Disaster Strikes

Chapter 84 Albert's Anxiety

"Well, now it seems that there are four most important pieces of intelligence we have obtained."

Nightingale began to summarize.

"First is the Beheader Layton, a small leader with a strong sense of justice, supported and loved by most of the Howell family, and he and his knights are very powerful. We must not fight head-on with the knights he leads in an open area."

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

"Then there is Elon Howell, a complete playboy, whose strength is probably only that of an elite creature, or even weaker. He is our priority target, but this cowardly guy is unlikely to show up in the near future."

"Then the ghost vine has caused strong anxiety in the Howell family. No matter what, as the ghost vine continues to approach the territory, they must eliminate this danger that may cause the Howell family to completely decline."

Nightingale paused.

"Finally, and this is the most important piece of information we have obtained. The number of strange beasts in the mist near the Howell family has far exceeded the safe range, creating unprecedented pressure on the Howell family."

It has to be said.

With the in-depth investigation of the crowd, a family that is gradually declining has become more vivid. It can only rely on some of its past foundation to barely form a deterrent.

For example, the existence of the beheader Layton.

Nightingale spread out the simple portraits and intelligence information of the leaders of the Howell family one by one.

"Our current task is to remember the information of these leaders in the shortest time possible, to ensure that before each attack, we can identify the hidden strength of the guards, especially the combat skills they have publicly demonstrated. Once a contact battle occurs, we must ensure our own safety."

"Got it."

"Don't worry, big sister."


Seeing that everyone agreed, Nightingale dispersed.


In the lord's office of the Howell family castle.

After three consecutive days of patrolling without any results, the Scourge seemed to have sensed the danger in advance, which made Albert Howell look very ugly and caused many small leaders to complain.

After all, this early morning patrol mission is not an easy task.

Even Albert Howell himself felt a little overwhelmed. For many years, he has been accustomed to sleeping until he wakes up naturally. This kind of life of getting up before dawn to wash and put on armor can only appear in his memory. That was when he was young and just took the position of lord.

Under no circumstances, he could only announce the suspension of the patrol mission of the small leaders.

Sitting at the desk, Albert looked at the information in front of him.

These are the whereabouts and trajectory reports of important members of the family. He wants to find clues about the enemy from them and confirm who is retaliating against the Howell family.

After excluding those reports with the least suspicion.


His eyes fell on the report information of the Whirlwind Warrior Laki, and... the report information of Elon Howell.

The Whirlwind Warrior went to Glory City half a month ago. He originally wanted to buy armor, but for some reason, the purchased items were replaced by dragon blood purification potions. A lot of things must have happened here, but Laki's description in the letter was quite vague.

Albert looked gloomy.

Laki was a small leader who joined the Howell family in the past two years.

He was originally an adventurer. Because he saw his potential qualifications, he hired him as the leader of the family. His strength is relatively weak among the family leaders at this stage.

It is precisely because of this that Albert has sufficient reason to suspect whether this small leader has caused trouble outside.

Of course.

This is also the only choice to clear his son's suspicion. He kept telling himself subconsciously that he must try to find a suspicious object in these reports, otherwise Elon will become the only suspect.

As for his eldest son Elon Howell, although Albert saw a more detailed time dynamics from his report, his itinerary trajectory for more than a month was too complicated!

Miller family, Schumacher family, Otai family, Yuelan family.

He almost visited all the nearby families, and it was hard for Albert to believe that he had completed it in just one month.

And what he did was just a boring tour.

But as his father, Albert was naturally well aware of some of the filthiness.

Albert had a deep understanding of his ability to cause trouble.

If the Howell family had not had a better heir, the second son Wallace Howell was still quite competitive. Once this guy took over the position, I am afraid that within ten years, the family would suffer a catastrophe.

"Investigate Laki and Elon carefully."

With Albert's sigh, the servant behind him actually bowed and turned into the shadow devouring black panther form and left the room.

After a while.


The knock on the door brought Albert back to his senses. He knew that it must be Layton. This rigorous and upright man would always summarize the big and small events of the castle in a day into a report after nightfall and submit it.

"Come in!"

The door of the room was pushed open, and it was indeed Layton in armor, holding a document.

"Knight Commander Layton, please sit down."

Under Albert Howell's gray beard, a relieved smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He not only trusted the Knight Commander, but also admired him.

Faced with these texts, he did not choose to read them, but asked face to face: "Did anything happen in the castle today?"

"They were all public security cases. A guard captain was drunk and derelict in his duties. I whipped him three times. And this morning, the steel-backed silver-headed evil beast attacked the guards patrolling the farmland again. It was the fire swordsman Sabo. "We bravely attacked and wounded this vicious beast. This is the fourth time this month that it has retaliated against the territory, and it seems to be getting stronger."

Layton's heart was heavy.

"It is urgent to expel these monsters wandering on the edge of the fog."

Albert Howell frowned deeply when he heard this. He was a strange beast and a natural disaster. He was deeply tortured by the feeling of powerlessness, and he felt very anxious about it.

"Where are those natural disaster attackers? Are there no movements yet?"

Layton slowly shook his head.

"It's been a few days since the last attack, and they seem to have disappeared."


Albert Howell pressed his temples and sighed: "Notify the commanders in the castle that starting tomorrow, we will launch a cleanup mission against those monsters wandering on the edge of the fog. The task time is tentatively scheduled for three days. During this period, You must be alert to changes outside the city at all times, and you must not let those natural disaster victims take advantage of them."


After Layton responded, he was about to leave, but Albert Howell said again: "The ghost vine is getting closer and closer."

When Leiton heard this, he stopped with a solemn expression.

Albert said angrily: "I have already made a plan. If it weren't for these natural disasters, I might have started to clean up these ghost vines now. Damn you bastard, if you let me know who is causing trouble outside, I will have to do it myself." Cut off his head!"

After venting his anger, Albert sighed helplessly: "Let's take a break about Ghost Teng for now. Please help me keep an eye on Lackey. I have some doubts about him."

"I see."

Layton didn't say anything more and turned to leave.

at the same time.

After collecting a large amount of information about the Howell family, Chen Mo and six others finally passed through the misty forest and arrived at the Howell family before dusk.

Under the sunset.

The furry bear stretched, looked at the dilapidated castle, and said excitedly: "This time we must do a big job, try to hunt down a few small bosses, and get the star stone first before we go back."

"Don't be careless."

Nightingale has always been the calmest person in the Surprise Team. She must ensure the safety of every team member as much as possible, especially the impulsive Bear, who she is most worried about.

"The enemy is open and we are hidden. We must seize the opportunity. Tomorrow, we will see if the little bosses here insist on continuing to patrol. If not, continue to launch attacks. It will not take half a month if this continues. There will definitely appear here. We will look for opportunities to take advantage of some chaos."

Nightingale's mission planning can be said to be quite satisfactory, and it is also the way most captains arrange themselves when faced with this situation.

"team leader."

Maoyan came closer and said with his eyes: "That guy seems to be a lot more honest these days."

Following the cat's eyes, the person he looked at was naturally Youli, who was busy at work.

Nightingale sneered and said: "It's not surprising that there are people like this among predators, but I am also the first one I have encountered such a guy who doesn't know how to judge the situation. He dares to go against us, huh."

"Why don't we just do it once and for all?"

Faced with Mao Xiong's suggestion, Nightingale slowly shook her head.

"Forget it, he is still needed for this mission. Besides, compared to his threat, how to ensure that the rabbit joins our team is the most critical. There is no need to delay our long-term plan for such a person."

The furry bear pursed his lips and said, "It's an advantage for him."

After saying that, he looked at Chen Mo again and sighed: "It's a pity that the traveler can't join our team, otherwise..."

A night of silence.

the next day.

As the morning sun rose, Chen Mo and others, who were hiding on the edge of the fog and peeping, couldn't help but express their astonishment when they saw the guards swarming out of the castle. Some of them were responsible for patrolling, while others were in standby.

After all, the area of ​​​​the wheat field is not large, but it is definitely not small!

Even if the Knights support at full speed, it will take about two minutes to reach the edge of the fog. What can this team with a large number of small bosses do?

"When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Let's observe it first and don't act rashly."

The nightingale is like a patient hunter.

A full half hour later.

Seeing a team of ten people getting closer and closer, Yuli and Mao Xiong couldn't help but lick their lips and kept stealing glances at Nightingale. The meaning was self-evident.

Finally, Mao Xiong was the first to speak: "Sister, those little bosses are so far away that they have no time to come over to support us. This guard team is just the points that come to our door."

"Don't rush!"

Seeing Nightingale like this, Yuli couldn't help but said: "Complete the task earlier, and we can feel more at ease. No matter what they want to do, let's get these easy-to-get points rewards first."

However, the furry bear who was still trying to persuade the nightingale a moment ago seemed to have changed his face at this moment, and angrily shouted: "Didn't I just say that there will be monsters when things go wrong? Don't act rashly. Are your ears stuffed with donkey hair?"

When Youli saw this, he looked angry, but he dared not say anything. He had already understood the nightingale's ability to wear small shoes.

Moreover, it was this guy who spoke first just now, but now he is teaching himself a lesson.

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