Disaster Strikes

Chapter 70 Master Lazi calms down

Everyone quickly drew up a preliminary mission plan.

First, using Chen Mo and Rabbit's assistant status, especially Chen Mo's despicable telekinesis shield, which can ignore the characteristics of most poisonous insect attacks, go to the fog to collect the flesh and blood of strange beasts or special plants to improve their own anti-poison properties.

Then, while collecting intelligence on the Howell family, make the next plan.

The dinner is coming soon.

After everyone agreed, they decided to tell Lacy Schumacher about this steady plan at the dinner. Although it did not quite meet the other party's expectations, everyone would never put themselves in danger to please him.

"Traveler, wait a moment."

Nightingale whispered beside Chen Mo.

At Nightingale's signal, Chen Mo stopped and made way for others behind him.

After everyone left, Nightingale said hesitantly: "To be honest, one of the important reasons why Cat's Eye, Mao Xiong and I haven't formed a fixed team until now is that we feel that the cooperation between the three of us is still lacking some matching. We have always wanted to find a telekinetic medical assistant suitable for our team, but there are not many people who meet the requirements of our team."

"You are interested in Rabbit?"

Chen Mo had already guessed this and said calmly: "Although she has not yet shown her specific strength, from her performance, whether in terms of innate conditions or personality, she is indeed a good match for you."

"Mao Xiong and Cat's Eye also mean this, and what I mean is to examine it carefully again. This matter... I am really sorry for you."

Nightingale apologized in person, which made Chen Mo feel much better.

At least the other party expressed his attitude and did not mean to hide it. He would not exclude himself because of Rabbit's joining.

And Chen Mo is not a person who cares about every little thing.

Compared with the mission rewards, the most benefit for him is to flexibly apply the talents of the traverser. Therefore, what he needs is to pass the mission as safely and smoothly as possible. This is also the reason why he chose to disguise himself as a telekinetic medical assistant and join this temporary team.

"It's okay."

Chen Mo sighed: "As long as the conditions we have agreed on remain unchanged, after all, it is a temporary cooperation, I understand you."

Seeing that Chen Mo also expressed his attitude and did not create a gap, Nightingale smiled comfortingly.

"Thank you!"

This traveler is not a difficult person to negotiate with.

And she is also a cheerful person, so it is not difficult for both parties to communicate.

"If Rabbit performs well in the future and agrees to join our team, Cat's Eye and Bear are very confident in the fixed team we have formed, and it is likely to obtain a team contract evaluation of green quality or above."

"Haha, then I will congratulate you in advance here."

Chen Mo smiled jokingly.

The two of them untied their knots and left the room one after another.

Although the contact time was not long, judging from the series of performances of this team, Chen Mo's choice to join this temporary team was indeed not a wrong choice.

At least the members of this team have their own set of behavioral norms, so they can come together with mutual trust and not say one thing in public and another in private.

During the dinner.

Everyone informed Lacy Schumacher of the plan they had discussed after collecting intelligence that day.

I thought this young master would express dissatisfaction with this, but he had no choice but to reluctantly agree to everyone's steady plan, and the dinner ended unhappily.

Unexpectedly, after listening carefully to everyone's plan, this young master Lacy nodded and praised.

"Not bad."

Then Lacy Schumacher said calmly in the surprise of everyone: "I lost my temper last night and was blinded by hatred. You were able to investigate the intelligence here in detail and formulate this set of battle plans for gradual adaptation and investigation and erosion, and were not affected by my emotions. I am very satisfied and have full confidence in your successful completion of this mission next."

It can be seen that this is not the first time he has summoned the Scourge.

He seems to be quite familiar with the habits of the Scourge.

Being able to say these words, his rational and calm tone was completely different from the hysteria last night, which greatly changed everyone's impression of him. It seems that this young master Lazi is not a madman who does things without considering the consequences as they first thought, but a rich second-generation with an extreme personality.

The dinner ended in a relatively harmonious atmosphere.

Wiping the stains from the corners of his mouth, as the servants took away the leftovers, Lazi Schumacher even reminded everyone which small shop in the castle market has more delicious black bread, which shop's goods will not be short of weight, and which store needs to prepare more sulfur powder and other trivial matters.

No words were spoken all night.

Early the next morning, Nightingale thought she was the first person to arrive at the agreed place and gather. As the captain, she was used to being one step ahead of the team members.

However, unexpectedly, there was someone who was earlier than her.

This person was Chen Mo, who had completed the morning exercise of Tongzi Gong.


Nightingale concealed her surprise and said jokingly, "You didn't sleep all night, did you?"

"Of course not."

Chen Mo placed the prepared ingredients in front of Nightingale.

"Lazi Schumacher really didn't lie to us. The food he recommended is quite good, especially these black breads, which are a hundred times better than the black bread of the synthetic machine in the disaster world."

These black breads are purchased with copper coins. They are easy to preserve and affordable. Naturally, Chen Mo prepared some more.

Anyway, the amount of silver coins the servant gave them was quite a lot.

After hearing this, Nightingale picked up a piece of cheese-like food, which exuded the fragrance of dairy products. After tasting it carefully, it seemed to be mixed with some gray flour, minced meat, tea leaves and other materials. As she continued to chew, there was a fragrance first. , followed by a hint of saltiness, and finally some meaty aroma of fat.

Pair it with brown bread and it really has a different taste.

After a while.

Everyone arrived at the gathering place at the appointed time.

After a simple breakfast, everyone brought their own spare ingredients and sulfur powder, then left the Schumacher family castle and entered the misty forest.

This mission is very simple, that is, go deep into the fog and look for materials that can extract anti-toxic properties. Whether it is the flesh and blood of Warcraft, special plants, or other rare materials, they are all their goals.

After all, except for Chen Mo and Mao Xiong, everyone else in this group is quite dangerous when facing all kinds of poisonous insects in this world.


Just a moment after entering the fog, a scream came from the cat's eye.

"I'm poisoned, acute toxin, 8 points of damage per second, lasting 8 seconds."

In the palm of her hand was the body of a black-and-white mosquito, with some blood stains around it. The poison in it made her expression change.

Fortunately, her defense power is 12 points, and she is still immune to this level of acute toxins.

But you know, this is just entering the fog.

The environment of this mission turned out to be so dangerous, and she even regretted that she should not have used all her points to replace blue-quality weapons.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Nightingale reminded everyone.

The furry bear walking at the front kept waving his arms, trying to dispel the fog in front of him.

However, the fog was like a tangible body, constantly flowing, and the visibility in front of everyone was getting lower and lower, with a distance of less than ten meters.

However, according to the servant, these fogs are not always so dense, but are irregularly distributed. In addition to the blessed lands occupied by the major families, there are also fogs in some areas with relatively high visibility. Not all The foggy area is like this now, with visibility less than ten meters.

Nightingale asked in a low voice: "Don't you have shield skills?"

Chen Mo shook his head and responded: "Maintaining the shield requires 1 point of energy per minute. My energy value cannot last for a few minutes. You don't want me to waste all my energy here, do you?"

"All right."

Nightingale also felt that she was too whimsical.

The main reason is that she has never come into contact with a telepathic healer and does not understand the skill characteristics of this profession.

During the next journey, everyone was frequently attacked by various poisons.

Fortunately, everyone's defense power has reached over 10 points, and they have reached basic immunity to the acute toxins of most poisonous insects. It means that the blood value is only reduced by 1 or 2 points, and it is usually one point. The damage can last for two seconds, but a few can only last for three or four seconds.

In order to save energy consumption, Nightingale made an immediate decision after learning about Chen Mo and Rabbit's recovery skills.

Chen Mo's medical recovery skills are used to deal with combat or emergency situations.

Once an emergency occurs, call for help as soon as possible and Chen Mo will be responsible for the treatment.

In addition to two single-target recovery skills, Rabbit also has a blessing skill that temporarily increases power, and a summoning skill called Healing Guard.

This healing guard, in addition to being able to restore friendly units at close range, also has certain combat capabilities.

With Rabbit's current strength, the summoned healing guard has about 15 points of strength and speed, and a physical strength of 30 points. Its talent is a healing aura, which can restore 1 point of Qi every second to friendly units within a five-meter range. Blood.

In this way, one minute is 60 points of energy and blood.

After Nightingale learned about Rabbit's skill, she immediately said that she should make full use of Rabbit's summoning healing guard skill. After everyone's health dropped to a certain level, they would then gather together and recover through healing guard.

Chen Mo also showed surprise after learning about Rabbit's restorative skills.

Her talent for saving lives and healing wounds is Treatment +5. However, her two recovery skills have continuous recovery attributes. As a result, although Rabbit's instant healing ability is not as good as Chen Mo's, the total healing amount of these two skills is Far above Chen Mo!

For example, her E-level skill, Restoration.

Her original attribute is that after use, she will recover 6 points of qi and blood every second, lasting for 10 seconds, and a total of 60 points of qi and blood will be restored.

However, after receiving the blessing of her talent, it restored 11 points of qi and blood per second for 10 seconds, totaling 110 points of qi and blood!

Although this skill cannot be used during combat and is similar to the effect of a recovery potion, otherwise the treatment will be interrupted, but it still surprised Chen Mo that only an E-level skill could restore such a value of energy and blood.

It seems that compared with professional telepathic healers, my own medical abilities are still relatively lacking.

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