Disaster Strikes

Chapter 1238 Heavenly Law Killing

Chapter 1245 Heavenly Rule Killing

The power of the Sea Queen reached its peak in almost an instant.

At this moment, she already had the power to fight against god-level creatures. This was a characteristic given to her by the Canghai World, but after seeing the chaotic burning monster that emerged from the strange lantern, she still couldn't help but change her face and felt a huge pressure.

From the biological level, this was a creature that was much closer to the god level than her.

However, due to the different forms of the six-level creatures on both sides, the peak-stage Great Guardian was the most powerful existence among all the six-level creatures, so she was not afraid. After just a little trance, she decided to strike first.

Hundreds of square kilometers of sea water suddenly boiled, and even thunder and lightning fell from the sky.

The three-eyed giant only felt that he had become the center of the vortex, and endless pressure came to him. In this state, let alone fighting back, it became a problem to survive. It had to divide most of its power to fight against the harsh environment around it at all times.

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This is the power of the high pressure law of water.


The three-eyed giant roared.

The vortex on his forehead released a lion's roar, which temporarily drove away the oppression around him, but as the power of the lion's roar was exhausted, the surrounding sea water soon surged again, imprisoning and oppressing him in the sea.

The giant sword turned into black lightning and split forward, but saw that the crystal palace condensed a vortex, which instantly absorbed most of the power of the giant sword, and the remaining part was completely dissolved by the power of the law.

Seeing the turbulent waves above the sea, a huge fish face gradually took shape.

Its mouth was hundreds of meters long, even bigger than the three-eyed giant with four wings spread out, and it seemed to want to swallow him in one gulp. However, at this moment, the Chaos Clone in the lantern finally appeared completely. After realizing that it was not enough for the main body to fight against the Great Guardian at the peak, the Chaos Clone did not hold back and condensed a large amount of light into a fist and blasted forward, like the brilliance of a galaxy.


In an instant, a huge tremor formed in the center of the ocean, as if the end of the world was coming.

The Six Snake Pirates, hundreds of miles away, were gathering on an isolated island. More than 200 ships were docked in the harbor of the small island. More than a dozen pirate leaders gathered together to discuss the failure of the expedition against the Black Jade of the Qiongjing Pirates a few months ago.

At this moment.

Plans, known as the Deep Sea Six-Headed Snake, has been roaming the White Key Sea for more than a thousand years. He established the Six Snake Pirates and is the master of humans in this sea.

At his level, he has begun to come into contact with myths and legends.

He knew that there were too many terrifying creatures in this world, and even he was unwilling to offend them. Humans were just a humble race drifting on the sea in this world. Those powerful super sea kings were the real rulers of this world. They galloped in the deep sea and the ocean. The land was just a barren land in their eyes. But if someone really didn't have the eyes to provoke them, there were many islands that sank because of this in history.

"A creature from another world?"

"Yes, I can be sure that the power of that creature after opening its true body is very strong. Its weapon is a big sword that can release destructive thunder. I was lucky to escape."

Whenever the immortal old Joe recalled this incident, he felt his heart bleeding.

He lost twenty-two sons in this battle. They were all the best children. Alas.

"Old Joe, are you drunk? You said that the creature only took a dozen minutes to come in from discovery to entry, but you said that he had the power of a level 5 real body. Haha, this is impossible!"

"I'm not the only one who saw it."

Old Joe turned his eyes to another female pirate leader, one of the three real bodies at the time. She didn't have the ability of the immortal Old Joe to transfer the damage to her direct descendants, so she suffered a lot of injuries, but fortunately she didn't die like the Seahorse King Knight.

"We were chasing the Black Jade at the time, and the time was indeed very short, and I felt that there seemed to be other guys behind that thing."

Everyone was furious when they heard this.

However, the Canghai World is not a weak world in a low period. Several real bodies entered here and couldn't even make a wave. After sighing for a while, everyone didn't take it to heart.

Even the deep-sea six-headed snake Plans, the leader of the pirate group, just sighed.

In history, there were many real people who entered the Canghai world. It happened almost every few years. Even one of their ships of the Six Snake Pirates was built with the corpses of real people from another world.

At this time.

The pirates who were still talking and laughing suddenly stood up.

The whole island was shaking violently. The infrasound waves formed by the friction of the continental plates underground made the real people feel extremely uneasy. At the same time, a strange blue light formed in the sky. After a short moment of stagnation, everyone rushed out of the house in this secret base and appeared on the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain was only about 50 meters above the sea level. Everyone looked into the depths of the sea.

In a short moment, a white line gradually took shape at the end of the field of vision, and there were black clouds. With the violent power of heaven and earth expanding in all directions, the blue sky that was originally sunny seemed to be stained by ink the next moment, presenting a terrifying black.

"What is this?"

A drunken pirate leader looked at the horizon in a daze, burped, and seemed a little unsteady.


As the sky above the people's heads was dyed black and quickly spread to the distance, a force twelve gale swept in. Even the real bodies who did not open their real bodies instinctively lowered their bodies.

"It's a tsunami!!"

Someone screamed, as if the end of the world was coming.

"Get up quickly."

"Where is there any place to hide..."

The intensity of this tsunami is estimated to be rare in the world. The small leaders who recognize the reality are desperate. This hidden island can only be swallowed up.

However, compared with the despair of these low-level pirates, the real bodies are full of fear.

The will of the world is turbulent, and countless sea creatures are uneasy. The tsunami is just a manifestation of the boiling power of the law. In the unknown places of the deep sea, some extremely terrifying things must have happened. This is not something that one or two super sea kings can do.

"Hiss, what happened? How could the power of the world be so violent!"

"The source is probably hundreds of kilometers away from here, my God."

It is not strange that the real body can affect the natural environment within one or two kilometers or more than ten kilometers around, but the difficulty of directly affecting the terrifying area within a few hundred kilometers is directly increased by hundreds or thousands of times, which is beyond the cognition of most real bodies.


The rolling sea water tens of meters high surged over, and the pirates could only hide in the cabin and pray. With the violent shock, some pirate ships were completely submerged, and other pirate ships were swept away. This secret island became history in the tsunami.

Deep in the sea.

The Chaos Clone, which sometimes expanded to hundreds of meters and sometimes shrunk to more than a hundred meters, relied on the absolutely powerful power of the Great Sage's real body. After smashing the power of the sea with one punch, his body was entangled by several tangible sea water, as if trying to bind him here.

While the Chaos clone was holding on with brute force, a huge amount of supernatural rejection force surged out, and the surrounding environment seemed to be moving closer to the earth. All supernatural phenomena that could not be explained by science were suppressed by the mysterious power nature, including these sea snake-like things, which were rapidly becoming virtual and fading.

Seeing that it would take some time to completely open up these binding forces, the main body that was rescued by the Chaos clone immediately destroyed it with the giant sword to help the Chaos clone.


The Crystal Palace turned into a cover from high altitude, constantly absorbing the real body power overflowing from the Chaos clone and the three-eyed giant. Seeing this, the Chaos clone opened his arms and caught the Crystal Palace under the cover. The three-eyed giant sacrificed the Qiankun Tower, and the 100-meter giant tower wanted to trap the Crystal Palace.

"Firefly Bright Moon."

After the female sea queen sneered, three chains suddenly emerged from the deep sea. Each chain seemed to represent a law of power, and these laws of power were all related to water.

One seems to be water pressure, and the authority behind it includes weight, vitality, and mystery.

One is in the shape of water, and the authority behind it includes transparency, blocks, barriers, and dissolution.

The other is the sea, and the authority behind it includes fate, wealth, and legend.

Today, Chen Mo has been able to initially sense the power of the law and vaguely analyze the authority contained in these laws. If he wants to join the war between god-level creatures, this is the basis. Only by analyzing the authority behind the law can he find the anchor point of the god-level creatures and then carry out targeted destruction.

Since the female sea queen is the great guardian, the power of the law she controls is only passively given by the sea world. Therefore, the authority behind these laws is not intertwined and is very complicated. Therefore, she has no authority to speak, but only a preliminary influence.

Wherever these three chains of laws pass, the nature of the sea will be known to the female sea queen, and she can make the nearby environment develop in a direction that is beneficial to her in all directions through subtle manipulation.

No matter how powerful the real body of the Great Sage is, it is only the real body after all.

The real body is an amplifier for individual creatures to break through the limits, and it is an amplifier for individual creatures to try to control the laws. Before the Great Sage mastered the power of the law, he was just a creature that strengthened the amplifier to the extreme. The longer he wanted to use it to fight against the Great Guardian who mastered the power of the law, the more powerless he became.

"But it's not that there is no chance."

Chen Mo looked at the female sea emperor in the layers of waves. Compared with the god-level creatures, the Great Guardian could not be transformed into a pure body of law, and still needed to show his real body, which made it impossible for him to be invincible.

Of course.

This is only in an ideal state.

After the two sides fought for half a day, Chen Mo's original body and the chaos clone used all their means, but they were still at a disadvantage, and it seemed that it was increasingly difficult to resist the female sea emperor Great Guardian in the peak state. In the violent panting, the three-eyed giant gradually lost his strength.

The chaos clone can still hold on for a long time, but it is as difficult as ascending to heaven to overcome the confrontation with its own strength, and the chance is slim.

"It's almost reached the limit."

The three-eyed giant murmured.

However, the limit he mentioned was not referring to himself, but to the range of the power of heaven and earth that was gradually violent due to the Great Sage form Chaos Clone, which had gradually reached its limit and covered the surrounding sea area of ​​thousands of kilometers.


The Chaos Clone attacked again, and he slashed forward with one hand, as if opening a crack, swallowing up a distant and ancient curse legend. The three-eyed giant groaned, and he saw countless dooms driven to death by the desire for wealth. Countless pairs of eyes were staring at him, and the law of the sea was affecting the true body of the original body.

At this time.

He took out a yellow scroll and opened it on the spot.

When the Queen of the Sea saw this, her aura suddenly soared. She seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"This is the vast world!"

"The female Sea Emperor has an affair with the general who protects the Marriage Book, which violates the laws of heaven. She must be punished for her crime. She will be killed without mercy and will be executed immediately!"

After Chen Mo finished speaking, it was like a strange fairy door opened between heaven and earth, from which the aura of heaven surged out. It was staring at the female Sea Queen. The originally violent Queen of the Sea suddenly froze, and even the surrounding layers of The waves seemed to be soothed by an invisible force and became quiet.

Chen Mo vaguely saw a stone tablet, which was the Tiandao tablet.

"Anyone who accepts its favor will be restricted by its rules. This is the power of the immortal, and this is the rule of heaven."

Chen Mo understood in an instant that this was a worldview weapon built by Xuan Ling!

In other words.

After refining the power of immortals, Chen Mo also believed in the existence of immortals. In a way, Chen Mo is also one of the anchors of this worldview, but he is not ranked in the immortal class, and is in a gray area, with distance violations. Heaven is only one step away.

The laws of heaven are similar to the laws enacted by heaven.

The reason why Chen Mo has not been targeted by heaven yet is because the fairy power he obtained was obtained through smuggling, and because of his status as a natural disaster victim.


The Queen of the Sea let out a scream of pain. Her face was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye. It seemed as if an invisible force had taken away her energy and spirit, and it seemed as if thousands of years had passed in an instant. Then she actually melted under Chen Mo's eyes.

Chen Mo vaguely felt some of the power of the immortal spirit that had not yet been refined, gradually dissipating between heaven and earth.


After the three-eyed giant was stunned for a moment, he looked at the decree of heaven again.

At this moment, the imperial edict of Heaven seems to have become a lot grayer because of the killing of the female Sea Queen. As long as the general who protects the Marriage Book is killed, the mission will be completed and wiped out.

The other party is somewhere hundreds of kilometers away from here and seems to be heading here.

However, Chen Mo was not in a hurry to see him. His goal was to kill the female sea emperor guardian. As for the general guardian, he didn't care.

At this moment, the Queen of the Sea is dead, and the chaos clone located in the boiling center of the world's power suddenly feels the chaotic power of heaven and earth nearby. It seems that a certain creature will be randomly given the path to the Great Guardian. It will be more lucky than other creatures. , blessed by the world.

The sea water was still violent, and the Chaos clone snorted coldly.

Layers of supernatural power of rejection took over, and the Chaos clone punched out. The rolling waves split to both sides, and an artificial trench appeared. Then the Chaos clone jumped up and rushed out of the sea. .

Crack! Crack! Crackling...

Thunder and lightning continued to fall from the dark clouds, and the Chaos clone seemed to have no weight. Standing on the rough sea, the nearby waves were forcibly pressed down by an invisible force and became stable.

Then the Chaos clone opened his hands again, and the billowing dark clouds in the sky were forcibly condensed, shrinking into a giant black ball. Lightning kept leaking out from inside the ball. He began to try to suppress the boiling power of heaven and earth here, and cut off the good luck that was about to be given. The fate of the future great guardian.

After seven days and seven nights.

Chen Mo, who had been guarding the Chaos clone, suddenly felt something. He took out the imperial edict of heaven and looked coldly at the distant sea.

"You are not from heaven!"

This was a man with white eyebrows and white hair, full of feminine beauty. His eyes showed determination and surprise as he looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo didn't respond to him. He looked at the Chaos clone and seemed to understand everything.

"It turns out it's to satisfy the god-level promotion ceremony."

He felt disappointed: "Although I had expected this day to come, I didn't expect it to appear in this form. That's all, dying in your hands is much better than dying in the hands of people in heaven. Promise me One request, don't use the decree of heaven, kill me with your own hands. This marriage book will be yours after my death, and you will understand everything by then. "

The Chaos clone is in a critical period of advancement.

Chen Mo did not hesitate, the black thunder flashed, and after sweeping the giant spirit sword, he killed the man who wanted to die. He did not activate his true body and was instantly wiped out.

Chen Mo frowned slightly and took the marriage book again.

This is a red book that looks inconspicuous, with three large characters written on it: Marriage Book.

The unexpected gain from the Crystal Palace had already made him very satisfied, and now he had received this so-called marriage book, which immediately made him even more surprised.

This is a treasure from heaven, it must contain some secrets!

So he opened the marriage book without hesitation.

All of a sudden.

Chen Mo felt as if he had opened a window to the world and saw the operating program of the inner world. Everyone, all matter, and all energy were operating according to an established program. Everything continued in perfect harmony. This made Chen Mo He couldn't help but be intoxicated and fell into it. He seemed to have seen a world of great harmony.

The key part of this is the interpersonal interaction as witnesses.

The director of the marriage book calculates the best distribution of marriages between people under the general trend of perfect harmony, so that heaven can get a glimpse of the law behind the reproduction of demons.

In the worldview of the Heavenly Dao, people will no longer be people, but a part of the law of the endless world, just like an operating system under a complex program. The Heavenly Court wants to make the endless world a perfect system with a predetermined arrangement and turn people into perfectly functioning machines.

With a loud bang.

In the head of the Chaos Clone, a mini galaxy appeared unexpectedly. Its true body stabilized at about a thousand meters, holding the sun in one hand and the moon in the other, with its arms open.

Then a single eye opened on its head, overlooking all living beings.

Affected by this, a thousand-meter-long eye-shaped dimensional crack opened in the sky, leading to an unknown place. It seemed that as long as he stepped into it and abandoned the body of the Calamity, he could return to Earth. The Chaos Clone had evolved into a true dimensional beast, an existence comparable to a god-level creature, but different from the common god-level creatures.

But at this moment, Chen Mo hesitated.

Just as the witch said, he had been a Calamity for too long.

So much so that the disaster world has become his home in his heart without him realizing it. He didn't know if he would regret abandoning his friends and everything here and returning to Earth.

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Mo sighed.

Then the thousand-meter giant standing on the sea returned to the lantern of the evil body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"There is still the war in the Guixu world waiting for me, and the matter of the old truth evil god to deal with, and the secret of an era in the disaster world, and the Jigong fairy is waiting for me, I can't leave!"

Two months later.

Chen Mo returned to the Jialan Islands.

The witch's harem life is quite happy. The pirates who are completely controlled by desire serve their supreme queen wholeheartedly. Seeing Chen Mo coming, the witch smiled slightly and stretched out her right foot. Seeing this, a pirate immediately bowed his head and kissed it.

"You are on time, just these few days."

After Chen Mo sat down, he picked up the wine handed by a pirate, nodded, and didn't say much.

Sure enough, it was as the witch said.

A week later, she died peacefully after eating a strawberry pie dessert.

The pirates were stunned and looked at the witch's rapidly aging body. They suddenly felt that they were extremely absurd and just wanted to escape from themselves as soon as possible and forget everything that happened to them.

Chen Mo quietly watched the factor power that continued to dissipate from the witch's body, and seemed to have some insights.

This process lasted for about half a month.

As a level 5 true body, the witch's body was not rotten and had factor power. When Chen Mo was considering whether to take her away, the island welcomed an uninvited guest.

It turned out to be a pirate who had left here before. After other pirates learned of their situation, the people of the Six Snake Pirates knew about it.

These pirate leaders, because they lost their men, are recruiting soldiers near the Jialan Islands and rebuilding their pirate teams. They must continue to maintain their influence and keep being revered and legendary by people in the nearby waters.

"Haha, haha!"

The laughter of the immortal old Joe came from a distance. He brought hundreds of pirates and sons to the castle, looked at the witch's body, and then stagnated.

"Such a powerful witch is hidden here!!"

He looked excited and unbelievable, and rushed over with big strides, looking at the old female corpse on the bed, shaking with excitement.

"You'd better leave here immediately."

Chen Mo recognized the other party. The special aura of immortality factor on him was very rare.

Undead Old Joe ignored Chen Mo and waved his hand. Five black lines shot into Chen Mo's body, but they were burned by the soul-eating blood flame. The familiar magic fire made Undead Old Joe shudder and looked at Chen Mo in disbelief.

He retreated a few steps and said, "It's you!"

Chen Mo was about to take action, but Undead Old Joe said, "I'll leave here immediately!"

However, at this moment, another group of pirates appeared outside the gate. The leader was a one-eyed dragon, who laughed loudly and said, "Undead Old Joe, you are really fast, you are worthy of being the owner of the Star's Anthem, but don't think of eating alone this time."

Undead Old Joe was so anxious that he was sweating profusely when he saw this.

"Get out of the way!"

"No way!"

Seeing that the two were not giving in to each other and that there seemed to be other pirate ships approaching in the distance, Chen Mo became a little impatient. He said coldly: "Forget it, once and for all, leave them all to me."

Half a day later.

More than a dozen pirate ships that survived the shipwreck were sunk one by one by Chen Mo and completely became history.

The leader of the pirate group, the deep-sea six-headed snake Plans, was slapped to death by the Chaos Clone and collected as a treasure material.

As Chen Mo left the time and space range of the disaster world for longer and longer, he could feel the call of the disaster world more and more. Even as the messenger of doomsday, he had to go back as soon as possible, otherwise he would be gradually backlashed.

Originally, according to his idea, the will of the main body was transferred to the clone, and everything would be over.

But when the time came, he was unwilling to give up and felt that he should do something more.

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