Disaster Strikes

Chapter 432 Six Color Squadron

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One day later.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom...

The fierce battle explosions in the distance and the figures chasing each other in the sky made the travel group, the thunder punishment team, and the surprise team, who were nervous all the way, tremble with fear and excitement.

Since such a large-scale battle has occurred here, one of them must be from the gathering place of the River of Distress.

"Finally found the organization."

Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief and quickly came to the sand dune and looked into the distance.

However, due to the lack of visibility, he could not obtain too much intelligence information. He could only vaguely judge the number of people fighting on both sides, at least hundreds, or even thousands.

There were at least dozens of natural disasters chasing and fighting each other in the air.

Coupled with the various summons and the huge momentum of large-scale skills, Chen Mo made such a judgment based on rational analysis.

Therefore, this is likely to be a battle at the level of the brigade organized by the third-level natural disasters.

Chen Mo noticed that everyone's eyes were focused on him again. After thinking for a moment, he looked at everyone and said: "The Black Wind Mountain's defeated soldiers are all along the way. The battle on the front line of Black Wind Mountain is likely to have been completely defeated. Although the situation of this battlefield cannot be analyzed for the time being, failure is also a high probability event. Are you willing to take a gamble?"

After a show of hands, the three teams made a decision.

So they shouted and rushed out of the sand dunes and ran towards the battlefield.


Two hours later.

On the chaotic battlefield, after a passionate battle, only devastation was left, burning debris everywhere, corpses were scattered everywhere, and the death was miserable.

In the frequent panting.

Some people looked excited, some had dull eyes, and some were sad and lost.

The scale of this battlefield is much larger than Chen Mo imagined!

The side of the River of Distress dispatched three battalions, a huge team of nearly two thousand natural disasters, and the two battalions of the Black Wind Mountain, and started a fierce competition here.

Long before Chen Mo and his party joined the battle, the two sides had been fighting for nearly half a day.

When they entered the battlefield, the battle was nearing its end.

Many teams were dispersed.

After the end of the doomsday mission, these natural disasters who lost their teams will form new teams, or become scattered people, but in any case, they are much better than those natural disasters who lost their lives.

The travel group team strolled on the battlefield.

The battle of less than two hours made everyone physically and mentally exhausted.

But fortunately, the battle has come to an end. The addition of three teams is icing on the cake for the River of Distress camp. The group beat the fallen dog, but there was no too fierce battle. The natural disasters of the Black Wind Mountain side often resisted a little and chose to retreat.

"I'll go over there and take a look!"

The Apocalypse drove a simple Gundam and walked towards a huge metal wreckage.

Chen Mo, Tiantian, and Ningying saw this and had nothing to do, so they followed.

This should be a large aircraft. It looks like a mechanical carrot with six legs. The internal space is very large and can carry at least a hundred people.

The war caused it to crash here.

It is not known whether the original owner was the Calamity of Black Wind Mountain or the Calamity of the River of Distress.

When the four entered the interior of the mechanical wreckage, they found that many people were already disassembling useful parts. These teams obviously had professionals like the Apocalypse.

The people inside glanced at the four new members and did not say much.

After the Apocalypse went around in the wreckage, he found some useful material devices. He immediately summoned several minions, holding various simple disassembly devices, and collected them in the wreckage of the aircraft.

For the Apocalypse, this place is almost like heaven.

After staying here for a while, Tiantian went outside to rest because of the harsh noise in the confined space.

She was suddenly stunned when she saw a familiar figure.

"This... Teacher Qinghong?"

Qinghong, who was patrolling the battlefield, looked at Tiantian.

Tiantian was stunned for a moment, and after confirming Qinghong's identity, she shouted excitedly.

"Boss, Teacher Qinghong is here too!"

Chen Mo hurried out of the mechanical wreckage after hearing this, and he saw Teacher Qinghong's figure. Hei Yao was also looking over not far away, and there were two strange natural disasters.

"It's you!"

Qinghong walked over quickly and looked at Chen Mo and Tiantian with a look of surprise.

It has been nearly four months since the start of the doomsday mission. I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance at this time.


After Chen Mo and Teacher Qinghong exchanged a few words, he nodded to Hei Yao who was walking over.

Seeing this, Hei Yao took the initiative to introduce: "Let me introduce you to these two players I have called together, and they are also excellent students of Qing Hong, Bai Long and Cheng Huang."

Bai Long is a handsome man with a heroic look, holding a red tassel spear, and his skin is white and without any flaws.

Cheng Huang is a little girl carrying a big gourd on her back, wearing big black-framed glasses, and she smiles cutely.

"Hello, my name is Traveler, a friend of Hei Yao, and a student of Qing Hong's instructor."

Bai Long just said "um" faintly.

But Orange smiled and said: "Junior Traveler, I have heard Obsidian tell you a long time ago that you are smart and capable and will surpass us sooner or later, hehe."

Perhaps because of Chen Mo's position as the mutant boss, Orange behaved very friendly. In the doomsday battlefield, strength determines everything.

After chatting for a while, Qinghong got to the point.

"Who is your squadron leader?"

When Chen Mo heard this, he told Qing Hong what happened to his group.

Qing Hong was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect that Chen Mo and others would actually return to the war front from the hinterland of Black Wind Mountain.

Then she said in surprise: "Leiwu is here, so you haven't been recruited yet, and the number of predators recruited by our squadron has not reached the maximum standard. How about you join our squadron?"

Then she added: "The name of our team is Six Color Team!"

The so-called six colors are naturally black, white, cyan, red, orange and yellow, which match quite well.

"This... I'm afraid we have to go back to the gathering place to resupply first."

Chen Mo informed Qinghong that his group needed to return to the gathering place to replenish food and adjust their cultivation.

Qinghong frowned slightly after hearing this.

"Back to the gathering place?"

She shook her head, as if she didn't suggest Chen Mo do this.

"If it was two months ago, I wouldn't have stopped you if you were planning to go back to resupply. But now Kuanghehe is counterattacking with all its strength. Unless there is a captain-level warrant, you will be forcibly recruited at any time in your healthy state. I'm afraid There’s no way to go back.”

When Chen Mo heard this, he opened his mouth and finally let out a sigh.

He also had this conjecture.

"As for food supplies, after this battle, we have collected a lot of food and can give you some for free. When the situation stabilizes, a stable supply line will be established. The major master corps and legion headquarters will set up temporary markets to provide food. Trading platform, you can rest assured about this.”

Qinghong's suggestion is very sincere.

After a brief hesitation, Chen Mo responded: "This matter needs to be discussed with the Thunder Punishment Team and the Surprise Team first. After all, our three teams have always been advancing and retreating together along the way."

Seeing Chen Mo like this, Qing Hong smiled slightly and nodded in agreement.

It is worth mentioning here.

Among the four members of the six-color team, Green, Red, and Orange are the small bosses of Enhancers, while Obsidian and White Dragon are Elite Enhancers.

After a while.

After a short discussion, the Thunder Punishment Team and the Surprise Team readily agreed to join the Six-Color Squadron, and learned about the Six-Color Squadron’s organization from Instructor Qinghong.

Above the Six Color Squadron is the Nuhai Brigade.

Before the war, this brigade had a total of thirteen squadrons under its command, and the Six Color Squadron was one of them.

"In this battle, the Nuhai Brigade and the other two brigades were ordered by the Alchemist Grandmaster to defeat the blocking enemies in one fell swoop. After that, they could drive straight in and gather outside the Black Wind Mountain gathering place to attack the Black Wind Mountain gathering. The ground spread out."

She said excitedly: "After nearly two months of war, we finally achieved a staged victory!"

The prefix of this sentence is that Anguihe has experienced a failure.

The fact is indeed what Chen Mo thought.

After the black sandstorm, the Disasters from the Disaster River who were scattered in various places suffered heavy losses due to the planned and fierce counterattack by the Disasters from Black Wind Mountain, and were once pushed back to the Disaster River area.

But after all, the overall strength of the Anguihe River is much stronger than that of the Black Wind Mountain.

After being caught off guard at the beginning, after a short rest, Wufanhe also began to form a brigade to start a head-on confrontation with Heifeng Mountain. Heifeng Mountain soon showed its weakness.

And after the investigation by the disaster victims of the Anxious River.

After the black sand storm, Black Wind Mountain's attack was almost with all its might.

This also caused Black Wind Mountain to concentrate all its troops in the border area, leaving the hinterland with empty defenses.

Therefore, as long as these front-line natural disasters are defeated, the natural disasters in the Anguish River can go all the way unimpeded, deep into the hinterland, and approach the core area of ​​Black Wind Mountain.

The angry senior management of Kuangguhe made an immediate decision after learning about the incident.

We must surround the core gathering area of ​​Black Wind Mountain!

At that time, the natural disaster victims inside will not be able to get out, and the natural disaster victims outside will not be able to go back. They will not be able to get supplies, and hunger will be enough to make people collapse.

"Starve the predators in Black Wind Mountain to death?"

Everyone who had experienced the feeling of hunger couldn't help but look at each other in shock when they heard this.

If this plan succeeds, it will undoubtedly be quite desperate for the natural disaster victims in Black Wind Mountain.

Whether it was because of the burning curse, the gathering place of the River of Anguish was temporarily isolated and countless low-level predators died, or whether it was the black sandstorm encountered after crossing the Skeleton Gobi, Chen Mo could deeply understand that relying on only one insect nest to survive a long time Hunger is terrible.

By then, these wandering predators will have only two choices.

One is to attack the natural disasterrs in the River of Disaster, just like Chen Mo and others attacked the Eclipse team before, to obtain food supplies.

The second is to go to other gathering places and barter in exchange for some food supplies.

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