Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 47 Corrupting the Vicious Dog

Zuo Qiuyue on the other side of the headset naturally heard Xu Nian talking to himself as if he was having a seizure. She was even more anxious, but she couldn't say anything to irritate Xu Nian, so she could only say tactfully: "Xu Nian, this corrupt swamp is full of corruption in the front yard. I have investigated it several times, but I have never been there again. No one can tell what changes and dangers there may be. It is best for you to retain your strength and use it if you can."

Although she has never dealt with patients with severe delusions or schizophrenia before, she also knows that one cannot easily deny the cognition of a mentally ill patient, otherwise it will cause irreparable serious consequences to the patient's mental state.

Especially for a pioneer like Xu Nian, who was valued very much in the hospital, she did not dare to be careless and carefully considered every word she said.

Xu Nian was not a fool. He heard the worry in Zuo Qiuyue's tone and comforted him: "Don't worry, I will try to let my son use his abilities as little as possible."

Ever since his son told him that spiritual catalysts were useful in restoring his son's abilities, he had no regard for shame and packed a whole backpack with him.

At first, he was worried about whether there would be any side effects from the frequent use of this mental catalyst. After all, he also knew the common sense that medicine is three parts poisonous. However, his son said that he didn't feel any discomfort at all, so he had to comfort himself that maybe The son is an exception.

But now that he heard Zuo Qiuyue's anxious warning, he felt a little uneasy after all, and decided to use it as little as possible, at least to avoid continuous use.

".Okay, as long as you know what's going on."

Zuo Qiuyue on the other side of the headset almost couldn't help but say that it's not your son's ability, it's yours, but her reason still made her shut her mouth.

At this time, Xu Nian was holding a submachine gun and carefully walked into the entrance of the thorn forest. Just like what he saw outside, except for some towering trees, there were very sharp thorn trees, which almost blocked a large area of ​​advancement.

Moreover, maybe these trees have the effect of absorbing poisonous mist. In short, there is no trace of poisonous mist in this thorn forest.

"Xu Nian, the records here are different from those in the courtyard. Please be careful."

Xu Nian nodded, looking at the thorn trees in front of him that had obviously been shoveled away and the empty path, his eyes became serious: "Someone has definitely come in here, and there is more than one person."

"It doesn't have to be a human being."

Xu Nian was stunned, thinking of the living corpse he encountered in the underground church before, and his heart sank: "It seems that the information in the courtyard is correct. That Father Derrett has probably been here."

"Well, be careful."

There was no more Zuo Qiuyue's voice in the headphones.

Xu Nian knew that the other party was afraid of disturbing his concentration, so he gave his son a hint and started to walk along the path.

He has seen a lot of people in the world, but now after entering the thorn forest, he still feels dumbfounded.

too big!

At least, he could only see big trees like the ones around him in movies, which were probably eight or nine stories high. Not to mention the trunks of the big trees, they were thick enough for a group of people to dance around the bonfire. The branches are bifurcated and are much thicker than the trunk of a normal tree.

At a glance, he seemed to have walked into the primeval forest where giants lived. His small body was not even as tall as the sharp thorn trees.

But this wasn't what shocked Xu Nian the most. What really made him nervous was how quiet it was here.

Apart from his slightly rapid breathing, he couldn't even hear the sound of branches shaking.

So quiet!

Unusually quiet.

Suddenly, Xu Nian accidentally stepped on a short branch, and an unusually harsh sound came from the empty thorn forest.

His heart almost reached his throat, and his heart began to beat faster.

"Xu Nian, be careful, the field detector has reacted, it's a distortion monster."

"Damn it, what's going on? How come there are aberrant monsters appearing in the Corruption Swamp?"

At this time, Zuo Qiuyue's urgent and deliberately suppressed exclamation sounded in the earphones.

Xu Nian was distracted and recalled in his mind the function introduction of some special equipment that Zuo Qiuyue gave him before coming in.

Field detector is a detection device specially designed for distorted monsters that are affected by mysterious energy and have their spirits distorted.

The principle is also very simple, that is, each deformed monster has its own special mental field. The greater the fluctuation value of this mental field, the greater the danger.

"Field response value is 536, heading northwest, confirmed to be a D-class aberration monster."

"Be careful. Thermal weapons are ineffective against deformed monsters. They are all pure spiritual bodies, and their bodies are just similar to our clothes."

Zuo Qiuyue's voice in the headphones was obviously much more relaxed, but still a little cautious.

After all, this was the first time Xu Nian encountered a real aberration monster, and it was in a forbidden area like the Corrupt Swamp. Even though it was only a D-level aberration monster, she still thought it was better to be careful.

At this time, the son on Xu Nian's shoulder also looked to the northwest and said slightly excitedly: "Dad, there is a monster running over there."


Xu Nian's submachine gun was pointed northwest and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The red flames of the submachine gun instantly swept away the thorn trees in the northwest into debris.

Although Zuo Qiuyue said that thermal weapons are useless, they can at least interfere with the actions of this unknown aberration monster. Therefore, it is always right to blindly shoot before finding the opponent's position.

The fact was exactly what he thought. After emptying the bullet clip of the submachine gun, a huge shadow appeared ten meters northwest.

Then, the shadow bypassed the huge trees, stepped over the thorn wood fragments on the ground, and appeared in front of Xu Nian.

This was a black monster with the head of a human and the body of a dog. It had tentacles on its limbs and back that were exactly like those of a living corpse. Its eyes were as red as copper bells, and its mouth was dripping with saliva. It looked extremely disgusting.

The most important thing is that this human-headed dog is five or six times larger than those giant Samoyeds. At such a long distance, Xu Niandu felt a strong sense of oppression.

Looking at the son on his shoulder, his expression has not changed much. He is just looking at the monster in front of him curiously. The whites of his eyes have faded away without knowing when, leaving only the dark eyeballs like abyss.

"Xu Nian, this is a corrupt and evil dog. It is usually formed by some dog owners who merged with their pet's body after their mental distortion."

"It is very fast, and its exposed fangs contain corpse venom. If a normal person is bitten, he will be transformed into a living corpse in an instant. You are lucky that he did not meet anyone else before meeting you, otherwise you would It’s not the only one we’re facing now.”

"Listen, to deal with such a fast deformed monster, you only need to break its limbs, make it incapacitated for a short moment, and then use mental power to directly destroy the deformed mental body in the body."

"Remember, the speed must be fast, otherwise you will have some trouble solving it when its distorted mental body breaks away from the physical body."

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