Disaster Strikes

Chapter 114 Huiyao Family

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The soldier in charge of night watch in Huiyao Castle greeted him out of boredom.

"What are you doing?"

The man yawned and pulled up the collar of his plush coat. The temperature on this side of the mountain was lower at night, and he forced himself to look into the distance.

Long night.

Watching the night on the city wall is undoubtedly a rather boring task.

"I heard that several families on the other side of the mountain range are fighting. Two days ago, there was a rumor in the castle that a family was coming to marry our lady. Is this true?"

"I heard about it too."

The soldier perked up a little.

He sneered, "I heard that the war broke out because the heir's fiancée was having an affair and was discovered. It was really chaotic. Our lady naturally wouldn't be interested in that guy."

"Tsk tsk."

Another soldier was relieved when he heard this and sneered, "Indeed, with the heritage of the Huiyao family and the beauty and wisdom of the lady, there are not many people in the entire Glory Mountains who can match her. How can a guy who was insulted as a coward by his former fiancée be worthy of the lady? A toad wants to eat swan meat."

Just then!

The fire in the dark night outside the city stopped the two people who were chatting. After reminding their companions who were on night watch in other areas, they became cautious and alert.

As the fire gradually approached, the figures of eight people came to the foot of the city wall. It was the Schumacher family led by Lacy Schumacher. After confirming that they had left the foggy area, they lit torches and walked over with great fanfare.

"Who is it!"

The night watchman noticed that Garlon was carrying a beast that looked like a deer but was not a deer, and its size was even larger than his.

"Adventurers, the city gates are closed, you can only camp outside and come in for supplies tomorrow!"

Facing the soldiers' shouts, Lacy Schumacher held up a torch.

"I am Lacy Schumacher, the heir of the Schumacher family. I have come here to visit the respected Lord Huiyao. I have important matters to discuss. In addition, my two followers were attacked and injured by the beast and need to be treated as soon as possible. Please report to the Lord as soon as possible."

The night watchman did not dare to be careless and hurried to the city to report.

Chen Mo and his party were finally able to rest here for a while.

With a bang.

Garlon threw down the corpse of the beast he was carrying, and the ground immediately raised a cloud of dust, showing its amazing weight.

The left half of the face of the hairy bear next to Garlon was completely disfigured, as if it had been bitten off by some creature.

Cat's Eye at the back of the team had his right arm missing, and the wound was bandaged with a blood-soaked bandage.

"Thank you for your hard work on this trip."

After Lacy Schumacher consoled several people, he looked at the towering castle and took a deep breath. From now on, it was a real challenge.

After a while.

Accompanied by a long "creaking" friction sound, the metal gate of the castle slowly opened, and four sturdy little leaders led dozens of soldiers, who were well-trained and walked out of the city gate in a uniform manner.

Each of these soldiers held a torch in their hands, and instantly illuminated the castle gate like daylight.

"Who is Lacy Schumacher?"


After Lacy Schumacher confirmed that this person was not a lord, but should be just a commander, he handed the token in his arms to Garlon, who handed it to the other party. After the other party confirmed that it was correct, the group of eight people finally entered the castle, and the gate slowly closed again.

"Excuse me, what's your name, Commander?"


The Commander's expressionless response made people feel like a cold-blooded creature.

Lacy Schumacher said: "My two followers were injured when they were crossing the Silent Forest and need immediate treatment. Can you arrange for my two followers as soon as possible?"

"Silent Forest?"

Gary looked at the injuries of Mao Xiong and Cat's Eye carefully and said: "According to the rules, you must get the approval of the Lord before you can get the right to rest in the castle. However, since you two were injured when you were crossing the Silent Forest, I can let one of my friends give you emergency treatment first. You can follow Commander Gen Yamo."


After Mao Xiong and Cat's Eye left with another young commander, the rest continued to follow Lacy Schumacher and walked into the castle.

Many soldiers were secretly watching Garlon, or the corpse of the strange beast on his body, as they marched.


At this moment.

A terrible roar came from the depths of the castle.

The soldiers who were traveling with them were obviously used to it, but Chen Mo, Wang Yi, Garlon and others all changed their expressions, and instinctively felt the horror of this creature.

"This is Meilong."

Lacy Schumacher took a deep breath, and he seemed to smell the oppression in the air.

Following the little leader, the group soon came to a hall deep in the castle. A white-haired man in a bearskin coat had obviously just stood up. His mental state was not good, but he still exuded unquestionable majesty.

He looked down at the few people, and everyone led by Lacy Schumacher hurriedly saluted respectfully.

"Are you Lacy Schumacher?"

"Yes, respected lord."

The white-haired man looked at Lacy Schumacher, and after getting his affirmative answer, he nodded and said lightly: "Senior Blood Hand, are you okay now?"

"Grandpa is in good health. Before leaving, he repeatedly told me to hand over this letter and this bottle of dragon blood potion to the lord in person."

Lacy Schumacher handed the envelope and potion to the old butler and handed them to the man on the high seat.

The hall was silent.

After reading the contents of the letter, the other party actually showed a satisfied arc at the corner of his mouth, shook the potion in his hand, and nodded.

"As expected of the Schumacher family, you can actually purify the dragon blood potion that is beneficial to Meilong. It seems that your family's dragon blood purification technology is second to none in the Glory Mountains."

Being praised in person by the other party, Lacy Schumacher bowed respectfully.

His modest smile did not show any cowardice, which was far from the legendary image. The old lord could not help but look at him with a high opinion of him.

However, before he could speak, Lacy Schumacher made way and showed Garlon.

In other words, he showed the body of the strange beast he was carrying.

"In addition, when my followers and I were passing through the Silent Forest, we encountered this strange beast. After paying the price of two followers being injured, we finally killed it. I heard that Meilong's fire breath is not much less powerful than the real dragon breath, but every time he spits out the fire breath, he will fall into weakness and need a long time to recover. So I think this strange beast is a good material for Meilong to nourish, so I brought it with me."

After saying this, Lacy Schumacher signaled Garlon with his eyes.

Garlon nodded and gently placed the body of the strange beast on the ground.

Seeing this, the old lord was surprised, but he still waved his hand and signaled a small leader to move the body of the strange beast away.

However, this small leader, who was famous for his strength, suddenly changed his face after touching the body of the strange beast.

The weight of the body of this strange beast was unexpectedly heavy!

But at this time, even if he tried his best, he had to take the body of the strange beast away, otherwise where would the lord's face be?

Seeing this little leader carrying the body of the strange beast that was almost twice as big as his body and walking away slowly, Garlon couldn't help but smile secretly.

Along the way.

The body of the strange beast was carried by him, Mao Xiong, and Wang Yi.

Until they got out of the fog, Wang Yi suddenly suggested that everyone light torches and show up openly, and suggested that Garlon carry the strange beast alone to highlight his terrifying power.

I have to admit that this kid is really smart and makes the young master proud!

As for the bottle of dragon blood purification potion, it is naturally not the inferior product shown to Chen Mo and others.

The old lord naturally saw everything and said calmly: "I understand what you mean. The fact that you can take out this bottle of dragon blood purification potion shows your sincerity, and my daughter is indeed of marriageable age. As a father, I can arrange for you to meet my daughter tomorrow. As for whether it will succeed or not, it depends on you."


The old lord continued: "But whether it succeeds or not, I have accepted the favor of this strange beast. Steward, arrange a resting place for them, and take six purple flame bombs from the warehouse and give them to Master Laqi."


Led by the butler, everyone bowed and said goodbye, leaving the magnificent hall.

A moment later.

A boy walked into the hall. He looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a head of silver-white flowing hair inherited from his family, and a bit of arrogance in his expression.

"Father, you don't really want my sister to marry him, do you?"

This person is his fifth son, Shanming Huiyao.

It can be seen that this handsome and unruly boy did not fancy Lacy Schumacher. After all, this pale and slightly hunched sickly boy is hard to arouse interest at first sight.

"Don't underestimate him."

The old lord stood up and walked down from the high seat.

Looking at the child who already had some spirit, he slowly said: "After all, it is the Schumacher family, and the other party is willing to pay such a price just to meet him. If I refuse directly, it will inevitably be regarded as contempt by the other party, and I am afraid there will be some trouble in the future. However, if you and Rouli come forward, I think the other party will have nothing to say."

Come forward yourself?

After his father's request, Shanming Huiyao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Father, I know."

Then he turned around and left excitedly.

Presumably, he told his sister about the situation here and discussed countermeasures.

Seeing this, the old lord narrowed his eyes and looked thoughtful.

"Hehe, you want to marry my daughter and borrow my Meilong, but you promise her the wealth after destroying the Howell family. You old man, you are really cunning!"

Although this bottle of dragon blood purification potion is precious, it is not enough for him to join the Schumacher family's war at the cost of his family being involved in the vortex of war.

Not to mention the war on the other side of the mountain.

And the reason why he agreed to this meeting was, firstly, the former majesty of Gude Schumacher. Even after so many years, he still remembered it vividly, and he had to give him some face.

Secondly, the Huiyao family has indeed reached a bottleneck in recent years. If they want to improve again, it is undoubtedly a good choice to develop their influence to the other side of the mountain.

Thirdly, it is because of Lacy Schumacher's secret intelligence.

Although this kid's reputation is not very good on the other side of the mountain, he admires it very much.

Especially in the face of humiliation, he still did not lose his mind, let his former fiancée leave, and openly declared war on the Miller family, which made him think of some of his past.

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