Disaster Shelter

Chapter 131: Yan Biqing's strength

Do it as soon as you think about it, and chase down Yan Biqing to seize all the time, so Wen Wen goes straight to Ding Mingguang's office.

When Wen knocked on the door and saw the scene in the room, Wen Wen froze.

Ding Mingguang rarely did not watch cartoons or drink wolfberry water. Instead, he sat in a chair with his eyes closed, and all the electronic devices in the room were frantically operating.

Each display flashed with dense flashing characters, the characters flashed fast, and it was not something the human brain could remember.

Although Wen Wen couldn't understand what those were, he felt that Ding Mingguang was inscrutable now.

"Well ... I have something to ask you. Do you have time now?" Wen Wen asked with some uncertainty.

"Just tell me something. I'm listening." Ding Mingguang didn't open his eyes, and those electronic devices were still running.

‘When talking to me, I can control such complicated things. How this guy ’s brain grows, no wonder he bald at a young age ...’

Wen Wen slandered while raising his own questions, all of which were directed at Yan Biqing.

"Do you want me to help you trace Yan Biqing?" After listening to Wen Wen's narration, Ding Mingguang opened his eyes and asked in amazement.

"Yes, I want to fight with him, it will be very exciting." Wen Wen took out the words to deal with Lin Zheyuan.

Ding Mingguang opened his eyes, leaned forward, widened his eyes and said to Wen Wen solemnly, "You can't beat him, it's better not to die."

"Huh?" Wen Wen raised an eyebrow, and he was so sure.

"First of all, you can't find him unless he causes trouble, or even I can't trace his whereabouts, and I don't recommend that you fight him yourself."

"Why?" Wen Wen asked.

Ding Mingguang recalled it a bit, and then said with Wen Wen: "You should have gotten his information. It says that his ability is physical data. You ca n’t understand how powerful his strength is just looking at these five words . "

"Can you talk to me in detail?" Wen Wen blinked in his eyes, then pretended to be very interested, and asked Ding Mingguang in front of him.

"First of all, he can enter the imaginary space for a short time, which allows him to ignore most attacks. Of course, in this state, he cannot attack others."

"Wait." Wen Wen raised his hand and asked, "What is imaginary space?"

"If the space we live in is called a real number space, then there is also a space built on imaginary numbers, a point in real number space, and imaginary number space ..."

At the halfway point, Ding Mingguang patted his smooth head, shook his head and said to Wen Wen: "I said this to you and you don't understand ... In short, he can hide in another space for a short time, ordinary Means cannot interfere with him. "

Wen Wen sighed. He always claimed that IQ was superior, but Ding Mingguang seemed to be despised by IQ.

Ding Mingguang continued: "The next thing to say is his main combat ability."

"I know that you mainly rely on your body to fight, so suppose your strength, speed, response ability, perception ability, anti-strike ability, etc. are each 20, and the combined value is 100."

"And all of Yan Biqing's values ​​may only add up to fifty!"

Wen Wen scratched his chin and said, "I should be better than him."

"It looks right on the surface, but he can turn all his physical attributes into values ​​and add points at will. This switching is extremely fast, even faster than your thinking."

"Let me tell you this. When he fists, his lethality can be fifty. When he evades attacks, his reaction ability will be fifty ..."

After a brief estimation, Wen Wen found that if it really is like Ding Mingguang said, then Yan Biqing is really not easy to deal with.

But at the same time, Yan Biqing's ability also made Wen Wen's eyes stunned!

If Wen Wen can obtain that ability, he can better co-ordinate a variety of superpowers, and he will definitely make his strength stronger!

Watching Wen Wen be silent, Ding Mingguang has not stopped, and continues to add:

"And don't forget, he has already completed the promotion, and his strength is still different from what I know. I am afraid that our Furonghe branch, except Captain Lin Zheyuan, is not his one enemy.

Wen Wenyi wondered: "Promotion, he did not fail promotion, only ..."

"Promotion is bound to succeed. As long as each superpower accumulates enough, he can be promoted to assimilation. There is no threshold."

"However, the criterion for a general association to judge success or failure is not the change in strength after promotion, but who will control consciousness after promotion."


Coming out of Ding Mingguang's office, Wen Wen kept counting.

"Although his IQ is very high, his tone is not as strict as others, so that I know more and more about the assimilation realm."

"From Ding Mingguang's words, Yan Biqing should be a very powerful superpower, so promotion success and failure have nothing to do with strength."

"Failure is the sense of being replaced ..."

"This is very close to my assumption. From the reaction of Gong Baoding, the hidden danger in the promotion of the assimilation realm should be known to all the superpowers who master the realm, which means that the problem may come from each superpower ... But I don't seem to have such a problem. "

"So, where does the consciousness of replacing the ontology come from, the second personality?"


Lu Jiang frowned and looked at the comments on the news.

One of his friends was a firefighter. A fire broke out in a previous building. The friend rushed in to fight the fire. Then the room suddenly exploded and his friend died.

This incident was reported by the news of Furong River and even Beihai Province. Most of the comments on the Internet were nostalgic and pity, but one comment was very eye-catching.

That was a comment posted by an anonymous user, and the above said was extremely unpleasant, which made Lu Jiang look a little bit chilled.

‘Poor? What ’s so pitiful for him ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Our firefighters charge a lot of money and do nothing at all. His death can only mean that he is not skilled in business. It's worth it. ’

This comment was regarded as annoying and was spontaneously resisted by netizens, but the anonymous users are extremely powerful.

A number of news links have been released one after another, what firefighters are passively idle, what firefighters receive sky-high remuneration and the like.

He didn't know where to gather a lot of negative news about firefighters, and used these negative news as evidence, as the basis for his spurt.

Lu Jiang was very skeptical of his mentality. Under the news of a firefighter's sacrifice, he specifically found a lot of materials to discredit the firefighters.

The more he looked, the more he became angry, knowing that he shouldn't be concerned with such a person. Obviously, the comments of this person were all scolded by him, and he didn't need to participate.

But Lu Jiang couldn't help it.

So he participated in the scolding battle with that man ...

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