Disaster Strikes

Chapter 57 Predator

Carrying the graduation certificate given by Instructor Qinghong, which is the energy stone with a special mark, Chen Mo went to the medical area of ​​the square.

The medical area is located next to the portal of the stone tablet in the square.

When Chen Mo crossed the crowded square and came to the medical area, he looked around and saw beams of light falling from the sky. As the scourge entered this space, these beams would cover the scourge, like a light curtain capsule.

The same was true for Chen Mo.

When he entered the medical area, the sky-falling beams also wrapped him up, forming an independent space.

Tip: Graduation certificate of the starving ghost student was detected. Please ask (yes/no) to start the promotion?


As Chen Mo responded, the energy stone in his hand quickly decomposed into countless light spots and floated towards the light curtain capsule. The light curtain capsule also refracted countless light filaments and scanned Chen Mo in all directions.

Tip: Identity number confirmation completed.

Tip: The promotion of the first-level scourge predator begins.

Tip: Data creates value, Tianhua Quantum Technology, the Hungry Ghost Trial System is a unified welfare system for the disaster world, aiming to promote the winners to better complete the disaster mission in the future. Therefore, the Hungry Ghost students who pass the trial will receive a unified reward of +2 for all attributes, covering the reward for the natural disaster erosion evaluation during the trial. Please accept (yes/no)?

If you choose "no", according to the natural disaster erosion evaluation of Chen Mo's mission, he will get 1 free attribute point, and he will naturally not choose it.


After Chen Mo responded, an inexplicable pressure suddenly emerged on the light curtain capsules around him.

Then, strands of colorful light, like fluttering ribbons, gradually flowed into Chen Mo's body, like a stream of warm currents, nourishing Chen Mo's limbs and bones, making him couldn't help but hum.

This feeling is almost the same as the feeling when Tongzi Gong was promoted to the first level two months ago.

Tip: Your speed +2.

Tip: Your strength +2.

Tip: Your physique +2.

Tip: Your spirit +2.

Tip: Your energy +2.

Tip: You are promoted to a natural disaster predator.

As the light curtain gradually disappeared, Chen Mo realized that he had left the medical area and appeared at the edge of the square, as if he was teleported here by the light curtain.

Chen Mo hurriedly checked his attribute panel.

Name: Traveler.

Level: Predator.

Talent: 1, Stone Skin.

2, Traveler

Qi and blood: 306.

Defense: 18.

Speed: 15.

Strength: 16.

Constitution: 27.

Spirit: 30.

Energy: 17.

Basic boxing: Lv5.

Basic palm: Lv3.

Basic fingering: Lv6.

Basic assassination: Lv1.

Basic slashing: Lv2.

Basic footwork: Lv7.

Basic jumping: Lv6.

Basic body movement: Lv8.

Basic blocking: Lv11.

Basic telekinesis: Lv9.

Equipment: 1. Telekinesis ball

2. Linen coarse clothes

3. Baron hair crown

4. Deerskin boots

Skills: 1. Telekinesis bullet Lv4.

2. Despicable telekinesis shield Lv3.

Since Chen Mo stayed in the honeycomb world for nearly two months after breaking through the first level of Tongzi Gong, his basic fingering, basic footwork, and basic blocking were all upgraded by 1 level, and the despicable telekinesis shield was also upgraded from Lv2 to Lv3.

However, since the despicable telekinesis shield is a C-level skill, the energy required for release is higher and the skill cooldown time is longer, so it is more difficult to improve the skill proficiency. It may take quite a while to break through to Lv4.

After being promoted to the first-level natural disaster predator, he received a welfare reward of +2 for all attributes, which undoubtedly improved Chen Mo's strength comprehensively.

Especially the mental attribute, which reached 30 points.

However, compared with the improvement in strength, what Chen Mo is more concerned about now is the power and status of the first-level natural disaster predator in the disaster world.

When he was still a starving ghost student, he learned that only by being promoted to a first-level natural disaster can he obtain the basic right to carry out disaster missions once a month in the disaster world.

This can also be indirectly confirmed.

Once the starving ghost is abandoned by the fosterer, there is only one way to die except to enter the disaster academy in advance and become a starving ghost student.

After all, in this world without the sun, moon, stars, and the vitality of plants and trees, without the implantation of optical brain data chips, starving ghosts do not even have the right to eat free survival meals!

So Chen Mo looked at the "Predator" column in the level of the attribute panel.


1. Predators can obtain free survival meals provided by the disaster world.

2. Predators can obtain the qualification for external contract missions in the disaster world.

3. Predators can rent a room in the apartment area at the cost of 1 point per month in the natural disaster gathering place, or rent a room in the residential area at the cost of 10 points of natural disaster contribution points per month.

4. Predators can add friends in the address book through the optical brain data chip. Both parties can make real-time calls within a kilometer range in the disaster world, and can also leave email messages when they are beyond the communication distance.

After obtaining relevant intelligence information, Chen Mo showed a thoughtful look.

After being promoted to a first-level natural disaster predator, it seems that he has only obtained the basic right to survive in the disaster world and officially become a member of the disaster world.

Except for those underage kids and the starving students in the academy, Chen Mo was still at the bottom of the world.

"Apartment area."

First, having a nest of your own is more important than anything else!

As for a room in a residential area, Chen Mo won't consider it yet because it requires 10 points every month.

After passing through the crowded square and walking along the bluestone street, Chen Mo came to the apartment area marked on the map in his mind.

This is a quaint and thick high-rise building area, surrounded by a skeleton fence. People come and go, and some gather in twos and threes in the corners of the courtyard to discuss things.

It didn't seem as warm as Chen Mo imagined.

The eyes of the natural disaster victims looked around, full of vigilance.

This familiar look, after Chen Mo learned about the dangers of the academy's training area, he would show a similar vigilant look whenever anyone approached.

Look up at the Skeleton Arch.

I thought that this place would be marked as the Worrying River Apartment Area, but I didn't expect that the big bloody characters on the skeleton arch turned out to be...the Predator's Lair.


Mood gaps are inevitable.

Chen Mo kept a low profile and cautious, came to an optical brain machine next to the gate of the predator's lair courtyard, and chose to rent a room here.

Tip: Your natural disaster contribution points are -1.

Tip: You have obtained the right to rent Apartment 510, Building F. No one is allowed to enter without your permission. If there is any illegal incident, please contact the inspector as soon as possible. We will deal with the relevant responsible persons seriously. .

After Chen Mo saw the prompt, he couldn't help but laugh at himself.

There must be many natural disaster victims who committed suicide here, right?

After entering the predator's lair, Chen Mo passed by the natural disaster victims in various costumes. The place was decorated with ferocious skeletons, with a dark red tone that looked like blood, and was full of suffocating depression.

Under such circumstances.

Some people work hard and work hard in various ways, while some people have become what Teacher Qinghong calls worms, eating free subsistence meals every day, living according to the minimum living standards, and waiting to die.

Chen Mo quickly followed the road signs and arrived at Room 510, Building F, where he rented.

There was a small identification system on the door of the room. After confirming Chen Mo's identity, the iron door slowly opened.

After seeing the furnishings in the room, Chen Mo couldn't help but frown slightly.

He seemed to have returned to the Pig Cage Walled City.

In this small room of less than ten square meters, there is a small skeleton bed with an animal skin on top, a stone table, and two stone benches, and that's it.

The washing area and toilet are shared in the corridor.

The ground was covered with a thick layer of dust. Chen Mo came to the window of the room and found a series of footprints behind him. He looked out at the gray sky.

At this time, he couldn't help but miss the life in Pig Cage Walled City.

At least it is full of worldly feelings, the sky has sunrises and moonsets day after day, and the market has all kinds of cheap delicacies, but here there is only vigilance and dust.


My stomach growled with hunger.

"Anyway, let's have a full meal first."

He just rented an apartment and spent 1 point. At this moment, Chen Mo still has 222 points, so he has no intention of saving this 1 point to eat free subsistence meals.

Compared with the gooey food in the disaster world, even the dirty dishes and eye-catching dishes of the dock workers in the hive world are rare human delicacies.

After cleaning the dust for a while, Chen Mo left the room.

It just so happened that the neighbor across the door from the apartment was about to go out.

However, in such a vigilant and unfamiliar environment, Chen Mo did not intend to contact the other party. However, when the other party saw Chen Mo, he could not help but show surprise.


Chen Mo then turned to look at the other party and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.


Chen Mo really didn't expect that it would be such a coincidence that he and Tiantian lived across the street. He had to know that when he was checking the rooms just now, he was told that they were randomly assigned.

Tiantian looked Chen Mo up and down and said in disbelief: "You live here?"


Tiantian was so surprised that she couldn't add anything. She said in disbelief: "I didn't expect that we had just graduated and we became neighbors again. What a coincidence! Hehe, please add a friend in your address book. Thank you very much during the trial. I Invite you to dinner.”


Tip: You have added Tiantian as an address book friend.

After the two became friends, they left the apartment together and walked towards the cafeteria.

I have to say that her sweet appearance, coupled with her coquettish personality, is really attractive.

In other words, her tall and graceful image is in line with the desires of most male disaster victims in the disaster world. Standing next to Tiantian, Chen Mo can clearly feel that many male disaster victims passing by can't help but look at her a few more times.

Tiantian is already used to this.

After arriving at the canteen, Tiantian ordered two ordinary meals, namely black bread broth and tomato noodles. Compared with most disaster victims who are accustomed to eating their meals with spoons and grabbing rice with their hands, Tiantian was using While picking up the knife and fork, I noticed that Chen Mo could use chopsticks extremely skillfully, and his eyes widened immediately.

"伱, you...you can even do this?"

Chen Mo was stunned when he heard this, and then he realized what he was saying.

When I was in the Disaster Academy, I ate survival meals all day and had no chance to use chopsticks. For the natural disasters, this is a ritual with a very high technical content, no less difficult than the improvement of basic skills Lv10.

"It's easy to learn. If you want to learn, I'll teach you."

Chen Mo wanted to deal with it casually, but after hearing what Tiantian said, she made a seductive gesture of biting her red lips and said charmingly: "Then I'll go to your room later, and you can teach me step by step, okay?"

Chen Mo rolled his eyes and didn't answer.

After dinner, Chen Mo was going back to his room to rest, and Tiantian was going out. The two parted ways. Halfway through, Tiantian suddenly stopped and looked at Chen Mo's gradually receding back.

At this moment, in her eyes, the charm value on Chen Mo's head was 0~15.

"Strange, the charm value has changed again. What did he experience during his stay in the trial world?"

She turned around and left with a thoughtful look until Chen Mo disappeared at the end of the street.

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