Disaster Strikes

Chapter 6 College Life

The next day.

Chen Mo was awakened by the sound of dripping water.

He stood up and looked at the wall clock. It was only half past five. The five starving ghosts in the dormitory had already dressed up. When he looked at the other people in the room, Lei Wu and Han Xue had disappeared.

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As for the noise just now, it was the sound of Fei Xiaojiang washing up.

When the five people quietly left the room, Chen Mo instinctively felt that there must be some secrets in it, so he also hurriedly got up and washed up, wanting to take a peek.

"What time is it?"

Mu Tan, who was standing next to him, was awakened by Chen Mo. He looked at the time in a daze and then continued to lie down.

"It's still early for class. Why are you in a hurry?"

The cold water made Chen Mo sober instantly.

After quietly washing up, he tiptoed out of the room to avoid disturbing others' rest, and then he was shocked by the scene in front of him!

There were already hundreds of people doing morning exercises in the huge exercise area of ​​the college.

Some people were exercising in the equipment area, some were lifting weights with randomly placed stones, some were sitting in the corner meditating, and more people were running long distances, with sweat dripping down their cheeks.

Chen Mo noticed Luyi not far away.

At this moment, he was making chopping and stabbing postures again and again, with an extremely serious and meticulous look.

"What secrets are there!"

Chen Mo, who witnessed all this, felt a little ashamed.

This reminded him of his life of getting up early in the morning to read every day, and returning to the dormitory late at night to read for half an hour.

He was not the only one working hard.

Everyone with an ideal goal is working hard for his ideal, even if he is a bad guy, a negative character, he also has his own persistence.

Thinking of his pitifully low speed attribute, Chen Mo took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and decided to join this struggle full of positive energy and motivation, and began to run with the crowd.

People around him kept overtaking Chen Mo at a faster speed.

Some of them had even run several laps, while Chen Mo was already out of breath after just running half a lap.

In terms of strength and speed, Chen Mo and Shitou were almost the same before the crossing. The two were almost at the same level. The training area of ​​the Disaster Academy was very large. After one lap, it was about two thousand meters. After Chen Mo ran a lap with all his strength, he immediately knelt on one knee, gasping for breath, and sweat dripped down.

"After intense running, you need to walk for a while to relieve the pressure on your legs."

The voice in his ear made Chen Mo look up. It was Instructor Qinghong who passed by him and seemed to have run several laps here.

Is even the instructor exercising?

The stubbornness of not admitting defeat made Chen Mo grit his teeth and stagger forward as the instructor said.

The sky gradually brightened, and there were only a few people left exercising.

However, Chen Mo was one of the few people left!

He felt that he was as heavy as a thousand pounds, and insisted on walking around the playground twice before walking tiredly to the dining area.

He had to finish his meal before class.

There were free survival meals in the gathering place.

This world seemed to be digitized, and even the food of the disaster victims was classified into different levels. The so-called survival meals refer to inferior food that was not graded. Compared with the high-quality food yesterday, it was naturally a world of difference.

As for what a survival meal is, even though Chen Mo had some psychological preparation, his face was still quite ugly after seeing his breakfast.

With the rumbling sound of the machine, Chen Mo looked at the paste in the plate, which was really unbelievable.

The so-called survival meal was just a mass of paste, which was made of unknown organic matter after being crushed into a paste-like food. Even if the paste was made of various garbage, cockroaches, and earthworms, it could not be verified now.

The cafeteria was filled with clanging sounds.

That was the sound of the metal spoons of the starving ghosts hitting their plates. Chen Mo noticed that some people had bread or something like noodles on their plates, but without exception, they all bought it from the consumption window.

These people were obviously like Lei Wu. After accessing the data chip, their families gave them natural disaster contribution points as soon as possible, so that they could consume here.

And the reason why the college provides free high-end food to each new starving ghost is obviously also for some deep intentions.

Time is running out.

Chen Mo swallowed the paste in big mouthfuls.

Fortunately, the survival meal has no special taste except a little salty. It is just food for basic survival. Chen Mo tried to adapt himself to this kind of food and not to think about it. After eating it in big mouthfuls, he ran quickly to the teaching building.

The classroom is very large.

While the fourteen people were waiting silently, Teacher Qinghong walked into the classroom.

Today she actually put on heavy makeup, and her flaming red lips were particularly beautiful, which even made Chen Mo feel a sense of intimacy, as if he had returned to high school life.

"Hello everyone, before I teach you basic skills, please tell me why you want to become a natural disaster. This is very important, because only those who know why they live are qualified to live better."

Instructor Qinghong spoke calmly, standing on the high platform and looking around at everyone.

"Because I want to become stronger!"

"Because I want to control my own destiny."

"Because I want to become a great natural disaster monarch."


Everyone answered one by one, and Instructor Qinghong kept nodding.

It wasn't until the last person responded that she said calmly: "Actually, the most fundamental goal of the natural disaster victims is only one, and that is not to starve to death."

Instructor Qinghong’s words immediately resonated with many people in the audience, including Chen Mo.

Live and not starve to death, what a simple explanation.

"So we can only serve the natural disaster victims and make ourselves stronger, so that we can obtain natural disaster contribution points, obtain food, and ensure that we will not starve to death. This is why we call the level 0 natural disaster victims starving ghosts. The reason. Because in the barren disaster world, all unnecessary resources must be saved and useless waste must be forcibly eliminated, so the disaster world believes that violence can solve everything. "

At this point, some people in the class were already excited, while others looked timid and guilty.

"We live in endless worlds. The number of worlds is endless. The living environment and humanistic laws of each world are completely different. Some worlds are rich and rich, some are cold and hot, some are surrounded by thunder, and some are surrounded by thunder. It is an endless ocean, and the rulers of different worlds have also created different cultures and civilizations.”

After a pause, she continued: "In our disaster world, the natural law is rootless duckweed. There are no sun, moon and stars in the sky. There is no vegetation on the earth, and there is not even metal ore. Therefore, we cannot farm, mine or produce. I have explored more than a dozen worlds. Even those so-called harsh and barren worlds have much better living conditions than disaster worlds. Therefore, as natural disaster victims, we need to constantly fulfill the demands of the summoners of other worlds through employment relationships! , to satisfy their infinite desires, in order to continuously erode these worlds shrouded in desire and hatred in order to obtain more survival resources.”

Qinghong's words made everyone present feel a little depressed.

The barrenness of the disaster world was indeed confirmed by Chen Mo's memory of the stone. The entire world was covered with rocks, sand, bones, and rivers. The people here seemed to be living on the moon. There is still such a world. The continuation of life is a miracle in itself.

There is no sun and moon in the sky, and there is no life on the earth. It is not an exaggeration to say that the disaster world is like duckweed without roots.

"However, although the disaster world did not give us a wealthy living environment, it did give us the convenient conditions to become strong, that is, the powerful power of the laws of time and space. Compared with the insurmountable world barriers between other worlds, we can travel through different worlds. The process of the world is undoubtedly much easier, so the disaster world has established close ties with many other worlds, and fighting in various conflicts has enriched our combat experience. This is the only survival capital for us natural disaster victims. "

Speaking of this, a hint of undisguised pride appeared on Teacher Qinghong's face.

She is proud of herself as a natural disaster victim.

"After experiencing the Starving Ghost Trial, you will have the opportunity to actively apply to participate in natural disaster missions once a month. However, whether you cherish this opportunity is entirely up to you. The disaster world will not enforce it, and this loose regulation will not Many natural disaster borers have been given opportunities. The borers hang out in the gathering place every day and live the most filthy and lowly life. They would rather live on subsistence meals every day. Even if it is a necessary expense, for them, it is just selling their bodies. , rely on seeking pleasure from others to obtain poor charity, and are unwilling to perform natural disaster missions.”

Speaking of this, a hint of hatred and disdain appeared on Qinghong's face.

She looked around the crowd and said, "I hope there are no such people among you."

Not just her, most of the people in the class showed disdain for this.

In the disaster world, except for the limited gathering place orderers, "civil servants" like Mentor Qinghong who are directly employed by the great natural disaster monarch, other long-term jobs can almost be regarded as a shame for the natural disaster victims.

Because for natural disaster victims, growing stronger and dying is the ultimate mission, while monotonous and boring work is the life of a slave.

"When performing natural disaster missions externally, the natural disaster victims are usually passively summoned by creatures from other worlds in the form of contracts. The natural disaster victims will complete the corresponding contract tasks in two ways: individual mode and team mode. After obtaining a fixed When the mission is profitable, we will also obtain some additional resources during the mission, but this requires us to do so without violating the mission contract. Or...the value of these resources has far exceeded the punishment of the contract. "

Speaking of this, Teacher Qinghong's expression was profound.

Some people in the class seemed to understand, while others were stunned.

In other words, when the benefits are huge enough, the natural disaster victims can betray the contract!

"There are also times when large-scale wars will occur between different gathering places in the disaster world due to various conflicts. At that time, all natural disaster victims in the gathering place will arrange war missions indiscriminately. Usually we call this kind of mission Doomsday missions. Of course, this is only the most difficult and common doomsday mission. There are also some more terrifying situations, that is, the great natural disaster monarchs launch war and plunder missions against other worlds. I can only wish you good luck then. ”

Instructor Qinghong looked around with a sneer, but at this time, everyone still couldn't understand the horror of the doomsday mission she said, and looked at each other with a slightly confused look.

Teacher Qinghong did not intend to describe it in detail. She continued: "Although the doomsday mission is very dangerous, it will also be accompanied by huge benefits after completing the mission. The natural disaster monarchs often give some special rewards, and this is actually the time to clean up the termites in the gathering place."

When it comes to the word "termite", Teacher Qinghong almost gritted her teeth, looking disgusted with it.

"So if you don't want to die in a muddle in the doomsday mission in the future, it's best to work hard to make yourself stronger in normal times, and don't become those termites who eat and wait to die. Do you understand?"

"Got it!"

Teacher Qinghong warned everyone, and smiled again after getting a satisfactory answer.

After a series of explanations from Teacher Qinghong, Chen Mo finally had a preliminary understanding of the survival method of the natural disasters.

The disaster world will be divided into two parts: the peaceful development period and the doomsday war period.

The natural disasters in the peaceful development period will go to various worlds as individuals or teams to complete the commissioned tasks, and plunder resources and improve their strength in the process.

The scourgers during the Doomsday War will be forcibly recruited by the scourge monarchs of the gathering place to perform the so-called doomsday mission.

Time passed.

Four hours passed quickly.

The courses for the starving ghost students were only half a day, and the afternoon was free time.

Lunch was still a survival meal.

Facing these mushy foods, Chen Mo tried to keep himself calm. Like other scourge starving ghosts, he imagined these mushy foods as various delicacies and swallowed them in big mouthfuls.

After the meal, Chen Mo came to the college library.

The overcrowding he imagined did not appear.

Compared with learning and progressing in the library, the scourgers seemed to be more keen on practicing and strengthening themselves through practice. After lunch, many starving ghosts would still gather in the square, and even Mu Tan and Du Fangyan and Du Qingqing brothers and sisters joined in and practiced in various ways.

However, as a time traveler, Chen Mo was undoubtedly more accustomed to solving some theoretical problems through book knowledge.

After entering the library, Chen Mo quickly found the information he needed.

First of all, there is information about the storage space eroded by natural disasters.

To obtain the ability of natural disaster erosion, one must first be eroded by natural disasters and become a member of this world. This is naturally not a problem for stones that were born and raised in the disaster world, but it is a fantasy for creatures in other worlds.

Secondly, the natural disasterer needs to sense the natural disaster energy in his body and control this energy to a certain extent, rather than letting it settle in the body like stagnant water.

Finally, imagination is needed, which is also a key step.

That is to imagine oneself as a part of the disaster world. In simple terms, it is to imagine oneself as a cell of the whole world, and then you can open storage spaces of different sizes according to your own energy value.

In general, this is almost not difficult for most natural disasterers. Many starving ghosts learned it naturally in their childhood, just like walking and talking.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Mo looked at another stack of information.

《The Evolution Direction of Mental Power Specialists》

The level of mental power will affect the effects of perception, elements, and telekinesis, so mental power specialists will generally develop in these three directions.

Perception, as the name suggests, is to detect unknown areas in the distance or behind obstacles through mental power. The resulting professions often have ultra-long-range strike capabilities, similar to sentinels and snipers, with extremely powerful detection and pursuit capabilities, and often take the lead.

Elements, on the other hand, use the spirit to structure energy and then launch various elemental magic. Lei Wu uses this as a way of evolution, and his basic elemental skill level is as high as an astonishing Lv11.

Telekinesis, on the other hand, uses mental power to enchant matter, similar to making stones fly, bending spoons, or giving people a protective shield, etc. It cannot be created out of nothing, and must be launched with matter as a carrier.

An afternoon passed unknowingly.

The library will close at 6 pm, and it is time for dinner again.

Chen Mo copied the collected information and was about to leave the library when he suddenly stopped and looked at the middle-aged female teacher wearing glasses. He asked tentatively: "Hello, do you need an administrator here? I think I can help you."

"Are you sure? You want to work here?"

The other party seemed a little surprised.

After all, this job is too boring for most natural disasters. According to the habits of natural disasters, they will think that this is the lowest way of life.

The library is quite large, and there are probably tens of thousands of books in it.

Although there are not many people coming here every day, at most dozens of people, there is not no administrator. Even the substitute teacher who is responsible for closing the door is forced to come here part-time and just take care of it.

Looking at Chen Mo's serious eyes, the middle-aged female teacher adjusted the black glasses frame.

"The working hours are from 2 pm to 6 pm every day. I can pay you 1 natural disaster contribution point as a reward."


As a time traveler, Chen Mo not only does not think there is anything wrong with his job.

On the contrary, this job is simply one of the perfect transitional careers for quickly adapting to life in a different world in some time-travel novels.

Although the reward was only 1 point, according to the price of goods in the disaster world, if you don't want to eat a survival meal, even a low-grade ordinary black bread will cost 1 point, but considering the convenience of this job and the fact that the working time is only four hours a day, Chen Mo agreed without hesitation.

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