Disaster Strikes

Chapter 488 Short Hibernation

These worm-twisted monsters are like brainwashed lunatics.

Their ferocious faces after losing their minds reminded Chen Mo of crazy zombies. The stench of the underground prayer room almost made him vomit.


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The Savage King, overwhelmed by the worm twisters, let out hysterical wails.

Not only were the worm twisters around him, but his body was also entangled with the green liquid that flowed out after the worms died, and he was tightly bound by the worm magicians in the distance.

This feeling of being overwhelmed by countless worms, and the fear that I can't get rid of no matter how hard I struggle, is indeed quite desperate.

Chen Mo still remembers seeing a video of a bee killing a hornet.

The shell of a hornet is extremely strong, and its size is several times that of a bee. The attack of the bee cannot pose a threat to the hornet, but the powerful teeth of the hornet can easily crush the bee.

But bees are not completely defenseless against hornets that invade their hives.

They will swarm towards the hornet one after another, surrounding it layer by layer, and at the expense of some bees, the innermost hornet will be heated to death!

The situation that the Savage King faced at this moment was exactly the same as the encounter with the hornet that Chen Mo once saw.

Facing the twisted worms coming towards him from all directions, Chen Mo didn't want to experience this kind of despair here.

"Hmph, I'm giving you an advantage, go back by yourself!"

After snorting coldly, Chen Mo moved very quickly.

His body went straight towards the fragment points left by Yin Manman, while the Omega clone jumped up, at an astonishing speed, aiming directly at the strange tentacles guarding the iron gate of the passage.

The Omega clone did not originally collect the power of annihilation from this tentacle.

But after it devoured the Apostle of Despair who issued the bounty mission, the Apostle of Despair did not die, but became its temporary battery. Therefore, after the Omega clone locked on the Apostle of Despair who issued the bounty mission, it also locked on this apostle. A mysterious tentacle.

Tip: You have earned 38 Shard Points

This is the fragmented score left by Yin Manman.

From this point of view.

She has collected a total of 76 fragment points, which is the least among the four. She actually plans to use her small things to make a big difference. She is really an ambitious woman.


The Omega clone jumped up and faced this ferocious tentacle with its chrysanthemum-like mouth. It moved forward bravely and waved its silver-white fist. At the same time, it activated its stone talent, forming a large number of rings around its body. Blade-like structure.

Then he rushed into the mouth of this strange tentacle without hesitation and rushed into its body.


This ferocious tentacle, which exuded the smell of a corpse, let out a hysterical scream.

Immediately afterwards, it was divided by the Omega clone in the body, from the big mouth to the body, and torn into countless pieces.

A large amount of red liquid and paste fell from the sky, and an emerald green light point fell.

The whole process only takes about a second.

The Omega clone returned to the body. While Chen Mo reached out to take the fragmented points dropped by the evil shadow, he activated the lion's roar skill towards the worms coming forward.

Without the evil shadow, the lion's roar finally exerted its due power.


The twisted worms that were coming towards Chen Mo like a tidal wave in front were instantly blasted away by the pale golden sound waves.

Some of them even exploded and died on the spot!

It seems that because of the death of this strange tentacle, these worms that were bombarded by the lion's roar no longer turned into a ball of green slurry after death, but became a ball of flowing shadow again.

Tip: You have earned 14 Shard Points.

The Tentacle Evil Shadow only contributed 14 fragment points to Chen Mo.

At this stage, the cost-effectiveness of killing evil shadows and collecting fragment points is far from being comparable to that of hunting natural disaster victims.


"The bloodline seed that resurrected the great Otwa ruler was killed by it!!"

"Why does fate always fool us kind and poor people like this..."

Some of the worm twisted monsters gradually woke up from their crazy state after seeing the Omega clone kill the tentacle, and howled in pain and despair.

It seems that this tentacle is more important than their lives.

Naturally, Chen Mo would not stay here any longer.

He ran as fast as he could toward the iron door connecting the underground prayer room to the surface passage, but suddenly he found something extra in his hand.

"Hey, this is it?"

Hint: Letter Bead No. 258.

Quality: white.

Conditions of use: None.

Item attributes: Slave the evil shadow contaminated with the aura of disaster.

Item description: It seems to have a special connection with something in the deep sea debris.

He looked shocked.

Could it be that the Ottva ruler mentioned by these worms, the person who really wants to resurrect this demon, is the person who created these letter beads, and is located in the deep sea fragments?

Compared with the No. 9 letter bead obtained after killing the Earth Dragon King, the number of this letter bead is much lower, and it is only of white quality.

But he didn't have time to think anymore. This was not a place to stay for a long time.


Facing the voice of the Savage King coming from behind, Chen Mo had no intention of staying.


As he used brute force to break through the passage door in front of him, the twisted worms in the basement also poured out and chased Chen Mo.

"I...will...not go back."

The Savage King, who was bound by the green liquid, screamed desperately in the gap between the worm twisters and watched Chen Mo escape from the underground prayer room.

Listen to him.

It seems that because of the green liquid wrapped around his body, he is unable to return to the disaster world.

Chen Mo naturally knew nothing about this.

After he quickly ran out of the specimen collection room, he came to the oil painting hall on the first floor, and then ran out of the courtyard arch formed by two big trees.

"Yeah, don't come over!"

"Phew, he's gone."

"Saved, he didn't eat us..."

"Ah! They're all out!!"

The fruits on the tree looked in the direction of the villa hall and screamed in horror.

But fortunately, after seeing Chen Mo leave the courtyard, these worm-twisted monsters did not continue to pursue him and stopped one after another.

Not to mention the worm twisters who are still in a state of madness.

Several worm mages gathered together.

"Hey, I only caught one this time."

"The bloodline seed of the great Otwa ruler was destroyed by him. How should we deal with this sacrifice?"

"Why don't you... kill him?"

"No, we can't just give up. It's better to find a way to contact that person again and see if we can get a new bloodline seed. Otherwise, we will never get ahead."

"This is too dangerous. What if he goes to report..."

other side.

After Chen Mo ran forward for about two hundred meters, he looked back and saw that the worm twister did not leave the castle and continued to pursue him. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

From the outside, the villa area is still very peaceful and nothing unusual.

Whoops, whoops, whoops.

He gasped, exhaling the tightness in his chest.

Everything just happened was like an illusion. Although I couldn't completely investigate the whole story of this mission, it was not without gain. At least I knew that there must be a secret hidden in the deep sea shadow fragments, a secret related to the ruler of Otwa.

With a trace of vigilance in his eyes, Chen Mo glanced around.

After confirming that no suspicious danger was found, he slowed down slightly and walked towards the mission wall.

Next words...

Chen Mo was about to make arrangements for his next action, but suddenly felt his body sinking into a cold feeling.

His blood seemed to be gradually stopping flowing, and his body felt extremely tired.

Eyes drowsy.

This seems to be a sign of imminent hibernation.

"Is Yin Manman's snake venom effective?"

After Chen Mo took a deep breath, he steeled himself and tried to sense the toxins in his body. He gradually confirmed that this was the effect of the snake venom just now, which can make people fall into a deep sleep and enter hibernation.

This toxin can not only be used against enemies, but can also be used to rescue friendly personnel at certain times.

It can be said to have endless uses.


Although Chen Mo has powerful anti-poison attributes, he cannot completely ignore the effects of the opponent's poison. He just detoxifies it faster than others.

It was now during the competition, and he didn't want to just fall asleep and miss the competition.

But the instinctive sleepiness made him almost unsteady.

"Hey, I hope it will be detoxified soon."

After noticing the ruins not far away, he rolled and lay down in it, and then transformed into a stone. Not only did his blood, heartbeat, and mental fluctuations stop, but even the warning message of the fragment points stopped working.

I don’t know how much time passed.

"Wake up quickly, wake up quickly..."

Chen Mo kept urging himself to wake up in the spiritual world, but his body never responded. It was like a vegetative person who could sense the objective environment around him, but could never open his eyes.

At this moment, the toxins in his body have been completely cleared by the anti-toxic properties.

However, the hibernation inertia left by toxins is not so easy to get rid of. This requires a gradual process or strong external stimulation.


The explosion in the distance shook the ruins, and some debris fell.

One of the shards fell on the stone that Chen Mo transformed into.

The stone gradually returned to its human form and opened its eyes.

Then out of instinct, Chen Mo jumped up like a carp and suddenly stood up from the ground.

"Check the remaining time of this Predator group doomsday reward competition."

Tip: The Predator group doomsday reward competition lasted 22 hours, 45 minutes and 36 seconds, and there are still 25 hours, 14 minutes and 24 seconds left.


Chen Mo was relieved.

"It's okay, I just slept for about ten hours."

Although this delayed some time, it was still a good job of sharpening the knife and chopping firewood.

At this moment, he felt very energetic. The energy he had lost due to continuous fighting had also been well restored, and he could use the protective aura again.

After all, the Doomsday Reward Competition will last for two days, and Chen Mo also needs to rest.

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