Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 75 Finally meeting the eldest lady

Ever since Xu Nian was recruited into the Sunset Mental Hospital by Zuo Qiuyue, he has only heard of the eldest lady by name but never seen her in person. She is the sword holder of Rongcheng and the strongest person in the Sunset Mental Hospital. In short, the reputation must be as loud as possible.

Of course, he was very curious and wanted to see what this mysterious young lady looked like. After entering the building, even though he was already very tough, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous at this moment.

However, from the outside, he looked calm and collected.

Building No. 1 only has two floors, so there are not many people working there. After randomly grabbing a person and asking where the eldest lady was, the other person told him the second floor with a strange look in his eyes.

He didn't know why the other party had such a weird expression, but he felt even more nervous.

However, now that he was here, he had nothing to be afraid of. He quickly took the stairs to the second floor and saw the only office.

That’s right!

There is just one office.

It was completely different from what he thought.

Apart from the smooth and transparent marble walls, there is only one closed metal door on the entire second floor. There is no house number next to the metal door. I guess there should be no one else here except the mysterious eldest lady. .

So, he took a deep breath and knocked gently on the door.

"Come in!"

An old voice came from inside.

Xu Nian was startled and wondered why he was an old man, but he still pushed the door slightly and walked in.

What comes into view is a huge area like a laboratory, full of tall instruments and equipment and researchers wearing white coats working.

After looking around, his eyes fell on an old man wearing glasses in the center.

The old man had white hair and a stooped body, but his sharp eyes told Xu Nian that the other party had more energy than he thought.

Seemingly knowing why Xu Nian came in, the old man glanced at Xu Nian and pointed to a door at the far end: "Go in, the eldest lady is waiting for you inside."

Xu Nian thought for a moment, nodded silently, and then looked at the laboratory in front of him while walking towards the door the old man mentioned.

When passing by the old man, the old man looked at a document in his hand and said calmly: "Are you Xu Nian?"

Xu Nian paused and said with a little respect: "Old man, I am Xu Nian."

"Well, my surname is Xu. You can just call me Mr. Xu." The old man glanced at him and said calmly: "How is Xiaoyin doing lately?"

Xu Nian was stunned for a moment, then realized that the person he was talking about might be Dr. Tang Yin, and replied: "Mr. Xu, Dr. Tang is very good. He even made a special capability development plan for me."

"Haha, she is using you as a guinea pig!"

Mr. Xu chuckled, his eyes fell back on the document in his hand, and he waved his hand: "Go ahead!"

Xu Nian nodded awkwardly. Although he was very curious about the relationship between Mr. Xu and Dr. Tang Yin, business was more important, so he didn't say anything more, but quickly came to the door at the end of the room.

The door is different from the metal door just now. It is a reddish-brown wooden door. The wooden door is carved with very mysterious patterns, and it looks like some European-style buildings in the Middle Ages.

He knocked again.

"come in!"

A girl's voice without any emotion could be heard inside.

That’s right!

It’s a girl’s voice!

Xu Nian's heart moved, and he opened the door again and walked in.

The wooden door closed on its own after Xu Nian let go of his hand.

What appeared in front of him was a room that looked like an ancient European royal princess, with various exquisite European furniture, desks, bronze mirrors, etc. For a moment, he thought he had traveled through time and space and returned to ancient Europe.

"sit down!"

Xu Nian's dazed mind suddenly woke up, and his eyes fell on a girl wearing a gold half-face mask and a black and blood Gothic Lolita dress in front of the desk.

The girl was sitting on a wooden chair with a backrest, arms folded, and looking at him with calm eyes.

"Are you the eldest lady!?"

Xu Nian's eyes flashed with shock.

Although he had already guessed that someone who could be called Miss Eldest must be young and very elegant, he never imagined that she would look like this.

If he hadn't known that the other party was the eldest lady, he would have thought that the other party was a descendant of some European royal family.

So classy!

She is no different from the noble princess in the novel.

Although he was just sitting casually with his arms folded, Xu Nian felt a strong and inviolable noble temperament. Even after just one glance, he instinctively wanted to lower his head and did not dare to raise his head to look at her. Feel.

"How is this going!?"

Xu Nian was shocked and hurriedly activated the spiritual power in his body. As the spiritual power traveled throughout his body, his body surface emitted a faint black light.

The ridiculous feeling of wanting to worship him also disappeared.

"Haha, that's interesting."

The eldest lady seemed to have noticed it. She chuckled and pointed to the chair in front of the desk again: "Sit down!"

Xu Nian was shocked, but instead of sitting down obediently, he walked over directly and put his hands on the desk.

"Miss, let's get straight to the point!"

He took a deep breath and stared at the eyes under the other person's mask.

The eldest lady chuckled and said, "It seems you have guessed it."

"What else?" Xu Nian snorted, "I just finished the test and was rated as a very valuable sequencer by you. You let me go to such a dangerous corrupt swamp alone. Do you think this is scientific?"

The eldest lady blinked her eyes: "Maybe I think highly of you?"

"That's impossible to send only me." Xu Nian snorted, "I now have some understanding of the preciousness of the pioneers. How could you take such a big risk to let me go alone when I have a serial number?"

"Haha, you are really smart." The eldest lady smiled slightly, "Yes, you are not the only one going to the Corruption Swamp. For safety reasons, I asked the Hidden Shadow to protect you secretly."

"Hidden Shadow?"

"Yes, like you, the lone hero with a serial number is also one of the four sequencers in our hospital, including you."


Xu Nian's pupils shrank, and the executioner mentioned by the Soul Catcher and Zuo Qiuyue flashed through his mind. He stammered, "Only four?"

"Of course not only four." The eldest lady said lightly, "It's just that the others are distributed in the main hospital and other branches."

"So that's it." Xu Nian suddenly realized.

"Okay, let's talk about your gains from this mission first, focusing on what happened after you entered the underground cave in the swamp."

At this time, the eldest lady leaned forward, crossed her hands on the desk to support her chin, and looked at Xu Nian with a smile.

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