Disaster Shelter

Chapter 1096: You Dao Zhen Xian

In Beiyin Capital City, outside the palace, there is a tower with more than ten stories.

This tower is the tallest building in the capital. It is called the Star Gazing Tower, and it is the residence of the Chinese teacher You Dao Zhenxian.

At the top of the star-gazing tower, a man in a robes stood, and the breeze blew by him, and his clothes were hunting.

This man is a real immortal Youdao. At first glance, he was a middle-aged man. Upon closer inspection, he felt that his face was too immature, and then he felt that his eyes were extremely deep and distant, like an old man who saw through life.

With an excited expression on Youdao's face, he sighed while clapping his hands.

"There is nothing strange in the big world. I can't imagine that even civilians outside can eat meat all at once, and can live in high-rise buildings of tens of meters..."

Qiao Feiya sat aside, looking at this person's emotion, with a helpless expression on her face.

After she descended into this world, she was taken into this high tower by this man.

Although this person did not use force against her, nor did any other rude actions, but Qiao Feiya could not leave the capital, so this was also considered house arrest.

They will have some exchanges every day. Youdao will ask Qiao Feiya about things from the outside world, and in return he will tell Qiao Feiya some information about this world.

So even if she has never left this city, Qiao Feiya knows the world better than Wen Wen.

This You Dao Zhenxian, like Wen Wen and others, also came in from outside!

It's just that the time he came in was a thousand years ago.

At that time, it was the disaster of the undead in Washington, and the real fairy did not want to get involved in this troublesome matter, so he went to sea to find the fairy island in the legend.

When he arrived near Pengwan Island, Youdao discovered the strangeness here, entered Yulianu, opened the bronze door and came to this world.

But unexpectedly, as soon as he came in, he couldn't get out again.

Although this world is very large, it is actually not complete. It relies on the real world and exists, just like a projection.

Ordinary people have no problem living here, but it is an unspeakable torture to let him, a catastrophic powerhouse, live in this incomplete world.

When he first came here, it was exactly the same as Washington's two thousand years of history, and even the names of people could be fully matched.

But because of the arrival of the Dao Zhenxian, the world's development has produced a slight deviation, making the world and the Washington area unable to keep completely consistent.

After you Dao Zhenxian noticed this, he no longer deliberately blended into the history of this world and stayed in seclusion.

He became the national teacher of the Beiyin Dynasty because he was the national teacher of the Northern Yin Dynasty before entering Yulianu. In order not to disrupt the historical process, he took the post of the national teacher again.

But when Qiao Feiya descended from the sky, he knew that there was no point in maintaining the historical process. What made him more concerned was how Qiao Feiya and the others got in and whether he could take this opportunity to leave from here.

After Qiao Feiya should have said it, Youdao began to say some secrets of this world.

"This world is very big, but it's actually very small. In your words, there is only the entire Washington area, part of the White Bear and Dongyou area, and part of the ocean."

"You may be able to see some people from the Western Regions here, but in fact these people from the Western Regions appeared out of thin air. Once they leave the border, they will disappear out of thin air."

"I once went deep into the'border' to investigate, but after walking in for a while, it will come out from the other side. The whole world is a closed loop with limited scope..."

After talking about some information, Youdao Zhenxian closed his mouth and prepared to leave here.

Qiao Feiya hesitated and asked, "You said that before you came, the development of this world was the same as that of the Federation two thousand years ago, then there will be another you in this world, he..."

You Dao Zhenxian's mouth curled up: "He disappeared."

"Disappeared?" Qiao Feiya asked suspiciously.

Youdao Zhenxian was interested in talking again: "That me is just an empty shadow with power. After I arrived, he has no meaning for existence, so he disappeared."

"At my level, I am the only one. Even in the same world, it is impossible to give birth to another me. It can only be a shadow of power."

"The reason why this world produces another self is only because the foundation of this world's existence is an imitation of the history of the real world."

While talking, Youdao Zhenxian stopped his mouth, and his eyes glowed when he looked at the sky.

"It should be your friend who came to pick you up. It's not a good habit to watch sneaky outside."

After speaking, Youdao Zhenxian beckoned to the direction of the sky. Suddenly, a violent wind surged and dark clouds gathered, and a huge sparrow flew to the top of the star-gazing tower at an incredible speed.

"Friends above, since they are here, let's come down and have a chat."

After he finished speaking, a huge sparrow appeared in the sky, and then three figures fell from the sparrow.

Wen Wen fell on the floor lightly, while Zhu Pengpei and Chunling directly smashed the floor at the top of the tower, all the way to the bottom of the tower.

The corner of You Dao Zhenxian's mouth twitched slightly, and he felt a little distressed about his stargazing tower.

Qiao Feiya smiled when Wen Wen came over. She should be able to leave from here, but she was a little worried whether this Taoist priest would leave Wen Wen here.

You Dao Zhenxian smiled at Wen Wen and said, "You should also come from the outside world. There is Dao Zhenxian underneath. You can call me You Dao."

Wen Wen looked at You Dao Zhenxian, his eyes were quite jealous.

He rode a huge sparrow just now and flew outside the capital city of Beiyin to observe the city in circles.

The city was dead at night, and there was a faint ghostly spirit above the city, and the faces of many soldiers who defended the city began to turn blue.

In this case, Wen Wen certainly didn't want to rush in, but was going to figure out the situation here first, and then sneak in to communicate with Qiao Feiya, and then decide how to escape from Youdao Zhenxian's nose.

The worst case ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is to call out the night knight and directly attack Qiao Feiya out.

But I didn't realize that the huge sparrow hadn't landed yet, and the weather suddenly changed dramatically. Before the blink of an eye, they flew on top of the huge sparrow.

"I don't know what you want to talk about. Explain beforehand that I am here to take her away this time, so I can't talk to you for too long."

Youdao Zhenxian continued to look up at the sparrow, smiled and shook his head after looking at it for a while, turning his eyes to Wen Wen.

"I come from the same place as you, and there is no malice towards you. I just ask to get out of this cage-like world, so I only want you to guarantee."

Wen Wen narrowed his eyes and asked, "What guarantee do you want?"

"If there is a chance to leave here, please be sure to bring me, as long as you promise me, you can take this little girl away, and I can help you solve any problems you encounter in the land of Xiafu."

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