Disaster Strikes

Chapter 26 Go All Out

Lei Wu couldn't help showing surprise when he saw this.

This was obviously beyond his expectations.

Seeing that Chen Mo had already started a head-on fight with the cyborg, and because of the cyborg's amazing physique, light green skin, and monster-like figure, the surrounding black-clothed minions did not dare to approach rashly. After all, they were just peripheral thugs, just contract workers, and they were all normal people. They didn't dare to approach this alien monster at all.

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Lei Wu thought for a while and no longer hesitated.

He decided to act according to Chen Mo's plan and try to kill a black-clothed minion elite at the fastest speed and seize his pomegranate grenade.

Facing these two burly meat balls running towards him, Lei Wu chose one of them and immediately launched a basic element attack. After an element ball was formed on the top of his magic wand, it was fired at the black-clothed minion elite. The opponent's relatively slow speed and almost clumsy movements made him not worry about his attack being avoided.

With a bang.

As the elemental ball exploded on the body of the black-clothed elite, the black-clothed elite could not help but wail. The tight suit outside was completely blown to pieces, revealing the almost spherical upper body inside. The elemental ball only formed a charred area on his chest.

The black-clothed elite who was attacked seemed to be wearing a fat armor, like a burly sumo wrestler. The speed of his feet seemed to increase a bit, and the ferocious monster continued to rush.

Lei Wu narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this.

Although his C-level skill Double Thunder Explosion was still in the cooling time, his E-level skill Lightning Bullet had already completed the cooling time after the sneak attack and killing the injured black-clothed elite.

After all, it is an E-level skill, and the cooling time of Lightning Bullet is only 6 seconds.

In addition to the E-level skill Lightning Bullet and the C-level skill Double Thunder Explosion, he also has a D-level skill Lightning Technique.

Lightning spell: Launch a lightning strike, causing skill splash damage to the target and nearby hostile units.

Although the health and strength of this black-clothed minions elite are amazing, their speed is a weakness!

If he can insert a lightning bullet skill in the gap between two normal attacks while he is approaching, and then immediately launch the lightning spell after the second normal attack, the damage that will burst out in a short period of time should have a great chance of killing this black-clothed minions elite.

Ideally, the whole process may not take 5 seconds.

On the one hand, he was thinking about the battle and making detailed and careful plans, but on the other hand, he saw a spot of dirt on the corner of his white clothes from the corner of his eyes, and he frowned.

This seemed to be the blood that had just been stained during the battle.

This made him shake it hard while casting the spell. Obviously, this could not get rid of the dirt, but it made him feel better.

As the energy in his body surged, the lightning bullet gathered energy and took shape.

This is a grape-sized ball of light, which is particularly dazzling. Then the ball of light flashed and disappeared, and landed accurately on the chest of the black-clothed elite again. With the crackling explosion of lightning, Lei Wu launched the lightning bomb while preparing the second basic elemental ordinary attack with the magic wand in his hand.

The energy ball is gradually taking shape.

However, at this moment!

Lei Wu glanced at the corner of his eye and found that the body of another black-clothed elite suddenly swelled up, and the terrifying muscles immediately burst his clothes.

With the energy surging in his body, it was a sign of launching the wild collision skill.

Before, Fei Xiaojiang fell into a weak and dizzy state due to the wild collision skill of the black-clothed elite, which led to his death. This skill is undoubtedly the most threatening combat skill of the black-clothed elite, and it is also a displacement skill that can attack or retreat, which indirectly makes up for the speed defect of the black-clothed elite.

The black-clothed elite is also human.

Of course, they also know their speed deficiency, so unless they are sure to win the battle, they will never use the Savage Charge skill easily. After all, this is their only escape skill. Once they use it to charge and kill but cannot solve the battle, they will undoubtedly put themselves in danger and become a besieged sandbag, unable to escape.

However, at this time.

Because the little leader Heihu Longer was present, this black-clothed minions elite took the lead in launching the Savage Charge skill after seeing his companions being hit, with a desperate posture.

At this moment, Lei Wu was even outside the attack range of his Savage Charge skill!

This black-clothed minions elite seemed to intend to use the inertia of this skill to form a collision stun effect on Lei Wu. Although this would lose the damage effect of the skill, as long as he could get close to this psychic, he was confident that he could cause enough damage to him.

After all, compared with martial artists, most psychics pay more attention to the development of the spirit, and their close combat ability is not outstanding.

"This guy!"

Leiwu's eyes revealed a subtle hesitation, obviously aware of the danger, considering whether to stop attacking and try to distance himself first.

However, this would undoubtedly put the battle in a passive position.

As for trying to interrupt the opponent's charge skill through the Thunder Paralysis Talent, it was nonsense.

Although he did not have much practical experience, Leiwu's combat theory experience was extremely abundant!

The opponent's charge skill is a combat skill with a short-term hegemony. During the charge, unless one's own attributes completely crush the opponent, or one has a higher-level ability with a much higher priority than the opponent, it is impossible to interrupt the opponent's charge.

On the contrary, many melee experts, especially those with speed, will try to use such skills to offset the control skills of long-range attackers. Whether one can skillfully use such skills to offset control skills in milliseconds is often one of the indicators of a melee Scourge's combat talent.

Knowing this information, Lei Wu will naturally not make stupid attempts again.

At this moment!

A figure suddenly rushed out, and fearlessly blocked the black-clothed minions elite who launched the wild collision skill.

With a bang.

As if hit by a high-speed off-road vehicle, the figure slid four or five meters in the air and fell heavily to the ground, and the black-clothed minions elite also stopped charging, and the muscles of the body gradually recovered from that exaggerated posture.

He only charged less than three meters!

Lei Wu was stunned when he saw this. It was Kunai who stepped forward at the critical moment and forcibly ended the black-clothed minions elite's savage collision skill at the cost of his own injury.

You should know that the black-clothed minions elite's savage collision skill has a very high damage, otherwise Fei Xiaojiang, as one of the five adult starving ghosts, would not have died on the beach.

After all, he relied on green quality equipment and high physique, as well as the damage reduction effect of combat skills, plus the advantage of basic blocking level, but he held the black-clothed minions elite for a long time. Obviously, he had a grasp of the opponent's damage, but he didn't expect that the opponent had hidden this powerful skill. In this way, other people would undoubtedly be cautious about this skill of the black-clothed minions elite, but they didn't expect Kunai to step forward at this time and take the initiative to meet it!

Kunai, who fell into a dizzy state, had a sharp drop in his blood value, and his face was extremely pale.

But his expression was extremely ferocious, and even faintly revealed a hint of excitement.

Compared to those adult starving ghosts, he had no way to retreat. If he failed in this mission, he would surely die. With the character of those people, they would never spare him. Therefore, he had to face the difficulties, fight a bloody way for himself, and survive this trial.

He couldn't speak, but the high-pitched emotion of Kunai's anger infected Lei Wu.

For the first time, he experienced a feeling he had never experienced before.

This feeling is that when he is in danger, his teammates will sacrifice themselves, take the initiative to share the danger for him, and believe that he will win the final victory. Therefore, even if the opponent's strength is far inferior to his own, he can trust his back to him.

This is the friendship that can only be formed after the members of the Disaster Team have experienced life and death battles. It is something he has only heard of but never experienced in person. It is also what his father repeatedly told him to find before coming to the Disaster Academy of the River of Disaster.


Surrounded by this positive emotion, Lei Wu was speechless for a while.

He had never thought that these guys he looked down upon would stand up for him and create opportunities for him at a critical moment.

"Take it!"

Reasoning overcame sensibility. He knew that now was not the time to dawdle, so he threw the small green bottle of medicine that he had tried to treat Xuanzong to Kunai, and was determined to complete this task successfully no matter what. He quickly fired the elemental ball on the wand at the fastest speed, and launched a basic elemental attack on the black-clothed elite who had been attacked by him continuously.

This black-clothed elite was attacked by Lei Wu continuously, and naturally knew that the damage of this psychic was amazing. He even tried to avoid Lei Wu's basic elemental attack, but his speed was really not worth mentioning. With the violent explosion of the elemental ball, this black-clothed elite couldn't help but wail, and a bloody area was blown out of his body.

After a brief pause and hesitation, this black-clothed elite suddenly turned around and launched a savage collision skill in the opposite direction.

Seems to be planning to escape?

Obviously, after enduring Lei Wu's multiple attacks, this guy realized that Lei Wu's damage was really amazing and became a little timid.

Unfortunately, the Savage Charge skill, as a short-range control displacement skill for strength-type specialists, has a short displacement distance, while the attack distance of the elemental mage can be slowly increased with the improvement of mental power. Although theoretically, the elemental damage will be reduced when the distance is farther, but at this moment, this distance of only 20 to 30 meters is not a problem for the elemental mage.


Like a bolt from the blue, a blue-purple arc of lightning shot out from Lei Wu's magic wand.

Although the distance between the two sides was pulled away at this moment, after the Savage Charge skill ended, the speed of this black-clothed minions elite was really hard to describe. If he could have the attributes of Chen Mo, he would have a certain degree of confidence in dodging if he was prepared, but his speed was too low, not to mention the basic body skills, and he was immediately hit by this blue-purple arc of lightning.

As lightning flashed, the huge black-clad elite thug groaned, his body was temporarily paralyzed, but he did not fall down, and it seemed that he still had a considerable amount of health.

"Not dead yet!"

Because of the kunai, Lei Wu actually snorted coldly. To be on the safe side, he gathered basic elemental attacks while launching the ice spell skill on the necklace. The two attacks flew towards the black-clothed elite who had already run to the jeep.

Accompanied by the elemental explosion, under Lei Wu's crazy attack, the black-clothed elite finally softened and fell slowly.

Unfortunately, the opponent was too far away, and Lei Wu had no time to pick up the pomegranate grenade.

Kunai had woken up from the dizziness and stood up with the help of Taozi. He drank the potion he had just thrown. Unfortunately, another black-clothed elite had already rushed over. In their current state, they really had no ability to go there to find grenades. Because of what happened just now, he had to save him no matter what!

This made Lei Wu look at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo, who was fighting a stalemate with the biochemical man, was only a dozen meters away from the body of the black-clothed elite.

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