Disaster Is Coming: Sequence Detective

Chapter 85 A woman of considerable background

Xu Nian's eyes took a second look at the woman's cheongsam. It was the same style as Bai Fei's cheongsam, except that Bai Fei was wearing pink at the time, while the woman in front of him was wearing lavender, which was missing. It is pure and more solemn.

"I remember Bai Fei said at the time that the person who gave her the cheongsam was a tailor who specialized in making clothes for dignitaries. Could it be that the cheongsam this woman is wearing came from that person?"

"If that's the case, then this woman must have a lot of background!"

Xu Nian thought quickly, put the lunch box aside, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and showed a professional smile on his face.

The middle-aged woman has a touch of nobility in her appearance and demeanor, and her skin is delicate, which shows that she takes good care of herself. Although the other party acted calmly, Xu Nian was still keenly aware of the fatigue and pain in her eyes.

This is a woman with a story.

Xu Nian had an idea in his mind.

"Hello, are you Mr. Xu Nian?"

At this time, the middle-aged woman came over and said softly. Her originally gentle voice was very hoarse at the moment, as if the other party had been crying for a long time before coming.

Xu Nian asked in surprise: "Do you know me?"

The middle-aged woman breathed a sigh of relief, sat down on the chair in front of Xu Nian's desk, closed her legs and said, "Mr. Xu Nian, I am Song Fangqin, Wang Fei's friend. She recommended me to come here to find you."

Song Fangqin?

Xu Nian's mind was shaken, and a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

If he remembered correctly, the name of Zhao Qiang's wife in Yu Man's mouth seemed to be Song Fangqin.

Then Wang Fei in her mouth.

The word "Sister Wang" came to his mind, and he seemed to understand something. He smiled and said, "I know, Wang Fei has already told me about your situation. Madam, what do you need me to do?"

As he spoke, he made a cup of tea for Song Fangqin.

Song Fangqin had no intention of drinking tea at all. The calm disguise on her face faded away, leaving only sadness and exhaustion: "Mr. Xu Nian, since Wang Fei has told you, I will beat around the bush. My husband is dead. I’m very sad. My husband’s face appears in my head every day. I can’t sleep or eat. I really can’t live anymore.”

Xu Nian watched the other person say this in a smooth tone. Although the other person's expression was full of pain, he felt that it was inexplicably inconsistent.

Is this something that a person who is in pain and wants to die can say so smoothly?

He thought for a while and pushed the tea cup in the direction of Song Fangqin: "Madam, take a sip of tea first. There is no rush in this matter."

Song Fangqin was stunned and looked at the tea cup hesitantly, but she still picked it up and took a sip. However, she was shocked and asked in surprise: "What kind of tea is this?"

"The Awakening Tea is called Spring Breath." Xu Nian smiled slightly: "My wife's exclusive secret recipe. The first time I drank it, I felt very clearly."

Song Fangqin nodded in agreement, couldn't help but take another sip, and praised: "It is indeed good tea."

With that said, she put down her tea cup and looked at Xu Nian, her expression obviously cheered up.


"You're welcome."

Xu Nian pondered for a moment and said seriously: "Madam, I don't know much about the relationship between you and your husband, but since you are so sad, you must have a very deep relationship. I..."

"No, you misunderstood."

Song Fangqin interrupted Xu Nian's words, shook her head and said: "In fact, he and I have separated from each other a long time ago, and our feelings have long ceased to exist."


Xu Nian looked at the other party in shock.

What's going on?

Since I no longer have any feelings, why am I so sad that I even want to commit suicide?

"Mr. Xu Nian, you don't know something."

Song Fangqin hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said: "Before, that bastard Zhao Qiang would domestically abuse me whenever anything went wrong, so I suffered from severe depression. After he died, I thought I could be liberated, but no I know why images of him domestically assaulting me appear in my mind at night. I really can’t bear it.”

Xu Nian frowned: "Why don't you report such a matter to the Resident Quality Adjudication Committee? I think as long as you report it, your husband will never dare to be violent with you again."

Song Fangqin's eyes darkened and she sighed: "I don't want to, but as a child of the Song family, I can't discredit the family no matter what. It's always not good for things like this to spread, and"

As she spoke, she said with some shame: "Moreover, although the two of us were in separate beds at that time and no one interfered with the other, I was still the wife of a cadre of the Security Department. If I reported it..."

She did not continue to say the next words, but Xu Nian understood what she meant, touched his chin, and said thoughtfully: "I understand, that's why she wants to find a way to erase memories, thinking that this can help you, right? ?”

Song Fangqin was stunned for a moment, and then she realized what she was talking about. She knew that Xu Nian was talking about Wang Fei, so she nodded and said, "I know that Wang Fei is not an ordinary person. She did tell me about the method of erasing memories, but it's a pity. It failed, it was useless.”

"I was already desperate, but yesterday she called me and said that you were her good friend, very capable, and very likely to be able to help me. I came here early in the morning."

As she spoke, she seemed to have thought of something, and took out a bank card from her bag and put it on the table: "Mr. Xu Nian, here is a deposit of 10,000 yuan. As long as you can help me solve this problem, I will give you another 100,000 yuan afterwards." ”


Xu Nian couldn't help but take a breath of air.

He can be considered a somewhat wealthy person now, but he can throw out 100,000 to the other party without blinking an eye, but he still secretly admires the terror of these rich people.

Seeing that Xu Nian didn't say anything, Song Fangqin thought she didn't understand the rules and took less money, so she quickly said: "If you think it's not enough, sir, I will add another 100,000 and give it to you afterwards."

Xu Nian swallowed, and the three words "that's quite a lot" that he almost blurted out were swallowed hard.

He took a deep breath, slowly put the bank card in his pocket, and said seriously: "Madam, I have accepted this commission, but you have to wait a few minutes, I need to type out a contract."

"No, no need." Song Fangqin said quickly: "You are Wang Fei's friend, I can trust you, and"

After a pause, she said a little unnaturally: "Besides, for things like this, I don't really want there to be such a thing as a contract."

Xu Nian immediately understood what the other party meant and nodded: "Okay, madam, let's set a time. I'll go to where you live first."

Song Fangqin quickly asked: "How are you now?"

"." Xu Nian glanced at the half-eaten braised pork, secretly sighed a pity, and said with a smile: "Okay, let me get ready, Madam, please lead the way later."

"Okay!" Song Fangqin stood up happily: "Mr. Xu Nian, my car is parked outside at the street entrance. I will wait for you in the car."


Xu Nian smiled slightly and watched the other party's figure disappear from sight.

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