Disaster Strikes

Chapter 619 Class A Personnel

Black George soon attracted the attention of Rotland.

After landing on the shore, the speed of the rotten devil was obviously much slower.

Black George's speed was quite astonishing, and his movement was extremely flexible. He gradually led the giant away and away from this wide river valley.

"As expected of a professional thief, his speed is amazing."

Gangzi thought that George would be devoured by the Corruption Demon soon, but he did not expect that his speed was not slow and took the Corruption Demon away.

"Maybe it was his fear of death that made him burst out the last afterglow of his life."

Lao Wang responded in a low tone.

Seeing this, the others also sighed, seeming to be inspired by the false pity deep in their hearts, but they forgot that it was all of them who pushed George to the abyss of death.

"Go quickly."

Under the leadership of Gangzi, everyone ran quickly to the upper reaches of the valley.

The whole process was quiet, and no one complained about pain or tiredness.

en route.

Chen Mo seemed to suddenly discover something, and his pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a pinhead.

Black George lured away the Rotten Devil to the other side of the river valley blocked by the ridge, but at this moment, he was as if he was taking a leisurely stroll, sliding around the Rotten Devil on the ground easily.

Is there any life and death crisis?

The reason why Chen Mo was able to see this scene was entirely out of curiosity. He activated his telekinesis in the direction of George's escape, and gathered his perception into a thin line, so that he could vaguely perceive farther away. distance, and then discovered this scene behind the ridge.

"He turned out to be a natural disaster!"

Then Chen Mo suddenly thought of something, his eyes were uncertain.

He glanced at Owen, the white policeman who had been guarding George, the black man, after he captured him.

Combined with the previous performances of Irving and George, everything makes sense. These two guys are actually singing a double act.


"Could it be that the mission of these two people is also for the mica particle emitter?"

Chen Mo suddenly thought of the key point, looked thoughtful, and took a deep look at Owen's back.

Half an hour later.


Two perfectly disguised soldiers suddenly appeared, aiming their guns at everyone, and seemed to shoot mercilessly at the slightest movement.

Of these two people, one had his body buried in the soil, and the other was disguised with dead grass branches.

Moreover, the clothes they wear also have passive anti-reconnaissance skills, which are already top-quality equipment with attached skills.

"This is a military restricted area. Outsiders are prohibited from entering. You should turn around and leave immediately!"

Gangzi, who was walking at the front, experienced a brief moment of nervousness and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming the identity of the two men as military personnel.

He signaled to Ma Zu, who was supporting him, to let go.

"I am Wu Gang from the Sixth Special Forces Brigade of the Military Intelligence Bureau. This is my ID. My mission is to protect Zhao Lingling, a B-level potential psychic. Because Yuming City suffered a large-scale attack by monsters and lost basic social order, I only I can take her to your place for refuge.”

After hearing this, the two checked the documents and returned them to Wu Gang.

One of the soldiers gave a military salute.

"I'm really sorry. The base is now overloaded and has no extra resources to accept refugees."

Gangzi returned the gift.

"She is not a refugee, but a valuable talent of the Federation. It is just that because she is still young, her abilities have not been fully developed and she cannot reach her full potential. Please be sure to make a special application to the base commander and protect her."

The two looked at each other.

But one of them was more cautious and signaled to Zhao Lingling: "Madam, please show your psychic ability. We must confirm your identity first."

"I need a bottle of mineral water."

Seeing that the two of them looked confused, Zhao Lingling explained in detail.

"My psychic ability is to control pure water within 500 grams. It must be pure water. It can transform pure water between gaseous, liquid and solid states."

The two soldiers heard this, and one of them fumbled around and handed over a bottle of mineral water.

After Zhao Lingling displayed her psychic abilities, the two soldiers completely believed in her identity as a psychic, so they secretly contacted their superiors.

About ten minutes later.

A hidden cave opened in the mountain in the distance, and two teams of more than ten people quickly ran out.

"Everyone enters the base as quickly as possible. No non-military personnel are allowed to stay near the base!"

Under the anxious urging of these soldiers, Wu Gang, Zhao Lingling, Lao Wang, Franco, Owen, Evely, Shirley, Chen Mo, and Ma Zu, a total of nine people, quickly entered the base.


With the brief sound of metal gears turning, the heavy base door closed again.

The underground base seems to have many levels.

They followed the soldiers to the sweltering fourth underground level.

The area here is very large, but there are also a surprisingly large number of people who come to take refuge. They are probably the lucky ones who followed the Yuming City army and took refuge here in the early days of the disaster.

Wu Gang and Zhao Lingling were picked up alone.

The remaining seven people were locked in this small room.

The room was hot and humid.

Apart from a row of low stools placed against the wall and the energy-saving lamps overhead, there are only curtains as decoration.

Behind the curtain, there is actually a wall.

"Hello, do you have anything to eat?"

Franco asked the soldier on guard next to him through the iron gate.

The soldier gave him a cold look and pointed his electric baton at him.

"Please obey the rules and regulations of the base and return to your room immediately."

Franco opened his mouth, and finally chose to return to his seat and wait.

Chen Mo passed through the iron gate and looked at the crowds of refugees outside. Combined with the scenes along the way when he first arrived here, he made his own judgment.


The area they are in now should be the fourth underground floor of the base.

"The first underground floor is the combat readiness area for military personnel, the second underground floor is the logistics area for soldiers, the third underground floor is the refugee training area, and the fourth underground floor is the refugee living area."

He sighed inwardly.

"At present, it seems that this base is indeed overloaded based on the design. I don't know how many floors there are below. However, according to the rules, the lower it is, the more important it is, and the living conditions should be better."

About an hour later.

An officer led several civilian personnel to the temporary detention place where Chen Mo and others were held.

After the officer signaled the guarding soldiers to open the iron door, everyone walked out.

Wu Gang's wounds have been bandaged, and he is standing upright behind the officer. He has obviously resumed his military duties.

Several clerical staff quickly set up tables, chairs, benches and simple equipment.

Behind them, there is a smart robot that looks honest and cute, but it seems to have no combat capabilities and is just a living robot.

"We're all lined up. Do you want to eat? What's your name?"


"How old are you?"

"39 years old."

"What profession?"


After the clerk recorded Franco's basic information, he motioned for him to report to the next clerk, and then looked at Lao Wang who was in the back.

That's it.

As everyone registered one after another, it was Chen Mo's turn soon.


"Chen Mo."

"How old are you?"

"22 years old."

"What profession?"

"Well, I worked as a salesperson, a delivery person, and also worked at a construction site for a while. By the way, my family owns a supermarket..."

Wu Gang came over and patted the registered civilian employee on the shoulder.

"Mark him as a gang member."

When Chen Mo heard this, he opened his mouth and stared at Wu Gang in shock. Wu Gang smiled faintly and didn't say much.

"Take the form and go over there."

Chen Mo took the form, followed the other party's request, and came to report in front of another civilian staff.

After the civilian staff here conducted a simple disease screening on Chen Mo, the life robot quickly sterilized him for viruses.

The air is filled with the smell of disinfectant.

Next, someone else tested his height, weight, vision, strength, and cardiopulmonary function.

Finally, he took the registration form and came to the officer.

The officer was a man about fifty years old with a very stern expression. He looked at Chen Mo up and down, and then looked at the file in his hand.

"Gang member, 22 years old, hum, Category A."

Say it.

He handed Chen Mo's file to the life robot, and the robot quickly used laser to etch a metal identity tag.

Although Chen Mo didn't know what Category A personnel meant, judging from other people's classifications, the result should be good.

Only Owen, Chen Mo, and Ma Zu were assigned to category A.

Lao Wang and Eveli were assigned to Category B.

Franco and Shirley are Category C.

"Listen up, the base is now overloaded and all kinds of resources are in extremely short supply. Therefore, all human resources must be fully mobilized. Category A personnel are the base's follow-up combat readiness personnel. You will undergo a week of rigorous training. , one week later, you will be forcibly injected with genetic transformation potion and undergo the test of sunspot radiation!"

Lao Wang and Ma Zu exclaimed, but the officer sneered.

He looked down at Matsu, who looked horrified.

"Of course, you have the right to refuse the forced arrangements of the base, and the consequence will be that you will be classified as a Category D personnel from now on."

Although I don’t know what category D personnel represent.

But it's not difficult to guess from the officer's sneer that this is definitely not a good choice.

"As for Category B personnel, they are outstanding talents with relevant professional skills. The base needs you to continue to use your professional expertise, and the base will protect your basic right to survival."

Say it.

The officer looked at Franco and Shirley.

"As for Category C personnel, you need to complete the work assigned by the base on time every day, including but not limited to simple tasks such as cleaning, transportation, and sewing. The base will provide you with the vocational training required by the base based on your expertise. Once you arrive at the base If you meet the relevant occupational requirements, you can become a Category B person.”

After a preliminary understanding of the division of labor among the three categories of personnel A, B, and C, Chen Mo looked thoughtful.

Now he finally understood the value of Wu Gang's "gang member" sentence.

Because he was almost assigned to Category C!

"This is your identity tag. It is stuck on the chest in front of your clothes like this. This is your pass in the base. Remember, you must not lose it."

Chen Mo, Owen, and Ma Zu heard this and quickly stuck their identity tags on the chests of their clothes.

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