Disaster Strikes

Chapter 808: True Body Power

This day.

Everyone from the Holy Moon Club, the Little Aurora Club, the Yama Club, and the Travel Agency, who had gathered together to wait for the end of the countdown to the doomsday mission, suddenly received a notification sound from the optical brain data system.

Tip: You have entered the fourth level war period, please return to the commander immediately.

at the same time.

Countless streaks of bloody rays of light suddenly formed around the gathering place of the River of Distress, enveloping the entire gathering place of the River of Distress.

Xiying looked around and murmured in a low voice.

"The formation has been activated."

Every natural disaster monarch needs to prepare a formation for the gathering place when it first establishes it. This is an open secret, otherwise the battle with the Black Wind Mountain gathering place would not have lasted that long.

In the current state of the Anguished River, there are hundreds of thousands of natural disaster victims supporting the formation, more than twenty level four natural disaster lords, and a level five peak natural disaster monarch. The vast conquest army is enough to wipe out the vast majority. The central state-level power in the world.

Chen Mo also received a strategic-level mission from Lord Anguhe.

Tip: Destroy 10 kilometers of WX-11 railway.

After taking into account the strength of the mini-legion, the Monarch of Anguished River sent such a strategic mission that was not difficult. If it was just to destroy a 10-kilometer railway, it would obviously not be difficult for everyone who was an enhancer.

Chen Mo lowered his head and looked at the time.

Tip: Countdown is 58 minutes and 37 seconds.

Then he took another look around. As the level four war period started, tens of thousands of natural disaster victims began to gather in various places. The scene outside the gathering place had transformed into a hive world. He could even faintly see some Large war machines moved around the streets, and some people who had noticed the Scourge's apparition were watching in astonishment.

The overlap of time and space between the two sides is obviously coming to an end.


He opened the eye of time and space on his forehead.

Looking around through this third eye, the originally shadowy phantom became extremely real in his eyes.

This is a central main street!

He could see two soldiers smoking cigarettes next to him, and a mechanical dog passing by.

In the trench behind the sandbags in the distance, dozens of soldiers were directing humanoid robots to build fortifications. A tall giant war robot was stationed two hundred meters away.

This giant robot is about ten meters tall and looks like a humanoid scorpion. Its metal body is covered with war weapons. Chen Mo can faintly see the soldiers walking on it.

This is a war weapon that requires at least a level three natural disaster destroyer to compete with.

With the strength of the mini army, it is not impossible to compete, but it must pay a certain price, and the strategic mission that Chen Mo is responsible for does not necessarily require destroying this war machine.

"Everyone gather together, quickly!"

Chen Mo's shout caused everyone to gather together quickly.

Since their number is small, they are relatively easier to move around.

"Traveler, what's wrong?"

The King of Hell noticed that Chen Mo had opened the Eye of Time and Space, and he asked with a puzzled expression.

"This is not a suitable place for us to descend. Leave here immediately."

Chen Mo then summoned General Blacktail and signaled everyone from the travel agency to board the air warfare platform.

The other three clubs, under Chen Mo's strong suggestion, were also equipped with stingray aerial platforms.

The difference is that only the Holy Moon Society, which has ample funds, chose to buy it, while the Little Aurora Society and the Yama Luodian Society chose to rent it.

General Blacktail was in front, and the other three ray aerial platforms were behind. More than a hundred people flew into the distance under the leadership of Chen Mo.

The sky is full of natural disaster victims.

Chen Mo ignored these natural disaster victims. He kept looking at the ground of Pearl Lake Future City through the Eye of Time and Space, looking for the weak points of the Vidoang Empire's defenders.

After all, as the time and space of the two sides overlap, a chaotic situation of close combat will instantly form.

Although the overall strength deployed by the Vidoang Empire in the Pearl Lake Future City is definitely far inferior to that at the Worry River gathering place, Chen Mo's mission is to do everything possible to protect the safety of his followers while completing the monarch's strategic goals.


And on this basis, more benefits can be harvested.

After flying in the air for more than forty minutes, Chen Mo had a basic idea of ​​the defense deployment of Pearl Lake Future City.

He seemed a little tired and temporarily closed his eyes of time and space.

The four presidents gathered together temporarily, and Chen Mo got straight to the point.

"Now we have two options."

Bing Ling said: "Tell me about it."

Chen Mo nodded and pointed in different directions.

"One is the safest place to descend. It is located in the area where the institute was once destroyed by the monarch. There are almost no decent defense forces deployed there. If we choose to descend there, it should be very safe at the beginning. The advantage is that there are plunderable resources nearby. "But since we are in the hinterland of the city, we need to cross the city to reach the WZ-11 railway line that is not covered by the gathering place."

"One is the landing place that will be the fastest to complete this strategic mission. It is located on the edge of the city in that direction. There are two squadrons and a post nearby. They are probably equipped with heavy weapons, so the post must be destroyed as soon as possible. But fortunately No large war machines have been found, so if we choose to come here, we may need to go through a tough battle in the early stages.”

In less than twenty minutes, time and space will completely overlap.

Coupled with the time on the road, there was really not much time left for the four of them to make a decision.

Since Qiansong, Bingling, and Yanwang had different opinions, under Chen Mo's suggestion, the Mini Corps gave up the resource points near the institute and chose to complete this strategic mission as quickly as possible to ensure the safety of everyone.

So the four Manta aerial platforms arrived at the edge of the large formation of the gathering place of the River of Anguish at the fastest speed.

At this moment, it was less than three minutes before the start of the Doomsday Mission.

"Hiss, look!"

Qiansong pointed to the central area of ​​the gathering place and said after taking a breath.

Everyone looked back after hearing this.

The others couldn't help but take a breath.

I saw that the central area of ​​the gathering place was surrounded by countless small, medium, and large flying devices. As the Lords of the Calamity opened their true body power, monsters with various shapes and hideous and weird images suddenly appeared in the sky.

They were like creatures in nightmares, with huge bodies and unscrupulously showing their power.

In comparison.

Even the Manta aerial platforms beside them instantly became tiny.

The height of these real bodies generally exceeds fifty meters, and some even reach a hundred meters. Every move can cause turbulence in the surrounding space. A gesture can stir up the energy flow of a thousand meters nearby. Even the passive attributes have the characteristics of the domain.

There are only a few small real bodies like Xingyun.


Chen Mo suddenly noticed the black sphere with a diameter of one hundred meters.

Not far from it, there is a unicorn giant with thunder all over his body.

That is obviously Xingyun and Lei Gong.

It seems that Xingyun's real body is of the type that can be large or small, not just the mysterious black ball he showed at the beginning.

Bing Ling's face was slightly pale, and he murmured with horror.

"I'm afraid their basic attributes have exceeded 1000?"

"That's just the basics."

After hearing this, the King of Hell responded absentmindedly: "After being promoted to a Calamity Lord, the total attributes of the main body will definitely exceed 500 points. For some powerful Calamity Lords, the main attributes will even exceed 1000 points. After opening the true body, the power of the true body will achieve a secondary increase on the basis of the main body. It is said that even the primary true body power mastered by the Calamity Lord can at least achieve a 3-fold increase. At that stage, the body's potential has been developed to the limit, and the strength of the main body will almost not be able to continue to increase. It can only be changed to increase the strength of the true body."

Qian Song and Bing Ling heard this, and they couldn't help but look desperate.

No wonder people often say that luck is more important to survive the doomsday mission.

Under such a large-scale attack by such a terrifying creature, there is almost no difference between the first-level Calamity Predator and the second-level Calamity Enhancer, and only a few third-level Calamity Destroyers can survive by chance.

Chen Mo couldn't help but look surprised when he heard this. This was information he had never heard of before.

However, time was urgent at the moment, so he took a deep breath and adjusted his mood.

"Okay, time is running out."

He opened his eyes of time and space again, and noticed that the soldiers of the Vidoon Empire around him were also stunned by the various large monsters in the city center. They didn't even know that the cigarettes on their mouths had fallen off.

Because the time and space of both sides had not yet completely overlapped, for them, these monsters were like appearing in the fog.

Ignoring these changes, Chen Mo pointed in several directions.

"This is the overlapping edge of the Gathering Area of ​​the River of Anguish and the Future City of Pearl Lake. That direction is Pearl Lake. Outside is a sentry post and a railway bridge. The specific number of people stationed is unclear. There are two armed helicopters. There is a squadron stationed there, with about 60 people, equipped with an equal number of robots, mechanical dogs, and six eight-legged octopus self-propelled artillery. There is also a squadron in that direction..."

After Chen Mo briefly introduced the surrounding situation, there was less than a minute left.

Time is quite urgent.

As the time and space of both sides overlapped, the surrounding environment also began to change obviously.

Not only could both sides see each other more clearly, no longer the occasional shadows before, but even the buildings that overlapped with each other in time and space began to become clear.

The overlapping buildings of Pearl Lake Future City began to make a slight "click" sound.

Compared with the familiarity of the time and space war in the gathering place of the River of Distress, all the buildings were protected by the power of time and space, and there was a large formation extending to the corners of the gathering place. In the eyes of the natural disasters, the buildings of the Pearl Lake Future City were like naked women without clothes, which were really vulnerable.

Therefore, as the time and space of both sides overlapped, all the buildings of the Pearl Lake Future City would be destroyed one-sidedly.

In this process.

There were naturally many unlucky people who were crushed to death by the buildings of the River of Distress, or even embedded in the structure of the buildings.

As a gathering place for natural disasters, these buildings must have inherited the characteristics of the disaster world and belonged to carnivores. People who died in the buildings were naturally only digested.

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