Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 34 Incomprehensible Results

Xu Nian finally gave up.

The main reason was that when he was taking off his pants, he was stared at by a woman, as if she was looking at the goods, and he really couldn't stand up to face it.

But he couldn't do it without changing his clothes. He could only turn his back and try to keep his privacy as much as possible.

After quickly putting on his yoga clothes, he looked at Dr. Tang with an unnatural look.

Dr. Tang still had a calm expression. He walked to Xu Nian and sat down, assuming a meditative posture.

"can you?"

Xu Nian was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't quite understand, he still followed the example and assumed the same posture.

"Very good, it's time to start!"

Dr. Tang looked up at the camera and then made an OK gesture.

Xu Nian's expression changed.

Damn it, why did I forget that there is a camera here?

At this time, the surrounding walls suddenly moved regularly, and then rows of nozzles like water pipes were revealed.

Before Xu Nian understood what this was about, he saw thick white mist spraying out of these tubes, and soon the white mist filled the entire room.

"Don't be nervous. This is a spiritual catalyst. It is used to test your spiritual strength."

The white mist was so dense that Dr. Tang could still be vaguely seen at first, but soon his vision was covered by the white mist.

If Dr. Tang's voice was not still in his ears, he would have thought that Dr. Tang was going to do something excessive to him.

"Okay, do as I say, close your eyes, meditate, don't think about anything, don't do anything, and keep breathing evenly."

The sounds in his ears were vague, but Xu Nian felt inexplicably that his spirit was getting more and more excited, especially after the white mist in the air entered his lungs with his breathing, he felt inexplicably refreshed. , the whole person has a feeling of "out of body".

Meanwhile, in another closed room.

Some researchers were manipulating various instruments and inputting various parameters with serious faces. There was a red rattle in the glass cabinet connected to these instruments.

"The spiritual catalyst has reached the maximum value, stop input immediately."

"The target has no mental power fluctuations, and the amplitude is zero."

"The obsession weapon has no mental power fluctuations, and the amplitude is zero."

As the data displayed on each instrument were all zero, all the researchers looked at Xu Nian with his eyes closed and meditating on the screen in disbelief. It seemed that the data results in front of them completely exceeded their expectations.

"How is this possible? We have all seen his battle videos, there is no way his mental power is not fluctuating!"

"It's really weird. Even an ordinary person will have mental fluctuations. How can he be Zero? He can't be just a physical body now, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could he still be alive without mental fluctuations? In my opinion, his mental power may not have been completely integrated with the obsessional weapon."

"That shouldn't be the case! The spiritual catalyst was added to the maximum dose just now, but this rattle didn't react at all!?"

The room soon began to be filled with noisy discussions among researchers, each of whom looked puzzled as to which link had gone wrong.

At this moment, a crisp knocking sound on the table sounded in the room.

All sounds stopped suddenly.

The researchers subconsciously stopped talking and looked at the girl sitting upright in front of a table with reverence.

The girl was wearing a black and blood Gothic Lolita dress, with a golden half-face mask on her face, and two braids on her head hanging down on her shoulders as white as cream.

Although he was just sitting casually, he exuded an indescribable noble temperament.


All researchers bowed respectfully.

"You have all seen the previous videos. He is a rare dual-obsession pioneer. He has two obsession weapons, one is this red rattle, and the other is a red lantern. So, here is the question. Where did the lantern go?"

The girl who was called the eldest lady slightly scanned the people present with her calm eyes. Everyone was shocked and speechless.

"You must have some understanding of what the Pioneer Sequence means. Each of the nine old stone tablets is unpredictable. Whether it is the Sequence Seven Soul Seducer last time or the Sequence Nine Detective this time, their appearance You must understand what it represents, what it foreshadows, and what impact it has.”

The eldest lady's voice was very calm, but they who were familiar with the eldest lady's way of speaking understood that the eldest lady was serious.

An older man with white hair hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Miss, the current situation is very strange. According to Xu Nian's self-report and video analysis, we initially believed that he had severe schizophrenia symptoms. The problem is, so we hope to use spiritual catalysts to stimulate his mental fluctuations, so as to detect his mental power attributes and upper limit, but "

"But now it comes to a result that you can't understand, right?"

The eldest lady's eyes narrowed slightly and she said calmly.

The white-haired old man smiled bitterly: "Yes, we really don't understand it now. It can even be said that his situation is completely inconsistent with the theories we have summarized over the years."

"Then have you ever thought about another possibility?"

The eldest lady pondered for a moment and suddenly made a point.

The white-haired old man was stunned for a moment, then said in surprise: "You mean?"

"That's right." The eldest lady's tone became serious. "If he is really not sick, what he said is true. He actually has no ability. His ability does come from his wife and son. His wife and son do live in the obsession weapon. Have you ever thought about this possibility?"

"This, this, this."

The eldest lady's words seemed to be beyond the cognition of the white-haired old man. Even he, a leading figure in the human spiritual field, was dumbfounded and speechless at this moment.

How should he understand this?

A pioneer of the obsession system actually has no ability?

His ability actually comes from other spiritual bodies living in the obsession weapon?

And there is more than one spiritual body?

Or is it the other party's wife and child?

After thinking about it, he still felt that this idea was too absurd and ignorant, but considering that it was the eldest lady who said it, he had to say tactfully: "Miss, I have read his information. He grew up in the Angel Orphanage. When he grew up, he used the money left to him by the orphanage director's will to open a detective agency. Not to mention his wife and children, he actually has few friends. What do you think?"

He did not continue with the rest of the words, but he believed that the eldest lady understood what he meant.

The eldest lady said lightly: "I was just talking casually. Since this idea is impossible, it can only be attributed to the mystery of the Pioneer Sequence. So, you return his obsession weapon and don't let him find it. You don't have to worry about his affairs in the future. Tang Yin is in charge. You should do your best to crack the old stone tablet as before."

The white-haired old man was shocked and bowed slightly and said: "Yes, eldest lady."

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