Disaster Strikes

Chapter 1162 Fifth Floor

Chapter 1169 Fifth Floor

The figure approaching the mausoleum in the distance stopped.

He obviously sensed something was wrong. Even though they were several kilometers apart, the momentum of the two sword rivers seemed to be a bit too exaggerated, which made him feel extremely dangerous. Every cell in his body was constantly warning him.

Fortunately it's daytime now.

This is the fifth floor. He is not worried about the other party entering the mausoleum at this time, so he gently flicks the magic cloak behind him and summons a group of bats to surge into the distance. He wants to confirm the identities of the two parties who just fought.

The bat swarm didn't fly far when a man with black gas all over his body rushed over.

This man was none other than Demonized Xiao Fei. Without saying a word, he slashed at him with the Chaotic Demonic Sword. The sword energy swept past him. The prepared man successfully avoided it, smiled strangely, and his body suddenly turned into countless pieces. The voices from all directions also became quiet.

The demonized Xiao Fei, who was controlled by the Chaotic Demon Sword, rushed over again, and the fragments scattered like phantoms.

He apparently didn't realize he was in a light dream.

"It's actually a controlled summoned creature?!"

The man showed surprise that he could influence the other party so easily. However, this did not make him feel relaxed. This man's strength and speed had exceeded at least 500 points. Such a powerful creature was only controlled. Summoning creatures, he really couldn't imagine how terrifying it must be for the summoner who was controlling him at this moment.

The ten nails showed a strange dark red color, like a viscous liquid that was constantly squirming. The dark red color of the man's thumbnail on his left hand suddenly dissipated, revealing a normal color. This meant that his light dream energy had been consumed for ten seconds. one part.

The so-called light dream is a unique energy quality that men master.

This is a unique illusion that uses subconscious mind soothing to allow the subject to subconsciously ignore the caster and achieve self-deception. During this period, the subject will naturally ignore certain things, allowing the caster to become invisible and invisible. Hallucinations and a host of other conditions.

"If those flying swords are genuine telepathy weapons, even if they pull him into a light dream, they will only be able to sustain a few breaths at most."

The man had a solemn look on his face. He instinctively felt that those things were more of a technological nature or a large-scale illusion. Until the bat swarm flew back again, the man's expression suddenly changed, and then he flew away into the distance without saying a word.

"No way, no way."

The man's face was very ugly. At the cost of most of the recon bat's casualties, he finally saw the specific situation over there. The figure that fell from the two sides of the battle just now turned out to be Endless Arms Lu Ke'er. He knew this woman clearly. The horror!

But at this moment.

After the unknown guy defeated her, he actually tried... to take off her clothes?

Although this kind of behavior is not a big deal to the natural disaster victims, it was Lu Keer. This made him, who witnessed such a scene, filled with incredible fear and a different kind of blasphemous pleasure, as if he was It's like being there.

Chen Mo turned his head and glanced at the back of the unknown natural disaster victims who came and left in a hurry.

He deliberately let go of those reconnaissance bats. This witness would help him better complete the sacrifice of his heroic name. Chen Mo only used it as an assistant to complete the ritual. His focus was still on how to crack the endless weapons on Lu Keer. , destroying her persistence and making her feel humiliated in order to complete the sacrifice of her fame.

Then Chen Mo withdrew his gaze and continued to experiment.

The real fire of molten gold was successfully defended by the endless weapons that turned into liquid form. For the first time, the silver-white flames had no power in front of the metal material. Chen Mo's expression became slightly solemn. After he paused for a moment, a green-gold sword appeared in his hand. .

"I will kill you."

Lu Keer moaned feebly, but Chen Mo showed no sign of stopping.

As the sword energy seeped into the liquid Endless Arms, the Endless Arms seemed to be stimulated and boiled instantly. Then it was divided into tens of thousands of parts again, constantly forming special magnetic fields with each other and undergoing adaptive changes. .

Chen Mo looked at these adaptive parts and couldn't help but frown slightly.

The technological world that creates endless weapons is obviously a very powerful world. The technological strength displayed by endless weapons is unmatched by any world device that Chen Mo has seen.

As for the white and soft body revealed during the transformation process of the Endless Arms, Chen Mo had become familiar with it during the continuous experiments. The reason why he tried to dismantle the Endless Arms was because technological devices often have ownerless characteristics, that is, all Shared by everyone.

While Chen Mo was experimenting over and over again, he suddenly paused.

He felt that his third quota for sacrificing a heroic name seemed to have been fulfilled. After this made him a little surprised, he couldn't help but think of the person he had just let go, and then he thought of the process of dismantling the endless weapons. , as the endless weapons continued to change forms, Lu Keer's body was exposed again and again.

He originally wanted to use endless weapons as the element of sacrifice, but now it seems that he can find another way.

On the five floors of the Pharaoh's Pyramid, a day and night lasted about eight hours.

Two hours later.

Zhuo Lin, with red and green oil paint on her cheeks and a black cat tied to her shoulders, was gliding on the sand dunes like a surfer. Then she noticed an unexpected place on the horizon in the distance.

"Very good!"

It was already dusk. As long as she confirmed that there were no ambushing enemies near the mausoleum, she could teleport through the mausoleum to the sixth floor.

But soon, she noticed three figures in front of the stone gate of the mausoleum.

A creature in the form of a nine-tailed fox was using one of its tails to hang a figure in full silver armor. A man was riding on the back of the nine-tailed fox and was constantly trying to attack the man. As the man's attack mode continued to change, the endless armed also changed its form, and in the process, the protected body was briefly exposed.

Zhuo Lin was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes widened, as if she had discovered something incredible.

As a secondary master of the Evil God City, she only had a speed attribute that exceeded the critical value of 500 points. Under normal circumstances, she could only perform B-level tasks, but once she was very lucky. Because the task time was tight, she was recruited by an A-level task team and performed an A-level task.

During this period, she got to know all the mainstream masters of this team, including the endless armed Lu Keer.

She clearly remembered the terrifying strength that Lu Keer had shown during the mission, and learned about this Lu Keer from other mainstream masters. Even among the mainstream masters, she was a well-known existence.

But now, she has become a prisoner of this mysterious man, and she doesn't even have a chance to escape?

Zhuo Lin's brain short-circuited for a while, and then she felt a chill in her spine, as if she felt the undisguised malice in the other person's eyes. After a burst of cold sweat on her back, she quickly fled to the distance.

"Get out of here, leave this person!"

As Zhuo Lin's figure gradually faded away, Chen Mo in the distance looked over here, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

This is the fifth witness. He can already feel that the third quota for sacrificing his name has been completed, and the process of sacrificing his name seems to have some similarities with accumulating time and space influence and matching the disaster world.

As a natural disaster, the future advancement must be the evil god route, that is, the route that matches the mother world.

This requires that during the advancement to the Calamity Lord, one must be consistent with the characteristics of certain regions in the Calamity World. This is why the Calamity Lord and Calamity Monarch named themselves after the regions in the Calamity World.

"Kill me."

Lu Keer stared at Chen Mo fiercely and said, "Otherwise I will not let you go!"

Chen Mo smiled coldly when he heard this.

He glanced at the sunset and said to the Demonized Meiji, "The intelligence always mentions that the guardians in the mausoleum during the day are much stronger than at night. It's a good time to do an experiment. Throw her out. She is useless."

The Demonized Meiji in the form of a nine-tailed fox flew into the air immediately after hearing this.

The Demonized Xiaofei who buried himself in the sand slowly crawled out.

After patting his body, he pushed the stone door open with force. The underground passage was very wide and the underground was dark, as if it was going to swallow up all the souls.

Chen Mo looked at the murals on both sides.

These murals are all branches. If you look at them alone, they don't seem to make any sense.

Chen Mo pieced the above contents together and saw that it seemed to depict a big tree. Each branch of the tree represented a technology. All creatures that disagreed with it were regarded as heretics and sacrificed.

Until the last mural, the twisted tree appeared.

Although it was just a mural, Chen Mo could still understand the cruelty, distortion, antiquity, darkness, supremacy, and uniqueness from it. On top of the tree was a huge black shadow, which could be seen as a huge octopus-shaped life.

"The world view of truth, the Old Ones?"

Demonized Meiji followed Chen Mo and accompanied him to finish reading these murals.

However, before Chen Mo had time to think deeply, he heard a series of "clicks" and "clicks", as if the sound of bones breaking, and gradually accompanied by hoarse panting. Demonized Xiaofei and Demonized Meiji stood on both sides of Chen Mo, looking at the extremely empty and dark underground mausoleum.

Demonized Xiaofei was the first to perceive the danger, took the initiative to attack, and rushed into the darkness.

"What is that?"

The demonized Meiji looked at those things that looked like white starfish and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, not only because of the other party's strange shape, but also because of the strange breath in the other party's body, which gave her a very bad feeling.

The demonized Xiaofei quickly killed several strange substances with the Chaos Demon Sword, and they didn't seem difficult to deal with.

But the mental state of the demonized consumption seemed to be affected by this, and gradually began to become extreme, greedy, and evil. It seemed to be gradually out of the control of the Chaos Demon Sword, and white sprouts like enoki mushrooms gradually grew out of his body, which looked extremely disgusting and terrifying.

If the Death Curse Evil God was here, he would be very familiar with this feeling. This ability to affect the spirit, mind, subconsciousness, and genetic inheritance is exactly the field that the Old Ones are best at.

At this time.

More and more white starfish-like creatures rushed out of the underground mausoleum. To be precise, they can't even be called creatures, but something similar to dolls. Even after killing them, no blood flowed out.

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