Disaster Strikes

Chapter 448: The Power of Nirvana

"Let's go check out the club's residence first, No. 110."

Chen Mo came to the commercial street.

The commercial streets that used to be bustling with people are now deserted, with the doors of large and small community shops closed.

After Chen Mo repeatedly confirmed it, he came to the optical brain in Shop No. 110. The gorgeous light filaments gathered on the qualification certificate.

Tip: I found the resident qualification certificate No. 110. Would you like to move in now and pay 1,000 monthly maintenance points?


Chen Mo just came to take a look, and the rules of the society have not been discussed yet.

Entering the showcase hall on the first floor, look around and the more you look at it, the more you like it.

"It is divided into two floors and a backyard. The area of ​​the showcase shop on the first floor is about 5 meters * 8 meters = 40 square meters. There are four workshop cabins in the backyard, three of which are about 10 square meters, one of which is 25 square meters, and two There are two toilets, and there is a conference room on the roof that can accommodate a hundred people.”

Although it is only a junior club residence, Chen Mo is satisfied with it.

With the end of the doomsday mission.

The Anguished River disaster victims on the front line began to evacuate and returned to the gathering place.

Among them, the fast one takes about half a month, and the slow one takes less than half a year. Most of them will rush back to the gathering place before the fourth month to participate in post-apocalyptic welfare activities.

If you still fail to return to the gathering place after three months, you will naturally lose the qualification to participate in the Grandmaster Battle and Doomsday Reward Battle.

After all, for the natural disaster monarchs.

Even if you are distributing benefits and appeasing people, you must choose the best.

Those who cannot rush back to the gathering place within three months, even if they are lucky enough to survive the doomsday mission, in the eyes of the Calamity Lord, they are just garbage that has not been eliminated for the time being.

Chen Mo walked across the square and passed by all kinds of celebrants.

After the end of the doomsday mission, the concrete positions above everyone's heads disappeared one after another as the high-altitude magic eyes disappeared and the digital optical brain area network returned to normal.

Chen Mo was even a little uncomfortable for a while.

In the past six months or so, because of his position as the mutant boss, even strengthened people would look down upon him and regard him as a privileged class.

But with the disappearance of his profession, naturally no one paid attention to this little predator anymore.

So he came to the practice area alone.

Tip: What skills do you want to practice?

"Lion's Roar Level 1."

Tip: Lion's Roar Lv1 is a C-level skill. The price of renting a practice space contributes 200 natural disaster points per hour. Do you want to rent it?

"200 points?"

Compared with the E-level skill Telekinesis Bullet and the D-level skill Powerful Vajra Fist, which only cost 100 points per hour, the points required to practice Lion's Roar are actually twice as high.

Chen Mo thought he was out of the newbie stage, but he had no relevant cognitive knowledge.

He rubbed his forehead.

"It seems that with these points, it is impossible to practice the Powerful Vajra Fist to Level 10 and then upgrade the Lion's Roar to Level 7."

But thinking of the tremendous power displayed by the lion's roar during the doomsday mission, he still bit the bullet and chose to continue.


Then Chen Mo followed the instructions and quickly came to the practice room.

He was very familiar with the process.


With a passionate roar, Chen Mo felt as if he had vented all the pressure from the past six months out of his heart.

The whole person's mental outlook instantly became different.

This moment.

He seemed to be back in the early mornings when the sun was rising again and again. He was diligently and meticulously practicing the Boy's Kung Fu. He was full of energy and high spirits.

The pale golden sound waves surged in the practice room and were gradually absorbed by the surrounding restrictions.

The cooldown time of the lion's roar takes a full 30 seconds.

During this period.

Chen Mo can carefully understand the details of skills and release skills frequently in a short period of time to improve proficiency. Although it will bring a series of negative effects such as fatigue, damage, and mental torture, it can allow practitioners to understand the skills faster. the essence of.

Otherwise, waiting for natural realization will not only accumulate over time, but also require great luck.

In the process of releasing the lion's roar again and again, he began to have a deeper feeling about this skill when he recalled that he had relied on this skill to restrain the sea of ​​skeletons.

This is a large-scale long-range attack formed by merging the power of one's own energy, blood, and spiritual will.

A strong body and abundant qi and blood will form a burning force of qi and blood at the moment this skill is activated. Some evil spirits will be instantly reduced to nothing under the power of this qi and blood.

A spiritual will that is upright and invulnerable to all evil is like the sun at noon, extremely hot and indestructible. The young people who are good at hiding in the darkness will be ashamed of themselves.

After the lion's roar merges the two, it can be said to be upright!

An hour passed quickly.

Chen Mo felt the state of his body. Although he was tired, he could persist for another hour, so he was about to continue training, but stopped again.

"Forget it, we have plenty of time this time. We need to use the limited points as efficiently as possible."

Chen Mo's goal is to compete for the doomsday rewards three months later, which will take ninety days, so he has no worries about spending his more than 6,000 points.

During the emergency training before this doomsday mission, Chen Mo discovered some clues.

Although he could practice for two hours in a row with his physical strength, the efficiency of the second hour was obviously much lower than that of the first hour.

So he decided to practice slowly and not rush.

Back to the room in the residential area.

Tiantian, Ningying, and the uncle had not come back yet, so the room seemed particularly deserted. After Chen Mo summoned the Omega clone, each of them took a basin of water and cleaned the room.

After leaving for more than half a year, a thick layer of dust had been laid in the house.

Xiaobai was "whimpering" towards the window. Chen Mo understood its mind and knew that it was expressing the hope that the team members would come back earlier.

After cleaning the room.

Chen Mo stretched his body and made "creaking" and "creaking" sounds.

At this time, he noticed that there was an idle female disaster not far away. She seemed to be waiting for someone, and occasionally looked at Xiaobai by the window with boredom.

So he suddenly had an idea and wanted to take this opportunity to test the ability of the Omega clone.

The former Omega clone itself had no attributes, and Chen Mo needed to split a part of the attributes from his body, which can be regarded as the total attributes shared by the clone and the original body.

Now, because of the blessing of the power of reinforcement, even if Chen Mo does not split its own attributes, the Omega clone has a basic state of 30 attributes, which is quite powerful.

But compared with the blessing of the power of reinforcement and the power of annihilation that has mutated 11 times in a row, it is not worth mentioning.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to call the Omega clone at this moment the annihilation clone.

At Chen Mo's signal, the Omega clone replaced Xiaobai and came to the window.

This female disaster was obviously not concerned.

She had nothing to do, and after a faint glance at the Omega clone, her eyes looked elsewhere.

It was just such an inadvertent little action.

Chen Mo, who was hiding in the dark, looked at the Omega clone again, only to find that the Omega clone, which had all attributes of 30 points just now, now faced this female scourge, and its strength, speed, and physical attributes reached 40 points!

But the 10 points of attributes it added were only effective for this female scourge.

If it was aimed at the attack and dodge of this female scourge, the speed would be increased accordingly, but not for others.

This is similar to the triple mark of Logris, which is not aimed at a third person and cannot affect objective reality.

To use a specific metaphor.

This is somewhat similar to "being possessed by evil spirits". Only the possessed person can see some "unclean" things, while others are confused and unable to understand.

Just a moment.

The female scourge looked at the Omega clone again, and then naturally looked away, with extremely smooth movements and no discomfort.

For her.

The previous memory of the Omega clone had been completely forgotten. This was her first time seeing the Omega clone, so everything was very natural.

Therefore, she did not notice anything strange, nor did she behave unnaturally.

Even the psychological activities after seeing the Omega clone were repeated, with only a slight psychological deviation.

Only in her deepest subconsciousness, or in the instinct of muscle memory, would she feel a strange sense of familiarity as she repeated the action over and over again.

It was as if...

Looking at the things in front of her, she always felt extremely familiar, as if this scene had happened before, but she could not remember the specific situation at all, and even began to deny herself, thinking that maybe there had been a similar picture in a dream, and she was just passively associating it.

This is the terrible thing about annihilation.

He will not become anyone's "enemy", because all enemies will forget him, and he will become stronger and stronger in the process.

And the Omega clone, which has been blessed by its law power, also has similar properties.

This female disaster, without realizing that she was suffering from annihilation, looked at the Omega clone over and over again, and then naturally turned her head and looked elsewhere.


She seemed to feel something strange, but she didn't suspect the Omega clone. Instead, she frowned and reflected on herself.

Did she forget something important?

"Hey, you've been waiting for a long time, what are you looking at?"

With the call of another female scourger, she woke up.

"Nothing, just looking over there..."

Halfway through her words, she looked at the empty window, nothing was there, she noticed something wrong, but couldn't tell what was going on.

Her companions obviously didn't notice the problem.

"Hehe, let's go, the doomsday mission is over, and we should relax!"


Although the female scourger was confused, she didn't take it to heart. She just thought that she was too nervous during this period and suddenly relaxed and was a little uncomfortable.

At the same time.

Chen Mo in the room sat on the sofa, looking at the Omega clone beside him, his face a little serious.

There was no other reason.

At this moment, the Omega clone, for the female scourge just now, has a terrifying existence of 260 points in strength, speed, and physique!

And this seems to be far from reaching its upper limit.

This attribute is already at the level of a third-level scourge destroyer, no wonder Chen Mo's face is so serious.

Even as a caster, he deeply felt the horror of this ability.

At least for low-level creatures, this is almost unsolvable.

As long as the sight is slightly diverted from it, it will grow in annihilation, and the speed of growth is far beyond the level that low-level creatures can understand.

"But there is a way to crack it."

After thinking for a while, Chen Mo thought of several possible ways to crack it.

"Some special perceivers should be able to effectively restrain this ability to a certain extent, as well as those who launch a full-scale attack on the Omega clone, and those who have the ability to lock the eagle eye..."


Chen Mo took out the four-piece set of refining equipment and improved the basic alchemy in the house, while the Omega clone practiced basic skills.

Twenty-three hours later.

The additional attribute improvement of the Omega clone for the female scourge gradually disappeared.

Chen Mo concluded from this.

Every time the power of annihilation takes effect on a target, its buff effect on the target will be extended by 1 hour, but 23 hours is far from its upper limit.

"I can completely interfere with the enemy through language, feints, or even smoke bombs, affect the enemy's vision, and then..."

Mumbling to himself, Chen Mo suddenly rolled his eyes.

He knew without looking in the mirror that his expression at the moment must be quite sinister.

How could a time traveler who is a Young Pioneer + an outstanding member of the League + a successor of socialism show such a sinister expression!

"Damn Dr. Horror, you made me go further and further on the path of the despicable... Hehe."

Chen Mo, who was excited, couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

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