Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 83 7·25 Murder Case

【7·25 Murder Case】

Name of deceased: Qiu Yeye

Gender: Female

Age: 24 years old

Time of incident: July 25, 2051, 23:10

Time of death: 23:11

Location of crime: Ward 414, fourth floor, Building 3, patient area

Summary of the case: The client, Qiu Yeye, was a nurse in charge of patient Xiaozhu in Ward 414 on the fourth floor. During the ward inspection at 23:10 in the middle of the night, the suspect Xu Nian broke in privately and cut off Qiu Yeye with a fruit knife in the ward. The head was taken to the south corner of the square garden in an unknown manner. The whereabouts of the head are currently unknown.

Case evidence: complete video surveillance, fruit knife with fingerprints of Xu Nian, Qiu Yeye and the patient Xiaozhu.

"Xu Nian, do you have any objections to this case summary?"

In the closed interrogation room, Feng Bujue looked at Xu Nian, who put down the documents across the table and looked thoughtful, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

Xu Nian's eyes flashed and he said softly: "First, the complete video surveillance is not appropriate. The surveillance you have seen so far does not include those in the ward. In other words, you do not have direct evidence that I personally killed someone. You It can only prove that I happened to be there at the moment Qiu Yeye died."


"Second, there are fingerprints of three people including me on the fruit knife. You can just exclude Qiu Yeye, but why just exclude the patient Xiaozhu? Is it because she is a child who looks at humans and animals harmlessly?"

"Any more?"


Xu Nian took a deep breath and looked at Feng Bujue whose expression remained unchanged. "Thirdly, except for the information about the deceased, this so-called case summary is all extremely subjective plot fantasy and cannot be regarded as rigorous and comprehensive at all." I think the person who made this case review is too amateurish.”

"Haha." Feng Bujue smiled, with a strange expression on his face: "Are you mocking my unprofessional work?"

Xu Nian pretended to be surprised and said: "How is that possible!? How can a big shot like Vice Minister Feng write such rubbish that even a three-year-old child wouldn't even bother to look at?"

Feng Bujue tilted his head slightly, leaned his whole body back on the chair, and said with a faint smile: "Xu Nian, we Mingren don't talk secretly. You have already met the eldest lady, so you should know very well. For a pioneer with a serial number like you, even if you admit it, we will turn a blind eye this time and give you a chance to change your ways. "

Xu Nian chuckled lightly, his eyes unchanged: "What Deputy Minister Feng said is wrong. If it is something that I, Xu Nian, have done, no matter whether it is wrong or not, I will admit it, but I will never admit anything that I have not done." I won’t let anyone put it on my head for no reason.”

Feng Bujue didn't speak. He just tapped the table with his fingers and looked at Xu Nian with squinted eyes. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Xu Nian looked back without fear, but his brain was spinning rapidly, fully considering the possible loopholes in this case.

But unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, he found that he couldn't explain it at all.

He had confirmed before that the people in the monitoring room all had the same red flower mark on their wrists as his, but no one could see the mark except him. This made him want to prove that there was something wrong with Xiaozhu, but he couldn't do it at all. .

In this case, he was the only one on the surveillance video who appeared at the place where Qiu Yeye died at such a coincidental time. To be honest, if he was from the Supervision Department, he would also identify himself as the biggest suspect.

After all, in the minute when Qiu Yeye died, there was no third person except himself and Xiaozhu.

"Xu Nian, do you have to be like this? You know, if you act like this, we won't be able to quickly close the case and report it. We can only continue to investigate seriously. By then, even the main hospital may intervene. Are you sure you want to take care of the matter? It has to be so big?”

Feng Bujue stopped tapping his fingers on the table, and his kind expression slowly faded away.

Xu Nian was unmoved and said calmly: "As I said just now, no one can throw dirty water on me for something I haven't done."


Feng Bujue seemed to see what Xu Nian was thinking. He closed the transcript folder in his hand and said expressionlessly: "You can leave."

Xu Nian frowned: "Won't you lock me up?"

Feng Bujue said calmly: "You are a new sequencer, and sequencers are very special in the hospital. There is insufficient evidence in the case now, and with your special status, we cannot directly take special measures against you, so, In the coming days, we will launch formal procedures to investigate the case, and once we complete the evidence chain, we can only report the matter to the General Hospital in accordance with the procedures. Only God knows how the General Hospital will deal with you at that time. ”

As he spoke, he paused and added: "Xu Nian, it's still too late for you to regret it!"

Xu Nian looked back at him with a smile, indicating his attitude.

Feng Bujue nodded noncommittally and said nothing more.

When Xu Nian saw that the other party had issued an order to expel guests, he naturally did not want to waste time here. After taking a sip of tea on the table and sighing "good tea", he left the interrogation room.

After a while, a gap suddenly opened in the wall opposite the table, and a hidden wall door was slowly opened.

A little girl wearing a patient's uniform walked out.

It was the little bead that Xu Nian couldn't forget.

After seeing Xiao Zhu, Feng Bujue sat up straight and said with a strange look on his face: "You have heard that he refused."

"Haha." Xiaozhu smiled harmlessly, "Isn't this normal? He didn't kill the person, so of course he won't admit it."

"But in this case, how can I force him to fulfill your wish?" Feng Bujue frowned in disappointment, "He is a Sequencer. You know, I can't use force on him."

"I don't know, don't worry. I've been waiting for so many years. Is there still a little time left?" Xiaozhu walked to the chair where Xu Nian was sitting just now and sat down. He picked up the teacup that Xu Nian drank from with a strange look in his eyes, "Moreover, Didn’t the people in the ministry confirm through lip-syncing that he agreed to trade with Yu Man? Haha, with Yu Man, an interesting guy here, are you still worried that he won’t make a mistake? "

Feng Bujue shook his head: "You misunderstood, I'm not worried about this, I'm worried about the eldest lady."

Xiaozhu held the teacup's hand for a moment and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the eldest lady and I have met, and she hasn't told him about the old slate yet."

"Oh?" Feng Bujue's eyes lit up, "Doesn't that mean Xu Nian is still in the inspection period?"

"Yes." The smile at the corner of Xiaozhu's mouth became more and more weird. He picked up the teacup and took a sip at the place where Xu Nian had drank. A faint excitement appeared in his eyes, "Sequence Nine, Detective, the advanced stage of exploring the truth. Lu, tsk tsk, I’m really looking forward to this kid passing the real test and unlocking his old power.”

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