Disaster Strikes

Chapter 705: Verbal Criticism

It seems that I will develop in the direction of a troubadour in the future. "

Chen Mo laughed at himself.

Each time the book writing skill is activated, 10 points of energy are consumed. From now on, these rubbings will have the effect of being updated from time to time, but it is destined that the number of these rubbings will not be too many, they are just the seeds sown by Chen Mo.

the next day.

After sorting things out, Chen Mo came to the crowded street and began to talk about the contents of the "Travel Guide".

When people passing by saw this, some looked curious and stayed for a while, some looked like they were looking at a madman, and some looked surprised and gathered around to watch with relish.

Chen Mo didn't care at all.

He was just minding his own business telling stories about the different worlds in the Travel Guide.

From sunrise to sunset, after he finished telling the story of the Blood Moon World, he actually gained a group of loyal listeners.

Chen Mo, who originally wanted to distribute the "Travel Guide" for free, suddenly stopped.

He couldn't decide which one he really liked and which one was just joining in for fun.

"Thank you for coming. It's getting late. I have ten "Travel Guide" stories here. If you are interested, you only need ten copper coins to present them. First come, first served!"

"Hey, why is it so expensive!"

"It's still early, why don't you tell me more."

"Chen Mo is in the Guixu world, why doesn't he fuck that bitch?"

"You are a troubadour. Your story is too long. Please upgrade it to Chen Mo. Do you know how to write it?"

In the face of everyone's chatter, even if it was offensive words, Chen Mo just smiled without getting angry or saying much.

"Hello, I'd like a copy."

After someone expressed interest in the Travel Guide, Chen Mo handed over the money and delivered it.

He was convinced that these people really liked it, and at least they would not throw away these precious original rubbings, causing unnecessary waste.

"There are five more copies here, does anyone still want them?"

After asking three times in a row and seeing no one respond to him, Chen Mo put away the remaining five "Travel Guides" and left the street.

There are countless similar troubadours in the streets of Jinggang.

Many people's stories are more exciting than Chen Mo's, but Chen Mo is inconspicuous among these people.

Chen Mo does not seek to be as outstanding as those great troubadours and be sought after by countless people. He only needs to serve people with specific needs.


Chen Mo, who was resting, suddenly had a strange feeling.

He took out the Travel Guide and looked at it, and was surprised.

I saw that the words above seemed to come alive and were constantly twisting.

This means that this "Travel Guide" has gained 1 sincere reader, but it is still far from 100.

"This feeling..."

After Chen Mo thought deeply for a moment, the space-time eyes on his forehead slowly opened.

His guess was quickly confirmed. There was indeed an extra wisp of tobacco on the "Travel Guide", and it was leaving a space-time anchor here.

It is worth mentioning here that this time and space anchor was not dropped by Chen Mo, but by this "Travel Guide".

After a while.

The second reader and the third reader appeared, and the words on the "Travel Guide" became more and more cheerful, as if countless little people were twisting.

the next day.

He came to another street and sold his "Travel Guide" as he did yesterday.

He was lucky today.

Several old sailors who had sailed across the ocean expressed strong interest in this and spent a lot of money to buy three copies of his "Travel Guide", saying that they would take them back to show their children.

Chen Mo took the copper coins and handed over the books.

He imagined the different fates of these "travel guides" one day in the future.

Some may be taken to another country, viewed with initial astonishment, and then left unattended in a study until some day in the future their secrets are discovered.

Others may be buried in the sea, swallowed up by fire, or abandoned by illiterate people.

There are also some that may be regarded as truth by ignorant people, establish cults, or be sold publicly at auctions, or sacrificed to high-level professionals...

Chen Mo is already somewhat able to understand the nature of the space-time anchor point.

As time passes, some things will gradually amplify and affect future consequences.

Some things will gradually shrink over time and be annihilated and forgotten by time.

Forgotten things, things that cannot affect the future, naturally no longer are the so-called anchor points of time and space, and cannot provide special power to the person who throws the anchor point.


Chen Mo stayed in Jingang for a week and after selling more than a hundred copies of the "Travel Guide", he gained more than 20 sincere readers.

these readers.

Some people will soon forget about the "Travel Guide" after reading it, just treat it as leisure entertainment, and will no longer imagine the subsequent content.

This type of people is the largest in number.

Therefore, the influence of Chen Mo's time and space anchor will continue to decrease as these people forget about it.

Although some readers will gradually forget it after reading the "Travel Guide", their subconscious minds will be affected and accept some of the views, which may lead to different changes when making a decision on something in the future.

These changes are the influence of time and space.

It will give back to the author of the book in a very special way.

Creatures above level 4 use this as a source of energy.

There are also some readers who love the Travel Guide and regard it as spiritual food. They can hardly remember the contents of the book, and constantly imagine some of the plots. Even their daily life and work are greatly affected by the contents of the book.

These people are the so-called true readers.

If Chen Mo wants to acquire the skill of verbal criticism, he must harvest a hundred such readers.

After leaving Jingang, Chen Mo came to the next city and continued to sell the Travel Guide as a wandering poet.

In the process, Chen Mo never forgot one thing.

"You must be careful."

At this moment, he, or the rubbing of the Travel Guide in his hand, is the food for growth for the great guardians of this world.

The guardians will constantly find those creatures from other worlds that are stealing the influence of time and space in this world through clues.

Then get rid of them quietly.

Therefore, Chen Mo must come quietly and leave quietly.

The number of guardians in each world is very limited. Although the probability of encountering one is not high, if Chen Mo wants to ensure that there is no risk, he must do one thing.

That is, he must not update on the spot and let the influence spread out in the form of space-time ripples.

Otherwise, if the guardian notices it, it will be a dead end.

This day.

Chen Mo came to Bazan City. After working hard all day, he sold a few "Travel Guides" and bought some food to fill his stomach. Then he returned to his residence to rest.

The Omega clone in the house collapsed and returned to the main body.


Tip: Your mutant Vajra Fist +Lv1.

Tip: Your Vajra Fist proficiency is Lv13, skill basic damage +5, strength attribute extra +2.

Along with the fatigue brought by the Omega clone, there is also the proficiency experience brought by its tireless practice of various basic skills, as well as the proficiency experience of Vajra Fist.

"The proficiency of Vajra Fist has reached Lv13."

After muttering, Chen Mo began to meditate to recover from physical fatigue.

This disaster mission has been carried out for more than three years. In addition, after the last mission, the proficiency of the Vajra Fist was raised to Lv11, it accumulated more than a year. In addition, the Omega clone's tireless practice, the proficiency of the Vajra Fist was raised by two levels in this time of the traverser's talent time, which is reasonable.


Chen Mo used all his time to promote the "Travel Guide", and finally gained 100 sincere readers before returning to the disaster world.

On the one hand, he has just started to promote it, and the target readers have just begun to discover it.

On the other hand, his strength is weak, and he cannot glimpse a more macro and colorful story. He needs to continue to update and attract more interested readers.


Tip: Congratulations! You have completed the book and biography, and obtained a new skill-verbal criticism.

Tip: Please complete the second-level education fusion as soon as possible to open the skills of a higher-level educator.

"Query the attributes of the verbal and written criticism skill."

Verbal and written criticism: 1. Verbal criticism, using language as a weapon to attack the recipient's past. After breaking its guilt-free defense, the recipient's attributes and attack wave peaks will be weakened according to the recipient's degree of guilt and the number of readers of the caster.

2. Written criticism, forcibly write the recipient into the "Travel Guide" in a form of subjective disapproval, causing permanent weakening, but will also permanently lose the sincere readers who disagree with this view, and the caster's location will be permanently sensed by the recipient.

"It is indeed a skill affected by the space-time anchor point."

Chen Mo took a deep breath and stared at the verbal and written criticism skill for a long time without saying a word.

"Verbal and written criticism is actually composed of two skills."

First of all, this verbal criticism skill can be used with the despicable characteristics of the despicable telekinetic shield.

The two have the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

However, the premise of using this skill is to investigate the intelligence of the recipient. It is necessary to break the psychological defense line of the other party with a clear conscience, which is used to complete the disaster mission and capture the big boss.

In other words.

Only by making the other party feel guilty can it be effective.

If the other party has no morals, he will be completely immune to this.

The second is the skill of pen criticism.

The strength of this skill is incredible, and it will not be reversed, but its negative effect can be said to be very painful.

That is to permanently reduce the readers who disagree with this view, and the recipient will permanently detect their location. At that time, even if the caster regrets, he will not be able to withdraw the effect of the spell.

In other words.

If Chen Mo uses the pen criticism skill, the first is that the recipient cannot be inserted too abruptly in the "Travel Guide", and the second is that it cannot be too subjective, otherwise it will cause readers to rebound, and then lose the influence of the time and space anchor point of the "Travel Guide".

"Can't this skill be used on a character with personal charm?"

But no matter what, as long as the caster does it intentionally, there will inevitably be some readers who do not agree with it.

That's it.

Every time you use the skill of writing, the Travel Guide will inevitably lose the influence of the space-time anchor.

Therefore, if we make a rational judgment, the later this skill is used, the greater the influence will be, and the fewer times it is used, the greater the influence will be.

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