Disaster Shelter

Chapter 1110: Fight freely

"Why I built the altar in strict accordance with the instructions? There shouldn't be any problems." Crooked Dragon was a little mad. The moment the altar failed, his heart twitched like a roller coaster rushing down from the highest point.

"One of the basic knowledge of rune literature, rune must be kept intact, your rune line is blocked by booger." A humble voice came from behind, making Crooked Dragon startled.

He looked at the altar subconsciously and showed a clear look: "So that's it... a ghost, who are you?"

"I am your father!"

A huge black sword qi slashed towards the crooked dragon without warning, and thin dragon scales suddenly appeared on his body, blocking this sword qi.

The dragon scales on the arms of the crooked dragon were slashed by the sword qi, all fell off, and then quickly grew back.

Wen Wen used the Blood River Sword to cut his nails while walking out from behind the tree.

"It's you? How dare you chase it by yourself."

Crooked Dragon remembered Wen Wen, this was a guy who didn't have a door on his mouth, and his strength was fair but far from his opponent.

"Dad came to look for his son, what dare not."


Crooked dragon let out a cold snort, his body approaching Wen Wen like a wandering dragon, and his huge fist struck Wen Wen in the face.

In the last fight, Wen Wen faced such a fist, hiding in a panic.

But this time there was a ray of light in Wen Wen's eyes, the blood river sword set off a **** river, a curved sword light appeared on the chest of the crooked dragon, the sword Qi with great kinetic energy, pushed the crooked dragon back dozens of meters Just stopped.

Crooked Dragon stood on his knees on the ground, a red line appeared on his chest, blood leaked from the red line, and the hard dragon scales on his body were all cut off.

"Last time I was empty-handed, but this time I am holding a weapon. Don't think I only have the strength of the last time. If you only have these skills, you are definitely not my opponent."

Wen Wen carried the sword and beckoned to Pi Yan provocatively: "Hey, brother, do you want to do two tricks."

Pi Yan snorted coldly, his body emitted a green poisonous mist, his fingers and lips turned dark purple, the white scorpion on his head quickly changed color, and his sharp tail turned flexibly, staring at Wen Wen's direction like a poisonous snake.

"Brother Pai, you don't need to take action. I was just careless just now."

The wound on Crooked Dragon's chest had healed, and he rushed toward Wen Wen fiercely.

"You were empty-handed in the previous battle, and I was also empty-handed!"

"Come on!"

A golden keyboard appeared on Yilong's right hand, and Yilong pulled the power cord of the keyboard and smashed the keyboard at Wen Wen.

Wen Wen held the sword in both hands and drew it up from the ground, the light of the sword of the heart shrouded in the blade.

The gold keyboard collided with the Blood River Sword, making a harsh sound, and the numbers and letters on the gold keyboard flew out one after another, bombarding the surroundings unrestrictedly like a bomb.

Wen Wen underneath felt more pressure, and the strength of the dragon after taking out the golden keyboard was really not covered.

If the Blood River Sword had not been strengthened by Divine Blood before, this time it would really have been crushed by this golden keyboard.

Wenwen turned the hilt, and the blood river sword seemed to be unsealed, and the breath rose steadily. The crooked dragon, who had clearly had the upper hand, was shaken by the breath and moved back a certain distance.

The aura on the Blood River Sword, enhanced by the blood of God, is actually higher than its own strength.

In terms of hard power, Wen Wen can only compete with the crooked dragon at the top of the sky.

But Crooked Dragon didn't know it, only when Wen Wen's strength increased by another level.

"Brother Pai, let's take action together, otherwise I am afraid that he can't deal with this guy, and he may be dragging the time. After a long time, the catastrophic level powerhouse may catch up."

Pi Yanping nodded, entered a fighting state, and rushed towards Wen Wen with the crooked dragon.

Wen Wen looked vigilant. Next, he will be under tremendous pressure. Before he can't hold on to it, he will consume the two players' hole cards as much as possible to ensure that when they transform for a while, the two of them will not escape because of some life-saving skills.

Every part of Pi Yanyan's body is highly poisonous. Although the power speed is the bottom in the real order, it will not be uncomfortable as long as he touches it.

The white scorpion on his head and his tail will shoot out a series of poisonous thorns. When this poisonous thorn hits the Blood River Sword, it will emit bursts of white smoke. Wen Wen dare not let the poisonous thorn touch him.

The tactics of Crooked Dragon rely entirely on powerful power, speed and lethality, which may not seem very exciting, but in fact the threat is far greater than that of Yan Yan.

Wen Wen relied on swordsmanship to resist with difficulty, and became excited after a few rounds.

With his current strength, there are not many battles that can make him feel pressured, so being besieged by two powerhouses of the same level makes Wen Wen enter a state of excitement, but instead he has become more and more courageous.

In order to quickly win Wen Wen, the two used many strange tricks, but Wen Wen can always come up with a solution.

The number of abilities of the two of them combined couldn't be more than Wen Wen's. In this kind of high-intensity battle, Wen Wen's understanding of his own abilities was gradually deepened.

The two catastrophic characteristics are ‘hand of imprisonment’ and ‘contract justice’. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The speed of the imprisoned hand is too slow to catch the strong real order in the battle, but Wen Wen can use the prison made by the imprisoned hand to move and dodge.

He can control the layout of the cell, and the most worry-free layout is to arrange solid metal blocks in the cell.

When an attack came, Wen Wen hid behind the cell and released the metal block to block the attack of the two.

When Wen Wen wants to attack, he removes the metal block, and the attack can be released from the fence.

This ability is equivalent to creating a space in the center of the battlefield that only belongs to Wenwen's control. At first, Wenwen's operation is still very sluggish, but later, as long as the mind moves, you can complete the desired operation.

In addition, the ability of'contract justice' is much stronger in combat than the hand of imprisonment. When looking through the vows of the two, Wen Wen accidentally learned many secrets of the two, and this ability can greatly interfere. The fighting spirit of the two.

Crooked Dragon has promised his girlfriend countless times that he will love her all his life, and he also promised his countless mother-in-laws that he must respect her mother-in-law.

Otherwise, you will have sores on your head and feet, tooth loss, kidney deficiency and baldness, broken eggs...

He likes to swore something wrong, and gives Wen Wen countless methods to attack him, which makes Wen Wen enjoy it under extremely high pressure.

When Crooked Dragon uses a head hammer on Wen Wen, his hair will suddenly lose a lot.

When the crooked dragon yelled at Wen Wen, one or two teeth would be spouted.

When Crooked Dragon kicked Wen Wen, a large abscess suddenly appeared on the sole of his foot, which was exploded by his own strength. The sour Wen Wen was unimaginable.

What makes Crooked Dragon unacceptable most is that when he was avoiding the Wenwen Blood River Sword, a big split came, and then he heard two crackling eggs...

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