Disaster Strikes

Chapter 1066 Chaotic Evil Light

Dozens of sky fortresses, gathering places for disaster worlds, flew majestically toward the ruins of the Amazon continent where the Sun Tribe once stood.

Along the way, Thunder Spirits continued to organize small-scale resistance forces, but they were all destroyed by the natural disasterrs who were like locusts around these fortresses.

"It's those natural disaster victims!"

For more than half a year, the Thunder Spirits have fought against the natural disasters many times. They are very clear about the methods of these natural disasters. This large-scale invasion by the natural disasters is probably related to the strange changes in the rear area in the past few days. For this reason, they A large number of elite reinforcements were mobilized from various places, otherwise these invaders would never be able to march in so far.

"What happened to the wormhole plan? According to the plan, more true gods were supposed to be sent, and various restricted weapons were unsealed to expand the war..."

This is the confusion that haunts every Thunder Spirit person.

But those Thunder Spirits stationed abroad have no chance to solve their doubts.

With the temporary formation of several small-scale legions, these natural disasters were torn apart like fallen leaves by the autumn wind.

Even the fourth-level Thunder Spirit experts have fallen one after another.

The remaining Thunder Spirits can only watch as the surrounding environment continues to undergo drastic changes. Energy is depleted, the land is deserted, vitality is disappearing, evil shadows are spreading, and they are facing the end of their lives in barrenness and fear.

other side.

Behind Chen Mo stood hundreds of people. These were the natural disaster victims of the Sixth Legion who had the ability to fly. They were floating in the air under the large formation at the gathering place. Looking at the sky in front of them that was filled with all kinds of strange auras, a stream of people kept popping up. Beams of twisted evil light.

That was a chaos that was enough to frighten all the natural disaster destroyers even if they were not close.

These evil lights include black, red, purple, and mixed colors. Behind each color, it seems to represent a strange world. Chen Mo can almost conclude that there is something at the source of these evil lights. An astonishing number of god-level creatures are in conflict. The interweaving and collision of laws have become less important under the cover of the natural ecology.

"Boss, look over there."

Tiantian pulled Chen Mo's sleeves, her expression was a little unnatural, and she said with a hint of fear: "Those natural disaster lords are also coming out."


As Chen Mo was talking, he noticed a dark purple evil light twisting in the air and passing near the gathering place of the River of Anguish.

To say it was a ray of evil light was just a description.

This twisted evil light spans a thousand meters when it is thick, and tens of meters when it is thin. It is not fixed, but sometimes huge, sometimes small, misty, traceless, and unpredictable.

As this evil light swept across, countless black worms appeared on the protective cover in the sky of the gathering place, seeming to engulf the entire gathering place. As the evil light disappeared, these strange worms It also disappeared. Although the time was short, the scene just now was no different from the so-called abyss in the disaster world.

This is a legend that almost all starving people know. The so-called Abyssal Ones are not humans, but things made up of countless insects that eat each other.

Although Chen Mo later knew that this was just a misunderstanding, the scene just now made Chen Mo mistakenly think that he was in an abyss.


Chen Mo could feel the silence around him, only the sound of the uncle swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Immediately afterwards.

Another ray of light blue evil light swept across the sky. When Chen Mo looked up again, he seemed to be in a world of heavy rain. The dense raindrops were like pouring water and seemed to never stop. Below was the turbulent and boundless sea, endlessly deep. Bottomed out.

The evil light is still fleeting.

Chen Mo came back to his senses and looked at the shocked people around him. He also looked at the increasingly dense evil light in the sky in front of him. Some of the evil light even gradually enveloped the ground.

These evil lights are intertwined with each other, pollute each other, and repel each other.

This is simply a manifestation of the natural ecological laws of different worlds competing for authority!

If the original horror forest was a meat grinder, then this place is a crusher in hell. If the natural disaster victims enter it, they may not be able to exert even 10% of their power. And if ordinary people approach, they may be instantly crushed by those who interact with each other. The natural force of twisting and squeezing tears it apart.

"Boss, I'm afraid."

Tiantian murmured incoherently, clinging to Chen Mo's side. Chen Mo could clearly feel the trembling on her body, but he himself was not much better. He just didn't show it, so he could only cover Tiantian's hand with his hand for a while. Add comfort.

The facts turned out to be as Chen Mo expected.

As the gathering place continued to advance, various evil lights became more and more dense. The sense of fragmentation seemed to have penetrated the protective shield of the gathering place, penetrated his skin, and affected his cells. , making him feel inexplicably confused.

People around him even started to make some weird moves.

Some people are walking normally one moment, and then back away as if moonwalking the next moment, leaving another version of themselves motionless in place.

Some people's eyes are constantly moving like insects, and their eyeballs seem to have autonomous consciousness.

Some people seemed to be standing calmly, but they were talking nonsense.

Some people were inexplicably embedded into the wall. As he struggled, the wall pulled out threads like glue...

In this environment, Chen Mo chose to close the Eye of Space and Time only for a moment after opening it.

Because if he continues, in that kind of time and space perspective that is like being in a kaleidoscope, he will become blind in just a moment.


The uncle looked at the cigar in his hand and saw that it was ignited from the middle part. It was really baffling.

He shook his hand and wanted to throw the cigar away, but found that the cigar returned to normal, but his mouth, nostrils, and ears were constantly smoking.

What's even weirder is that without being summoned by her, Linda appeared next to her in the form of a conjoined human, with a second head growing out, able to activate skills, and also be able to hear. Seeing each other talking but not being able to physically touch each other.

"Xia Xue, you..."

In the eyes of others, Tiantian was talking to an invisible Xia Xue inexplicably.

"It's chaos, everything is chaos."

Chen Mo originally thought it was some kind of doomsday weapon, like the evil shadow released by the ruthless shadow moon, but now he feels that he was wrong. This is the chaos created by the chaotic world. Just like the time and space overlap of the disaster world, they also In activating the power of the world.

When Chen Mo opened his eyes again, he saw a black vortex next to him.

This vortex actually originated from the Qiankun Tower, or the large fungal kingdom in the Qiankun Tower, and strange black lights continued to emerge from it. Colorful mushrooms would grow on the bodies of those affected. After Chen Mo frowned, he noticed The words in the "Travel Guide" in my arms seemed to come alive, and they actually started writing everything here on their own.

Presumably the natural disaster victims in other gathering areas are also experiencing similar things.

But even so, all the gathering places have no intention of stopping, as if there are a few magic hands pushing them from behind, and they must move forward bravely and rush towards the source of this group of chaos.

Chen Mo controlled the evil light ejected from the black vortex to cover himself.

As more and more mushrooms appeared on his body, even the cells began to sporulate, and then the surrounding scene began to change rapidly. He actually saw a kingdom in the microscopic realm. This was the world in the mushrooms, with countless spores. Working hard to create a richer, better and ideal communist homeland.

"Are these the stories that those sealed by the fungal world will experience?"

Chen Mo stretched out his palm, and he could see countless powders gathering towards him. It was a war in the cell realm. Every cell was a life. There was no concept of multicellular organisms in the fungal world. The multicellular organisms that entered here Eventually it will be broken down by the rules here.

Fortunately, Chen Mo, as the controller of this yet-to-be-formed alien world passage, quickly broke free from this state.

"I see."

Although it was only for a short moment, Chen Mo clearly understood something at a higher level, and also understood that the next step of building his large fungal kingdom was the fungal world, but this process would be extremely long and would involve certain opportunities.


Everyone finally got used to this weird chaos.

The chaos here can be divided into several types. One is things that will no longer change after changing, such as the whirlpool next to Chen Mo, Xiuying and Linda becoming conjoined, etc.

One is something that is constantly changing, such as the "Travel Guide" that is constantly written in Chen Mo's arms, and the cigar in the uncle's hand.

The last one is the surrounding environment. Those chaotic natural laws are like countless fragments. People constantly change their environment and are oppressed by time and space.

Among these ever-changing environments, there is one that Chen Mo is particularly concerned about.

Although he didn't experience it for a long time, just for a moment, he actually felt like he was soaking in a spiritual spring. Unlike usual meditation, which required him to actively gather spiritual energy and slowly absorb it, the spiritual energy there seemed to be coming from his pores. It's like squeezing in!

And when he wanted to further feel the aura of heaven and earth, he had a vague feeling that these auras actually reflected some kind of law and order, or were bound by some kind of authority. They were filled with factors such as mystery, destiny, cause and effect, and seemed to be changing at any time. The feeling of being struck by thunder from heaven.


There are craters and ravines everywhere on the ground, some caused by thunder blasts, some caused by demonic corrosion, and the canine teeth of thunder spirit and sword creditors are crisscrossed.

But what caught the attention of the natural disaster victims was the tens of thousands of war beasts wearing electric suits, fighting each other with various forms of Zuma. Some of them even transformed into the forms of war beasts and thunder spirit beings. The demon swords lent by the creditors were fighting, and the war beasts controlled by the thunder spirits with nerve currents were retreating steadily.

It's not that the number and combat power of the war beasts are weaker than Zuma.

But the surrounding natural environment changes too fast. Sometimes it is a prairie burning with raging wildfires one moment, and the next moment it is a world of acid rain. In this environment full of chaos, weirdness, and unknowns, the adaptability of the war beasts is very important. Obviously far inferior to these Zuma who have no fixed life form at all.

"It turns out that this is the true use of these war weapons."

As the natural disaster victims in the sky were swept away, Zuma and the thunderstorm war beasts who were competing turned into corpses one after another, but there were also many corpses of the natural disaster victims that remained here forever.

As the evil light of the alien aura swept across, a wisp of air and space shrouded in barrenness quickly decomposed these corpses.

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