Disaster Strikes

Chapter 2 Disaster Academy

"Where is this?"

The world was spinning, and Chen Mo felt as if he had fallen asleep and had a long dream.

As he gradually woke up, he originally thought it was time for morning self-study, but when he opened his eyes, he was shocked to find that this was not a school dormitory.

The room was dark, with two skylights, and the sky outside was gray.

After Chen Mo struggled to get up from the stone bed covered with animal skins, he came outside the room in confusion and stood there dumbfounded for a long time, in disbelief.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝘁𝘄𝗸𝗮𝗻.𝗰𝗼𝗺]

The sky was gray and there were no sun, moon or stars.

On the desolate land that looked like it was covered with volcanic ash, black rocks were occasionally exposed. Not far away, a black river rolled through, with countless forest-white skeletons scattered on both sides of the river bank.

As far as the eye can see, it is desolate and barren, lifeless.

Behind him, this so-called house was actually an extremely huge skull, and the two skylights were the two eye sockets of the skull.

Chen Mo's legs softened and he sat on the ground blankly.

Along with the hunger in his belly, a memory that did not belong to him emerged in his mind, and he immediately passed out.

I don't know how long it took before Chen Mo woke up again.

Although the sky is still gray, it is already much brighter than before. According to Shitou's memory, it should be time for his morning exercise now.

"It turned out to be time travel..."

Chen Mo stared at everything in front of him and finally accepted the fact that he had traveled through time.

This is a world without sun, moon, stars, and vegetation, called a disaster world.

Because there is no vegetation, humans in disaster worlds have no way to farm and breed. If people want to survive, they can only become so-called natural disaster victims and survive by plundering resources from other worlds.

This also shapes the cruel competition law of the jungle in a disaster world, where the strong eat the strong and the fittest survive.

This is a cruel world that respects the strong.

The owner of the body that Chen Mo traveled through at this moment is called Shitou.

According to Shitou's memory, the area he is currently in is located in the Magic Eye area of ​​the disaster world, a nearby wilderness called the Gathering Place of the River of Distress.

The reason why Chen Mo traveled here is because Shitou's mother was completely disappointed in him and chose to abandon him.

Shi Shi doesn't know who his father is.

Not just stones, many people in this world don’t know who their father is.

In a disaster world, generally speaking, mothers will raise their children to adulthood, and then send them to the Disaster Academy to train them as natural disaster victims.

As for the abandoned person, it is equivalent to the family as a unit. The caregiver declares to the world that this is an inferior warrior with congenital deficiencies. In this world that advocates the strong, no one will sympathize with a waste. This is the same as selecting Spartan warriors. The rules are very similar. Parents will gradually eliminate inferior warriors starting from infancy.

As for the fate of the abandoned ones, 90% failed to go to the Disaster Academy, the gathering place, and get the chance to become natural disaster victims.

Another 9% of the lucky abandoned people will die during the starving ghost trial at the Disaster Academy.

Then the remaining 1% and 0.9% of the abandoned people will become the bottom warriors of this world, also known as the so-called natural disaster predators. Only less than 0.1% of the abandoned people will live a normal life.

According to Shi Shi's vague memory, the reason why his mother abandoned him was because the basic skills she taught him were always difficult to improve.

Since a few years ago, his mother has been calling him stupid, and judging from Shi Shi's memory, his mind is indeed not very bright. The happiest thing every day is to play with monkeys and nectar, and let the two play tricks on them. He wasn't angry either.

Until a week ago, when I checked the progress of learning basic stone skills again, my mother was completely desperate.

"Although he has the talent of stone skin, he is still a clueless fool."

His mother finally abandoned him, and no matter how much the stone cried and begged, it was indifferent, and she left the skeleton house where he had been raised.

Nectar and the monkey stopped playing with him.

Simple Stone was desperate. He wanted to go to the gathering place of the River of Distress, but because he was too timid, he didn't dare to go out until he ate the last ration of food at home two days ago.

When he was dying of hunger, Shi Shi made a wish on the bed.

"Pray to the great evil eye evil god to make me smart and bring my mother back."

The stone at this moment is just a child longing for mother's love.

However, Shitou did not become smarter, and his mother did not come back. Chen Mo accidentally traveled through time.

Chen Mo sat in front of the door of the skull room, digesting the memory of Shitou. At this moment, Chen Mo did not have the panic of a time traveler at all. Instead, he found an inexplicable sense of belonging in Shitou.

"We are all the same, children abandoned by our parents."

Chen Mo lowered his head and looked at the skin of his arms.

Touching this layer of skin, it feels like it is covered with a layer of cutin, which is very hard. This is the stone's talent for stone skin and the origin of his name.

"You are not useless! With your body and my mind, we will be able to live well in this world."


Chen Mo screamed with hunger.

The last bit of food here was eaten by Shi Shi two days ago. He felt that he was dizzy from hunger. If he wanted to avoid starving to death, there was only one way, and that was to immediately go to the gathering place of the River of Distress and find Shi Shi. The Disaster Academy that I feared in my memory, I tried to find a way to pass the academy assessment and become a real disaster victim.

According to memory, the gathering place is quite far away from here, and the walk would take at least three days.

Chen Mo estimated that it was almost more than a hundred kilometers.

"Stay alive!"

There was nothing valuable in the room, and Chen Mo had no nostalgia for it.

Because he knew that it was best for him to rush to the Disaster Academy while he still had some physical strength. He must not sit still and wait for death.

Fortunately, because there is no sun, the weather is not too hot.

But Shitou's memory told Chen Mo that the nights here would be very cold, so he took an animal skin blanket and a water bag, which would be all his wealth.

He came to the river and filled the water bag. When he saw his reflection in the river, his image seemed to have changed slightly. It seemed that it overlapped with the stone. His skin became whiter and tenderer than the stone, and his face became more beautiful than he remembered. The self is more mature.

No more hesitation.

After Chen Mo took one last look at the huge skull house standing in this desolate place, he strode away in the direction he remembered.

The ground is more like sand than dirt. There are black and gray gravel everywhere, which makes a crunching sound when stepped on.

"Brother Shitou..."

"Haha, stinky stone!"

Not far away, two voices, a man and a woman, were heard nearby.

Chen Mo turned around and saw that it was Shitou's best playmates, Nectar and Monkey.

The two are also the only neighbors within a few kilometers.

Huamei is still as beautiful and cute as Shitou remembers, with snow-white skin and single eyelids. She used to like to call herself Brother Shitou, but now she is very hesitant, lowering her head and not daring to look at herself.

The monkey, on the other hand, had an undisguised look of disdain, made a mocking face, and added insult to injury. He knew that from now on, the stone would no longer be on the same level as him.

Feeling the indifference of humanity in the disaster world, Chen Mo didn't say much. He continued to walk forward with his head buried in the ground. It was just a little strange that they didn't seem to notice the change in their appearance. Could it be that this world or this universe was bridging the gap between them? influence?

Gradually, the river went away.

Apart from the sandy gray rocks, only skeletons remain on the desolate land.

These skeletons range from large to small, and some are as huge as a small mountain. It is difficult to imagine what kind of giant they were in life.

As the sky gradually darkened, Chen Mo had completed the day's journey before he knew it.

The night in the disaster world is indeed as cold as the stone remembers it.

Chen Mo stopped and huddled up in the animal skin blanket, trying hard to bury himself in the sand and dust, but he still couldn't help but tremble. He imagined the uncle's buns in the school cafeteria and spent the night drooling.

the next day.

Chen Mo drank some water to relieve some of his hunger, and then moved on.

The sky gradually turned from gloomy to bright, and Chen Mo's steps became heavier and heavier.

The sand and dust on the ground were constantly devouring Chen Mo's physical strength, and hunger was tormenting him. He knew that his time was running out, and maybe it wouldn't be long before he would become one of the countless skeletons on this desolate land, but in the near future. He had to move on before he died. This was his only chance.

Just when Chen Mo couldn't hold on anymore and collapsed.

Rumble, rumble.

At the end of the distant horizon, there was a sudden roar.

"A beast? It's a pity that I don't have the strength to escape."

Chen Mo, who was weak and fainting, woke up and laughed at himself: "What kind of wild beasts are there in this environment?"

When Chen Mo concentrated on watching, along with the slight confusion in Shitou's memory, Chen Mo's despair was replaced by shock and surprise.

Because the thing that made the rumbling noise turned out to be a four-wheel drive off-road vehicle!

In Shitou's memory, this is a rare thing only possessed by high-level natural disaster victims.

As if he had found a life-saving straw, Chen Mo desperately waved the animal skin blanket and shouted for help. The wheels kicked up dust. After the off-road vehicle discovered Chen Mo, it actually changed its direction and stopped gracefully after drifting in front of Chen Mo.

The middle-aged man in the driver's seat was powerful, but his expression was very calm. His eyes were looking at Chen Mo, as if he was waiting for Chen Mo to take the initiative to speak.


Chen Mo leaned weakly against the car door and prayed: "I really have no strength. Can you take me to the Disaster Academy?"

Chen Mo has never prayed to others so sincerely, at least in the nearly twenty years he has lived on earth. Although there is no mirror, Chen Mo knows that he must be in a panic at this moment. He does not dare to let go of the car door he is holding tightly. , because he knew that as long as the opponent kicked the accelerator, he would definitely die.

"Come up."

Like the sound of nature, the image of this middle-aged man instantly became extremely tall in Chen Mo's eyes.


He used all his strength to open the car door and climbed in.


The speed of the off-road vehicle was very fast, and it took a long time for the dust behind the rear of the vehicle to gradually fall away. The two of them quickly completed the distance that Chen Mo could not complete in a day.

As the sand and dust on the ground gradually became less and less, the rocks gradually became more numerous, and some traces of buildings gradually appeared at the end of the horizon, Chen Mo knew that he was saved.


A giant bird flew overhead, its wings spread out to a length of more than ten meters, and there seemed to be a person sitting on it. Under the trembling shadow, Chen Mo couldn't help but watch for a long time, until the giant bird disappeared at the end of the sky, forming a sharp contrast with the slow and clumsy balloon airship on the other side.

The ground gradually became flat, and the sand and gray were replaced by bluestone floors.

The bustling streets were crowded with people, and all kinds of giant skeletons were decorated in a dazzling array. In the distance, there was even a towering light tower.

If it were normal times, these strange and bizarre scenes would surely make Chen Mo amazed.

But at this moment, Chen Mo, who was tortured by hunger, wanted to beg the middle-aged man for food several times, but the words came to his lips: "Thank you, may I ask your name, if I am still alive in the future, I will repay you."


The off-road vehicle stopped in front of a gate.

The man pointed to the huge building in the distance and said, "That is the Disaster Academy."

The Apocalypse did not seem indifferent, but was not good at speaking.

Although the overall attributes of the disaster world tend to be evil and lawful, due to the frequent need to cooperate to defeat certain enemies during the invasion of the alien world, some people still maintain a narrow sense of kindness towards "their own people" in the process of life and death.

The reason why it is called narrow-sense kindness is that in their eyes, creatures in the alien world are all targets of attack, similar to the concept of NPCs.

Other natural disasters are their own people.

However, even this kind of narrow-sense kindness is not a universal value, but a part of the values ​​formed by the different growth experiences of different natural disasters.

"Thank you."

Chen Mo nodded in thanks after hearing this.

He didn't want to bother the man in front of him anymore. After deeply memorizing the man's face, he got off the off-road vehicle.

With a rumbling roar, the off-road vehicle turned around and left.

He looked up at the huge building, and a few bloody words were engraved on the huge skeleton.

"The Disaster Academy of the River of Disasters."

Although both are pictographic characters, there is a big difference between natural disaster characters and Chinese characters. Fortunately, although Shitou's brain is not very bright, he still recognizes the basic natural disaster characters.

A cold woman stood in front of the academy gate, and behind her were several half-grown children like herself, looking at her.

"Another abandoned person."

"Just now he seemed to be sent here by a high-level natural disaster person."

"It should be just luck that he was rescued."

Ignoring the comments of those children, Chen Mo stepped forward and tried to ask the woman: "Hello, may I ask..."

"Do you want to start implanting the optical brain chip and start the natural disaster academy's starving ghost enlightenment training?"

Before Chen Mo finished speaking, the woman asked lightly.

Fortunately, Chen Mo found that he didn't seem to be the only abandoned person here. Among the children behind the woman, there were also several people who were also ragged and embarrassed. At first glance, they were guys who rushed to the academy alone.


As Chen Mo responded, the woman took him aside.

This is a mysterious instrument like an MRI, but it seems to be even bigger and full of sci-fi. It is incompatible with the rough and simple bones of the disaster world. It is really a bit abrupt.

Under the operation of the woman, Chen Mo was locked in the instrument.

"Data creates value, Tianhua Quantum Technology."

After the instrument was turned on, it actually played a GG, which made Chen Mo a little confused for a while. He seemed to be in a modern hospital full of sci-fi atmosphere. Then a series of red light bars began to rotate around Chen Mo, as if scanning his physical condition.

"A new file is being created. What is your name?"

After a little hesitation, Chen Mo thought that he was not only himself now, but a combination of himself and the stone. He also thought of the previous Apocalypse, who almost gave him a second life, and responded: "Traveler."

From now on, this will be our common name!


The blue-white light circle gradually enveloped Chen Mo.

A mechanical arm suddenly pressed on the back of his neck, accompanied by a low-frequency humming sound. The slightly nervous Chen Mo noticed that the people outside seemed to have long been accustomed to this, and finally relaxed a little.

A light curtain gradually appeared on the transparent glass of the instrument.

Name: Traveler.

Level: Starving Ghost.

Talent: Stone Skin.

Qi and Blood: 140.

Defense: 6.

Speed: 6.

Strength: 8.

Constitution: 14.

Spirit: 23.

Energy: 10.

Basic Boxing: Lv1.

Basic Chopping: Lv1

Basic Blocking: Lv2.

Equipment: None.

Skills: None.

"The body function data has been initialized and the optical computer chip has begun to be implanted."

With a slight tingling in the back of the neck, the mechanical arm retracted into the blue light of the instrument again, and the instrument gradually stopped working.

Chen Mo instinctively stroked the back of his neck, and there seemed to be something extra inside.

From now on, I will write two chapters every day at 6pm in a low-key and steady manner to finish this new book.

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