Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 44 The mission begins

The three days of preparation passed quickly.

Just as the handsome man from the Inspection Department said, although Xu Nian is currently under serious suspicion, because of the urgent task directly assigned by the eldest lady, he is still asked to put the task first, and wait until he comes back to continue with the Inspection Department. investigation.

Xu Nian actually wanted to talk to Xiaozhu in person, but was rejected by the ward department on the grounds that "Xiaozhu couldn't see people because she was frightened."

In desperation, he could only leave this mysterious Sunset Mental Hospital with multiple complex emotions such as depression, anger, and speechlessness.

It was still Zuo Qiuyue who drove him off in the jeep, but this time there was an extra burden, Su Ruo, who looked weak.

Xu Nian still doesn't understand why Tang Yin wants a weak woman like Su Ruo to follow him. Although it is obvious that anyone can see the meaning of surveillance, this mission is to go to a dangerous swamp of corruption, and he cannot guarantee that he can protect her. Win the other party.

However, it has nothing to do with him anyway. The other party is not afraid of death, so what is he afraid of?

With this thought, Xu Nian stopped thinking so much and fell asleep directly in the car.

He was very tired these past few days. Either he was being monitored and had a restless sleep, or he was being investigated in the interrogation room. Anyway, he had not slept peacefully, but his son seemed to like that spiritual catalyst very much. This time When he came out, he made a lot of money easily.

Su Ruo, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked back at Xu Nian, who was sleeping with his backpack tightly in his arms. He couldn't help but said to Zuo Qiuyue who was driving: "Sister Qiu Yue, what is he carrying? It's like a treasure."

Zuo Qiuyue rolled her eyes and said angrily: "What could it be? Spiritual Catalyst Bai."

Su Ruo suddenly understood and said speechlessly: "Have you used it so much? And I heard that this thing cannot be used continuously. Every time it is used, it must rest for a few days, otherwise the pioneer's mental body will be at risk of distortion."

"Who says it's not the case?" Zuo Qiuyue shook her head and said with some pity: "Maybe he is afraid of poverty! After all, a man who can jump for joy with more than 10,000 yuan is really pitiful."

"Alas" Su Ruo glanced at Xu Nian sympathetically and said nothing more.

The entire journey was silent.

Zuo Qiuyue had been driving the car seriously, while Su Ruo was playing with her camera and looking at the photos she had taken.

Time passes quickly.

When Xu Nian woke up, the car had stopped at an army post. The post was surrounded by a power grid covered with high-voltage wires. Looking inside, gray poisonous mist was floating in the air, almost covering the entire green swamp. In the midst of darkness.

Perhaps it was because the outpost was located some distance away from the Holy Sword Wall, so after Xu Nian got off the car, he could only see the golden outline of the city wall from a distance.

As for the golden earth, stones, etc., they are completely invisible within this power grid, as if the sacred power cannot stop the evil force destroying this corrupt swamp.

"Xu Nian, this corrupt swamp is one of the restricted areas. It is a special area that cannot be driven away by the sacred power on the wall of the Holy Sword. You must be careful after entering."

After Zuo Qiuyue showed his black leather ID to the soldiers stationed at the post, he directly gained temporary control of the post. The post was staffed by a full squad of six fully armed soldiers plus a heavy machine gun, Three anti-tank rocket launchers, etc., are all handled by her.

Xu Nian looked at this "powerful" force. While he was excited, he also asked doubtfully: "Aren't you going in?"

Zuo Qiuyue handed him a miniature metal earphone and head-mounted camera, and chuckled: "Not just me, Su Ruo won't go in either."

Xu Nian was dumbfounded and couldn't help but said: "Then what are you here for?"

Zuo Qiuyue replied naturally: "Of course I am assisting you. This is special equipment made in the courtyard. The signal will not be interrupted in this corrupt swamp. I will use the earphones to give you various information at any time based on everything seen by the camera." Intelligence and processing methods.”

Xu Nian's mouth twitched and he looked at Su Ruo.

Su Ruo lowered his head in embarrassment and said weakly: "I'm just here to record and write a paper."

Xu Nian: "."

Sighing, he looked at the soldiers standing in a row behind the two of them, and said hopefully: "What about them? They can always go in with me, right?"

He was really greedy when he thought about the heavy machine gun and the three barrels.

"No." Zuo Qiuyue replied decisively: "You are a lone warrior and can only act alone."

Xu Nian's eyes went straight, and it took him a long time before he smiled bitterly and said, "Well, I know that such a high salary is not so easy to get."

"That's natural." Zuo Qiuyue smiled slightly, "You know, risks and benefits are directly proportional."

"...I can always bring the equipment, right?"

Xu Nian gave up the idea of ​​bringing helpers in, and instead thought of those hot weapons.

"Yes, yes, but..." Zuo Qiuyue hesitated, shook his head and said, "Forget it, you won't believe it if I tell you now, just take it, take whatever you want."

As she said that, she pointed to the weapons depot next to the outpost and said nonchalantly: "There are all the light and heavy weapons you want in there. If you want to take it, just take it."

Xu Nian frowned. He didn't understand what Zuo Qiuyue was talking about, but when he thought about the terrible monsters or dangers in this corrupt swamp, it was always a good idea to prepare some hot weapons, so he curled his lips and went alone. Entered the outpost.

Pushing open the door of the weapons depot, the room is not big, only about fifty or sixty square meters. In addition to various types of guns, there are also grenades, ammunition, rocket launchers, machine guns, and even various types of landmines.

Xu Nian was overjoyed and looked at this and that. Finally, with a reluctant expression, he chose a set of bulletproof jackets and put them on, two pistols, a submachine gun, and a backpack of grenades and mines.

In fact, he really wanted to get a sniper rifle and a rocket launcher, but since he didn't know how to use a gun and the rocket launcher was too heavy, he had no choice but to give up and chose a submachine gun that didn't require much aiming.

Although he had never fired a real gun, he had played shooting games after all, and felt that holding a submachine gun should be fine as long as he could press the gun properly.

As for the pistol, it was small and convenient, so he took it with him.

Finally, there were two cold weapons, the dagger and the engineer shovel. Originally, he didn't want to bring either of them, but considering the special circumstances, he chose the engineer shovel, a cold weapon with more diverse functions.

In this way, after almost an hour of picking, Xu Nian finally walked out of the weapons arsenal fully armed.

Zuo Qiuyue and Su Ruo looked at Xu Nian, who was fully armed and carrying a large bag and a small bag, and their mouths opened wide in shock.

Xu Nian didn't think anything of it. Instead, he patted the grenade in the package on his chest proudly and said with high spirits: "Okay, two beauties, I'm ready to go."

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