Disaster Strikes

Chapter 1080 Three Wonderful Pots

Chapter 1087 Three Wonderful Pots

Take a balloon airship from the gathering place of the River of Anguish to the Demon Eye Evil God City. The time varies depending on the flight schedule.

Chen Mo bought a high-level VIP ticket and it takes about two months to reach the Demon Eye City.

At this moment, he was sitting alone in the room. There was only a single bed and a table in the room. The vast and desolate land outside the window flashed by.

There were four items on the table at this moment.

A piece of paper, a money tree, a piece of black ice, and a cornucopia. A plant of Dusk Fungus was raised in the cornucopia.

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This piece of paper is a fragment of the mountain and sea map given by the Evil God of Truth. Inside is the world mother tree struck by lightning. Because the size of the world mother tree is too large, Chen Mo naturally cannot take it out here.

And this money tree is the treasure given by the Fairy Jigong.

Tip: Money tree.

Quality: Treasure.

Conditions of use: Master the power of the true body.

Item attributes: Creation factor, miracle factor.

Item introduction: The fortune ingot has the characteristics of a wide and continuous source of wealth. It can be attached to any wood-attributed creature, giving it the characteristic of immortality, and can restore the lost part through spiritual power.

As for this piece of black ice, it was a treasure-level material obtained when performing the doomsday mission in the honeycomb world. It was also the earliest treasure-level magic material obtained by Chen Mo.

Tip: Black ice.

Quality: Treasure.

Conditions of use: Master the power of the true body.

Item attributes: Mathematical factor, space-time factor.

Item introduction: In this piece of black ice, the digital memories of 100,000 ancient humans are frozen and stored. They hope to suspend their lives in this way, so that future people can revive them when the technology is mature.

Things have come to this point.

After years of research by Chen Mo, if he wants to use this advanced material at this stage, there is only one way.

That is to forge a piece of clothing-like protective gear according to the craftsmanship of gold-level equipment.

The result will most likely be to refine a dark gold-level equipment.

But it must be said that this is really a waste of resources.

Especially the mathematical factors in this magic material, Chen Mo vaguely feels that it can be combined with the weird mathematical logic of the puppet mode to produce some special effects and have some influence on the nature of chaotic energy.

If you want to refine a replica of a spiritual weapon or a magic weapon, you need at least two materials with the same factor attributes, as well as two precious obsidian and a large amount of auxiliary materials.

Not to mention the difficulty of gathering two treasure materials with the same factor.

Obsidian alone requires more than 50,000 points in the gathering place of the River of Anguish. Sometimes it is not surprising to auction it for 70,000 or 80,000 points, not to mention that you have to gather two pieces.

As for refining a complete spiritual weapon or magic weapon.

At least seven or more treasure-level materials with the same factor attributes are required.

Some legendary spiritual tools and magic tools even need to fuse dozens of treasure-level materials with the same factors, and also use some extremely special materials as the core, such as different dimensions, corpses of gods, etc. These are only the basic material requirements, and the craftsmanship requirements for the tool refiner are even higher. The master-level skills are only the most basic requirements.

For all tool refiners.

Those god-level creature corpses that grow naturally can be said to be one of the most ultimate materials that people dream of, with all kinds of incredible uses.

If possible, Chen Mo naturally plans to refine a replica spiritual tool first to avoid wasting heaven's resources.

However, although he now has two magic materials in his hands, the properties are very different. If he goes to the Evil God City this time, he plans to find out the information in this regard first, and strive to exchange the cash cow for a treasure-level material with mathematical factors to forge a replica spiritual tool.

At that time, relying on the experience of forging replica spiritual tools, it will naturally benefit him to refine a set of 365 flying swords required to arrange the sword formation of the rings of time.

However, he was not going to waste the two months of airship sailing time.

Now he already had two auxiliary magic weapons, Qiankun Tower and Mu Ruyi. With his Jindan stage cultivation and the blessing of the mind of Bai Nian Jue, he could sacrifice five or six magic weapons of different types and powers at the same time. In this case, he now planned to use this cornucopia and Hunxiao fungus to refine another auxiliary magic weapon.


There was a hurried knock on the door outside.

"Traveler, there seems to be something going on ahead!"

Chen Mo was a little upset after being disturbed, but now the disaster world is in a state of overlapping time and space. The Thunder Spirit, the Knife Man, the Amazon Warrior, and a few alien creatures from the chaotic support are wreaking havoc in the Amazon forest world. The balloon airship is not safe, so he can only quickly put away these materials and follow the shock bomber to the bow deck area of ​​the balloon airship.

The deck is already full of passengers.

Chen Mo and the Exploder quickly squeezed to the front position, and through the energy shield of the airship, they saw four natural disaster destroyers fighting with more than 20 high-level Zumas attacking from afar.

However, these Zumas were obviously controlled by the demon sword.

The four destroyers were the guards on the airship. Since this flight belonged to the Demon Eye Evil God City, these four people were sent by the Evil God City, and their strength was extraordinary.

There were constant explosions in all directions, and the air was in chaos.

The airship was slightly bumpy due to the airflow.

Some low-level natural disaster victims who could not fly looked slightly pale as the airship swayed left and right.

Seeing this, the bomber sneered: "These remnants of those who borrowed swords don't know the heights of the world, and they came to attack the route of the Demon City."

If the internal routes of each gathering place encountered such a large-scale attack, I am afraid that for safety reasons, they would have made an emergency landing. However, this is a flight from the Evil God City. The strength of these four natural disaster destroyer guards alone is enough to reach the level of a third-level mini-boss. Not to mention a captain.

"A bunch of timid guys."

Chen Mo echoed.

If these guys had not created the source of chaos, this doomsday war would not have reached the level of Ragnarok. Now it should be the time for the natural disasters to harvest, but because of the raging blood moon world monsters, they have to Giving up the reward that was already on my lips.

Others on the deck were also talking.

These Zuma controlled by the creditor kept falling from the sky, and then two groups of people flew from the distant sky, which shocked the blaster and Chen Mo.

"Did I read that correctly? Those Thunder Spirits actually got involved with the people who borrowed swords?"

"It seems we can't help but take action."

No wonder Chen Mo and Detonator had such a big reaction.

All the natural disaster victims in the Demon Eye area saw the ferocity of the fight between the Thunder Spirit Man and the Credit Sword Man. The two sides had a blood feud, but now they are united together. This is a strange news.

Facing so many powerful enemies, just guarding with these four destroyers may be a little insufficient.

"Let's go, we can't watch anymore."

"Humph, my hands have been itchy for a long time!"

Almost at the same time that Chen Mo and the Detonator jumped and took off, more than a dozen natural disaster victims on the airship rushed out, and more natural disaster victims followed closely behind, heading towards the menacing Thunder Spirit and Credit The sword man flew over.

The battle lasted for more than ten minutes, and after both sides left some corpses behind, the thunder spirit and credit sword people dispersed in a hurry.

"Haha, so enjoyable!"

The Blasters are really suffocating these days.

At this time.

A female natural disaster survivor came over. She seemed to be quite interested in Chen Mo and the bomber, especially the bomber.

"What plans do you two have in Magic Eye City?"

The Detonator and Chen Mo looked at each other and knew that this person was planning to invite the two of them to join some forces. However, both of them had some arrangements of their own and did not intend to stay in Magic Eye City for a long time, so they dealt with it casually after a few words. , the female natural disaster victim left wisely.

"They actually came to invite us. It seems that with our strength, we won't have to worry about survival even if we get there."

Chen Mo smiled slightly at the bomber's joke.

Whether it's the blaster's imitation magic weapon gloves or Chen Mo's speed attribute exceeding the critical value of 500 points, there is no way out even in the Evil God City. It's just that the mission mode in the Evil God City is more difficult, but the benefits are not different. It can be compared in a large gathering place.

The airship soon continued to set sail, and Chen Mo also returned to the room to prepare the weapon refining plan.

One month later.

Tip: The doomsday mission is officially over.

Tip: Your gathering place has been officially disbanded and you cannot obtain rewards related to natural disaster contribution points. Please join other gathering places as soon as possible.

Tip: If you choose to join any major evil god city, you will be deemed to have given up the relevant rewards.

This can be regarded as the price for the 'free people' who choose to leave the gathering place. These pseudo-free people only have one chance to choose. However, for Chen Mo, he is a true free person and can join or leave any organization in the disaster world at any time. Therefore, he can obtain relevant points income by temporarily joining a certain gathering place. It is not a waste to exchange the points for materials and then leave the gathering place.

So Chen Mo looked out the window and contacted the bomber.

"Brother, let's stop for a few days at the next stop."


The bomber didn't say anything, nor did he ask Chen Mo what he wanted to do. Judging from his "huffing" and "huffing" breathing, he should be practicing in the room.

Another month passed.

The world of disaster separated from the world of the Amazon forest much faster than Chen Mo expected.

I don’t know whether it’s because of the Tiandao Monument trapped in the parasitic world, or because the disaster world has the beacon guidance of Ruthless Shadow Moon. It seems that in a month or two, we will be able to completely escape from the Amazon forest world. By then, those who have been trapped in the disaster world will The life in the foreign world that was swept away would be miserable.

Chen Mo in the room looked at the delicate little pot in his hand.

With a look of longing on his face, Chen Mo took out a piece of light stone. After identifying it, he couldn't help but sigh when he saw the related attributes.

Unfortunately, it failed to reach the quality of dark gold, which dissipated a lot of his original expectations.

"Let's call it Sanmiao Pot."

Tip: Sanmiao Pot.

Quality: Gold.

Requirements for use: 350 spirit points.

Item attributes: 1. Fantasy realm: can create a fantasy realm. 2. Poisoning: Silently release mind-hypnotic poison on food at close range. 3. Detoxification: It can quickly neutralize neurotoxins.

Item introduction: Due to the characteristics of the phantom realm, the Three Wonderful Pot can be transformed into any other form of equal volume.

Although this auxiliary treasure is not very lethal, it can combine with the chaotic demon sword characteristics of the demonized Meiji to quietly affect the mind of the recipient. Coupled with the unique deceptive nature of illusion skills, even if high-level professionals are not paying attention, it is common for them to be inexplicably deceived. This Sanmiao pot as an auxiliary magic weapon may have unexpected effects at certain times.

The most important thing is.

This wood-attributed treasure can trigger Chen Mo's infinite fission characteristics and achieve a doubling effect.

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