Disaster Strikes

Chapter 1240 Premonition of Coming

Chapter 1247 Premonition of the Coming

The head of the three-eyed giant finally emerged from the crack of time and space, overlooking the land.

He had left many time and space anchor points in the invisible water world, which provided him with a lot of lubrication. The rejection of the world's power was far less serious than in other worlds. He could actually extend another arm and explore this world.

The land was full of glacial gullies and craters caused by the explosion of metal debris.

The sky was full of elemental creatures and metal life forms fighting each other and swimming at high speed. There were tens of thousands of them, densely packed, with fires rising and falling, and in a mess.

Two mechanical creatures flew over, and dark green light waves swept across the three-eyed giant.

One mechanical life was similar to a sphere, with a diameter of about fifteen meters, composed of many cross-sections, and extended many pointers of unknown functions, with lights shining on the surface.

The other mechanical life was a giant with a pair of metal wings, more than twenty meters tall, holding a spear emitting amazing energy, looking at Chen Mo who was struggling to break in.

"Data storage completed."

The metal life of the polygonal sphere made a short mechanical sound, and the metal giant next to it immediately took action and pointed the spear at Chen Mo.

"Wait a minute."

The three-eyed giant struggled and said, "I am not your enemy."

"All life that is not of my kind is our enemy."


The spear shot out an astonishingly strong light, with at least 5,000 points of damage, pointing directly at the face of the three-eyed giant and piercing into the dark body. The three-eyed giant immediately roared in pain.

This process lasted for about a few breaths.

As the terrifying power condensed by the spear gradually dissipated, there was only a dent of a few meters on the top of the three-eyed giant's head. It looked at the two mechanical creatures in front of it with angry eyes, as if it was ready to launch a thunderous revenge after entering.

At this time

A polygonal mechanical object similar to a sphere, with blue thunder appearing on the eight pointers, and an invisible mysterious force field suppressed the three-eyed giant's time field, which surprised the three-eyed giant. Then the metal giant held the spear again and stabbed at the wound of the evil body.

The three-eyed giant hurriedly dodged to avoid being hit twice in the same place by the opponent.

Light energy and evil energy surged, and when the power of the spear was exhausted, a new dent appeared on the head of the evil body, and the left eye was injured.

The evil body desperately waved the wings of time and space to let itself enter this world as soon as possible. However, at this moment, the giant's third gun stabbed again. The three-eyed giant, who was stuck in the crack of time and space and could not move, waved the giant sword with his barely stretched arm to meet it. Even though he could not exert all his strength at this moment, he still resisted the counterattack and repelled the metal giant.

Seeing that he seemed to continue to attack Chen Mo, a cold evil wind suddenly blew in the sky, blue-gray, pointing directly at this place.

"Hahaha, freeze it!"

The metal giant sensed the danger and quickly evaded.

Chen Mo looked sideways. This elemental life was a mixture of wind and ice. It looked like a frost gorilla wrapped in a blue-gray hurricane. Its upper body was extremely strong and powerful, while its lower body was like a ghostly green smoke. After a punch, shock waves visible to the naked eye appeared in the air.

A layer of frost quickly condensed where the shock wave swept.

As the battle group went away, Chen Mo frowned. A layer of frost also condensed on its surface. These frosts actually had some chaos factors that would cause some uncontrollable mutations.

After the evil spirits on the surface of the true body surged, these chaos factors were eroded away.

Chen Mo glanced at the elemental life and mechanical life that were gradually going away. Both sides were true bodies. There were quite a few similar level 4 true bodies on this battlefield. It was unknown whether there might be god-level creatures in the distance.

From the initial observation, although these mechanical creatures are native creatures, they show strong hostility to all creatures that are not of my kind. The forces to which these elemental creatures belong are still unknown. However, Chen Mo initially guessed that they are probably not good people either. They should not be reinforcements invited by the Guixu World. They are most likely enemies of the Disaster World or affiliated forces of the Heavenly Court.

But no matter what, Chen Mo finally had a moment of respite at this moment.

However, not long after, a group of mechanical life gathered nearby and attacked Chen Mo. However, the strength of these mechanical life was not too high, all at the level of about level 2, and they were not a big threat to Chen Mo. While the Nirvana Demon Fire slowly repaired the surface injuries, the evil body swung the giant sword again, and the black thunder resulted, and the surrounding area was restored to an empty space.


Suddenly, a stunning beam of light descended from the sky over a hundred kilometers away. Chen Mo was shocked and looked at it. He felt very familiar. This seemed to be the power of the space-based orbital cannon. After the dazzling light lasted for about ten seconds, it spread in all directions with a destructive aura, and countless elemental creatures disappeared.

"Uncle can't come here. Could the mechanical creatures here have anything to do with the Apocalypse Company in the Alloy World?"

He needed to enter this world as soon as possible.

The time-space factor gradually covered the surface of the evil body's skin, as if it was covered with a layer of mucus, which played a lubricating effect. Then Chen Mo finally slid out of the cave with a "puff" sound, falling from the sky like a big catfish.

After the two pairs of huge wings behind him opened, the sky seemed to dim.

The three-eyed giant looked around and soon found the metal giant that was competing more than ten kilometers away. He was still fighting fiercely with the elemental creature. Chen Mo snorted coldly, and gently flapped his space-time wings. Its figure was like a wave of water. He suddenly disappeared, and the next moment he appeared more than ten kilometers away, and the great sword of destruction fell from the sky.


The black thunder came, and the metal giant was caught off guard, and one of his arms was chopped off by Chen Mo.

"Haha, this is Longshan Qi from the Evil Wind World. Where are you from?"

Facing the active overtures of this elemental creature's true form, Chen Mo did not respond to the other party. He was still unable to determine the other party's true intentions, so he needed to be more cautious.


The fallen metal arm actually self-destructed. Chen Mo, who was pursuing the victory, was caught off guard and looked a little embarrassed. The vortex on his forehead let out an earth-shattering roar, forcing the one-armed metal giant back. At the same time, the glacier gorilla who called himself Longshan Qi punched him again. came out and hit the one-armed metal giant in the chest, knocking it to the ground and forming a huge crater.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Longshan Qi followed closely and rushed to the ground more than a thousand meters away.

When Chen Mo saw this, he smiled coldly. He actually raised his head and glanced high in the sky, then locked onto a meteorite wandering around the edge of the world.

No matter what the opponent's identity is, there is no doubt that he is not a natural disaster victim, nor can he be a monk who has returned to the ruins world. Even if it is a friendly force, it is not a big deal if he is accidentally killed on such a chaotic battlefield.

"Star Meteor Technique."

About half a minute later, a fireball fell from the sky. It was a meteorite with a diameter of more than thirty meters. It reacted violently with the atmosphere. Debris in the edge area continued to explode until it reached the Dolby Metal giants who were fighting on the ground. Longshan Qi left.

Different from the low-level period, at this moment Chen Mo actually used the power of heaven and earth to accelerate the Star Meteor Technique a second time.

The speed of the Star Meteor Technique suddenly increased by twice as much, turning into a stream of light falling down.


After a brief silence, the explosion shock wave spread out in all directions. The core strike area was within one kilometer of the explosion center, and the shock wave spread to more than ten kilometers away. Based on his rich experience, the one-armed metal giant was probably destroyed. , seeing a group of metallic beings densely surrounding them in the distance, its figure faded again and disappeared without a trace.

About half an hour later, he moved away from the battlefield and found the ruins of a city.

The city in the invisible water world is similar to the gathering place in the disaster world. There is no concept of a village here. At this moment, the city has been destroyed by the war, and only some ruins are left.

"Those guys are really cunning. No wonder they are so generous and give away the mining rights of this world for free. They really want to get rid of the trouble as soon as possible."

Saying this, Chen Mo, who recovered his body, landed in the ruins of the city.

I don't know if there is anyone here. From time to time, some debris will fall from the sky. Chen Mo summoned the demonized Meiji in human form.

"Help me look for anyone here."


Next, the two of them split up, and Demonized Mei Ji quickly gained something and returned to Chen Mo.

"Found it!"


Chen Mo followed Mohua Meiji to the ruins of a large building, and found a dozen survivors hiding here from an inconspicuous pipe.

When these people saw that the visitors were two humans, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where are you from?"

The leader of these survivors was a steady uncle in his fifties. He licked his lips and said: "Since this city was destroyed, the survivors have all left. We are the last group of people here. All kinds of resources are becoming increasingly scarce, especially food. The team that went out to search a while ago was discovered by the ice demons, and everyone died. "

After Chen Mo casually made up a place name in response, he started chatting with him without any drafts.

In this shelter, a dozen people are sitting around a small pot of soup, which is really pitiful.


The middle-aged uncle sighed: "There are more and more foreign demons. How many cities on the mainland can remain intact? I heard that in addition to the ice demons, balrogs and grunts, some blood demons have appeared in the south. Monsters that specialize in sucking blood, if this continues, everyone will die. "


The little girl held the dirty fur doll and couldn't help crying. She seemed to recall the scene a few days ago when her mother was a member of the search team and never came back.

Seeing this, the middle-aged uncle sighed again and hugged her in his arms.

"No matter what, as long as you persist, there is hope!"

Chen Mo said some harmless words.

During the end of the world, no one can survive alone. Being weak is the original sin. He can only do this. He still has important tasks to complete. Next, he will find a place where the world barrier is relatively weak and try to sneak into the world of Guixu.

Generally speaking, these types of places are relatively livable, so it’s a good idea to look for nearby urban ruins.

Seeing Chen Mo about to leave, the middle-aged uncle suddenly remembered something.


He gestured: "A few days ago, there were a few people from Ma Shao City. They said that the Grunt monsters there seemed to be building an altar. They captured many humans. If you are interested, you can go and investigate."


Chen Mo was particularly sensitive to such words and responded: "I know."

Grunts are a group of worshipers of the fertility demon. Their limbs are extremely slender, and they are generally about three meters tall. They have thick noses covered with dense pustules, and their bodies are covered with ornaments made of the bones of strong men. arms.

Holding Mu Ruyi in hand, Chen Mo sneaked all the way to the ruins of the city and saw thousands of human slaves, including many spiritual warriors.

A giant altar made of bones is taking shape.

It looks like it will be built in just a few days.

"Is it to summon the devil to come?"

Chen Mo had a guess in his mind that this place was a weak point in the world barrier, and it would be a perfect place to build the Altar of Summoning. Since this place has been occupied by the Guru Demons, Chen Mo wanted to enter the Guixu World from now on, unless he took this place All the Guru demons were killed.

It's not impossible to activate the Chaos clone.

"One, two, three...seven, eight, eight possible true beings were sensed here alone."

The reason why they are possible true bodies is that when they have not opened their true bodies again, Chen Mo can only judge based on the aura of the Taoist factors on their bodies, which is likely to lead to misjudgments. For example, they carry imitation spiritual weapons, or reach the level of After reaching the third level peak, he realized the power of factors.

"However, if the altar assists in leading to the Guixu world, the process of entering will undoubtedly be much easier."

After giving a cold smile, Chen Mo decided to wait here for a few days and take the opportunity to seize the fruits of victory while secretly investigating the purpose of these extraterrestrial creatures coming here.

Although these grunt monsters are physically powerful, their perception is not a concern.

Chen Mo can walk freely here without worrying about being discovered.

Gulu, Gulu.

The reason why the people in the Invisible Water World gave the name Gulu Monster is because the Gulu Monster always makes "Gulu" and "Gulu" sounds when breathing. This is probably related to their weird noses.

"Damn you, you are lazy here, get up!"

A grunt strode forward with a bone club and scolded the lazy human slaves. It roared: "All of you must deliver the rune-engraved demon bones on time tonight, otherwise there will be no dinner, damn things." !”

Scar is one of the few smart guys among these grunt demons, and he has mastered human language.

As for the fact that these slaves were dying due to illness, it was completely out of his consideration. Everyone knew that after the altar was built, these slaves would lose their use.


After hearing this, the woman with a high fever could only grit her teeth and continue to pick up the carving knife and carve runes on the demon bones.

During this period of time, they have carved at least millions of demon bones, and a huge altar has been raised from the ground. Only the last part is left to be completed.

"How's the escape team digging their hole?"

"It's still a lot worse."

Another man replied listlessly that a life of carving demon bones by day and digging secret passages by night had drained him of all his energy.

"It must be completed before the altar construction is completed, otherwise we will have no chance."

"I know."

The two were having a simple conversation, but they didn't know that a transparent figure was standing not far from them, listening silently, but not paying attention to it, and soon walked away into the distance.


Chen Mo came to a palace of bones.

He felt the power of many factors from here. At least he was sure that the five grunt monsters present must all be real ones. After looking around, he came to an empty seat, sat down swaggeringly, and listened to a few words. People called in strange languages.

For Chen Mo at this moment, judging the other party's language information through mental resonance is already a little skill worth mentioning.

One of the Grunts had red skin and seemed to have mutated, with flames constantly coming out of its nose.

"In seven days at most, the altar will be completed. Has the divine blood been unsealed?"

He looked at the other grunt and asked.

"We only brought a drop of divine blood with us this time. We must be careful. I will not unblock it until the last moment."

This grunt monster is a majestic type, with a silk scarf wrapped around his head, and responded in an unquestionable tone.

His response made the previously mutated Grunt look dissatisfied.

Fortunately, at this time, another grunt came to smooth things over.

"These human slaves are really useful. Ten million demon bones have been prepared so quickly. Once the great reproductive demon is summoned, we will have accomplished a great feat."

"I think if we can gather one million soul fires and three thousand children to integrate into the altar within the stipulated time, we will definitely gain more favor from the Reproductive Demon God."

Hearing what he said, the Grunts present all expressed thoughts and longing.

A large part of the reason why they led their tribe to invade this world at all costs was because of the oracle of the Reproductive Demon God.

"The group of flame demons in the east are getting more and more arrogant. They have had several conflicts with the legions stationed there. They seem to be building altars. I don't know what kind of gods they want to summon to the world. Will it affect the great people? The Reproductive Demon."

"It's not our turn to intervene in the affairs between the gods. We just need to complete our tasks."

"There are at least ten tribes in this world that we know of. I don't know what's so good about this barren world that they all come here to join in the fun at this time..."

Chen Mo was secretly shocked.

He carefully recalled everything in the invisible water world.

He first thought of the special ecological environment where there is no pure water in nature, the sky covered by dark clouds for a long time, and the high-level mechanical life in this world can only recover from hibernation when it obtains solar energy during the eternal day, and the normalization of space-based particle cannons.

"Is it because of the law and authority of water behind this world?"

Any law can be disassembled into different numbers of authority properties, and when the law power mastered by a certain god-level creature contains a certain number of the same authority properties and occupies a certain proportion of the total number of the authority in this world community, it will become the so-called authority controller and have the supreme right to interpret the authority.

Therefore, in the growth process of god-level creatures, once they have confirmed their own growth direction, other god-level creatures who master the same authority characteristics and laws will naturally become competitors with each other.

This competition will reach its peak with the birth of two power holders at the same time.

If you don't want both of you to weaken, you can only make yourself the only protagonist and make your power share reach the golden ratio.

"It seems that I thought too much before... The god-level creatures that will descend into this world next will definitely have some commonalities."

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