary officer, why did the hospital assign the other a car instead of himself?

As if feeling Xu Nian's sour taste, Zuo Qiuyue smiled while driving: "Xu Nian, don't get the advantage and act like a good boy. Be content. Don't forget that the driver is the driver and the leader is the one riding in the car. If you If you feel uncomfortable, you can report it to the superiors. I want you to be my nanny!"

Xu Nian angrily put down the mission information in his hand and muttered: "You are right, but what do you want me to learn in these three days?"

"You'll know when you get there." As she said that, she seemed to have remembered something. She looked back at Xu Nian with a strange look in her eyes: "By the way, how did you get Bai Fei's parents? Why do they believe it so much? You’re not worried at all that something might happen to your daughter?”

Xu Nian was stunned, but in his mind he was recalling what he heard from Bai Fei's parents when they asked his son to secretly follow him that day.

"Old lady, do you have a feeling that our daughter seems to be different from the young man just now?"

"You old taro has finally come to his senses. Don't talk about your daughter. Didn't you find that the young man is also very concerned about our daughter?"

"You mean"

"I mean, the young man is a good person. If he really doesn't dislike our daughter when the time comes, we can rest assured."

Thinking of this, he twitched the corner of his mouth and said unnaturally: "It's nothing, maybe I am a good person in their eyes."

"Bah, shameless."

It would be damned if Zuo Qiuyue still believed that Xu Nian was a good person, especially since the police still did not find Link's body after Zhao Qiang committed suicide.

"By the way, Bai Fei once said that she saw Father Derrett resurrecting Link with her own eyes, but we didn't see it at all in the underground church?"

Xu Nian didn't want to continue this topic, so he changed the topic and asked the questions he had in his mind for a long time.

Zuo Qiuyue was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said: "I don't know, but according to my intuition, Link's case is probably related to Father Drette. We may have unexpected gains by investigating the corruption swamp."


Xu Nian was noncommittal.

At this point, he had a vague feeling that Link's death seemed not that simple. Although he used this to scare Zhao Qiang into jumping off the building, the case itself was not solved.

In other words, the real murderer is actually still at large.

The only good thing was that Rongcheng's senior officials really wanted to put this case to rest as soon as possible, so even though the body was not found and there were still many doubts, they still quickly pinned the murderer on the head of the dead Zhao Qiang.

In his thoughts, Xu Nian felt a little dizzy, so he temporarily put these worries behind him, and instead looked at the scenery passing by outside the window and said, "Maybe, this is life."

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