Disaster Strikes

Chapter 243: The Art of Controlling Objects

"Xiaobai, shake hands."

"Xiaobai, squat down."

"Xiao Bai, take that stone over here..."

After going home to rest, Chen Mo started playing with Xiaobai, who was in charge of looking after the house.

After Xiaobai's upgrade, Brain Silkworm is obviously smarter. It can already obey some simple instructions and can learn and progress.

And because of the spiritual connection between the two, Chen Mo could vaguely feel the other's emotional changes, and was in a process of ignorant learning.

Chen Mo estimated.

Xiaobai's IQ is almost equivalent to that of a five- or six-year-old child.

Ordering and training was secondary. The key was that this guy was very fond of Chen Mo with his coquettish skills.

This made him feel a little proud.

It was indeed a wise choice to place the three-tailed fox Ruyi.

And when he thought of the grimace hidden in Xiao Bai's body, Chen Mo would rub the dog's head angrily after Xiao Bai completed the order, which immediately made him feel very relaxed.

Xiaobai also liked Chen Mo's intimate actions very much. He kept squealing, licking the palm of Chen Mo's hand, and jumping up and down with joy.

After a few days of training.

Xiaobai has basically been able to communicate with Chen Mo through movement and obeyed Chen Mo's simple instructions, but he just can't speak.

Ever since.

Xiaobai's daily training program has one more item, which is to be Chen Mo's sparring partner.

on the one hand.

This can train Xiaobai's combat capabilities and cultivate its combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

on the other hand.

This is also helping Chen Mo improve various basic skills, which can be said to be mutual reinforcement.

Xiaobai seems to be born with a ferocious nature due to the elements of ferocious insects such as the Golden Slasher Beetle contained in the synthetic factors in his body. Once Chen Mo signals him to activate his fighting instinct, he immediately changes from a cute pet to a ferocious one. beast.

Chen Mo benefited a lot from this kind of training.

During this process.

Chen Mo has already inquired about the reputation evaluations of major chambers of commerce in Yanjing City, as well as auction fees and other issues.


When he thought that after entering the fourth level of Qi training, he would master the art of controlling objects, he decided to put it off a little longer. In addition, at this time, the prices of various materials in Daze Country were still soaring, so there was no rush.

in this way.

Another month has passed.

As Chen Mo continued to transform the Yang Qi in his body, more and more pure Yang Qi was transformed, and he had successively broken through the second level and third level of Qi training.

Although this process did not increase Chen Mo's physical attributes.

However, the longevity of his body's cells has increased in the process of improvement again and again.

Although the lifespan gained by improving the level of Qi training is not much, with the accumulation of layers, it can be said that there are many monks at the 12th level of Qi training who can live to be over 120 years old without using the secret technique of essence and blood.

Because Chen Mo did not increase his spiritual attributes during his practice, theoretically the lifespan he gained should be greater.

These increased lifespans are exactly what Chen Mo will use as a consumable time resource for the time traveler in the future.

He is even considering whether he should practice a secret health-preserving technique in the future?

This day.

As Chen Mo continued to develop and stabilize the strength of his meridians, the amount of spiritual energy gathered from heaven and earth was also gradually increasing.

Until that moment.

The intensity of spiritual power in his body reached a whole new level. After the cells experienced a brief moisturizing process, a strange sense of distortion suddenly occurred in the induction of his basic mind power.

"This feeling?"

Basic telekinesis is like a thread, manipulating telekinesis weapons or small substances to attack.

And this twisted thought power is like a pipe, which can not only control objects, but also inject its own energy into the connected matter.

Tip: You have mastered the art of controlling objects Lv1.

Tip: Your Invulnerability to All Evils proficiency +Lv1.

Following the prompts from the optical brain data chip, Chen Mo discovered that he indeed had an additional object control skill in his skill bar.

The Invulnerability to All Evils skill has also been upgraded to Lv1.

As a result, the two passive values ​​of Exorcism and Yang Yang increased by 1%, reaching 21%.

"Show the property of controlling objects."

Object control: You need to use your own telekinesis to refine the corresponding magic weapon in advance. After releasing this skill, you can continue to activate the basic attributes of the corresponding magic weapon, consuming 3 energy points.

Tip: After activating this magic weapon, different energy values ​​will be consumed every minute according to the quality of the magic weapon.

Tip: Repeatedly releasing the Object Control Technique multiple times can activate the magic weapon's own magical power.

Tips: Your current monk realm is the 4th level of Qi training. You can sacrifice up to 1 magical weapon at the same time in battle. If you need to increase the number of magical weapons you can sacrifice at the same time, you can practice related secrets and improve your own realm.

"I see."

Before sacrificing a magic weapon, you must first perform a so-called sacrifice on the magic weapon, so that your own mind power can be integrated with the magic weapon.

After this.

The basic telekinesis control of weapons is a turn-based system, but with the continuous supply of energy, the weapon can be made flexible like an extended limb, instead of a turn-based system.

No wonder telepaths from other professions can't use monks' magic weapons!

The birth of the magical weapon was obviously created based on the characteristics of the art of controlling objects.

And compared to the mental weapons of other professions, monks' magic weapons also have a universal characteristic.

That is, after injecting energy, it can be reduced and enlarged, and then its basic functions can be realized.

If one does not master the art of controlling objects, the magic weapon is basically equivalent to a group of code building blocks for other telepathic users, and there is no way to start with it.

Chen Mo showed joy when he saw this.

He finally understood the closed principle of the monk system, and then opened the storage space and took out an ordinary white flying knife.

Tip: Throwing knives through the air.

Quality: white.

Conditions for use: Object Controlling Level 1, Spirit above 20 points.

Item attributes: Damage +16, can launch an air-breaking strike, damage +32.

Item introduction: An imitation of a certain weapon refiner's failed work. Because of the sharp wind bird's beak it contains, it also has a trace of magical properties.

It is worth mentioning here.

Monks have not developed corresponding permanent enchanting technologies for magic weapons, but they have mastered a large number of temporary enchanting technologies, which can increase their attribute power through spell blessing.

When a monk reaches the golden elixir stage, he can temper his natal magic weapon through elixir fire and surpass the Level 10 enchantment limit of the disaster world.

It can be said that the enchantment method of the disaster world and the enchantment method of the monk have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Disaster world enchantment requires a certain resource cost, but it can achieve its goal in a short time.

As for the monk's elixir fire enchantment, although the process is slow, there is no resource cost. Instead, there is a time cost, but there is no need to worry about the risk of failure. However, once it is enchanted, the magic weapon can no longer be traded and can only be used for personal use.

Now Chen Mo is just in the experimental stage, just practicing with this flying knife.

About a quarter of an hour later.

Chen Mo finally completed refining the flying knife.

As Chen Mo activated the object control technique, the small flying knife quickly expanded to the size of a normal knife after being activated, and under Chen Mo's control, it circled and flew in the air.

Chen Mo discovered it after patient experiments.

To drive this white quality flying knife, only 1 energy point is needed per minute.

As for activating its magical properties, it must be judged according to the frequency. Sometimes it takes two times to activate the object control spell, and sometimes it takes three times.


This is also related to the fact that the flying knife is only a white quality magic weapon.

So Chen Mo took out the Mysterious Fire Chain again.

This medium-grade magic weapon comes from Fenduan. Its characteristic is that it has two different magical powers, one for attack and one for defense, and its use only requires Level 1 of the Object Controlling Technique.

After Chen Mo performed sacrifices on it, he conducted experiments.

It was just as he expected.

The basic energy consumed by manipulating a green-quality magic weapon becomes more, but the activation of its magical properties is more stable, and at the same time, more precise and detailed manipulation can be performed.

After the excitement.

Just when Chen Mo was about to put away the magic weapon and continue to use the secret method of "Mending the Sky" to transform Yuanyang Qi into pure Yang Qi and improve himself, he suddenly thought of something.

The art of controlling objects is also a telekinesis skill!

In other words.

This skill is also affected by the talent of the time traveler. In theory, it should have two different forms, positive and negative.

Now for this skill, the positive attribute is to control your own magic weapon, so the negative attribute...

Is it a magic weapon that affects other people?

Thinking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help but want to experiment.

However, making enemies for the sake of experiments was undoubtedly contrary to his philosophy of using the talents of time travelers in a secretive and low-key manner to continuously improve. After thinking about it again and again, Chen Mo shook his head and decided not to cause trouble and continue his practice plan.

There are seven auction houses in Yanjing City.

Its prosperity is far beyond the comparison with the cities that Chen Mo has come into contact with in Leilan Kingdom.

This day.

He came to the auction house called "Dongze Trading Company" and was quickly greeted by a shop assistant.

"Do you want to buy elixirs, magic weapons, or consign them for auction? In addition, if you need spiritual stones urgently, our store also has corresponding valuation services and can sell them directly to our store."

"Consignment Auction."

Before Chen Mo came, he had already properly disguised himself.

Although the possibility of getting into trouble was low, he still wanted to avoid it as much as possible.

When the store clerk heard this, he immediately showed a professional smile.

"If it is a consignment auction, our store will need to charge 10% of the auction proceeds, and the firm's next auction will be held in the middle of this month seven days later."

"no problem."

After Chen Mo nodded, he took out two magic weapons.

The two magical instruments are white quality flying bricks and white quality gongs.

If these two magic weapons are brought back to the disaster world, they will be almost worthless and can only be recycled in the settlement space to obtain three to five points.

At least Chen Mo had never seen anyone selling similar white quality magic weapons in the square.

But if you are in the Guixu world, even a junk-quality magic weapon will cost at least five or six spirit stones, and these spirit stones brought back to the disaster world are equivalent to fifty or sixty points!

This way.

Chen Mo even couldn't help but think about collecting magical artifacts in the disaster world in the future, and then using the prospector skills of the fourth-level merit contract to enter the Guixu world to perform tasks, and then sell these magical artifacts himself.

This time, you can earn ten times the profit!

Not to mention the difference in the value of the magic weapon between the Guixu world and the disaster world, the value of the energy stone in the two worlds is also very different.

After all, the disaster world is too barren.

Others have three difficulties in realizing this idea.


The acquisition of these magic weapons requires hoarding points, which is equivalent to reducing one's current strength and investing for the future.


How to ensure that when the disaster strikes, they can return to the Guixu world. The travel group can rely on the skills of the explorer team to solve this problem.


Selling a large number of magic tools in a short period of time is undoubtedly a dangerous behavior in the Guixu world. Chen Mo can use the longer time brought by the talent of the traverser to sell them slowly in batches.

This made Chen Mo's heart beat fast.

"Hello, this is your receipt. After the auction ends in the middle of this month, you can come here to collect the proceeds according to the receipt."

After taking the receipt, Chen Mo nodded and left the store directly.

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