Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 37 Capability Development Plan

Zuo Qiuyue sat on a chair nearby and rubbed his swollen head: "Not at all. In fact, a long time ago, everyone could understand whether you meant soul, spirit, or spiritual body. It means the same thing, including spiritual power or soul power. This is just a different name, but "


"Well, to be precise, since Sister Tang's twin sister Tang Le took her daughter to commit suicide by taking medicine, Sister Tang has been unable to hear the words soul or spirit. Anyone who says it will make Sister Tang go crazy."

As she spoke, she seemed to think of something terrible and shuddered: "It is said that a member of the action team who came back from a mission at that time mentioned this taboo in front of Sister Tang because he didn't know it yet. As a result, Sister Tang paralyzed him in bed for two full months on the pretext of checking his body. During these two months, the member of the action team had to take blood and test it with a knife almost every day. As the name suggests, it is for the research and development of pioneer abilities.”

Xu Nian's eyes straightened and he also shuddered: "Did you just say that you used a knife to take blood?"

"Yes, it's a scalpel." A trace of panic flashed in Zuo Qiuyue's eyes, "I forgot to tell you that Sister Tang is not only one of the best researchers in the hospital, but also a doctor who can perform craniotomy. "

Xu Nian took a breath of air and said, "Then am I not dead?"

"Yes!" Zuo Qiuyue looked at the dumbfounded Xu Nian with pity, "Everyone in the courtyard was afraid of offending Sister Tang, so the word soul was almost deliberately forgotten. It's better for you, although you didn't mention these two words. It’s just a word, but it actually directly asks about Sister Tang’s pain points.”

"Speak for yourself, are you looking for death?"

Xu Nian suddenly wanted to cry without tears.

Zuo Qiuyue patted his shoulder and said sympathetically: "I don't know what my sister will do, so please be careful."

With that said, she turned around and walked away, waving her head and saying: "In these three days, you will study hard in this courtyard and learn what Sister Tang taught you. I will come find you before starting the mission."

"By the way, your residence is in Building 9, 616, and your ID is the key card."


Before he finished speaking, Xu Nian swallowed it back and shook his head with a wry smile.

He was not a fool, so he could naturally tell that Zuo Qiuyue was deliberately avoiding him, which showed how much trouble he had caused this time.

"Damn it, at worst I won't be able to come out for three days."

Xu Nian stood there uncertainly for a while, then gritted his teeth and walked directly towards Building No. 9.

Along the way, Xu Nian deliberately avoided those potentially scary mental patients in order to avoid trouble. He arrived at Building No. 9 in almost a short time.

Perhaps because he was a stranger, the guard stopped him when he entered the dormitory building, but as he took out his ID, the guard just glanced at the cover and let him go without hesitation.

Xu Nian didn't know how the other party determined the authenticity of the document, but the other party's decision to let him go without hesitation still made him think highly of the document in his hand.

Maybe there are some unexpected ways in the certificate?

Xu Nian thought like this.

Soon, Xu Nian went up to the sixth floor through the elevator and entered his room.

Unexpectedly, my room is very big. Although it only has one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom, the area is not small.

Especially the living room, which is the size of a basketball court, contains various fitness equipment and a refrigerator with white glass bottles.

There is a nozzle on the bottle, and it seems that something can spray out as long as you press it, but the bottle is not transparent glass, so Xu Nian doesn't know what is inside.

"It's so big!"

Xu Nian looked at the room in front of him, and for some reason he had the idea of ​​moving here.

But the next moment, he thought of those nervous mental patients in the square, and he couldn't help but shudder, and immediately killed this terrible idea in the cradle.

Then, he turned off the light, and after confirming that there was indeed no surveillance in the room, he began to take out a white glass bottle from the refrigerator.

There were instructions written on the bottle. He looked at it carefully for a while and said in surprise: "Is this a spiritual catalyst?"

He finally understood what was in the bottle in the refrigerator, but because of this, he was even more confused and didn't understand why there were so many spiritual catalysts in the room.

"Is it possible that this is a necessity for capability development?"

Suddenly, Xu Nian thought of a possibility, and hurriedly took out the ability development plan tailor-made for him by Tang Yin and read it carefully.

This capability development plan has more than thirty pages. When he was in the office, Xu Nian just glanced at it twice without reading it in detail. Now he read it carefully. It took him two hours to read it completely.

"It turns out that the so-called ability development is to use spiritual catalysts to continuously stimulate one's own spiritual body, thereby opening the lock of one's own spirit and releasing more powerful spiritual power."

Xu Nian didn't know if everyone developed their abilities in this way, but after reading the plan, he had to admit that Tang Yin's plan was very high-level and was explained in plain language that he could understand. .

For example, Tang Yin clearly introduced the so-called spiritual locks in the plan. Compared with the five locks identified by the institute, she believed that there are nine invisible locks in the human spiritual body that cannot be detected by current technology. .

Each time one of these locks is unlocked, the spiritual power that originally belongs to human beings will be released. Until all nine locks are unlocked, the true form of human beings will be revealed, not the five paths mentioned by the institute.

Moreover, she believes that the so-called path of human evolution is more appropriately described as the path to escape from prison.

As for the intensity division of mental power fluctuations, she believes that if the mental power fluctuation of ordinary people is 1, then the fluctuation intensity of the pioneer who unlocks the first lock is one hundred; the second one is five hundred; and the third one is one. Thousands; the fourth path is five thousand, and the fifth path is the limit that humans have reached so far, which is the level of the goddess of glory, one hundred thousand.

This is something that the Goddess of Glory has personally tested and acknowledged, and it is also the top secret of mankind.

As for the latter, since there is currently no observed object, she cannot define it for the time being.

But what is certain is that it must be an astronomical number far exceeding one hundred thousand.

Finally, there are some detailed introductions about the obsession system, the use of spiritual catalysts, and how to unlock the spiritual lock that Xu Nian attaches most importance to.

Among them, in terms of how to unlock the spiritual lock, Tang Yin first listed the common practices of ordinary pioneers, and then told Xu Nian not to do this, but to follow the new experimental and tailor-made method she gave him. Do.

In other words, he is now a living guinea pig, whose purpose is to verify Dr. Tang's new way of unlocking the spiritual lock.

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