Disaster Strikes

Chapter 513 Deep Sea Fragments

Ding, ding, ding, ding.

One after another, the cross-shaped paper darts fell on the Omega clone who blocked the attack for Chen Mo.

These cross-shaped paper darts may seem inconspicuous, but their attack power is extremely amazing!

The Omega clone had clearly collected the power of annihilation from this person 12 times, and with its own strong attributes, it still could not avoid damage and was nailed into a hedgehog by the dense darts.

This is not over yet.

A large number of flashing dark red runes appeared in these cross-shaped paper darts, followed by the sound of "boom", "boom", "boom", and "boom".

The continuous violent explosions formed a series of shock waves visible to the naked eye on the ground of this street.

This person is actually a talisman maker.

After the explosion ended.

The Omega clone looked at the sunken area on his body, and then looked at the female disaster with his emotionless empty eyes, and then turned into metal powder all over the sky, dissipated on his own, and merged with Chen Mo.

"He just fled over there."


Compared to the Calamities who witnessed the scene for the first time, the other Calamities who came from the distant streets were stunned.

"What happened?"

"A Calamity suddenly jumped up, defeated the Fire King in an instant, took away the fragment points he left, and then fled in that direction."

"Are you kidding me!"

"That's the Fire King, the Fire King in the Flame Soul City! What means did he use to defeat the Fire King? Is it a gold-level consumable item?"


The Calamity scratched his head and frowned, obviously forgetting everything about the Omega clone.

On the other side.

The Calamities who took the lead in chasing Chen Mo have completely lost Chen Mo's trace.

"Is he called Traveler?"

Everyone gathered around Huangquan Road and asked him solemnly.

"Yes, he is the president of the travel agency, the traveler."

Every word Huangquanlu said seemed to be extremely solemn.

"Just now...what means did he use to defeat the Fire King?"


"I don't seem to see it clearly."

"The situation was too sudden at that time, and I didn't notice it."

After everyone looked at each other, although they were full of confusion, they didn't take it to heart. After all, the changes just now were indeed too fast.

The female natural disaster riding on the paper crane had a gloomy face that almost dripped water.

After suppressing it for a long time, she suddenly screamed in a nearly hysterical voice: "In this case, we are also freed. Come on, start the melee. I want to borrow the fragments from you!"

Boom! Boom! Boom...

The entire Flame Soul City fell into disorder and chaos, even crazier than before.

After completely losing the goal of unity, the natural disaster predators here immediately started an unprecedented melee, turning this place into a purgatory on earth.

An inconspicuous stone gradually returned to human form.

After confirming that he had indeed left the combat state, he immediately began to query the transmission information.

Although the Omega clone also collected some of the power of annihilation from other people, the amount was uneven, and it was impossible to fight one against a hundred. Moreover, Chen Mo did not want to experience the treatment of the Fire King and be regarded as a public enemy by the natural disasters here.

Tip: It takes 100 fragment points to teleport to other shadow fragments.

Tip: Deep sea fragments, the evil shadow is extremely low in danger, with a total area of ​​280 square kilometers, a large area, and the number of natural disasters teleported here is 262 people, which is very small.

Tip: Please (yes/no) teleport to the deep sea fragment?


As Chen Mo's 2724 fragment points dropped to 2624 points after consuming 100 points, his body was suddenly surrounded by countless emerald green light spots.

He took a last look at the Flame Soul City, which was like a purgatory on earth.


Then he looked at the emerald green light around his body, which was like a protective shield, wrapping him in the center, as if there was an indescribable sense of security.

The surrounding scene began to distort.

Chen Mo only felt the scene in front of him flash, and after a brief sense of weightlessness, he fell into the slightly cold water with a splash.

The biting cold made him take a deep breath involuntarily.

However, after a brief struggle, he calmed down and showed a look of astonishment.

"This... Dead Sea?"

Chen Mo found that even if he didn't swim, the buoyancy of the water surface was enough to support him and he couldn't sink at all.

The salt content of the seawater here is too high, resulting in a high density of seawater, which lifted him up?

He looked around.

The deep blue sea is endless, and the waves are less than half a meter.

There is not even the black fog in other shadow fragments here. There are several huge black cracks in the gray sky, like lightning, extending to the end of the vision.

Chen Mo lowered his head, plunged into the sea, and looked into the depths of the sea.

It was a depressing deep blue and pitch black.

I don’t know how deep this place is, but since it is deep sea debris, plus this depressing feeling, it must be... very deep, very deep, very deep, right?

God knows if some huge monster will suddenly jump out from this terrifying deep sea and swallow me up on the surface of the sea, or drag me to the bottom of the deep sea.

If someone with a fear of the deep sea comes here, I’m afraid it will be difficult to hold on for even a minute.

Being on the sea, looking around, I am the only one, drifting alone.

There seems to be nothing else around except the sound of the waves. Even though you know you can return to the disaster world at any time and don't have to worry about dying of hunger or thirst here, it is really difficult to feel happy.

Chen Mo dived once more and then floated to the surface again.

After thinking for a moment, he actually stuck out his tongue and tried to lick his wet lips.

"No salty taste?"

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, as if he couldn't believe it.

Then he picked up the seawater with both hands, put it in his mouth, his eyes were slightly stunned, and he swallowed it with a "gulp".

The so-called sea water here does not taste salty!

Then why do you float up?

Could it be that there are other things in the seawater that increase its density, or is it an abnormal ecological law that emerged after the power of the world collapsed?


Just then.

With Chen Mo as the center, the fragments and warning messages on his body were like floods and tsunamis, swinging into the distance until the end of Chen Mo's field of vision that he could not perceive.

"Check the remaining time of the Predator Group Doomsday Reward Competition."

Tip: This Predator group doomsday reward competition has been going on for 47 hours, 33 minutes and 15 seconds, and it ends with 26 minutes and 45 seconds left.

After receiving the prompt, Chen Mo looked around again.

According to the agreement between him and Rocky, after being teleported, he would approach the party that first sent out the warning message.

After all, according to the transmission rules.

When both parties are in the same shadow fragment, and the teleportation time is similar, and they go to the same shadow fragment, the distance between them is not too far.

About five minutes later.

Chen Mo, floating on the sea, finally saw a figure in the distance.

After a brief gaze, Chen Mo's face suddenly showed unbelievable astonishment.

This person turned out not to be Rocky, but Lei Wu!

Lei Wu, who was sitting on the flying carpet with a solemn expression, couldn't help being shocked after confirming that the person in the water was actually Chen Mo, and controlled the flying carpet to slowly float over.

Here we need to focus on the introduction.

Lei Wu's flying magic carpet can only float forward at a height of two or three meters above the ground and water, rather than truly flying.

Its advantage is that it can carry multiple people.

"Is it you!?"

Lei Wu took a deep breath, seemingly in disbelief.

Chen Mo rolled his eyes.

"Didn't you see me and ask?"

"Were you the one who just sent out the debris warning message?"

As Chen Mo climbed onto Lei Wu's flying magic carpet, he shook the water stains from his hair and emptied the water from his ears.

"Well, why are you here too?"

When Lei Wu heard this, his face showed bitterness.

"After I was assigned here, I never left. It's not that I didn't want to leave, but I tried my best, but I still couldn't collect 100 fragment points."

Say it.

He showed the fragment points he had collected, and found that he only had a pitiful 39 points.


Chen Mo was stunned and said: "Are there no white shadows, evil shadows, or mission walls here?"

"There are Bai Ying and Xie Ying, but the number is too small. The number of tasks released by Bai Ying is almost negligible. I have only encountered them once for so long. I got 2 fragment points for the bounty task. I gained 3 fragment points by killing the evil shadow, and then they were gone. What is the mission wall?”

When Chen Mo heard this, he was simply stunned.

This shadow fragment is a little too safe.

Then Lei Wu looked at Chen Mo with a complicated expression.

"What about you, how did you collect so many fragment points? Are the points of other shadow fragments so easy to collect?"

Since Leigo failed to collect 100 fragment points, he was unable to obtain basic information about other shadow fragments.

"It's not that easy. I just have better luck, but no matter what, it's much easier than here..."

Chen Mo briefly described what he saw and heard in the Shadow Screen Fragment and the Silent Valley Fragment.

Then he described the general information of other shadow fragments and the information of deep sea fragments.


Lei Wu sighed helplessly.

What a trick of fate. He originally wanted to go out and prove himself here, but he was unlucky and was trapped and died in the deep sea debris.

It is not difficult to judge from his words.

He only received one bounty mission from White Shadow, where he killed an evil shadow and gained 5 fragment points.

But at this moment, he has a total of 39 fragment points on his body.

Then the remaining fragment points obviously come from other natural disaster victims.

What's even more despairing is.

It is difficult for other natural disaster victims to collect fragment points, so there is almost no warning message. The area of ​​​​this shadow fragment is so vast that he cannot touch anyone at all!

These 39 fragment points are already a miracle that he created without rest or sleep.

He was secretly sad and suffered for a moment.

Lei Wu frowned again and said: "The countdown to the competition has entered and is coming to an end. What are you doing here?"

"I collected something called a letter bead in the fragment of the screen, which seemed to be related to a creature called the Otwa Dominator. Later, I met Rocky in the fragment of the Silent Valley, and he also accidentally found a letter bead. All the clues of the letter bead pointed to this deep-sea fragment, so we agreed to come and see... Hey, he's here."

While speaking.

Chen Mo, who was standing on the flying carpet, saw a figure swimming hard in the distance and gestured to Lei Wu.

Seeing this, Lei Wu hurriedly drove the flying carpet to float in the direction of Rocky and pulled Rocky out of the water.

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