Disaster Strikes

Chapter 148 Corrosion Ball Lv4

Returning to the Predator's lair, the compound that was once crowded with people was now empty.

Everyone is hiding.

Apparently affected by this strange disease of unknown origin, the natural disaster predators have also become cautious, fearing that it will affect them.

Chen Mo noticed that there was a large crater about three meters in diameter dozens of meters away from the entrance of the predator's lair. However, it was not a bomb crater, but seemed to have been violently blasted out by a punch. Although there were no traces of battle around it, But Chen Mo was faintly aware of the smell of blood and burnt smell.

His expression changed slightly, and Chen Mo hurried back to the floor where the room was.

He first tried knocking on Tiantian's door, but as expected, there was no answer. The other person was indeed not in the gathering place. Then he returned to his room, brought a basin of water, and swept away the dust.

After a while.

He breathed a sigh of relief and lay on the bed. As expected, there was nowhere as good as home.

"What happened?"

Although he didn't know the specific reason, Chen Mo decided to be careful.

After all, after leaving the predator's lair, it would be too dangerous if a high-level natural disaster victim suddenly went crazy and he happened to be around him. Chen Mo, who had seen the lethality of the two-headed wind-splitting dragon from a distance, knew clearly that those high-level natural disaster victims The horror of natural disasters.

After all, in terms of biological level, the Two-Headed Wind-Splitting Dragon is almost equivalent to the level of a third-level mini-boss. There are many natural disaster victims with similar strength in the gathering place. To deal with a natural disaster victim of his own strength, even if it is not an instant kill, it is still possible. It's just the difference between one slap and two or three slaps. He doesn't want to experience what those dragon slayers in Glory City felt like back then.

And in the predator's lair.

Everyone is a first-level natural disaster predator. Even if someone suddenly goes crazy, they can still cope with it and will not be unable to resist.

"The corrosion ball skill should not be far away from the L4 stage. After all, it is only a D-level skill with low energy consumption. Even in the last month or so of the mist world, if I did not take Little Wayne out to travel, it might have reached the L4 stage. ”

After a pause, Chen Mo thought of the skill of summoning the brain silkworm again.

"The basic summoning needs to be upgraded to Lv10 before the first stage of alienation fusion can be attempted, so that the alienated beast can initially have combat capabilities. I also need to improve it as soon as possible."

What I have to mention here is how to improve the basic summoning.

Generally speaking.

There are three ways for the Scourge to improve its basic summons.

First, naturally the most common way, and also the common way for poison masters in the mist world to improve, is to promote the growth of the summoned beast itself.

This growth process can be promoted through a series of methods such as high-quality bait feeding, mental communication, and play communication.

However, high-quality bait is not determined entirely by the value of the bait, but by the preference of the summoned object.

For example, after experiments in the foggy world, it was found that the food that the brain silkworm likes is various small poisonous insects. But now in the disaster world, it is naturally unable to satisfy it, so we can only give up this method and only give it basic life-sustaining food. Emotional and intellectual evolution is promoted through spiritual communication and playful communication.

The second is repeated summons.

But this improvement method is only for natural disaster victims, and it is only in the initial stage of summoning beasts.

It is equivalent to continuously injecting the natural disaster erosion energy of the natural disaster into the body of the summoned beast, gradually turning it into a natural disaster until it is completely integrated into the disaster world.

The physical strength of natural disaster victims is generally stronger than that of humans in foreign worlds.

The reason for this is not only the cruel elimination system of natural disasters, but also has something to do with the corrosive energy of natural disasters. Therefore, summoned beasts can be improved in this way in the initial stage. After approximately reaching the L9 stage, the effect will be minimal.

The third is blood feeding.

The method is easy to understand. It is equivalent to reducing the natural disaster's own attributes and blessing the summoned beast.

However, except for professional summoners, most natural disaster victims will not use this method, and those professional summoners often use special professional skills to minimize their own losses and allow the summoned beasts to gain higher profits.

View it from this.

Chen Mo could only adopt the first and second methods to improve his basic summoning proficiency.

There is one more thing to note here.

Although Brain Silkworm has become Chen Mo's summoned beast, it is not protected by the summoned beast mechanism of the disaster world.

In other words, if it is fatally injured during the process of summoning it, it will not be able to actively return to the summoning space and will be protected by the laws of time and space in the disaster world.

The reason is.

According to the mechanism of the "Alienation Refining Array", the Brain Silkworm, as the source of alienation, is the core of the future alienated beast, and is not a real summoned beast.

It can be understood that Chen Mo created a genetic data storage in a special way.

It's just that the appearance of this memory is in the form of a brain silkworm, and the future body of the alienated beast is just the coat of the memory.

And when the skill mechanism itself conflicts with the general professional mechanism of natural disaster victims, the skill mechanism will naturally take priority.

If so.

This skill can be said to have both advantages and disadvantages.

Needless to say the shortcomings.

There is an additional stage of cultivating the source of alienation. The summoned beast in this state not only has no combat ability, but is also extremely fragile and is not protected by the summoned beast's time and space mechanism. Once it dies, its skills will disappear, and the consequences are serious.

With the current weak state of the brain silkworm, if Chen Mo didn't pay attention one day and sat it to death, he would be crying without tears.

As for the advantages.

After the first stage of alienated beasts are cultivated, the above shortcomings will disappear on their own, and the summoned beasts will be protected by the time and space mechanism of the disaster world. Once they are seriously injured, they can return to the summoning space independently.

Although the summoned beast has the time and space protection mechanism of the disaster world, it is inevitable that it will not respond in time, or some unexpected situations will occur. If the summoned creature is a mechanical creature, it is easier to say. As long as the core chip is still there, there is a possibility of repair. , but for ordinary flesh and blood creatures and elemental creatures, it is equivalent to the disappearance of real death, and the natural disaster victims will lose this skill from now on.

But it is not inevitable that this situation will occur.

That is to cultivate a preservation mechanism similar to the alienation source point, soul crystal core, life box, etc., which is equivalent to the core data chip of mechanical life. As long as you are willing to pay enough price, it is still possible to be reborn.

in this way.

Chen Mo came to the stone table and activated the summoning brain silkworm skill, summoning it to the stone table.

The brain silkworm seems a little confused about this strange environment, and a pair of small fleshy tentacles are constantly sensing the surrounding environment.

According to Chen Mo's experiments, the observation range of its eyes is very limited, only two or three meters at most. However, these small fleshy eyes seem to sense through ultrasonic waves, and the range of perception is larger.

The spiritual connection between the two parties is usually initiated by Chen Mo, and the feedback he gets is ambiguous and chaotic emotions such as "beep", "oh yo", and "la la".

Chen Mo pulled out a piece of hair and started playing with the brain silkworm.

This hair carries the aura of Chen Mo. It is an effective teasing method that he obtained after many experiments and attempts during the last ten days of his stay in the misty world. In less than ten days, he used poisonous insects and This kind of companionship will increase the basic summoning level 1 to level 2.

Brain Silkworm seemed to like this way of playing very much, and kept touching Chen Mo's hair with its pair of small fleshy tentacles.

Half a month later.

During the repeated summoning process of Brain Silkworm, after being affected by a large amount of corrosive energy from natural disasters, as well as Chen Mo's constant mental communication and companionship, the basic summoning was finally upgraded to the L3 stage.

But at the same time.

He also got a hint of the Corrosive Sphere proficiency changes.

Tip: Your corrosion ball skill proficiency level + Lv1.

Tip: Your corrosion ball skill level reaches Lv4 and you will gain corresponding additional attributes.

Tip: The additional attribute of your Corrosion Ball Lv4 is that after the same target is attacked three times by the Corrosion Ball, the defense will be additionally -5 for 5 minutes.

Seeing this, Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction.

Although this additional attribute is far from perfect, it is still remarkable and deserves further development and utilization.

“Nice extras.”

Chen Mo commented like this after thinking for a moment.

First of all, the attribute of -5 defense is undoubtedly a very powerful curse attribute for low-level natural disaster victims. However, considering that the skill mechanism can only be triggered after three consecutive effective attacks on the same target, it is not completely satisfactory.

After all, Corrosion Ball is a D-level skill with a cooldown time of 10 seconds. The third skill is 30 seconds. The opponent's possible dodge, resistance, purification, etc. effects must also be taken into consideration, so the actual effect can only be considered average.

But the reason why Chen Mo rated his extra attributes as pretty good was because of his talent as a time traveler.

"This attribute can only be triggered after releasing the skill three times in a row, which is equivalent to reducing the defense by 14 points. If you use the time traveler talent to use it on your own team members, it will increase the defense by 14 points, and there is no need to consider dodge and resistance. "

Chen Mo was making calculations in his mind.

"And with my current high defense level of 27 points, if this effect is superimposed, it will be 41 defense points, which is enough to make the ordinary attacks of some elite creatures unable to break through the defense!"

After the evaluation and analysis, Chen Mo couldn't help but stretch his waist and was in a pretty good mood.

Next, he became more motivated.

Before you know it, another week has passed.

It has been more than twenty days since he returned to the disaster world, but Tiantian still has not returned, and the situation at the gathering place has not changed. Chen Mo's originally silent heart couldn't help but have some thoughts.

After all, if the doomsday mission really started in the gathering place, he would be unable to resist and could only try his best to survive.

But if it can be started a month or two later, and he can perform one or two more disaster missions, with the time resources brought by his time traveler talent, he will definitely be greatly improved, and he will undoubtedly be able to cope with various dangers by then. More calm.

Beep beep beep.

Chen Mo's optical brain data chip sent a communication message.

It turned out to be a rabbit.

"Brother Traveler, the gathering place is very dangerous now. I heard that more than a dozen high-level natural disaster victims have been infected, suddenly went crazy, and finally burned themselves to ashes. You have to be careful."

After Rabbit sent the message to Chen Mo, he felt his heart pounding like a deer and his face turned red.

Beep beep beep.

"I've heard that too. Try not to go out recently. You should also be careful."

As Chen Mo's reply came from the optical brain data chip, the rabbit said "I'm so embarrassed" and got into the quilt, leaving only two little feet exposed outside the quilt.

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