Disaster Strikes

Chapter 849 Queen Bee

"That's, that's..."

The screaming Banshee Queen in the cage formation looked up at the sky with a look of shock.

Even the Lord of Distress River beside him couldn't help but widen his eyes.

She keenly realized that the other party was not a bait at all, but a sixth-level biological form that she didn't know, hidden in this world.

The black man was getting bigger and bigger, and it had exceeded hundreds of meters.

And its voice gradually began to approach the sound of the law.

It was the sound of wind, thunder, or grinding teeth and heartbeats. It transcended the natural appearance, but penetrated into everyone's heart.

"Humble mortals, I am a fool who manipulates evolution in history and comprehends the true meaning of the law in the cycle of creation and destruction. Now I have gradually come into contact with the quality of the law. You will all become my witnesses and be deprived of all opportunities to master the eternal power by me forever!!"

This will mean that everyone in the formation will no longer be able to master any law containing the power of eternal life.

For many people, this is actually not important.

Because for most people, mastering the power of the law is a very distant thing, and the power of eternal life is generally included in the laws of the nature of the demon god, at least in the laws of the body, and does not constitute a practical impact on other laws that do not contain the nature of eternal power.

In an instant.

An indescribable cold and terrifying breath descended on every natural disaster and blood moon monster in the cage.

Compared with some natural disasters, which were relatively calm, all blood moon monsters were crazy.

Although they did not know what happened specifically, they vaguely felt that some of the most important properties in their life journey had been stripped away, just like being "castrated".

However, these natural disasters did not include the Lord of the River of Distress.

Because the power she mastered happened to have some eternal power, so she, like the Screaming Banshee Queen, tried to fight in the form of opening the power of the true body, but only made the stripping speed slightly slower than others.

"Useless, useless..."

The black villain laughed heartily.

However, the deprivation of witnesses is only the first step in his plan. Unlike those conventional laws, the law of truth is too special.

The unique nature of the law determines that the person who controls it will directly skip the seventh level and become an eighth-level creature who controls the power of authority.

After becoming an eighth-level creature, he is naturally not afraid of the challenge of the sixth-level creatures.

Therefore, only after the controller of the authority of truth is defeated or killed by other authority controllers, the challengers have the opportunity to take over his position, directly jumping from a sixth-level creature to an eighth-level creature in a very short time. This is the most special part of the law of truth.

This is also the reason why the black man can no longer wait after learning the intelligence.

The last ruler who controlled the authority of truth was killed by his predecessor, or in other words, he was killed by his predecessor and the gods of this world community.

And its predecessor was only a seventh-level god.

In order to become the controller of power, after killing the controller of truth power, it wiped out all traces of its own laws at all costs, and in this strange form, it was sent to the mysterious world affected by the old world, and gradually awakened after many years of silence.

With the support of millions of natural disasters and blood moon monsters, the black man at this moment finally successfully crossed the limit of the sixth-level creature and came to the seventh-level creature stage.

If it is a general promotion, it will be over if you successfully master a certain law power at this stage.

But the law of truth mastered by the black man is really too special.

This is the strongest law recognized by the old world at the beginning. It is based on the rulers' firm belief that the endless world originated from a singularity worldview with infinitely small volume and infinitely large density. The reason is its uniqueness.

Therefore, it is just the beginning now.

After the black man activated the power of his true body, his volume has exceeded 100 meters.

But this is only the form of a sixth-level creature.

As it broke through the critical value, the body seemed to have undergone some kind of transformation. The original human form began to change dramatically in an instant, and the belly continued to expand, getting bigger and bigger, and finally broke through the critical value, and countless black tentacles emerged from it. ♦♦  ඏ☆

These tentacles seem to have no entity and no boundaries, but they really exist, and they stretch out madly in all directions.

In a blink of an eye, this queen bee actually formed a huge octopus with a diameter of several kilometers.

Except for the different attributes, this octopus looks exactly the same as the evil god of the magic eye.

The Lord of the River of Distress, the Screaming Banshee Queen, and a large number of disaster lords in the cage fell one after another.

At this moment, they clearly realized that as long as this revived ruler did not die, they would lose the nature of the eternal power forever and could no longer have any intersection with the eternal power.

"Strip off from your previous master, truth!"

The rulers' cosmology firmly believes that the endless world has a certain conservation nature.

Therefore, if you want to master the law of truth, you must use the witness stripping method of the fool to strip the witnesses of their eternal authority, and use this as a basis to destroy the eternal authority of the previous controller. After stripping the law of truth, make it a law without a master, and then try to control it.

A huge funnel actually formed in the sky.

It was like another cage, gradually falling in the opposite direction.

Its area is also comparable to a small country, and inside it is an even larger octopus corpse.

It seems to have been cut into countless segments, some of which are already in a phantom state, others in a broken cell state, and some are slightly complete, parasitic on various forms of animals, and there are even some mummies with hair shafts. state.

"From today on, I am God, the God who controls the laws of truth, the supreme God who rules over the authority to interpret truth. I will control the mapping of objective things and evolutionary laws into the soul in the 'correct' way throughout the long history. The right of interpretation..."

Although the corpse was extremely huge, it was just a corpse.

Although due to the inherent characteristics of the Dominators, genes can gain a chance of resurrection by contaminating other creatures, it is only a chance.

What it has to do next is to rely on the uniqueness of the Law of Truth to present all of the opponent's bodies that are shrouded in the Law of Truth, and use the eternal authority stripped away by the witnesses in the formation to offset the opponent's eternal characteristics, making the Law of Truth lose its support.

This process requires enough patience and enough witnesses in the formation, and these witnesses are also strong enough.

other side.

The two great guardians of the hive world were keenly aware of the change in things.

"It's the queen bee, it...it's trying to control some kind of power of law!"

the woman exclaimed.

At the same time, she noticed that the crazy surge of power in the nearby world was boiling at an alarming speed, causing the world to resist and reject it far more than those blood moon creatures.

"It turns out to be a level six creature hidden in this world."

Although the great guardian in the form of a little bee was saying this, his face was surprisingly calm and looked a little strange.

"What now?"

It actually asked the woman.

The woman at this moment seemed to be completely immersed in excitement.

Her body trembled slightly and she said excitedly: "Have you felt it? I have been the Great Guardian for a thousand years, but the power of the world has rejected it even more than ten percent of my total contribution over the past thousand years. Times, no, twenty times. As long as this hidden danger can be eliminated, we will have at least half the chance of becoming gods!"

At this time.

The queen bee has begun to offset the eternal factor of the ruler's corpse. The law of truth has gradually floated out of the corpse in the form of a fantastic tree. Its fibrous roots extend to the microscopic realm of every inch of objective things. The branches spread to the cognitive depths of every soul.

The so-called truth represents the biological understanding of objective things and the interpretation power of the brain in the vat.

"It's almost, it's almost..."

"Queen Bee, is this your conspiracy?"

The voice was filled with majestic and vast aura. As the world rapidly boiled, this female guardian absorbed a large amount of world power and became extremely powerful in an instant.

As soon as she raised her hands and stamped her feet, she seemed to possess the natural power of a landslide and tsunami.

Although she is still in the stage of borrowing laws, this is after all the natural law bred by the world. It has a terrifying priority within the world and will hardly be lost due to various objective conditions.

The queen bee, who was working hard to peel off the law of truth, glanced at the female guardian and showed contempt.

"I remember that you should be a little guy who was promoted in Mi Zhu Country in the Eastern Continent more than a thousand years ago when I established the Hive Organization for the fifth time. I thought you had left this world, but I didn't expect you to become a "Guardian, when I sent someone to invite you to join the Hive Organization, I took a high look at you, but I didn't expect you to be a good-for-nothing guy after all."

Judging from its expression, it seems to look down on the form of the Great Guardian.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Six wings of light stretched out from the back of the female guardian, and shouted: "You have finally exposed your true form and are not tolerated by the world. Today is the day you die!"

"Haha, hahahahaha..."

The queen bee laughed and said: "Do you know what these natural disaster victims call this world? Let me tell you, this is the hive world, but the queen bee is just my unintentional code name!"

Say it.

One of its hundreds of tentacles, one pitch-black tentacle, shot towards the female guardian.

The battle between the two sides gave the Screaming Banshee Queen in the cage an opportunity, and she looked at the Lord of the River of Distress.

"You must still have some trump cards that you haven't used yet!"

She said anxiously: "Shall we join forces and try to escape from here?"


Lord Anguihe said in a low voice: "You should also know what we have just experienced. Others here may still have a chance, but let alone the two of us becoming gods, even entering the sixth level realm will probably become a luxury. Only this Only by dying can we get out of trouble."

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