Disaster Strikes

Chapter 703 Five-Colored Spiritual Light

The body slid in the sea water, leaving a trail of bubbles, and continued to fall into the depths of the sea.

"That shark spirit should be the ConocoPhillips fish god believed by the villagers of Lang Village, but they certainly didn't expect that they would indirectly die at the hands of the fish god in the end."

After falling more than ten meters into the depths of the sea, Chen Mo began to struggle constantly and floated to the surface of the sea again.

In the raging wind and waves, his body kept rising and falling with the sea surface, and was sometimes submerged by the waves.

Taking advantage of the gap when he floated up again, Chen Mo looked at the coastal reefs in the distance. He tried hard to swim over, but his personal strength seemed so small under the power of the tsunami, and he was constantly submerged by the waves, and then he swam up desperately to catch his breath.


Chen Mo felt extremely tired, and he seemed to be swept into the deep sea at any time.

"You must learn to adapt to its rhythm."

Just as he was struggling in agony, the words that Lawn said when he was in the honeycomb world, on the way from the East Continent to the West Continent on a sea ship, suddenly emerged in his heart.

It was because of this sentence that Chen Mo stopped getting seasick.

"Adapt to its rhythm."

As people often say, water and fire are merciless.

When Lawn said that he should adapt to its rhythm, in addition to the literal meaning, the deeper meaning was not to be afraid of it, but to learn to adapt to it and follow its trend, rather than panic, resist, and avoid it like a tiger.

Chen Mo's body gradually relaxed and swayed left and right with the surging waves.

This feeling is like the first thing to learn when learning backstroke is to relax in the water.

"Relax, relax, relax..."

Chen Mo gradually relaxed more and more while muttering to himself.

He felt his brain was blank, as if he was not in the sea at this moment, but in his mother's belly, wrapped in warm amniotic fluid and full of warmth.

He spread his hands and feet.

With Chen Mo as the center, the surrounding sea water gradually formed a water ball with a diameter of two meters.

This water ball is like a shelter. Outside is the surging sea, but inside is a warm harbor. It can slowly absorb the surrounding energy in the surging sea, allowing Chen Mo's originally exhausted energy to gradually recover a little.


Chen Mo followed his instinct, and the water ball began to collapse continuously. On his raised right hand, a dark water ball with a diameter of about 20 centimeters was formed.

"Sea Roar!"

Chen Mo roared and threw the ball of water in his hand with strong erosion and destructive properties. After the water ball flew a hundred meters, it exploded violently in the stormy waves.

This Sea Roar skill can be said to be an attack and defense in one.

The condition that determines its upper limit of damage is the energy absorbed in the short moment when it first forms a shelter.

At this stage, the power of water is like a huge sponge, and it has a transit effect similar to the noble spirit, which will convert a small part of the damage into energy for the caster to absorb.

After that, the Sea Roar will enter the second stage and become a highly collapsed explosive water ball.

In the explosion range of the water ball, in addition to the basic damage, it also has the ability to reduce defense attributes. It seems to be somewhat similar to the corrosion ball, but it is released based on elements rather than telekinesis, so it will not be affected by the reverse skills of Chen Mo's traverser talent, and cannot bless itself in reverse.

"It can reduce defense by about 15 points, which is equivalent to the stronger triple special effect after casting the corrosion ball, and it covers the range."

Affected by this.

Chen Mo's back head formed a fifth halo.

"Vajra Shield, Wheat Ear Technique, Sea Roar, Flame Pillar, Sandstorm Technique, my own gold, wood, water, fire, and earth five elements spells, finally comprehended."

In Chen Mo's perception.

The five elements in his body are mutually generated and restrained. At this moment, they finally reached an extremely delicate balance and began to circulate continuously, like a vortex.

With the formation of the fifth halo.

At the moment when it was connected with the other halos in the back head to form a five-color aura, Chen Mo felt that his sensitivity to the power of the five elements instantly reached an incredible level.

Once the five-color spiritual light is turned on, any five-element spell released by oneself will have most of the energy recovered by oneself, and in this process of in and out, the five-color spiritual light will generate the so-called chaotic energy.

The chaotic energy is the key to activating the five-element clone and the five-element escape technique.

But the price of activating the supernatural power is life.

One thing to note here is that the great five-element true light can only recover the energy of the skills released by the caster based on the power of the five elements.

Similar to the telekinetic bomb, the corrosion ball, the telekinetic storm, the powerful diamond fist, the lion's roar, etc., the energy will not be recovered.

According to the means shown by Peng Wanlie at the beginning.

Combining the five-element clone with the five-element escape technique, that is, accumulating two chaotic energies and releasing them at the same time, will also produce different combination effects.

At the beginning, he almost killed Tiantian with one blow by relying on this.


Tip: You have mastered the five-color spiritual light.

Tip: Your spirit +10.

Tip: Your energy +22.

After cultivating the Great Five Elements True Light, the additional spiritual strength and energy strength were originally the same.

But Chen Mo's spiritual attribute was too high, reaching an astonishing 132 points, far exceeding the level of a cultivator in the Qi training period, so he only increased the upper limit by 10 points, reaching 142 points.

The warm current in the body surged.

Chen Mo shouted loudly, and used the 22 huge energy points that surged, as well as some of the energy absorbed by the sea roar, to launch a telekinetic storm on himself.

Accompanied by an amazing telekinetic force covering his body.


Chen Mo soared from the sea and flew towards the distant horizon. After flying hundreds of meters, he activated the air-breaking skill of the mysterious cloak.

While in the air, Chen Mo took out a precious purple quality item.

Tip: Vladi's Crafted

Quality: Purple.

Conditions of use: Energy greater than 60.

Item attributes: After citing, it will recover within 60 seconds, and 1 point of energy value will be restored per second, and a total of 60 points of energy value will be restored.

Item introduction: This bottle of essence potion does not share the cooling time with the essence potion that restores qi and blood, but because it is mixed with a large amount of girl's blood, people with a physical fitness of less than 100 will have the unknown curse effect strengthened for every 10 points of physical fitness reduction.

At the same time, he took out the intermediate energy stone and held it tightly in his hand.

The wind whistled in Chen Mo's ears, making a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

As Chen Mo's energy was consumed again, he finally returned from the deep bay to the shallow bay, and the coastline was in sight.

Avoiding those cliffs and reefs, Chen Mo fell towards the beach.


After falling into the sea, Chen Mo took a few minutes to gradually swim to the beach, panting violently.

"The Great Five Elements True Light has finally been cultivated."

In the sky.

The moon that had disappeared gradually began to appear, and the eclipse of the moon by the heavenly dog ​​ended.

The waves of Gulang Sea gradually subsided and returned to their previous calm.

After Chen Mo recovered some of his strength, he climbed up from the beach. His eyes were neither happy nor sad, as if he was a walking corpse, walking on the bare beach.

"Is there anyone else?"

"Is there anyone alive?"

"Is there anyone else..."

He shouted one after another, but no matter how long he searched for the old site of Lang Village, he never saw a single person, and everyone was gone.

No one knows who won the battle between the two sea monsters.

The disappeared Lang Village is insignificant in this world, and everything that happened here will soon be forgotten.

Chen Mo slowly sat down cross-legged.

He took out the "Heart Sutra of Prajna Paramita" and gently shook the silver bell with his right hand to pray for the souls of the innocent villagers who died.

It has been more than three years since he obtained the "Heart Sutra of Prajna Paramita". Chen Mo has recited it silently at least thousands of times, but he has never been as serious as he is now, praying alone with all his heart.

"When Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva practiced deep Prajna Paramita. He saw that the five aggregates were empty and overcame all sufferings."

"Shariputra, color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, color is emptiness, emptiness is color, and so are perception, thought, action and consciousness."

"Shariputra, all dharmas are empty, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increasing nor decreasing."

"Therefore, there is no color in the air, no..."

As the saying goes, Tao, Dharma, Art, and Instrument.

The Scourge first chased after various equipment and props, which were visible things, and Chen Mo was no exception.

Later, the Scourge chased after occupations, characteristics, attributes, and skills, fighting with various techniques and chasing and killing.

At this moment, what Chen Mo was chasing had reached the level of the law.

That is the so-called professional expertise.

This kind of thing, even the optical computer system cannot rely on data to express, is similar to the sixth sense intuition of a martial artist, a mysterious mystery, and the method of practicing it is not the so-called martial arts training, but something like "martial virtue", "Buddhism", "enlightenment" and the like.

Although this kind of thing cannot increase the height of the profession, it can increase the depth and thickness of the profession.

When fighting with the blaster and Zhao Tailong, both of them mastered the ability of professional expertise, which made Chen Mo feel a suffocating sense of oppression when fighting with them.

Now Chen Mo has also mastered similar abilities.

This kind of sixth sense intuition will allow him to be sensitive to potential dangers during combat, greatly reducing the probability of sneak attacks by opponents.

In other words.

Chen Mo will use fair and square methods to break the side door and evil ways.

Of course.

As the saying goes, there are mountains that are higher than mountains.

Chen Mo's mastery of this ability does not mean that he will never be afraid of sneak attacks.

Assassins are professionals who specialize in this way, and they are not so-called side doors and evil ways at all. Chen Mo naturally cannot predict everything for such people.

In the prayers of the Heart Sutra of Prajnaparamita over and over again, Chen Mo's heart gradually calmed down, and there was a bit of the so-called "emptiness" in Buddhism.

The so-called Wukong is from this.

Wukong understands that all things are made up of various conditions, illusory, and changeable.

"Therefore, we know that Prajnaparamita is the great mantra, the great bright mantra, the supreme mantra, the incomparable mantra, which can eliminate all sufferings, is true and not false, so the Prajnaparamita mantra is spoken..."

Prajna means wisdom, Paramita means reaching the other shore.

Heart means the core, and Sutra means the opportunity.

The Heart Sutra of Prajnaparamita means the core opportunity of wisdom and transcendence.

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