Disaster Strikes

Chapter 66: Surprise Team

all in all.

Although there are different methods to form a fixed team, if Chen Mo chooses to establish a team through a contract, he must find a contract of sufficient quality and consider the number of people in the team.

Fortunately, Chen Mo still has plenty of time.

Now he has just found a Tiantian as a teammate, and the other party has not yet clearly agreed. Other teammates still need to meet by chance during the mission or other opportunities, so he still has enough time to try to buy, collect, and obtain attributes. Suitable squad contract.

For the captain, this is also a top priority.

If Chen Mo comes up with a contract with excellent attributes right now, the process of recruiting teammates will undoubtedly be much easier, and at least Tiantian will not hesitate anymore.

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"In other words, if the so-called contract is to be fair and effective, it needs powerful enough creatures or other things, including unknown props, mysterious natural phenomena, and powerful enough curses, supported by punishment. Although the team contract in the disaster world is It has only been maintained to the level three natural disaster destroyer stage, but it is still not something that ordinary beings can notarize, so for low-level natural disaster destroyers, it is really difficult to obtain the contract..."

After Chen Mo murmured, he finally ended the data connection with the optical brain here.

It is not easy to become the captain of a natural disaster squad, especially an ambitious captain of a natural disaster squad.

Sighing, he came to the crowd under the scale statue.

Now there is only one thing he needs to accomplish, and that is to join a relatively safe temporary team, use his talent as a time traveler, and complete his growth and accumulation while keeping the mission world as low-key and safe as possible.

And in order to ensure his own safety, he also thought of a good way.

That is to pretend to be the most popular telepathic medical assistant!

after all.

A doctor who provides buff status and is harmless to humans and animals. What bad intentions can he have that are worthy of special precautions?

"Level 1 temporary team of four, three are missing and one is missing. The leader is an elemental mage. Anyone with special physical attributes, less than 350 HP, less than 20 defense, and less than five skills is not required!"

"A four-skill warrior with strength 25 and constitution 26, blue quality armor, capable of output and resistant to damage. Looking for a team with a captain who is easy to talk to!"

"Level 2 gunner, fixed damage 75, six skills fully equipped, two skill proficiency level 7, ensuring stable output. Is there any team that wants it?"

There were constant shouts and shouts in my ears, and there were also many natural disaster victims holding up placards.

While Chen Mo was listening to the shouting, he looked at the signs held by the disaster victims, which had personal conditions or team requirements written on them. It was very lively, and quarrels could be heard from time to time.

After a while.

He stopped in front of a female natural disaster victim and seemed to be carefully examining the relevant conditions.

The reason why Chen Mo stayed here was because he met an acquaintance!

This female natural disaster was the kind person who gave him the idea and asked him to ask the natural disaster at the stone tablet portal in advance to pre-order white quality equipment.

Chen Mo also bought an energy stone from her.

Although the two parties did not communicate much, since the other party was willing to take the initiative to help a starving student and did not dislike Chen Mo's weakness, it proved that she was at least not a difficult person to communicate with. As for the quality of her character, it should not be an extreme no matter how you think about it. Bad guy, right?

Instead of slowly trying to test your luck, since there are relatively familiar natural disaster victims, it is natural to give priority to them.

And judging from the fact that she was still selling white-quality equipment at the stall at that time, her strength shouldn't be too strong. As a telepathic medical assistant now, it shouldn't be too difficult for her to get into the team, right?

The combination of various conditions finally made Chen Mo stop.

However, the other party seemed to have forgotten Chen Mo.

After all, for the natural disaster victims who set up stalls in the square, no one would remember the people passing by every day. As for whether the other party would think of him as the two parties deepened their communication, Chen Mo was not sure, and he did not want to use this to get closer. .

What he needs is to be safe and low-key.

Even for the sake of safety and low profile, even if you give up some rewards during the mission, it is not impossible. There is no need to give up long-term plans for small benefits.

Seeing Chen Mo stop in front of her, the female natural disaster survivor looked at Chen Mo and said tentatively: "The first-level four-person temporary natural disaster team, three are missing and one is missing, there is a person with physical strength and a gunner output, and there is another powerful person who obeys the captain's command. Team members, telepathic healers and summoners are given priority. Dual-gunner configuration is acceptable. The fixed damage should not be less than 45. Those with strength expertise will depend on their attributes and hardware... Who are you?"


Chen Mo responded: "I am a telepathic medical assistant and want to join your team."

When the female natural disaster victim heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up!

The telepathic healer is the most popular and rare profession in the temporary team here.

After all, this means that you don't have to worry about the other party stabbing you in the back, and at the same time, your life protection is increased during the execution of the task.

"That's great. What skills do you have?"

Unlike other professionals, generally speaking, telemedics do not hide their skill attributes, because everyone knows that the combat power of telemedics is really not worth mentioning, and they must cooperate with their teammates. Able to play.

When the man and woman behind the female natural disaster victim heard this, they also came over.

After all, the number of telepathic medical assistants willing to join the gray temporary team is even rarer.

Chen Mo used his talent as a time traveler to disguise himself as a telepathic assistant, and released three skills: telekinesis bombs, corrosion balls, and despicable telekinesis shields on the three of them.

"Vital blood value +28."

"Vitality +50, defense +3!"

"Shield value...Shield value +151 points!"

After the three people revealed their observation data, they looked at Chen Mo and their eyes suddenly lit up, as if they had found a treasure.

With this telepathic healer here, the next three people will undoubtedly receive great security during their mission.


The female captain immediately introduced: "My name is Nightingale, and I am an agile assassin. Her name is Maoyan, and she is a gunner. This is called Mao Xiong, and he is our physical expert. Don't worry if I leave the front row to him."

"My name is Traveler."

Only then did Chen Mo discover that this physically talented person named Mao Xiong seemed to be the guy who bought the "Grizzly Bear Resuscitation Technique" from him.

What a coincidence!

And the way he looked at him seemed a little strange. He kept touching his head with his big hands, as if he was recalling something. He felt that Chen Mo looked familiar, as if he had seen it before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

At this moment.

A tall man holding a sign next to him suddenly interrupted and said to Chen Mo: "Brother, our team also happens to be short of a medical assistant. Come to me, and I promise you in the name of captain that I can help you get a medical assistant." The boss hurts the distribution rights first!”

When Nightingale heard this, her expression changed.

She looked at the man and said, "Your Excellency, there must be someone who comes first, right?"

However, this man sneered and said: "This is just fair competition for everyone. Don't talk about useless things. You haven't signed a contract. Why can't I invite this little brother to the arena if you don't accept it?"


Nightingale seems to be afraid that the other party will really snatch Chen Mo away. After all, she has also seen the strength of Chen Mo's skills.

So Nightingale hurriedly turned to Chen Mo and said: "Traveler, as long as you join my team and obey my command, I can not only ensure that you get the first right to allocate damage to the small boss, but also give you the priority to allocate an item. Quan, and I promise you that there will never be any betrayal in my team. These two people are my teammates who have been with me through life and death, and they are absolutely worthy of trust!"

When Maoyan heard this, he couldn't help but said anxiously: "Captain Nightingale is a man of his word, I can guarantee this!"

"You promise?"

Hearing this, the man in the team next to him sneered and said: "You are the only one who wants to beat the big boss. Bah, who knows if you will kill the donkey after using this little brother. After all, you are all in the same team." , who can say for sure? And there are already three people here, and they are obviously not doing well to form a team. The people who will team up with you will be really incompetent, and the earth will not respond. "

After speaking, he looked at Chen Mo and said seriously: "Listen to my brother's advice, we must carefully consider this kind of team with evil intentions."

"You're talking nonsense!"

Maoyan said coldly: "We only came here after falling short against the last big boss in the last mission world. We also want to see if we can find suitable regular teammates. Our names are proof!"

After hearing this, Chen Mo reacted.

Nightingale, Cat's Eye, and Mao Xiong, the names of these three people do match up quite well, and a team can be established based on matching title conditions.

At this time, Mao Xiong finally recalled something, looked at Chen Mo and said in surprise: "Are you the guy who sold me the skill scroll in the square two days ago?"

"Grizzly resuscitation?"

Chen Mo's answer immediately made Mao Xiong burst into laughter, which was a complete confirmation of Chen Mo's identity.

When Nightingale and Maoyan saw this, they couldn't help but express joy.

The captain of the other team next to him, who wanted to invite Chen Mo to join his team, turned gloomy, knowing that there was little hope.

"I'm really sorry. I have some relationship with the members of this team. I had a good impression before, so I can't join your team."

Amid the proud expressions of Nightingale, Cat Eyes, and Mao Xiong, Chen Mo responded politely to this person.

"Forget it then, good luck to you."

After saying that, the other party stopped paying attention to this side.

"Let's go and sign the contract first."

In order to avoid long nights and many dreams, Nightingale immediately suggested.


After seeing Chen Mo agree, Nightingale didn't waste any time. When she brought the three of them to the optical brain in the Justice District, they established a data connection with it and began to sign a gray contract.

Tip: Do you (y/n) agree to pledge 50 points in the fair zone, establish a gray contract, and join the temporary team established by Nightingale?


Tip: Your natural disaster contribution points are -50.

Tips: You have joined the temporary team created by Nightingale. The team members are Nightingale, Maoyan, Maoxiong, and Traveler.

After getting the hint, Nightingale finally felt relieved and said with a smile: "Although it is a temporary team, we still have to give it a name, let's call it...Surprise Team!"

The next step is for the four of them to add each other's address book friends, go to the stone tablet portal, and officially begin the mission of disaster.

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