Disaster Strikes

Chapter 1086: Substitute

Chapter 1093 The substitute was deceived

The camel race is the most popular sport among the rich second generation in Huishan City.

These men in Arab costumes led a convoy with domestic beast pets and belly dancer beauties. A man wearing sunglasses came to the camel he was about to compete in and fed a large bucket of ice cubes mixed with cactus cider to the camel. camel.


An eagle fell from the sky, landed on his arm, and spit out a sapphire from its mouth.

"This time you have to help me win first place!"

After the man put the sapphire away, he patted the camel's neck, then gave a few instructions to the servant, walked to a distance and released the falcon in his hand.

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In this huge convoy, a truck containing a mutated lion gradually moved away without attracting any attention.


The mutated lion in the cage had scales growing on its body, and two tentacles sprouted from its mouth, like the two dragon whiskers of a carp, but it could drive its arms like an elephant's trunk, and kept roaring at evacuating strangers.

Huangmao Saida, who was in charge of driving, was a little irritable.

"Which of you is going to shut it up?"

"I'll do it."

The Detonator approached, and soon there was a whimpering sound behind him. Then the guy took out an energy stone and started grilling it on the spot. After a while, he handed over a few pieces of barbecue.

"This piece of meat would cost at least twenty or thirty energy stones in the Evil God City."

Chen Mo and others were not polite, took the barbecue and started chewing it.

As the large truck drifted, Saida stopped steadily on the side of the road. It could be seen that the city's population was not large, about hundreds of thousands, but the streets were full of armed cybernetic police.

Orange rolled down the window and looked at a building in the distance that looked like a huge antenna.

"Is that the mind control center?"

Behind the ancient Mowa government forces is the Chaos World, but whether it is a disaster world or a Chaos World, the Alloy World is a relatively peripheral area and does not count as a core interest.

The mind control center is a cutting-edge technology developed by the ancient Mowa government forces combined with the black magic technology of the chaotic world. It is likely to be related to the demon sword ability of the creditor. It can control mutated creatures with low intelligence on a large scale, and can also deal with some victims. The captured enemy begins to undergo mental hypnosis, causing his will to gradually collapse.


Bharara was very familiar with this and responded after a quick glance.

Several people in the car had their mouths full of food, especially the bomber, who was very satisfied with his craftsmanship.

The temperature outside the car is very high, but the interior of the car is very comfortable under the high-power cooling.

After eating and drinking, the few people didn't take another look at the dismembered mutated lion behind them. After Orange stretched, he quickly adjusted his condition and said seriously: "Let's split up. Regardless of whether there are clues or not, Twelve Let’s all meet under that building in an hour.”

Balala handed several small mechanical devices.

"Use this connection."

Then several people got out of the car and quickly blended into the crowd.

Half an hour later.

Chen Mo came to an office. The boss was completely confused by the combination of San Miao Pot and Chaos Demon Knife. Demonized Meiji giggled, while Chen Mo turned on the TV and kept changing the channel.

TV programs are full of reports about the war between government forces and the Varog aliens.

So he found the map, and after a few quick glances, he came to the old man with a big belly and an obsessed look on his face, holding a demon knife. Seeing his crazy posture of talking love words into the air, he knew that this was the play of the demonized Mei Ji. he.

"Tell me about the situation of the military governments such as Gu Mowa, Hong Duan, Imperial Soldiers, and Black Mountain."

Chen Mo quickly obtained the information he wanted from this person.

The area where the six people are at this moment is a second-tier city called 'Huishan' under the control of the Ancient Mowa Military Government. And around the Ancient Mowa Military Government, it is controlled by the Red Damn, Imperial Soldiers, and Black Mountain Military Governments. territory, and each government army has mastered different technologies and has different strengths and weaknesses.

The weakest among them is the Montenegrin military government.

The Black Mountain area is barren and sparsely populated. It has mastered a strange technology called the Ancient Pharaonic Dynasty. It once used pyramids to change the surrounding weather environment, and also summoned boundless golden man-eating insects to devour a city.

Next came the Red Ribbon Junta.

This is a military government organization that specializes in developing superpowers through radiation mutation. It has secretly conducted many evil human experiments, and is very obsessed with enchantment research, and can produce various demonized equipment through bloody methods.

After that came the forces of the Gumowa military government.

Relatively speaking, the Ancient Mowa Military Government can be regarded as one of the mainstream forces in the alloy world. It controls hundreds of large and small cities and countless military bases. It mainly studies magic vine symbiosis technology and mind control technology. , biosimulation technology.

Finally, there is the Imperial Military Government.

This is a stronger organization than the Gumowa Military Government.

The Imperial Military Government inherited part of the founding Titan technology from the central government, developed simulated Titan technology, and mastered nuclear energy technology, individual soldier high-power laser weapon technology, railway self-propelled artillery technology, etc...

According to Chen Mo's judgment based on the data on paper.

The strength of the imperial army military government in this world is probably stronger than that of the Interstellar Development Council in the sunspot radiation world, but in the alloy world it is just a mainstream force. There are many similar military government organizations, and some are even more advanced. powerful.

This shows how powerful the Alloy World was when the central government was still there.

However, the ups and downs of the world are really normal for the natural disaster victims. The space-based particle cannon blueprints and core components that the apocalypse obtained from this world are obviously one of the legacies of the central government, but they are relatively Compared to the Creation Titan, it can only be regarded as scraps.

"I don't know what the plan is."

This information was of little help to this mission. Chen Mo was only using it to prepare for the future activation of the time traveler talent.

However, the young owner of this luxury shopping mall obviously knows nothing about the Creation Titan.

Chen Mo fiddled with the Sanmiao Pot, looking thoughtful.

At first glance, this world does not seem to be suitable for his development, but fortunately, he has his own mission here, which requires refining a new furnace, forging an imitation spiritual weapon, and comprehensively improving the professionalization process.

"Ask him about Boss Crocodile."

The crocodile boss is a well-known big shot in this city.

Although this person had met Crocodile Boss once, he only watched him from a distance as a guest in the back row at a charity dinner. Chen Mo could only understand some of the Crocodile Boss legends from this person. Compared to Crocodile Boss For this giant, he can only be regarded as a scumbag.

There are too many legends about the crocodile boss.

Chen Mo leaned on the sofa chair, enjoying the cool breeze and enjoying the iced fruit plate brought to his lips by Demonic Mei Ji. It was so comfortable.


Saida's call came from the intercom.

"The target has been found. He has left the private estate and is visually heading from Falcon Avenue to the city center to give a speech. Now is the best opportunity for the mission. I will send you the location. Who is nearby?"

Chen Mo quickly sat up straight and looked at the location where the other party sent the message.

Unfortunately, he was far away from the location marked by the other party. If he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, it would take at least fifteen minutes to drive there.

Orange and Balala both said that they would not be able to arrive in time.

The Bombers and Bulldozers indicated that they were nearby.

So the six people agreed on the spot that Saida, Bomber, and Bulldozer would seize the opportunity to attack the convoy and hijack the crocodile boss. The others would gather at another location as soon as possible and be responsible for the intermediate response.

After ending the communication, Chen Mo immediately left the building with Demonized Mei Ji and drove to the assembly point.

"I didn't expect that Huang Mao would be the first to discover the target, but I underestimated him."

Chen Mo pressed the accelerator to the bottom and drove along the left side of the road according to the traffic regulations here. This made him a little uncomfortable, but fortunately he was not far from the place where he was responsible for responding.

After applying the brakes, Chen Mo parked the car on the side of the road.

No matter whether he would be slapped with a parking ticket or not, Chen Mo noticed that Bharara in the distance seemed to have been waiting for a while, so he strode towards him.

Balala said calmly: "It's been almost five minutes. The fighting over there is very fierce. It seems that there are many guards around the crocodile boss. I don't know if the three of them are strong enough."

Standing here, you can faintly hear the explosions on the other side of the city.

Chen Mo could almost imagine the battle scene of the bomber rampaging. With this guy's current strength, even a bulletproof car might not be able to take a few punches in front of him, especially after he put on those gloves.

"Don't worry."

Chen Mo comforted him calmly.

Judging from the reaction of the surrounding people, the chaos in the city should still be limited to the police. The army has not been dispatched yet, and there is no real person they are worried about.


The blaster's voice suddenly came from the communication device.

"This guy turned out to be an impostor. He was one of the stand-ins trained by Crocodile Boss using bio-simulation technology. He went to give his speech in the afternoon. The real Crocodile Boss is in the oasis base!"

In the background, Saida is roaring and roaring, and the substitute is wailing.

"Is it fun if I ask you to be his fucking substitute? Then you will die for him!"

Chen Mo couldn't help but think of the knife-handler's ability to change his appearance.

At first, because they were carrying out a doomsday mission, and prompted by the light brain data, this ability was tightly restrained by the natural disaster victims. Now in the third-party world, this ability has suddenly become difficult.

At this moment, the sound of brakes came from beside Chen Mo.

Orange opened the car door, looked at Balala and Chen Mo and said, "Get in the car!"

The two reacted very quickly and immediately got into the car. Then they heard Orange step on the accelerator while arranging the mission plan.

"Balala, myself, and Traveler will break into the oasis base and kidnap the crocodile boss. The journey will take about five minutes. The three of you will arrive within fifteen minutes and be responsible for the response."

The three of them quickly agreed.

It seems that the resistance forces in the entire convoy have been cleared over there, but unfortunately the target is just a stand-in.

After Orange ended the call, his face showed a little solemnity.

"Don't worry, my helmet has recognition capabilities, he will definitely not be able to escape this time!"

When Chen Mo heard this, he couldn't help but think of her basic attribute detection ability.

Could it be because of this helmet?

This made Chen Mo doubt that this seemingly inconspicuous helmet might be a replica of the same spiritual weapon as the gloves of the blaster. It seems that she should have considered this aspect when choosing this mission. It was her own experience that was a bit shallow.

The three people drove to the gate of the Oasis base at the fastest speed.

After the guards in front of the base gate fired a gun alarm, as the vehicle got closer and closer, the guards opened fire one after another, but the three figures actually broke through the roof and jumped up, letting the vehicle crash into the barricade with inertia.

"C3 Doomsday Fish, Explode!"


Accompanied by the earth-shaking explosion, metal parts, cement blocks, and stones flew.

Facing the strong attack of Chen Mo as a third-level natural disaster destroyer, the twenty or so fish soldiers in front of the base gate were torn to pieces in an instant.

The shock wave of the explosion not only formed a large pit with a diameter of four or five meters in front of the gate, emitting billowing black smoke, but also completely destroyed the base gate and a section of the wall.

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