Disaster Strikes

Chapter 153 Teammate No. 1


Following the knock on the door, Chen Mo opened the door after confirming that the visitor was indeed Tiantian.

"You're back."

Facing Chen Mo's greetings, Tiantian seemed to be full of resentment.

After entering the room, she was not polite and sat directly on the only stool.

"I was lucky. Although I was blocked outside the gathering place for three days, I was protected by a big boss of the Hyacinth Alliance. Otherwise, you might not have seen me. Those guys who were blocked outside the gathering place were simply They are hungry beasts, not human beings at all.”

When Chen Mo heard this, he sighed.

He didn't want to comment on this, and he didn't want to tell the other party about the same bad situation here.

After calming down, Tiantian couldn't help but sigh.

"But when I came back from the mission, my luck was not very good. I happened to encounter a crazy guy who rushed into the yard and tore a few unlucky people to pieces on the spot. I was only ten meters away from those guys at the time. You know I was hit by a third-level natural disaster How does it feel to be hunted by saboteurs? When the patrol arrived, I didn’t know how many people were dead in the yard, so I left the gathering place.”

When Chen Mo heard this, he felt the same way.

The crazy natural disaster victim in the square also left an unforgettable impression on him.

If he hadn't been lucky and had to close the stall to the edge of the square after being scolded by Lie Moxiong, he might have died.

"Do you have any clues about this matter?"

Tiantian shook her head.

"After all, I am just a predator. Although I am connected with the Hyacinth Intelligence Network, how can I possibly know the inside story?"

But then, she seemed to think of something.

"If I have to give a clue, there is one, and that is that people infected with the plague are all Level 3 natural disaster destroyers. There are no exceptions."

"That's fine."

Chen Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

At least you don't have to worry about contracting the so-called burning curse.

"Don't be too happy too early. I heard some rumors saying that chaotic events like this in gathering places are often precursors to the outbreak of war between gathering places in the disaster world. I heard that it is likely to be some kind of...phenomenal weapon? "

Phenomenal weapon?

Chen Mo was confused, and Tiantian was also puzzled.

However, this was the second time that Chen Mo heard about the doomsday mission judgment. He immediately recounted the words of the kunai to Tiantian unchanged.

"Kunai should be able to represent Leigo. Even he said so. It seems that the possibility of a doomsday mission breaking out at this gathering place is quite high."

After all, Leigo comes from a lord family.

After the natural disaster victims are promoted to level four, the tasks and reward mechanisms they face will become completely different.

It is said that once these natural disaster lords start a mission, the duration of a mission often takes several years, or even more than ten years.

There is a gulf-like gap between level three natural disaster destroyers and level four natural disaster lords.

This gap is not only about strength, but also about long life.

As far as Chen Mo knows.

After a Level 3 natural disaster destroyer returns from a mission, if he rarely repairs in the medical area before then, it is normal for him to live to be four or five hundred years old, but it is just impossible for the vast majority of natural disaster victims to do so.

Especially those fighting madmen who frequently use the regeneration and self-healing facilities in the medical area.

Every time the medical area recovers from physical injuries, it actually overdrafts the lives of victims of natural disasters. Therefore, there are many examples of victims of Level 3 natural disasters dying prematurely in less than a hundred years.

This is probably the price for the natural disaster victims to gain strength.

However, once promoted to the fourth level natural disaster lord, his lifespan will easily reach more than a thousand years!

Some natural disaster lords who know how to maintain their health by maintaining their longevity try to avoid fighting with others, or rarely get injured during battles. Coupled with precious medicines that enhance longevity, it is not surprising that they have thousands of years of longevity.

"Traveller, I have already thought about it."


Chen Mo looked at Tiantian, who looked directly into Chen Mo's eyes and said, "I decided to join your team and be yours from now on."


Although Chen Mo had already made some mental preparations, he still showed uncontrollable joy when he received an accurate answer from the other party.

This meant that he had finally found a teammate. Even if it was a verbal agreement and no team contract had been established, it was something that he could be proud of.

The tragic situation of Li Moxiong was still unforgettable to him.

If one day, while performing a disaster mission, he suffered a similar injury and fell into despair, having a few trustworthy teammates by his side would undoubtedly give him hope of survival.

When performing disaster missions, there are many cases of people being disabled due to various reasons. This is an injury that cannot be treated by medicine. At this time, the victims of natural disasters also mean that they are the most vulnerable.

Only then can you realize the importance of teammates.

However, the words "I will be yours from now on" made Chen Mo blush.


Seeing this, Tiantian couldn't help but smile, finally relaxing the atmosphere and allowing the two of them to relax their tense emotions.

"Let's go."

Tiantian couldn't wait to say: "In this situation, if we leave the gathering place a day earlier, improve our strength a little earlier, and feel more at ease early, participating in the doomsday mission in our current state will definitely lead to a narrow escape."

"Sorry, I'm afraid it will be two days late."

Chen Mo immediately took out another Nuanyang Pill and set it to display status, and said in a low voice: "The one in my belly has two days left to refine."

This is also a test for Tiantian.

Faced with the chaotic state of the gathering place and the doomsday mission that will come soon, will she choose to withstand the pressure and face it with her teammates, or will she leave alone and improve herself as soon as possible?

"Two days?"

Tiantian hesitated for three seconds, which seemed as long as an hour to Chen Mo. Finally, Tiantian said firmly: "I'll wait for you!"

When Chen Mo heard this, he looked apologetic.


"You are my captain. There are always only team members who do wrong things and captains who do not issue wrong orders. It is my fault. I did not ask for your opinion and embarrassed you."

I have to say that Chen Mo enjoyed the sweet response.

The original decision was indeed the right one.

A team member who knows how to advance and retreat and has a sense of proportion will make it a hundred times easier to deal with interpersonal relationships, not to mention that she also has a very strong ability to collect intelligence.

Speaking of intelligence gathering capabilities.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to ask how the Apocalypse is doing.

But before Chen Mo could speak, Tiantian took the lead and asked, "By the way, what will our team's name be in the future?"

Chen Mo has already thought about this issue.

"Tour team."


Tiantian was stunned for a moment, and then she thought of Chen Mo's name as a traveler, and immediately smiled and said: "Traveler, tour group team? Hehe, captain, then I will be the number one member of the tour group, Tiantian."

"Of course."

After the two of them analyzed the current situation of the gathering place for a while, Chen Mo suddenly said: "The message said that you have completed the intelligence collection mission of the Apocalypse. How is it?"

"I'm lucky!"

Tiantian said proudly: "Originally, I just wanted to cast a wide net to see if I could try my luck to get information about him. In the end, a team of three actually found me and said they had detailed information about the Apocalypse. I I hurriedly reported it, and the result was that I got the employer's approval, completed the intelligence collection task, and got a big deal. "

"You earned a lot of points, right?"

"Of course!"

Tiantian said happily: "Points are still secondary. The key is to be recognized by the Hyacinth Alliance. Although the Hyacinth Alliance is only a loose association, I can be considered a person with an association."

Chen Mo probed: "Can you tell me about him? He's just a natural disaster predator. How can his information be worth so many points? Of course, if it's inconvenient, forget it."

"There's nothing worth hiding."

Tiantian touched her chin with her right hand and looked at the ceiling, recalling carefully.

"I heard that a junior society named Amaterasu is looking for him. The specific reason is unknown, but what is certain is that this guy named Amaterasu once destroyed a team of this society with one person. He is a very powerful professional optimizer, has strong control over various machines, and is good at using various firearms, including heavy weapons. Anyway, if we encounter him, we must stay as far away as possible. "

Chen Mo couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Tiantian said.

"What about his teammates, who didn't help him?"

"The intelligence shows that he doesn't seem to have any teammates."

A lone scourge?

After chatting for a while, Tiantian became interested in the brain silkworm, and after learning its name, she seemed to like it even more.

After teasing the brain silkworm with Chen Mo's hair for a long time, she left the room and went back to rest.

Two days later.

Chen Mo finally completely refined the Nuanyang Pill.

Not surprisingly, after refining this Nuanyang Pill, Chen Mo gained an attribute increase of speed +1.

This way.

His speed attribute value finally reached 18 points, meeting the minimum requirement for wearing the Star of Glory, so he immediately wore this precious green quality jewelry.

Talk about it.

The requirements for wearing the Star of Glory are strength attribute 18 and speed attribute 18, and it was a coming-of-age gift from Lacy Schumacher. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or a deliberate arrangement by his mother.

But there is no concept of attributes in the foggy world. Is it a natural disaster?

After thinking wildly, Chen Mo shook his head.

After wearing the Glory Star, he now finally wears all six pieces of equipment.

Theoretically speaking, he only needs to learn one more skill and complete the four skill levels, which will be enough to completely get rid of the status of a newcomer and step into the ranks of seniors.

But that's just in theory.

After all, after practicing the Boy's Kung Fu for such a long time, Chen Mo's basic attributes are now comparable to those of some senior-level natural disaster victims. When he reaches the third level of the Boy's Kung Fu and completes the training successfully, he will undoubtedly reach a higher level.

Then the next step is to improve the strength in the shortest time and carry out the disaster mission with Tiantian.

Now he finally understands.

Why did Kunai say before that the prices of items in the gathering place that can enhance strength in a short time will explode.

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